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Last active March 11, 2020 22:11
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PR comment

It looks like you've made significant changes to this repository's source code. Have you given enough thought to reliability?

If you've added/removed a dependency on another service...

  • Have you updated the dependencies list in the runbook?
  • Have you got healthchecks that probe the health of each dependency?
  • Have you added integration tests that cover scenarios where the dependency is down?

If you've changed the architecture...

  • Have you updated the architecture diagram in the runbook?
  • Have you updated the description of the architecture in the runbook?
  • Do the troubleshooting guides in the runbook need updating?
  • Are there any new processes you should inform Operations Support about?

If you haven't done any of the above

  • Have you skim-read the runbook to make sure information is still accurate?
  • Knowing what you do about the application, does its Heimdall dashboard reflect all the ways it can fail?

This is a manual prototype to test what impact a PR comment bot might have on quality of runbooks. Please leave feedback by replying to the PR including @runbookbot

It looks like you've made significant changes to this repository's source code.

While you're waiting for a review, please take a moment to think whether you should make any changes to its documentation (particularly the runbook) or add monitoring to cover any new dependencies or failure states

This is a manual prototype to test what impact a PR comment bot might have on quality of runbooks. Please leave feedback by replying to the PR including @runbookbot

It looks like you've made significant changes to this repository's source code.

Before merging please take a moment to help keep this system operable, by:

  • making any changes to its documentation (particularly the runbook)
  • making sure its monitoring covers any new dependencies or failure states

This is a manual prototype to test what impact a PR comment bot might have on quality of runbooks. Please leave feedback by replying to the PR including @runbookbot

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