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Export KeePass KDBX (folders and passwords) to Bitwarden JSON
# Export KeePass folders and passwords to Bitwarden JSON
# The resulting JSON can be imported in Bitwarden, Nextcloud Passwords,
# or any password manager that supports the Bitwarden JSON format
# Prerequisites
# --------------
# pip3 install pykeepass
# Usage
# -----
# python3 passfile.kbdx
# Notes
# -----
# - The Bitwarden importer in Nextcloud Passwords translates folder to tags, see
# References
# ----------
# bitwarden importer in Nextcloud Passwords:
# Author: Martin Monperris
# URL:
# License: Public domain
from pykeepass import PyKeePass
import getpass
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
import sys
import json
# load database
kp = PyKeePass(sys.argv[1], password=getpass.getpass())
def group_to_bw_folder_json(folder):
return {"id": str(folder.uuid),"name":,}
def entry_to_bw_json(entry):
if entry.title == None: entry.title = ""
if entry.username == None: entry.username = ""
if entry.password == None: entry.password = ""
# keepass has one single URL per login, while bitwarden has several
# "match":None means "default match detection"
uris = []
if entry.url: uris.append({"match":None,"uri":entry.url})
# add custom fields support
fields = []
if entry.custom_properties != None:
for k in entry.custom_properties:
if k == "UUID":
fields.append({"name": k, "value": entry.custom_properties[k], "type": 0})
return {"id": str(entry.uuid),"type": 1, "name": entry.title, "fields": fields, "folderId": str(,"login": {"username":entry.username, "password": entry.password, "uris":uris },"notes": entry.notes}
def export(kp):
items = []
for i in kp.entries:
folders = []
# in keepass they are called "group", in bitwarden "folder"
for g in kp.groups:
with open('/tmp/bitwarden.json','w') as f:
"encrypted": False,
"folders": folders,
"items": items
},f, indent=2)
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