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Last active December 6, 2017 13:37
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simple CYK algorithm implementation
case class Grammar(V: Set[Char],
Σ: Set[Char],
P: List[(Char, String)],
S: Char)
object CYK {
def cartesian(as: Array[Char], bs: Array[Char]): Array[String] = {
for {a <- as; b <- bs} yield (a.toString + b.toString)
def apply(word: String, G: Grammar): Boolean = {
val n = word.length
val T = Array.fill(n, n)("")
word.zipWithIndex foreach {
case (c: Char, i: Int) =>
T(i)(0) = G.P.filter(_._2 == c.toString).map(_._1).mkString
2 to n foreach { j =>
1 to (n - j + 1) foreach { i =>
1 to (j - 1) foreach { k =>
// could consist of 2 non terminal, so we have to test every combination
val first = T(i - 1)(k - 1).toCharArray
val second = T(i + k - 1)(j - k - 1).toCharArray
cartesian(first, second) foreach { nonTerminalCombination =>
T(i - 1)(j - 1) = T(i - 1)(j - 1) + G.P
.filter(_._2 == nonTerminalCombination)
T(0)(n - 1).contains("S")
object Main extends App {
val G = Grammar(
V = Set('S', 'A', 'F', 'C', 'E', 'B', 'D'),
Σ = Set('a', 'b', 'c'),
S = 'S',
P = List('S' -> "AB",
'A' -> "CD",
'A' -> "CF",
'B' -> "EB",
'F' -> "AD",
'B' -> "c",
'C' -> "a",
'D' -> "b",
'E' -> "c")
val word = "aaabbbc"
val result = CYK(word, G)
result match {
case true =>
println(s"'$word' is element of L(G)")
case false =>
println(s"'$word' is NOT element of L(G)")
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