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Created November 19, 2020 15:55
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Generated by XState Viz:
const machine = Machine({
id: 'module-net-machine',
on: {
"BLE_CONNECT": [{ actions: [], target: "#ble-connection", },
initial: 'no-connection',
states: {
"no-connection": {
id: "no-connection",
entry: ["start_timer", ],
exit: ["stop_timer", ],
on: {
"TIMER": [{ actions: [], target: "#run-wifi", cond: "should_try_wifi_connect", },
{ actions: [], target: "#send-gps-lte-report", cond: "should_send_lte_report", },
{ actions: [], target: '#no-connection', internal: true, },
"ble-connection": {
id: "ble-connection",
entry: [],
exit: [],
on: {
"BLE_DISCONNECT": [{ actions: ["set_report_update_interval", "clear_lte_backoff", "set_next_try_wifi_connect_time", ], target: "#no-connection", },
initial: 'ble:idle',
states: {
"ble:idle": {
id: "ble:idle",
entry: ["start_timer", ],
exit: ["stop_timer", ],
on: {
"TIMER": [{ actions: ["ble_notify_dispatch", ], target: '#ble:idle', internal: true, },
"WIFI_SETUP_GET_SCAN_LIST": [{ actions: [], target: "#ble:setup-scan", },
"WIFI_SETUP_CONNECT_TO_NETWORK": [{ actions: [], target: "#ble:setup-try-connect", },
"ble:setup-scan": {
id: "ble:setup-scan",
entry: ["wifi_start", "send_wifisetup_scan_results", ],
exit: ["wifi_stop", ],
on: {
"WIFI_SETUP_FINISHED_SENDING_SCAN_RESULTS": [{ actions: [], target: "#ble:idle", },
"WIFI_SETUP_GET_SCAN_LIST": [{ actions: [], target: '#ble:setup-scan', internal: true, },
"ble:setup-try-connect": {
id: "ble:setup-try-connect",
entry: ["wifi_start", "wifisetup_connect_to_network", "start_timer", ],
exit: ["wifi_stop", "stop_timer", ],
on: {
"TIMER": [{ actions: ["send_wifisetup_connect_result", ], target: "#ble:idle", },
"WIFI_STA_DISCONNECTED": [{ actions: ["send_wifisetup_connect_result", ], target: "#ble:idle", },
"WIFI_STA_CONNECTED": [{ actions: ["send_wifisetup_connect_result", ], target: "#ble:idle", },
"WIFI_SETUP_CONNECT_TO_NETWORK": [{ actions: [], target: '#ble:setup-try-connect', internal: true, },
"run-wifi": {
id: "run-wifi",
entry: ["wifi_start", ],
exit: ["wifi_stop", "set_next_try_wifi_connect_time", ],
on: {
"WIFI_SERVER_DISCONNECTED": [{ actions: ["report_wifi_connect_result", ], target: "#wifi:scan", },
"TIMER": [{ actions: ["wifi_restart", "report_wifi_connect_result", ], target: "#wifi:scan", },
"WIFI_STA_DISCONNECTED": [{ actions: ["report_wifi_connect_result", ], target: "#wifi:scan", },
initial: 'wifi:scan',
states: {
"wifi:scan": {
id: "wifi:scan",
entry: ["wifi_evaluate_scan_list", ],
exit: [],
on: {
"WIFI_SCAN_RESULT_CANDIDATE": [{ actions: [], target: "#wifi:attempt-connect", },
"WIFI_SCAN_RESULT_NO_CANDIDATES": [{ actions: [], target: "#no-connection", },
"wifi:attempt-connect": {
id: "wifi:attempt-connect",
entry: ["wifi_start_raw_connect_logging", "wifi_attempt_connect", "start_timer", ],
exit: ["wifi_stop_raw_connect_logging", "stop_timer", ],
on: {
"WIFI_STA_CONNECTED": [{ actions: [], target: "#wifi:run-ota", cond: "wifi_should_start_ota", },
"WIFI_STA_CONNECTED": [{ actions: [], target: "#wifi:server-connect", },
"wifi:run-ota": {
id: "wifi:run-ota",
entry: ["start_timer", "start_timer2", "wifi_start_ota", ],
exit: ["stop_timer2", "stop_timer", ],
on: {
"WIFI_OTA_SUCCESS": [{ actions: ["reboot", ], target: '#wifi:run-ota', internal: true, },
"TIMER2": [{ actions: ["wifi_ota_get_status", ], target: '#wifi:run-ota', internal: true, },
"WIFI_OTA_FAILED": [{ actions: [], target: "#wifi:server-connect", },
"TIMER": [{ actions: [], target: "#wifi:server-connect", },
"wifi:server-connect": {
id: "wifi:server-connect",
entry: ["start_timer", "wifi_server_connect", ],
exit: ["stop_timer", ],
on: {
"WIFI_SERVER_CONNECTED": [{ actions: [], target: "#wifi:start-ws", },
"wifi:start-ws": {
id: "wifi:start-ws",
entry: ["start_timer", "wifi_start_ws", ],
exit: ["stop_timer", ],
on: {
"WIFI_WS_UPGRADED": [{ actions: ["report_wifi_connect_result", ], target: "#wifi:connected", },
"wifi:connected": {
id: "wifi:connected",
entry: [],
exit: [],
on: {
"WIFI_SERVER_DISCONNECTED": [{ actions: ["report_wifi_connect_result", ], target: "#wifi:scan", },
"WIFI_STA_DISCONNECTED": [{ actions: ["report_wifi_connect_result", "wifi_restart", ], target: "#wifi:scan", },
initial: 'wifi-connected:submit-report',
states: {
"wifi-connected:idle": {
id: "wifi-connected:idle",
entry: ["start_timer2", ],
exit: ["stop_timer2", ],
on: {
"TIMER2": [{ actions: [], target: "#wifi-connected:submit-report", },
"wifi-connected:submit-report": {
id: "wifi-connected:submit-report",
entry: ["start_timer", "wifi_submit_report", ],
exit: ["stop_timer", ],
on: {
"WIFI_REPORT_SUCCESS": [{ actions: [], target: "#wifi-connected:idle", },
"send-gps-lte-report": {
id: "send-gps-lte-report",
entry: ["enable_signal", "enable_signal", ],
exit: ["disable_signal", "disable_signal", ],
on: {
initial: 'lte:run-gps',
states: {
"lte:run-gps": {
id: "lte:run-gps",
entry: ["start_gps", ],
exit: ["stop_gps", ],
on: {
"GPS_FIX_SUCCESS": [{ actions: [], target: "#lte:boot-modem", },
"GPS_FIX_FAILED": [{ actions: [], target: "#lte:boot-modem", },
initial: 'gps:run',
states: {
"gps:run": {
id: "gps:run",
entry: [],
exit: [],
on: {
"GPS_NEEDS_AGNSS": [{ actions: [], target: '#gps:run', internal: true, cond: "should_skip_agnss", },
{ actions: [], target: "#gps:boot-modem", },
"gps:boot-modem": {
id: "gps:boot-modem",
entry: ["start_modem", "start_timer", ],
exit: ["stop_timer", ],
on: {
"GPS_NEEDS_AGNSS": [{ actions: [], target: '#gps:boot-modem', internal: true, },
"TIMER": [{ actions: ["stop_modem", ], target: "#gps:run", },
"LTE_REGISTRATION_SUCCEEDED": [{ actions: [], target: "#gps:fetch-agnss", },
"LTE_POWER_DOWN": [{ actions: [], target: "#gps:run", },
"gps:fetch-agnss": {
id: "gps:fetch-agnss",
entry: ["fetch_agnss", "start_timer", ],
exit: ["stop_modem", "stop_timer", ],
on: {
"LTE_REGISTRATION_SUCCEEDED": [{ actions: [], target: '#gps:fetch-agnss', internal: true, },
"GPS_NEEDS_AGNSS": [{ actions: [], target: '#gps:fetch-agnss', internal: true, },
"LTE_POWER_DOWN": [{ actions: [], target: "#gps:run", },
"TIMER": [{ actions: [], target: "#gps:run", },
"lte:boot-modem": {
id: "lte:boot-modem",
entry: ["start_timer", "start_modem", ],
exit: ["stop_timer", ],
on: {
"TIMER": [{ actions: ["stop_modem", ], target: "#no-connection", },
"LTE_REGISTRATION_SUCCEEDED": [{ actions: [], target: "#lte:send-report", },
"LTE_POWER_DOWN": [{ actions: [], target: "#no-connection", },
"lte:send-report": {
id: "lte:send-report",
entry: ["start_timer", "dispatch_lte_report", ],
exit: ["stop_timer", ],
on: {
"TIMER": [{ actions: ["stop_modem", ], target: "#no-connection", },
"LTE_REGISTRATION_SUCCEEDED": [{ actions: [], target: '#lte:send-report', internal: true, },
"LTE_POWER_DOWN": [{ actions: [], target: "#no-connection", },
"LTE_REPORT_SUCCESS": [{ actions: [], target: '#lte:send-report', internal: true, },
{ guards: {
should_try_wifi_connect: () => false,should_send_lte_report: () => false,wifi_should_start_ota: () => false,should_skip_agnss: () => false,}}
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