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Last active May 30, 2020 18:14
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The heat bloomed in December .VB
as the carnival season .CV
kicked into gear. .LP
Nearly helpless with sun and glare, I avoided Rio's brilliant .RP
and glittering beaches,
panting in dark corners
and waiting out the inverted southern summer. .JU
-export([filling/2, show_file_contents/1]).
filling(FileName, LineLength) ->
FileContents = get_file_contents(FileName),
filling(FileContents, LineLength, []).
filling([], _LineLength, ACC) -> lists:reverse(ACC);
filling(FileContents, LineLength, ACC) ->
{Line, Rest} = take_line(FileContents, LineLength, 0, []),
filling(Rest, LineLength, [Line|ACC]).
take_line([Word | Contents], _LineLength, _CurrLength, ACC) when Word == ".VB" ->
Line = string:join(lists:reverse(ACC), " "),
{Line, Contents};
take_line([Word | Contents] , LineLength, _CurrLength, ACC) when Word == ".CV" ->
Line = string:join(lists:reverse(ACC), " "),
{center(Line, LineLength), Contents};
take_line([Word | Contents], LineLength, _CurrLength, ACC) when Word == ".LP" ->
Line = string:join(lists:reverse(ACC), " "),
{left_fill(Line, LineLength), Contents};
take_line([Word | Contents], LineLength, _CurrLength, ACC) when Word == ".RP" ->
Line = string:join(lists:reverse(ACC), " "),
{right_fill(Line, LineLength), Contents};
take_line([Word | Contents], LineLength, CurrLength, ACC) when Word == ".JU" ->
RemainingLength = LineLength - CurrLength + 1,
Line = string:join(lists:reverse(ACC),
lists:duplicate(RemainingLength div (length(ACC)-1),
" ")),
{Line, Contents};
take_line([Word | Rest], LineLength, CurrLength, ACC) when CurrLength + length(Word) =< LineLength ->
take_line(Rest, LineLength, CurrLength+length(Word)+1, [Word|ACC]);
take_line(Contents, _LineLength, _CurrLength, ACC) ->
{string:join(lists:reverse(ACC), " "), Contents}.
center(Line, LineLength) ->
left_fill(right_fill(Line, LineLength div 2),
LineLength div 2 + LineLength rem 2).
left_fill(Line, LineLength) ->
RemainingLength = LineLength-length(Line),
Line ++
lists:duplicate(RemainingLength, " ").
right_fill(Line, LineLength) ->
RemainingLength = LineLength-length(Line),
lists:duplicate(RemainingLength, " ") ++
% Get the contents of a text file into a list of words.
get_file_contents(Name) ->
{ok,Contents} = file:read_file(Name),
" \r\n\t").
% Show the contents of a list of strings.
% Can be used to check the results of calling get_file_contents.
show_file_contents([L|Ls]) ->
show_file_contents([]) ->
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