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Created August 15, 2012 00:00
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AngularJS: load all templates in one file
<script type="text/ng-template" id="one.html">
<div>This is first template</div>
<script type="text/ng-template" id="two.html">
<div>This is second template</div>
var app = angular.module('test', []);
// HACK: we ask for $injector instead of $compile, to avoid circular dep
app.factory('$templateCache', function($cacheFactory, $http, $injector) {
var cache = $cacheFactory('templates');
var allTplPromise;
return {
get: function(url) {
var fromCache = cache.get(url);
// already have required template in the cache
if (fromCache) {
return fromCache;
// first template request ever - get the all tpl file
if (!allTplPromise) {
allTplPromise = $http.get('all-templates.html').then(function(response) {
// compile the response, which will put stuff into the cache
return response;
// return the all-tpl promise to all template requests
return allTplPromise.then(function(response) {
return {
status: response.status,
data: cache.get(url)
put: function(key, value) {
cache.put(key, value);
app.config(function($routeProvider) {
$routeProvider.when('/one', {templateUrl: 'one.html'});
$routeProvider.when('/two', {templateUrl: 'two.html'});
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="test">
<title>Loading all templates in one file...</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="fakeTemplateCache.js"></script>
<a href="#/one">one</a> | <a href="#/two">two</a>
<div ng-view></div>
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This is very handy, thanks for the example.

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A similar grunt task has been registered on NPM :) A common problem, and these solutions certainly make apps faster and more easily packaged!

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If you are using any js-minimizer you need change factory at line5:

app.factory('$templateCache', ['$cacheFactory', '$http', '$injector', function($cacheFactory, $http, $injector) {

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astik commented Apr 10, 2013

It would be perfect to have all the directive into a single file but still keep every partials for screen into independant single file.
Is there a way to have a fallback if template is not found into the combined-template-file, Angular will fetch it like its regular behavior ?
I think I can work out something by doing my own ajax call, but is there any way to use the regular $templateCache instead ?

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astik commented Apr 10, 2013

Hum ... I've got an idea to make it simple at first =D
If we can have all or combined templates in a specific folder :

  • /root/directives/dir1.html
  • /root/directives/dir2.html
  • ...
    And have them all combine into a single file :
  • /root/directives/combine.html (or whatever, it doesn't matter)

The fallback would be simplier :

  • if the template url starts with /root/directive, lets use Vojta technic
  • if not, lets use the good all $templateCache to do its job as usual

So that, I was thinking, maybe a decorator would be a good thing to use in that case, right ?

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astik commented Apr 11, 2013

I've been able to achieve something close to what I wanted.

I'm using a decorator to wrapp the get method from the $templateCache.
If a template URL matches a pattern (here "partials/directives/"), I'm rerouting the process to Vojta technic. If not, I'm letting the original method takes charge of the request and compile phase.
As from the decorator $templateCache as already been initialized, there is no way for me to get the cache Vojta is using, that why from my promise success I'm calling again the original get method. The template should now be in the cache, if not the usual process will still work.

.config(["$provide", function($provide) {
    $provide.decorator("$templateCache", ["$delegate", "$http", "$injector", function ($delegate, $http, $injector) {

        var allDirectivesTplPromise;
        var loadDirectivesTemplates = function(url){
            if (!allDirectivesTplPromise) {
                console.log("fetching all directives templates file");
                allDirectivesTplPromise = $http.get("partials/directives/combined.html")
                    .then(function(response) {
                        return response;
            return allDirectivesTplPromise.then(function(response) {
                return {
                    status: response.status,
                    data: origGetMethod(url)

        var origGetMethod = $delegate.get;
        $delegate.get = function(url){
            if (/^partials\/directives\//.test(url)) {
                return loadDirectivesTemplates(url);
            return origGetMethod(url);

        return $delegate;

Please, tell me if I'm all wrong =D

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There is a way to use script ng-template with src using ur example? Cause I tried and angular don't load it.


< script type="text/ng-template" id="home.html" src="./home.html"></script>
< script type="text/ng-template" id="listEmployees.html" src="./listEmployees.html"></script>

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filso commented May 1, 2013

@astik it works for me, thank you

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Tomas2F commented May 16, 2013

How's this performace wise? Is there any performace difference between this and actually putting all the ng-script inside the script you initally load?

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Good thinking about performance and programming model where the architectural/design constructs like caching would be taken care by the framework. However this is not in the AngularJS core yet..I understand.

But I am against combining whether at build time or otherwise. Here is a reason why...first it is better if the templates are versioned in VCS..... think about large dev teams and releases...second is the delivery aspect and browser caching perspective....imagine 100s of templates.....sorry but we need a better solution.....will post a gist soon.

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tb01923 commented Oct 6, 2013

Will this solution work with templates referenced by directives? I am struggling with that now...

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astik commented Nov 4, 2013

@Thomas2F sometimes, you don't need (nor want) to load all partials for a specific user. Maybe there are too much partials, maybe some partials won't be needed for the user.
For example, you may have a big application with different universe (lets keep it simple with only front and back-office). A simple user will load only the front part ; an admin user will load all the part he needs when it is needed (lazy loading).

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astik commented Nov 4, 2013

@yogeshgadge there is no incompatibility with VCS =)
Indeed, having all partials into a single HTML file (like Vojta's example) is no go for me either. That is why my approach is more modular.

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astik commented Nov 4, 2013

@tb01923 yes it does work for directives too.
In fact, it is working with any mechanism that use the $templateCache service (that means, directive, ng-include, ng-view, ...).

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astik commented Nov 4, 2013

For those who are interested, I finally finished my extension to take care of this performance feature :

-> : it is a grunt plugin that merge partials file. You can merge all your partials int a single HTML files (like Vojta's example) to in as many module as you want (like my approach).

-> : it is an angular module (you'll need to add it to your application) that decorate the $templateCache (like in my previous post). A service is exposed for configuration (as we cannot decorate a provider, as far as I know).

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Hey guys, awesome work!

when this code run:


Are the "internal" templates with in the combined template file pushed into $templateCache service somehow?
I assume they are not, and thus i don't understand how a directive can use an internal template from within the combined template file that we pre-fetched earlier.

Many thanks.

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astik commented Dec 12, 2013

All internal templates within the combined template file will be pushed into $templateCache once compiled.

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I really appreciate this example and discussion.

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tdg5 commented Feb 3, 2014

I wrote up a few tests for this if anyone is interested. This my first spec, so comments are welcome.

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I merged all html files into single html file and i include inside app.js file but again its loading that single file and also all html files. plz give correct way to load only merge.html alone with result from test1,test2.html files

see the link i posted:

plz give correct way to load only merge.html alone but not all html files

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hi vojtajina, your example is very good . and also work around for me . But I have some questions . hope you can help to review them.

I found actually the angularjs(1.2.16) already has a service named "$templateCache" which is implemented by $provide.
and I found the fakeTemplateCache.js is behind the angular js .
So it seems the factory "$templateCache" in your example overwrite the implement of original provider "$templateCache". right ?

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For any one struggling for AngularJS 1.3 compatibility, esp. with the below error, here is the fix.

I've similar module in my project. It is working fine until I upgrade to AngularJS 1.3, after which the script is throwing below error:

TypeError: undefined is not a function
    at defaultHttpResponseTransform (http://localhost:9080/js/lib/angular/angular.js:8569:27)
    at http://localhost:9080/js/lib/angular/angular.js:8517:12
    at forEach (http://localhost:9080/js/lib/angular/angular.js:335:20)
    at transformData (http://localhost:9080/js/lib/angular/angular.js:8516:3)
    at transformResponse (http://localhost:9080/js/lib/angular/angular.js:9224:23)
    at processQueue (http://localhost:9080/js/lib/angular/angular.js:12914:27)
    at http://localhost:9080/js/lib/angular/angular.js:12930:27
    at Scope.$eval (http://localhost:9080/js/lib/angular/angular.js:14123:28)
    at Scope.$digest (http://localhost:9080/js/lib/angular/angular.js:13939:31)
    at Scope.$apply (http://localhost:9080/js/lib/angular/angular.js:14227:24)

This could be related to angular/angular.js#2973 (also, report here nervgh/angular-file-upload#272) - not sure though.

Fix for this simple - we need to return headers too from the combinedTplPromise.then function, like below: (I m using astik's version -

combinedTplPromise.then(function(response) {
    return {
        status: response.status,
        data: origGetMethod(url),
        headers: response.headers

Hope this will be useful to someone else. Same fix is reported here too: astik/angular-combine#2

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Also, I recommend which extends this technique to support multiple combined template files.

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@manikantag I just ran into the same issue and your solution fixed my problem, so thank you!

One thing I'm wondering though, is whether it'd be safer to do this instead:

combinedTplPromise.then(function(response) { = origGetMethod(url);
    return response;

This way any future changes to the response object will make it through safely, as we're really only caching the response data. Thoughts?

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astik commented May 23, 2015

@tdg5, thanks for the testing bootstrap, it motivates me to add some on my plugin ; I know it's been a while, but, better late than never =)
Anyway, just for information, is still alive as of its counterpart
Feel free to participate =)

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Thank you for the code!
I just patch it in case partial.tmpl doesn't exist (like in a environment development)

app.factory('$templateCache', function($cacheFactory, $http, $injector) {
    var cache = $cacheFactory('templates');
    var allTplPromise;

    return {
        get: function(url) {
            var fromCache = cache.get(url);

            // already have required template in the cache
            if (fromCache) {
                return fromCache;

            // first template request ever - get the all tpl file
            if (!allTplPromise) {
                allTplPromise = $http.get('partial.tmpl').then(function(response) {
                    // compile the response, which will put stuff into the cache
                    return response;

            // return the all-tpl promise to all template requests
            return allTplPromise.then(function(response) {
                return {
                    status: response.status,
                    data: cache.get(url)
                return $http.get(url).then(function(response) {
                    return response;


        put: function(key, value) {
            cache.put(key, value);

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ebinmanuval commented Aug 25, 2016

is there any problem if i use this code$http, $templateCache){

    $http.get('all-templates.html').then(function(response) {

        var $html = $('<div />',{});
        var elements=$html.find('script');




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patilkomal commented Nov 21, 2017

hello guys...i am facing with one problem in ionic2...i want linked index.html page with second page of to do it???
In actual have an svg iamge n second page of ionic2 which should be fill with color on click, by accessing index.html file

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