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Created August 8, 2018 00:05
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Using react-transition-group
import React from 'react'
import { bool, element, oneOf } from 'prop-types'
import { css } from 'glamor'
import { Transition } from 'react-transition-group'
import { wrapperStyle } from './styles'
const transInfo = '250ms cubic-bezier(0.07, 0.95, 0, 1)'
const baseSlideStyle = {
transition: `opacity ${transInfo}, transform ${transInfo}`,
function getDirStyle(dir = 'left', state) {
const isEnd = ['entering', 'exited'].includes(state)
return css(baseSlideStyle, {
flexShrink: Number(isEnd),
opacity: Number(!isEnd),
transform: `translateX(${isEnd ? (dir === 'left' ? -100 : 100) : 0}%)`,
export function SlidingContainer({ children, dir = 'left', in: inProp }) {
return (
<Transition timeout={275} in={inProp}>
{state => (
<article {...css(wrapperStyle, getDirStyle(dir, state))}>
SlidingContainer.propTypes = {
children: element,
dir: oneOf(['left', 'right']),
in: bool,
export default SlidingContainer
function Component({ shownPane }) {
return (
<div {...containerStyle}>
<SlidingContainer in={shownPane === 1}>
<SlidingContainer dir="right" in={shownPane === 2}>
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