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Created September 19, 2012 10:59
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Google app engine NDB admin CRUD handler
import os
import webapp2
from base import admin_required, BaseHandler
# import your models here, required for eval()
actions_map = {
"c": "Add",
"r": "List",
"u": "Edit",
"d": "Delete"
class CrudHandler(BaseHandler):
Admin CRUD UI.
Model must have Meta class, e.g.:
class Model(ndb.Model):
class Meta():
# templates
# CRUD use '/admin/[model]/' path prefix, model name is lower case
c = "" # new item template
r = "" # items list template
u = "" # edit item template
d = "" # delete item template
# sample
def __init__(self):
self.fields = [
fields.TextField("name", "Name:"),
fields.KeyField("site", "Select site:", query=Site.query()),
fields.MoneyField("budget", "Budget:", required=True),
fields.CheckboxField("is_active", "Active?"),
fields.DateField("due_date", "Due date")
# default template names
c = "create.html"
r = "read.html"
u = "update.html"
d = "delete.html"
def get(self, model, action):
item = None
items = None
item_id = self.request.GET.get("id", None)
msg = self.request.GET.get("msg", None)
m = eval(model)
# model template for given action
path = "/admin/%s/" % model.lower()
template = m.Meta.__dict__.get(action, getattr(self, action))
fields = m.Meta().fields
# if no template - fallback to default one
if not os.path.isfile('./templates' + path + template):
path = "/admin/"
# item
if item_id:
item = m.get_by_id(int(item_id))
if action == "u":
for f in fields:
f.initial = getattr(item, f.field)
# list
if action == "r":
items = m.query()
content = {
"model": model,
"action": actions_map[action],
"fields": fields,
"item": item,
"items": items,
"msg": msg
self.render_template(path + template, **content)
def post(self, model, action):
item = None
item_id = self.request.GET.get("id", None)
data = self.request.POST
m = eval(model)
msg = ""
# item: Delete or Update
if item_id:
item = m.get_by_id(int(item_id))
if action == "d":
msg = "%s '%s' has been removed" % (model, item)
elif action == "u":
fields = m.Meta().fields
for f in fields:
setattr(item, f.field, f.parse(data.getall(f.field)))
msg = "%s '%s' saved" % (model, item)
# Create
elif action == "c":
fields = m.Meta().fields
item = m()
for f in fields:
setattr(item, f.field, f.parse(data.getall(f.field)))
msg = "%s '%s' added" % (model, item)
self.redirect(self.uri_for('admin_crud', model=model, action="r") \
+ "?msg=" + msg)
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