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Last active June 14, 2024 10:25
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HowTo have specific .gitignore for each git branch

How to have specific .gitignore for each git branch


My objective is to have some production files ignored on specific branches. Git doesn't allow to do it.


My solution is to make a general .gitignore file and add .gitignore.branch_name files for the branches I want to add specific file exclusion. I'll use post-checkout hook to copy those .gitignore.branch_name in place of .git/info/exclude each time I go to the branch with git checkout branch_name.


  1. Create new .gitignore files for each branch and name it like this : .gitignore.branch_name
  2. In your git repo, go to .git/hooks/
  3. Edit or create post-checkout file and copy the content found in this gist.
  4. Don't forget to make it executable with chmod 755 post-checkout
  5. Just go to the branch you want and type git status: TADAAA !
if [[ $branch_switched != '1' ]]
exit 0
echo "---- POST CHECKOUT ----"
current_branch=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
hook_dir=$(dirname $0)
root_dir="$(pwd -P)"
if [[ -f "$root_dir/$exclude_target.$current_branch" ]]
echo "Prepare to use .gitignore.$current_branch as exclude file"
cd "$info_dir"
rm exclude
#ln -s $exclude_target exclude
echo "Copy .gitignore.$current_branch file in place of exclude"
cp "$root_dir/$exclude_target" exclude
echo "--- POST CHECKOUT END ---"
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Awesome solution

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Hi there I cannot do step four without getting an error

fatal: this operation must be run in a work tree

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@denOldTimer you must be in the right directory.
The post-checkout file must be in the .git/hooks/ directory

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Tealk commented Mar 8, 2021

I have revised the whole thing and corrected the spelling
See also:

For what are the variables "old_ref" "new_ref" and "hook_dir" in the scirpt eig. because these are not used at all?

Here is the adapted version (untested)

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DianiSN commented Apr 20, 2021

Hi there I cannot do step four without getting an error

fatal: this operation must be run in a work tree

You have to be inside the repository tree and not the .git directory to run step 4.

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You have to be in the .git/hooks/ directory

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DianiSN commented Apr 21, 2021

You have to be in the .git/hooks/ directory

Yes, to make the hook but if you want to checkout you have to be in the repository tree and not the hooks directory. Hence why I replied to the comment that mentioned the fatal error. They got that error because they ran git checkout <branch> inside the /.git/hooks directory and not in the main repository directory.

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@DianiSN true I remember encountering the same error.

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hyperfield commented Aug 15, 2021

Thank you for the script. Can you please clarify the following error message? I'd like to figure out how to properly use your script.

git checkout web
Already on 'web'
.git/hooks/post-checkout: 7: [[: not found
.git/hooks/post-checkout: 18: [[: not found
Copy .gitignore.web file in place of exclude

I've tried this:
cp .gitignore.web .git/info/exclude
No luck yet.

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dberardo-com commented Jun 6, 2022

2 questions here:

  1. is there any way to commit the git hook on the remote ? (using github/gitlab?)
  2. can we have only one gitignore file for a specific branch and not 1 gitignore for each branch in the repo (which might be too many to keep track of) ?

i am asking this because if one uses only one remote, no matter what the client does ignore, the "per-branch" ignored folders will be found on all branches on the remote, which strongly limits the power of this solution

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