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Last active April 15, 2021 00:11
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NTLM authentication with Axios and with none Node JS modules
* Copyright (c) 2019 Wouter van den Broek
* All rights reserved.
const axios = require('axios');
const ntlm = require('./ntlm');
const https = require('https');
const httpsAgent = new https.Agent({ keepAlive: true });
const client = axios.create({
agent: httpsAgent,
withCredentials: true,
shouldKeepAlive: true,
keepAlive: true,
keepAliveMsecs: 3000,
maxRedirects: 0,
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
var options = {
url: '',
username: '',
password: '',
workstation: '',
domain: ''
(response) => {
// IF DEV console.log('Response:', response);
return response;
(err) => {
// IF DEV console.log('Response error:',err);
const error = err.response;
if (error && error.status === 401 && error.headers['www-authenticate'] && error.headers['www-authenticate'] === 'Negotiate, NTLM' && !err.config.headers['X-retry']) {
return sendType1Message();
} else if (error && error.status === 401 && error.headers['www-authenticate'] && error.headers['www-authenticate'].substring(0,4) === 'NTLM' ) {
return sendType3Message(error.headers['www-authenticate']);
return err;
client.interceptors.request.use((request) => {
// IF DEV console.log('Starting Request', request);
return request;
const sendType1Message = () => {
var type1msg = ntlm.createType1Message(options);
return client({
method: 'get',
url: options.url,
'Connection' : 'keep-alive',
'Authorization': type1msg
const sendType3Message = token => {
var type2msg = ntlm.parseType2Message(token, (err) => { console.log(err) });
var type3msg = ntlm.createType3Message(type2msg, options);
return client({
method: 'get',
url: options.url,
'X-retry' : 'false',
'Connection' : 'Close',
'Authorization': type3msg
method: 'get',
url: options.url,
}).then((response) => {
.catch((error) => {
* Original by Sam Decrock (c) 2013
* Modified for use outside of Node.JS by Wouter van den Broek (c) 2019
* All rights reserved.
var Buffer = require('buffer').Buffer;
var createCipheriv = require('browserify-cipher').createCipheriv;
var createHash = require('create-hash');
var md4 = require('js-md4');
var flags = {
NTLM_NegotiateUnicode : 0x00000001,
NTLM_NegotiateOEM : 0x00000002,
NTLM_RequestTarget : 0x00000004,
NTLM_Unknown9 : 0x00000008,
NTLM_NegotiateSign : 0x00000010,
NTLM_NegotiateSeal : 0x00000020,
NTLM_NegotiateDatagram : 0x00000040,
NTLM_NegotiateLanManagerKey : 0x00000080,
NTLM_Unknown8 : 0x00000100,
NTLM_NegotiateNTLM : 0x00000200,
NTLM_NegotiateNTOnly : 0x00000400,
NTLM_Anonymous : 0x00000800,
NTLM_NegotiateOemDomainSupplied : 0x00001000,
NTLM_NegotiateOemWorkstationSupplied : 0x00002000,
NTLM_Unknown6 : 0x00004000,
NTLM_NegotiateAlwaysSign : 0x00008000,
NTLM_TargetTypeDomain : 0x00010000,
NTLM_TargetTypeServer : 0x00020000,
NTLM_TargetTypeShare : 0x00040000,
NTLM_NegotiateExtendedSecurity : 0x00080000,
NTLM_NegotiateIdentify : 0x00100000,
NTLM_Unknown5 : 0x00200000,
NTLM_RequestNonNTSessionKey : 0x00400000,
NTLM_NegotiateTargetInfo : 0x00800000,
NTLM_Unknown4 : 0x01000000,
NTLM_NegotiateVersion : 0x02000000,
NTLM_Unknown3 : 0x04000000,
NTLM_Unknown2 : 0x08000000,
NTLM_Unknown1 : 0x10000000,
NTLM_Negotiate128 : 0x20000000,
NTLM_NegotiateKeyExchange : 0x40000000,
NTLM_Negotiate56 : 0x80000000
var typeflags = {
NTLM_TYPE1_FLAGS : flags.NTLM_NegotiateUnicode
+ flags.NTLM_NegotiateOEM
+ flags.NTLM_RequestTarget
+ flags.NTLM_NegotiateNTLM
+ flags.NTLM_NegotiateOemDomainSupplied
+ flags.NTLM_NegotiateOemWorkstationSupplied
+ flags.NTLM_NegotiateAlwaysSign
+ flags.NTLM_NegotiateExtendedSecurity
+ flags.NTLM_NegotiateVersion
+ flags.NTLM_Negotiate128
+ flags.NTLM_Negotiate56,
NTLM_TYPE2_FLAGS : flags.NTLM_NegotiateUnicode
+ flags.NTLM_RequestTarget
+ flags.NTLM_NegotiateNTLM
+ flags.NTLM_NegotiateAlwaysSign
+ flags.NTLM_NegotiateExtendedSecurity
+ flags.NTLM_NegotiateTargetInfo
+ flags.NTLM_NegotiateVersion
+ flags.NTLM_Negotiate128
+ flags.NTLM_Negotiate56
function createType1Message(options){
var domain = escape(options.domain.toUpperCase());
var workstation = escape(options.workstation.toUpperCase());
var protocol = 'NTLMSSP\0';
var BODY_LENGTH = 40;
var type1flags = typeflags.NTLM_TYPE1_FLAGS;
if(!domain || domain === '')
type1flags = type1flags - flags.NTLM_NegotiateOemDomainSupplied;
var pos = 0;
var buf = new Buffer(BODY_LENGTH + domain.length + workstation.length);
buf.write(protocol, pos, protocol.length); pos += protocol.length; // protocol
buf.writeUInt32LE(1, pos); pos += 4; // type 1
buf.writeUInt32LE(type1flags, pos); pos += 4; // TYPE1 flag
buf.writeUInt16LE(domain.length, pos); pos += 2; // domain length
buf.writeUInt16LE(domain.length, pos); pos += 2; // domain max length
buf.writeUInt32LE(BODY_LENGTH + workstation.length, pos); pos += 4; // domain buffer offset
buf.writeUInt16LE(workstation.length, pos); pos += 2; // workstation length
buf.writeUInt16LE(workstation.length, pos); pos += 2; // workstation max length
buf.writeUInt32LE(BODY_LENGTH, pos); pos += 4; // workstation buffer offset
buf.writeUInt8(5, pos); pos += 1; //ProductMajorVersion
buf.writeUInt8(1, pos); pos += 1; //ProductMinorVersion
buf.writeUInt16LE(2600, pos); pos += 2; //ProductBuild
buf.writeUInt8(0 , pos); pos += 1; //VersionReserved1
buf.writeUInt8(0 , pos); pos += 1; //VersionReserved2
buf.writeUInt8(0 , pos); pos += 1; //VersionReserved3
buf.writeUInt8(15, pos); pos += 1; //NTLMRevisionCurrent
// length checks is to fix issue #46 and possibly #57
if(workstation.length !=0) buf.write(workstation, pos, workstation.length, 'ascii'); pos += workstation.length; // workstation string
if(domain.length !=0) buf.write(domain , pos, domain.length , 'ascii'); pos += domain.length; // domain string
return 'NTLM ' + buf.toString('base64');
function parseType2Message(rawmsg, callback){
var match = rawmsg.match(/NTLM (.+)?/);
if(!match || !match[1]) {
callback(new Error("Couldn't find NTLM in the message type2 comming from the server"));
return null;
var buf = new Buffer(match[1], 'base64');
var msg = {};
msg.signature = buf.slice(0, 8);
msg.type = buf.readInt16LE(8);
if(msg.type != 2) {
callback(new Error("Server didn't return a type 2 message"));
return null;
msg.targetNameLen = buf.readInt16LE(12);
msg.targetNameMaxLen = buf.readInt16LE(14);
msg.targetNameOffset = buf.readInt32LE(16);
msg.targetName = buf.slice(msg.targetNameOffset, msg.targetNameOffset + msg.targetNameMaxLen);
msg.negotiateFlags = buf.readInt32LE(20);
msg.serverChallenge = buf.slice(24, 32);
msg.reserved = buf.slice(32, 40);
if(msg.negotiateFlags & flags.NTLM_NegotiateTargetInfo){
msg.targetInfoLen = buf.readInt16LE(40);
msg.targetInfoMaxLen = buf.readInt16LE(42);
msg.targetInfoOffset = buf.readInt32LE(44);
msg.targetInfo = buf.slice(msg.targetInfoOffset, msg.targetInfoOffset + msg.targetInfoLen);
return msg;
function createType3Message(msg2, options){
var nonce = msg2.serverChallenge;
var username = options.username;
var password = options.password;
var lm_password = options.lm_password;
var nt_password = options.nt_password;
var negotiateFlags = msg2.negotiateFlags;
var isUnicode = negotiateFlags & flags.NTLM_NegotiateUnicode;
var isNegotiateExtendedSecurity = negotiateFlags & flags.NTLM_NegotiateExtendedSecurity;
var BODY_LENGTH = 72;
var domainName = escape(options.domain.toUpperCase());
var workstation = escape(options.workstation.toUpperCase());
var workstationBytes, domainNameBytes, usernameBytes, encryptedRandomSessionKeyBytes;
var encryptedRandomSessionKey = "";
workstationBytes = new Buffer(workstation, 'utf16le');
domainNameBytes = new Buffer(domainName, 'utf16le');
usernameBytes = new Buffer(username, 'utf16le');
encryptedRandomSessionKeyBytes = new Buffer(encryptedRandomSessionKey, 'utf16le');
workstationBytes = new Buffer(workstation, 'ascii');
domainNameBytes = new Buffer(domainName, 'ascii');
usernameBytes = new Buffer(username, 'ascii');
encryptedRandomSessionKeyBytes = new Buffer(encryptedRandomSessionKey, 'ascii');
var lmChallengeResponse = calc_resp((lm_password!=null)?lm_password:create_LM_hashed_password_v1(password), nonce);
var ntChallengeResponse = calc_resp((nt_password!=null)?nt_password:create_NT_hashed_password_v1(password), nonce);
var pwhash = (nt_password!=null)?nt_password:create_NT_hashed_password_v1(password);
var clientChallenge = "";
for(var i=0; i < 8; i++){
clientChallenge += String.fromCharCode( Math.floor(Math.random()*256) );
var clientChallengeBytes = new Buffer(clientChallenge, 'ascii');
var challenges = ntlm2sr_calc_resp(pwhash, nonce, clientChallengeBytes);
lmChallengeResponse = challenges.lmChallengeResponse;
ntChallengeResponse = challenges.ntChallengeResponse;
var signature = 'NTLMSSP\0';
var pos = 0;
var buf = new Buffer(BODY_LENGTH + domainNameBytes.length + usernameBytes.length + workstationBytes.length + lmChallengeResponse.length + ntChallengeResponse.length + encryptedRandomSessionKeyBytes.length);
buf.write(signature, pos, signature.length); pos += signature.length;
buf.writeUInt32LE(3, pos); pos += 4; // type 1
buf.writeUInt16LE(lmChallengeResponse.length, pos); pos += 2; // LmChallengeResponseLen
buf.writeUInt16LE(lmChallengeResponse.length, pos); pos += 2; // LmChallengeResponseMaxLen
buf.writeUInt32LE(BODY_LENGTH + domainNameBytes.length + usernameBytes.length + workstationBytes.length, pos); pos += 4; // LmChallengeResponseOffset
buf.writeUInt16LE(ntChallengeResponse.length, pos); pos += 2; // NtChallengeResponseLen
buf.writeUInt16LE(ntChallengeResponse.length, pos); pos += 2; // NtChallengeResponseMaxLen
buf.writeUInt32LE(BODY_LENGTH + domainNameBytes.length + usernameBytes.length + workstationBytes.length + lmChallengeResponse.length, pos); pos += 4; // NtChallengeResponseOffset
buf.writeUInt16LE(domainNameBytes.length, pos); pos += 2; // DomainNameLen
buf.writeUInt16LE(domainNameBytes.length, pos); pos += 2; // DomainNameMaxLen
buf.writeUInt32LE(BODY_LENGTH, pos); pos += 4; // DomainNameOffset
buf.writeUInt16LE(usernameBytes.length, pos); pos += 2; // UserNameLen
buf.writeUInt16LE(usernameBytes.length, pos); pos += 2; // UserNameMaxLen
buf.writeUInt32LE(BODY_LENGTH + domainNameBytes.length, pos); pos += 4; // UserNameOffset
buf.writeUInt16LE(workstationBytes.length, pos); pos += 2; // WorkstationLen
buf.writeUInt16LE(workstationBytes.length, pos); pos += 2; // WorkstationMaxLen
buf.writeUInt32LE(BODY_LENGTH + domainNameBytes.length + usernameBytes.length, pos); pos += 4; // WorkstationOffset
buf.writeUInt16LE(encryptedRandomSessionKeyBytes.length, pos); pos += 2; // EncryptedRandomSessionKeyLen
buf.writeUInt16LE(encryptedRandomSessionKeyBytes.length, pos); pos += 2; // EncryptedRandomSessionKeyMaxLen
buf.writeUInt32LE(BODY_LENGTH + domainNameBytes.length + usernameBytes.length + workstationBytes.length + lmChallengeResponse.length + ntChallengeResponse.length, pos); pos += 4; // EncryptedRandomSessionKeyOffset
buf.writeUInt32LE(typeflags.NTLM_TYPE2_FLAGS, pos); pos += 4; // NegotiateFlags
buf.writeUInt8(5, pos); pos++; // ProductMajorVersion
buf.writeUInt8(1, pos); pos++; // ProductMinorVersion
buf.writeUInt16LE(2600, pos); pos += 2; // ProductBuild
buf.writeUInt8(0, pos); pos++; // VersionReserved1
buf.writeUInt8(0, pos); pos++; // VersionReserved2
buf.writeUInt8(0, pos); pos++; // VersionReserved3
buf.writeUInt8(15, pos); pos++; // NTLMRevisionCurrent
domainNameBytes.copy(buf, pos); pos += domainNameBytes.length;
usernameBytes.copy(buf, pos); pos += usernameBytes.length;
workstationBytes.copy(buf, pos); pos += workstationBytes.length;
lmChallengeResponse.copy(buf, pos); pos += lmChallengeResponse.length;
ntChallengeResponse.copy(buf, pos); pos += ntChallengeResponse.length;
encryptedRandomSessionKeyBytes.copy(buf, pos); pos += encryptedRandomSessionKeyBytes.length;
return 'NTLM ' + buf.toString('base64');
function create_LM_hashed_password_v1(password){
// fix the password length to 14 bytes
password = password.toUpperCase();
var passwordBytes = new Buffer(password, 'ascii');
var passwordBytesPadded = new Buffer(14);
var sourceEnd = 14;
if(passwordBytes.length < 14) sourceEnd = passwordBytes.length;
passwordBytes.copy(passwordBytesPadded, 0, 0, sourceEnd);
// split into 2 parts of 7 bytes:
var firstPart = passwordBytesPadded.slice(0,7);
var secondPart = passwordBytesPadded.slice(7);
function encrypt(buf){
var key = insertZerosEvery7Bits(buf);
var des = createCipheriv('DES-ECB', key, '');
return des.update("KGS!@#$%"); // page 57 in [MS-NLMP]);
var firstPartEncrypted = encrypt(firstPart);
var secondPartEncrypted = encrypt(secondPart);
return Buffer.concat([firstPartEncrypted, secondPartEncrypted]);
function insertZerosEvery7Bits(buf){
var binaryArray = bytes2binaryArray(buf);
var newBinaryArray = [];
for(var i=0; i<binaryArray.length; i++){
if((i+1)%7 === 0){
return binaryArray2bytes(newBinaryArray);
function bytes2binaryArray(buf){
var hex2binary = {
0: [0,0,0,0],
1: [0,0,0,1],
2: [0,0,1,0],
3: [0,0,1,1],
4: [0,1,0,0],
5: [0,1,0,1],
6: [0,1,1,0],
7: [0,1,1,1],
8: [1,0,0,0],
9: [1,0,0,1],
A: [1,0,1,0],
B: [1,0,1,1],
C: [1,1,0,0],
D: [1,1,0,1],
E: [1,1,1,0],
F: [1,1,1,1]
var hexString = buf.toString('hex').toUpperCase();
var array = [];
for(var i=0; i<hexString.length; i++){
var hexchar = hexString.charAt(i);
array = array.concat(hex2binary[hexchar]);
return array;
function binaryArray2bytes(array){
var binary2hex = {
'0000': 0,
'0001': 1,
'0010': 2,
'0011': 3,
'0100': 4,
'0101': 5,
'0110': 6,
'0111': 7,
'1000': 8,
'1001': 9,
'1010': 'A',
'1011': 'B',
'1100': 'C',
'1101': 'D',
'1110': 'E',
'1111': 'F'
var bufArray = [];
for(var i=0; i<array.length; i +=8 ){
if((i+7) > array.length)
var binString1 = '' + array[i] + '' + array[i+1] + '' + array[i+2] + '' + array[i+3];
var binString2 = '' + array[i+4] + '' + array[i+5] + '' + array[i+6] + '' + array[i+7];
var hexchar1 = binary2hex[binString1];
var hexchar2 = binary2hex[binString2];
var buf = new Buffer(hexchar1 + '' + hexchar2, 'hex');
return Buffer.concat(bufArray);
function create_NT_hashed_password_v1(password){
var buf = new Buffer(password, 'utf16le');
var hash = md4.create();
return new Buffer(hash.digest());
function calc_resp(password_hash, server_challenge){
// padding with zeros to make the hash 21 bytes long
var passHashPadded = new Buffer(21);
password_hash.copy(passHashPadded, 0, 0, password_hash.length);
var resArray = [];
var des = createCipheriv('DES-ECB', insertZerosEvery7Bits(passHashPadded.slice(0,7)), '');
resArray.push( des.update(server_challenge.slice(0,8)) );
des = createCipheriv('DES-ECB', insertZerosEvery7Bits(passHashPadded.slice(7,14)), '');
resArray.push( des.update(server_challenge.slice(0,8)) );
des = createCipheriv('DES-ECB', insertZerosEvery7Bits(passHashPadded.slice(14,21)), '');
resArray.push( des.update(server_challenge.slice(0,8)) );
return Buffer.concat(resArray);
function ntlm2sr_calc_resp(responseKeyNT, serverChallenge, clientChallenge){
// padding with zeros to make the hash 16 bytes longer
var lmChallengeResponse = new Buffer(clientChallenge.length + 16);
clientChallenge.copy(lmChallengeResponse, 0, 0, clientChallenge.length);
var buf = Buffer.concat([serverChallenge, clientChallenge]);
var md5 = createHash('md5');
var sess = md5.digest();
var ntChallengeResponse = calc_resp(responseKeyNT, sess.slice(0,8));
return {
lmChallengeResponse: lmChallengeResponse,
ntChallengeResponse: ntChallengeResponse
exports.createType1Message = createType1Message;
exports.parseType2Message = parseType2Message;
exports.createType3Message = createType3Message;
exports.create_NT_hashed_password = create_NT_hashed_password_v1;
exports.create_LM_hashed_password = create_LM_hashed_password_v1;
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tbl0605 commented Feb 12, 2020

thank you very much for your code gist! :)
I just had to replace the 2 occurrences of if (error.status === 401... with if (error && error.status === 401... because axios doesn't set err.response in case of network errors.

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tbl0605 commented Feb 12, 2020

You forgot to fix the second if (error.status === 401... at line 42 of file fetch-axios-ntlm.js ;)
It should also be if (error && error.status === 401...

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wbroek commented Feb 12, 2020

@tbl0605 thank you for the improvement. Hopefully others can use it as well

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tbl0605 commented Feb 12, 2020

Yes, hope it too, your work was very helpful to me ;) thanx!

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meicoder commented Nov 18, 2020

Hi, could you help how should I send my parameters if I am trying to use a local user?. I tried with this:

username: '\mespinoza',
password: 'pass',
workstation: 'INGLP-DH68.local',
domain: 'INGLP-DH68'

But It doesn't work. It returns error 403

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I'm curious as to what insertZerosEvery7Bits is supposed to be doing?

I wrote a little test to understand it more and it appears to not be giving consistent results.

it("zero", async () => {
    const buf1 = Buffer.from("ABC");
    const buf2 = insertZerosEvery7Bits(buf1);

    console.log(Array.from(buf1.values()).map((i) => i.toString(2).split("")));
    console.log(Array.from(buf2.values()).map((i) => i.toString(2).split("")));
    ✓ zero (7 ms)

        '1', '0', '0',
        '0', '0', '0',
        '1', '0', '0',
        '0', '0', '1',
        '1', '0', '0',
        '0', '0', '1',

      at Object.<anonymous> (src/__tests__/ntlm.ts:57:13)

        '1', '0', '0',
        '0', '0', '0',
        '1', '0', '1',
        '0', '0', '0',
        '0', '0'
        '1', '0', '0',
        '1', '0', '0',
        '0', '0'

      at Object.<anonymous> (src/__tests__/ntlm.ts:58:13)

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jonathan-meyer commented Dec 7, 2020

I think I understand now after reading this:

Unfortunately I don't think insertZerosEvery7Bits is working correctly and therefore breaking the encryption.

I did create a substitute function that adds a parity bit to each byte of a buffer:

export function setParity(part: Buffer): Buffer {
  return Buffer.from(
        .map((i) => i.toString(2).padStart(8, "0"))
        .reduce((p, c) => `${p}${c}`, "")
      .map((i) => [
        i.reduce((p, c) => p + Number.parseInt(c), 0) % 2 ? "0" : "1",
      .map((b) => b.join(""))
      .map((n) => Number.parseInt(n, 2))

which also uses this function:

export const toMatrix = <T>(arr: T[], width: number): T[][] =>
    Array<T>(Math.ceil(arr.length / width) * width),
    (v, k) => arr[k]
  ).reduce((rows, key, index) => {
    index % width == 0 ? rows.push([key]) : rows[rows.length - 1].push(key);
    return rows;
  }, [] as T[][]);

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jonathan-meyer commented Dec 7, 2020

After more testing I think my initial conclusion is wrong.

This test shows that the insertZerosEvery7Bits is properly creating a "none" parity bit.

it("parity (none)", async () => {
    const password = "SecREt01".toLocaleUpperCase().padEnd(14, "\0");
    const buf1 = Buffer.from(password.slice(0, 7));
    const buf2 = insertZerosEvery7Bits(buf1);
    const buf3 = setParity(buf1, "none");


 PASS  src/__tests__/ntlm.ts
    ✓ parity (none) (8 ms)

    <Buffer 53 45 43 52 45 54 30>

    <Buffer 52 a2 50 6a 24 2a 50 60>

    <Buffer 52 a2 50 6a 24 2a 50 60>

So I'm still not sure why the NTLM in this GIST does not work.

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I implemented this in a React Native Application, and I couldn't make it work. Keeping getting 401 Error, no matter what.

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