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Created April 19, 2016 14:01
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Home made implementation of test parametrization
from sys import modules
import inspect
def currying(elem):
Decorator for currying a function.
f: (x, y) ->f(x, y) is transformed into g: x->f(x, elem)
:param elem:
def func_decorator(func):
def func_wrapper(self):
return func(self, elem)
return func_wrapper
return func_decorator
def to_tesst(desc):
decorator for methods needing to be parametrized
:param desc: description of what the method intends to test. It will appear
in the error messages
def func_decorator(func):
func.__to_test__ = 1
num_line = func.func_code.co_firstlineno
func.__test_name__ = "(l%d): \"%s\" on <testable_obj>" % (
num_line, desc)
return func
return func_decorator
def retrieve_test_methods(klass):
For a given class, retrieve all the methods which need to be parametrized,
ie all the methods which have been decorated with to_tesst
:param klass:
methods = inspect.getmembers(klass, predicate=inspect.ismethod)
return [m[1] for m in methods if hasattr(m[1], '__to_test__')]
def class_dec(testable_lists):
decorate a class which contains test methods which need to be parametrized
with testable_lists
:param testable_lists:
def class_decorator(klass):
test_methods = retrieve_test_methods(klass)
for testable_list in testable_lists:
attrs = {'testable_list': testable_list}
for m in test_methods:
for testable_obj in testable_list:
decorated_m = currying(testable_obj)(m)
decorated_m.__test__ = 1
test_name = m.__test_name__.replace(
"<testable_obj>", str(testable_obj))
attrs[test_name] = decorated_m
tl_test_klass = type("Test_%s" %, (klass,),
setattr(modules[klass.__module__], tl_test_klass.__name__,
return klass
return class_decorator
class TestableList(list):
"""list of objects to be parametrized for tests"""
__slots__ = (
'name', # str
def __init__(self, name, l=None): = name
if l is None:
super(TestableList, self).__init__()
super(TestableList, self).__init__(l)
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