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Last active January 4, 2024 21:17
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Setup Apache HTTP forward proxy on Linux

With Apache server (difficult way and only works with HTTPS traffic)

On server proxy machine

Enable the proxy module

sudo a2enmod proxy

sudo a2enmod proxy_http

Uncomment following lines in /etc/apache2/mods-available/proxy.conf

ProxyRequests On
<Proxy *>
         Require ip "your_client_machines_ip_address not in quotes"

ProxyVia Block

sudo systemctl restart apache2

On the client machine

You can change port 8080 to your liking.
Port 80 is default where Apache listens to forward

ssh -vL 8080: user@server_proxy

Test your proxy with Python requests

import requests

proxies = {
  'http': '',

resp = requests.get('', proxies=proxies)

Better and easier way is to use Apache Traffic Server (works with both HTTP and HTTPS proxy)

On the proxy server

Install Apache Traffic Server with command sudo apt-get install trafficserver.

Follow the steps to configure a forward proxy. It requires chaning the /etc/trafficserver/records.config file.

CONFIG proxy.config.url_remap.remap_required INT 0
CONFIG proxy.config.http.cache.http INT 1

Don't forget to disable the reverse proxy with CONFIG proxy.config.reverse_proxy.enabled INT 0.

Change the default port 8080 to your liking with config CONFIG proxy.config.http.server_ports STRING 65000 65000:ipv6.

Secure the proxy by limiting access to only your client

Add the following lines to the file /etc/trafficserver/ip_allow.yaml

  - apply: in
    action: allow
    methods: ALL

Reboot the machine with reboot -n now otherwise traffic server will still be listening to default port 8080.

On client

Create a tunnel to the proxy using command ssh -vL 8080:localhost:65000 root@1**.2*.3**.4**.


import requests

proxies = {
  'http': '',
  'https': ''

resp = requests.get('', proxies=proxies)

resp = requests.get('', proxies=proxies)
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