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Last active August 1, 2018 11:11
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Monads in Python: Maybe and IO
from functools import reduce
from typing import List, Generic, Callable, TypeVar, Optional, Union
T = TypeVar('T')
Y = TypeVar('Y')
Z = TypeVar('Z')
class Maybe(Generic[T]):
def __init__(
val: Optional[T] = None,
err: Optional[BaseException] = None
) -> None:
self.val = val
self.err = err
def is_nothing(self) -> bool:
return self.val is None or self.err is not None
# [NOTE] - Mixing fmap and bind here, as it seems more practical
def bind(self, func: Callable[[T], Y]) -> 'Maybe[Y]':
if self.is_nothing():
return Maybe(err=self.err)
result = func(self.val)
except Exception as e:
return Maybe(err=e)
return Maybe(val=result)
def reduce(func: Callable[[T, Y], T],
l: List[Y],
init: 'Maybe[T]') -> 'Maybe[T]':
return reduce(
lambda acc, curr: acc.bind(lambda t: func(t, curr)), l, init)
def __rshift__(self, func: Callable[[T], Y]) -> 'Maybe[Y]':
return self.bind(func)
def __str__(self):
if self.is_nothing():
return f"Nothing. Error: {self.err}"
return f"Just {self.val}"
# Artificial type for representing the void type
class Unit(object):
class SideEffect(Generic[T]):
def __init__(self, func: Callable[[Unit], T]) -> None:
self.func = func
def run(self) -> T:
return self.func(Unit())
def fmap(self, g: Callable[[T], Y]) -> 'SideEffect[Y]':
return SideEffect(lambda _: g(
def bind(self, func: Callable[[T], 'SideEffect[Y]']) -> 'SideEffect[Y]':
def gunc(t: T)-> Y:
side_effect = func(t)
y =
return y
return SideEffect(lambda _: gunc(
def __rshift__(self,
func: Callable[[T], 'SideEffect[Y]']) -> 'SideEffect[Y]':
return self.bind(func)
def __lshift__(self, g: Callable[[T], Y]) -> 'SideEffect[Y]':
return self.fmap(g)
### DEMO ###
# Maybe monad demo
# >> stands for bind
maybe_m = Maybe(8) >> (lambda x: x // 4) >> (lambda x: x // 2)
print(maybe_m) # Just 1
maybe_m = Maybe(8) >> (lambda x: x // 0) >> (lambda x: x // 2)
print(maybe_m) # Nothing. Error: integer division or modulo by zero
# Same thing but using a "monadic" reduce. Works similarly as a regular
# reduce.
def div(x, y):
return x // y
divisors = [4, 2]
maybe_m = Maybe.reduce(div, divisors, Maybe(8))
print(maybe_m) # Just 1
divisors = [0, 2]
maybe_m = Maybe.reduce(div, divisors, Maybe(8))
print(maybe_m) # Nothing. Error: integer division or modulo by zero
divisors = []
maybe_m = Maybe.reduce(div, divisors, Maybe(8))
print(maybe_m) # Just 8
# IO monad demo
# first need to define monadic primitives for print and input
def m_print(*args) -> SideEffect[Unit]:
def f(_) -> Unit:
return Unit()
return SideEffect(f)
def m_input(_: Unit) -> SideEffect[str]:
def f(_: Unit) -> str:
s = input()
return s
return SideEffect(f)
# << stands for fmap
io_m = m_print("Hi, what's your name?") \
>> m_input \
<< str.upper \
>> (lambda s: m_print(f"hello {s}!"))
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