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Created October 16, 2014 13:42
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Naive Primes in Clojure
;;; Naive Primes
;;; Produce a sequence of primes using a naive trial-division
;;; algorithm. This is very slow, but easy to understand at a
;;; glance. It's useful for unit testing.
;;; Optimizations:
;;; + Only test odd numbers for primality
;;; + Only do trial division up to the square root
(defn sqrt
"Return the truncated square root of NUMBER."
(long (Math/sqrt (double number))))
(defn factor?
"Return true when DIVISOR is a factor of NUMBER."
[^long number ^long divisor]
(= 0 (rem number divisor)))
(defn prime?
"Determine if a number is prime by searching for factors."
(and (> number 1)
(not-any? #(factor? number %)
(range 2 (inc (sqrt number))))))
(defn primes
"Produce a sequence of prime numbers up to LIMIT, generating them
using trial division."
(when (> limit 2)
(cons 2 (filter prime? (range 3 limit 2)))))
;; Let's try it out!
(print (primes 20)) ; ==> (2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19)
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