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Last active July 5, 2022 21:44
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Wireshark, tshark, and tcpdump filters

Useful filters for analyzing pcaps.


Wireshark has very nice and descriptive guide with examples on their official documentation page.

To select a TCP/UDP stream in a pcap, use filter, for e.g., eq 1 or eq 0. If you are analysing a packet in a pcap and want to see the entire TCP/UDP session contaning that packet, you can do this as following: right click on the packet -> select Follow -> select TCP Stream or UDP Stream. You can also do the same thing by shorcut option + shift + cmd + U for UDP and option + shift + cmd + T for TCP on mac.

To see various statistics of different protocols use -z option on Wireshark/tshark command, for e.g., Wireshark -z conv,eth your.pcap. Same can be done by going to the menubar and selecting Statistics -> Coversations from the Wireshark GUI. For more options related to this see tshark man page and serach for -z conv,.


Wireshark filters could be used with tshark with options -R -2 or -Y.


  • Filter pcap while reading the pcap with protocol filter "ssdp" and print the UDP and SSDP layer only in JSON format tshark -2 -R "ssdp" -r 2075-22754-28917.pcap -T json -J "udp ssdp" -P -V

  • Same filter as above but print only specified fields in JSON format tshark -r 2075-22754-28917.pcap -2 -R "ssdp" -T json -P -V -e eth.src -e eth.src_resolved -e eth.dst -e eth.dst_resolved -e ip.src -e ip.dst -e udp.srcport -e udp.dstport -e udp.payload -e

  • To select a partial IP address using slicing see below examples.

Let's say we are working with IP address,, and To filter out all the packets to and from *.1 we could use filter ip.src[3] != 1 && ip.dst[3] != 1.

  • To select pcaps from source *.86.20 and *.86.23 ip.src[2-3] == 56:17 || ip.src[2-3] == 56:14. To combine all of them with Wireshark use the command: Wireshark -R (ip.src[3] != 1 && ip.dst[3] != 1) && (ip.src[2-3] == 56:17 || ip.src[2-3] == 56:14) -r your.pcap

Export few fields of a packet in csv format

  • Export capture time, and few Eth, IP, and TCP headers in CSV format: tshark -2 -R "eth.src != 2a:1c:54:99:9c:13 && ((ip.src == && tcp.flags == 0x02) || (ip.dst == && tcp.flags == 0x12))" -T fields -e frame.time -e frame.time_epoch -e eth.src -e eth.dst -e ip.src -e ip.dst -e tcp.seq -e tcp.ack -e tcp.flags -E separator=, -E quote=d -r your_filename.pcap

Filter packets from a pcap to another pcap

  • -F pcap option makes sure output is in the pcap format otherwise it will be in pcapng format by default. tshark -r input.pcap -2 -R "(ip.dst == && (tcp.dstport || udp.dstport) == 8060) || (ip.src == && tcp.srcport == 8060)" -F pcap -w output.pcap.

Handy filters

  • Filter all the trafic incoming in the local network: ip.dst[0] == 0A || (ip.dst[0-1] >= ac:10 && ip.dst[0-1] <= ac:1f) || ip.dst[0-1] == C0:A8 || (ip.dst[0] >= E0 && ip.dst[0] <= EF)
  • Filter all traffic originated from local network to the local network: (ip.dst[0] == 0A && ip.src[0] == 0A) || (ip.dst[0-1] >= ac:10 && ip.dst[0-1] <= ac:1f && ip.src[0-1] >= ac:10 && ip.src[0-1] <= ac:1f) || (ip.dst[0-1] == C0:A8 && ip.src[0-1] == C0:A8) || (ip.dst[0] >= E0 && ip.dst[0] <= EF)
  • The above two filters are perfect if there is no ICMP traffic,
  • Retransmitted packets can be found through the display filter tcp.analysis.retransmission (more filters)
  • When the receiver gets an out-of-order packet (usually indicates lost packet), it sends a ACK for the missing seq number. This is a duplicate ACK and these can be found by using tcp.analysis.duplicate_ack (explanation)


A great tcpdump tutorial by Daniel Miessler is here. Official tcpdump documentation is here.


  • if you want to read a pcap and filter all the packets with taffic on port 1900, you can do that by using tcpdump command tcpdump -s 0 -r your.pcap port 1900 -w your-port-1900.pcap. Explanation of options: -s 0 means size is not limited, -r to read a pcap, -w to write the pcap, and port 1900 is the filter.

  • capture ICMP traffic from a host: tcpdump -i your-interface -nttev icmp and host -w icmp.pcap, where your-interface is name of the interface passed to -i flag, -n means don't convert addresses, tt means print timestamp, -e means also prints ethernet header, -v flags makes the output verbose but since we are capturing traffic and writing it to a pcap with -w, we can skip that.

  • negation: tcpdump -nttev not arp and not icmp and host and not host -w your.pcap.

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