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Created May 7, 2016 07:04
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  • Save wikimatze/e19a312833b1be881f788ca795880fba to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save wikimatze/e19a312833b1be881f788ca795880fba to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.


First start and basic setup

Starting weechat

06:18:26 |   ___       __         ______________        _____
06:18:26 |   __ |     / /___________  ____/__  /_______ __  /_
06:18:26 |   __ | /| / /_  _ \  _ \  /    __  __ \  __ `/  __/
06:18:26 |   __ |/ |/ / /  __/  __/ /___  _  / / / /_/ // /_
06:18:26 |   ____/|__/  \___/\___/\____/  /_/ /_/\__,_/ \__/
06:18:26 | WeeChat 1.5 [compiled on May  4 2016 06:16:40]
06:18:26 | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
06:18:26 |
06:18:26 | Welcome to WeeChat!
06:18:26 |
06:18:26 | If you are discovering WeeChat, it is recommended to read at least the quickstart guide, and the user's guide if you have some time; they explain main WeeChat concepts.
06:18:26 | All WeeChat docs are available at:
06:18:26 |
06:18:26 | Moreover, there is inline help with /help on all commands and options (use Tab key to complete the name).
06:18:26 | The command /iset (script can help to customize WeeChat: /script install
06:18:26 |
06:18:26 | You can add and connect to an IRC server with /server and /connect commands (see /help server).
06:18:26 |
06:18:26 | ---
06:18:26 |
06:18:26 | Bar "input" created
06:18:26 | Bar "title" created
06:18:26 | Bar "status" created
06:18:26 | Bar "nicklist" created
06:18:26 | Plugins loaded: alias, charset, exec, fifo, irc, javascript, logger, lua, perl, python, relay, ruby, script, tcl, trigger, xfer

First of all, you need to setup a server:

/server add freenode

After that you can configure your nickname, username, and realname:

/set irc.server.freenode.nicks "wikimatze"
/set irc.server.freenode.username "Matthias"
/set irc.server.freenode.realname "Matthias Günther"

Next you need to connect to freenode before you can join channels:

/connect freenode
/join #vimberlin

To connect automatically to freenode, please set the following option:

/set irc.server.freenode.autoconnect "on"

To autojoin channels, you can set the following option:

/set irc.server.freenode.autojoin "#vimberlin,#padrino"

Enabling SSL

You should enable SSL if you don't want to submit your password as clear text:

/set irc.server.freenode.ssl "on"
/set irc.server.freenode.ssl_verify "on"
/set "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"

Next you need to change your address to use SSL port:

/set irc.server.freenode.addresses

If not setup the SSL port, you will get messages like:

06:34:29 freenode =!= | irc: TLS handshake failed
06:34:29 freenode =!= | irc: error: An unexpected TLS packet was received.

When everything works, you can see the Zi in your username

Weechat with SSL

Weechat with SSL

Authenticate with your nickname

Authenticate nickname:

>> /nickname wikimatze
06:53:08 freenode  -- | NickServ (NickServ@services.): This nickname is registered. Please choose a different nickname, or identify via /msg NickServ identify <password>.
>> /msg nickserv identify {your password}
06:53:22 freenode  -- | MSG(nickserv): identify ************
06:53:22 freenode  -- | NickServ (NickServ@services.): You are now identified for wikimatze.

You can automate nickname authentication:

/set irc.server.freenode.command "/msg nickserv identify {your password}"
/set irc.server.freenode.nicks "wikimatze"

Enabling sasl

Instead using the nickserv command authentication you can also use SASL. SASL is mechanism for identifying to services at IRC automatically even before you are visible to the network.

/set irc.server.freenode.sasl_username wikimatze
/set irc.server.freenode.sasl_password {your password}


You can install extensions with:

/script install

Here is a list of plugins that I'm actually using:

  • is a great way to get an overview of all the open channels or individual chats in the sidebar.

Weechat buffers

Weechat buffers
- You can change the postion of the buffer with `/set bottom` - []( grouping default groups your channels by server.


Enable mouse

/mouse enable

Don't display if someone is joining or leaving the channel:

You will always see things like in the following image:

Weechat joining and leaving

Weechat joining and leaving

To get rid of those, you can set the following settings:

/set weechat.look.buffer_notify_default message
/set irc.look.smart_filter on
/filter add irc_smart * irc_smart_filter *

Hide channel operations

Weechat joining information

"Weechat joining information"
/filter add irc_join_names * irc_366,irc_332,irc_333,irc_329,irc_324 *

Weechat joining with less information

"Weechat joining with less information"

Look and feel

timeformat: /set weechat.look.buffer_time_format /set weechat.look.buffer_time_format “%H:%M”

Seeing strange symbols

I couldn't type in symbols The solution was to install the libcursesw package:

$ sudo apt-get install libncursesw5-dev


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