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Created February 11, 2023 19:01
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JavaScript for Automation (JXA) for opening a new tab in different browsers
// JavaScript for Automation (JXA) for opening a new tab in different browsers.
// Doing an "open ''" and letting macOS handle it is usually preferable,
// but sometimes you want to specifically open a tab in a browser which is not the default.
// Chromium-based browsers
// Other examples include "Brave Browser", "Vivaldi"
const browser = Application("Google Chrome")
const newTab = browser.Tab({ url: "" })[0].tabs.push(newTab)
// Webkit-based browsers
// Other examples include "Safari Technology Preview"
const browser = Application("Safari")
const newTab = browser.Tab({ url: "" })
const frontWindow =[0]
frontWindow.tabs.push(newTab) // Open in background
frontWindow.currentTab = newTab // Switch to tab
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