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Last active October 31, 2022 11:12
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AWS ECS Connect
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# shellcheck enable=require-variable-braces
set -e
while [ ${#} -ne 0 ]; do
case ${1} in
-c) ;&
CLUSTER="${2?'cluster: argument not set'}"
shift ;;
-s) ;&
SERVICE="${2?'service: argument not set'}"
shift ;;
-t) ;&
TASK="${2?'task: argument not set'}"
shift ;;
-C) ;&
CONTAINER="${2?'container: argument not set'}"
shift ;;
-T) ;&
TARGET="${2?'target: argument not set'}"
shift ;;
-L) ;&
LOCAL_PORT="${2?'local port: argument not set'}"
shift ;;
-P) ;&
PROXY_PORT="${2?'proxy port: argument not set'}"
shift ;;
-R) ;&
RUN="${2?'run: argument not set'}"
shift ;;
break ;;
set_param() {
eval "param=\"\${${1}}\""
if [ -z "${param}" ]; then
# shellcheck disable=2207
opts=( $( eval "aws ecs --output text --query ${2}" ) )
PS3="${_RED}Select a ${1}: ${_NORMAL}"
select opt in "${opts[@]}"; do
awk -F'/' '{ print $NF }' <<< "${opt:-${opts[0]}}"
eval "${1}='${param}'"
echo "${_BLUE}${1}: ${param}${_NORMAL}"
set_param CLUSTER 'clusterArns list-clusters'
set_param SERVICE "serviceArns list-services --cluster ${CLUSTER}"
set_param TASK "taskArns list-tasks --cluster ${CLUSTER} --service-name ${SERVICE}"
set_param CONTAINER "'tasks[*].containers[*].name' describe-tasks --cluster ${CLUSTER} --tasks ${TASK}"
if [ -z "${TARGET}" ]; then
aws ecs execute-command \
--cluster "${CLUSTER}" \
--task "${TASK}" \
--container "${CONTAINER}" \
--interactive \
--command "${RUN:-sh}"
PROXY_PORT="${PROXY_PORT:-$(( 65536 - ${TARGET/*:/} ))}"
aws ecs execute-command \
--cluster "${CLUSTER}" \
--task "${TASK}" \
--container "${CONTAINER}" \
--interactive \
--command "sh -c '[ -f /usr/bin/socat ] || \
( apt-get update && apt-get install -y socat ) || \
yum install -y socat || \
apk add socat'"
aws ecs execute-command \
--cluster "${CLUSTER}" \
--task "${TASK}" \
--container "${CONTAINER}" \
--interactive \
--command "socat TCP-LISTEN:${PROXY_PORT},fork TCP:${TARGET}" |
awk \
-F':' \
-v TASK="${TASK}" \
aws ecs describe-tasks \
--cluster "${CLUSTER}" \
--tasks "${TASK}" \
--query "tasks[].containers[?name=='${CONTAINER}'].runtimeId" \
--output text
)" \
-v PARAMETERS="localPortNumber=${LOCAL_PORT},portNumber=${PROXY_PORT}" \
/SessionId/ {
gsub(/^ /, "", $2)
print $0
CMD = "\
trap \"aws ssm terminate-session --session-id " $2 "\" EXIT; \
trap \"exit\" INT TERM; \
aws ssm start-session \
--target ecs:" CLUSTER "_" TASK "_" RUNTIME_ID " \
--document-name AWS-StartPortForwardingSession \
--parameters " PARAMETERS " \
while ( CMD | getline LINE ) {
print LINE
if ( LINE ~ /Connection to destination port failed/ ) {
exit 1
# For getting details about the SSM document:
# aws ssm get-document --name AWS-StartPortForwardingSession --output text # --document-format YAML
# vim: set filetype=bash tabstop=2 foldmethod=marker expandtab:
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