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Created December 5, 2013 20:02
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Save vsviridov/7812876 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is some assorted code to add support for Chrome Canary timline API to track angular timings. It also outputs some timings to the console.
"use strict";
var nop = function() {};
var ops = ["log", "info", "error", "warn", "time", "timeEnd", "group", "groupEnd", "timeline", "timelineEnd", "timeStamp"];
for(var x = 0; x < ops.length; x++)
if(!console[ops[x]]) { console[ops[x]] = nop; }
}(window.console = window.console || { $replaced: true }));
"use strict";
window.pageLoad = new Date().getTime();
window.lastLog = new Date().getTime();
console.$log = function $log()
if(typeof(arguments[0]) === "string")
var message = "(@%d +%d) " + arguments[0];
var newArgs = [];
newArgs.push(message, new Date().getTime() - window.pageLoad, new Date().getTime() - window.lastLog);
for(var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++)
return console.log.apply(console, newArgs);
console.log.apply(console, arguments); //Log timings to the console
if(console.timeStamp) { console.timeStamp.apply(console, arguments); } //Mark timing on the timeline
catch(ex) { console.error(ex); }
window.lastLog = new Date().getTime();
console.timeline("Page Cycle"); //Start Timing
"use strict";
var App = window.App = window.App || angular.module("App", []);
App.updateStatus = function updateStatus(status)
if(status) { console.$log('Status change: %s', status); }
var root = App && App.$root;
if(root) { root.$emit('mad-status', status); }
document.documentElement[status ? 'setAttribute' : 'removeAttribute']('data-status', status);
var stack = 0, timeout;
var fn = function()
if(stack === 0)
return {
inc: function()
dec: function()
if(stack > 0)
if(stack === 0)
timeout = $timeout(fn, 50);
App.config(['$httpProvider', function($httpProvider)
$httpProvider.responseInterceptors.push(['ajaxTrackerService', function(ajaxTrackerService)
return function(promise)
var start = new Date().getTime();;
var cntd = function(r)
var now = new Date().getTime();
var elapsed = now - start;
console.$log("Request %s took %d ms to complete", r.config.url, elapsed);
return r;
return promise.then(cntd, cntd);
}]);['$rootScope', '$window', function($rootScope, $window)
$rootScope.$on('routeChangeStart', function()
$window.pageLoad = new Date().getTime();
(console.timeline || function() {})('Page Cycle'); //Restart timing on angular navigation
$rootScope.$on('mad-status', function(e, status)
if(status === 'ready')
(console.timelineEnd || function() {})('Page Cycle');
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Note that Response Interceptors are deprecated in angular 1.2, but there's some comparable API that is available.

console.timestamp and console timeline api might only work in Chrome Canary.

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