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Created August 18, 2011 22:25
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# Python
from twython import Twython
usuario = "ajamaica"
twitter = Twython()
followers = twitter.getFollowersIDs( screen_name = usuario )
for follower_id in followers :
print "Usuario %d sigue a %s" % (follower_id,usuario)
tweets = twitter.getPublicTimeline()
for tweet in tweets :
print tweet['user']['name'].encode('utf-8')
print tweet['text'].encode('utf-8')
results = twitter.getDailyTrends()
for time, trend_list in results['trends'].iteritems() :
print time
for trend in trend_list :
print trend['query']
# Ruby
require 'twitter'
usuario = "ajamaica"
followers = Twitter.followers(usuario).users
followers.each do |follower|
puts "Usuario #{} sigue a #{usuario}"
tweets = Twitter.public_timeline
tweets.each do |tweet|
puts tweet.text
# just for the sake of it
0.upto(100) do |i|
Twitter.trends_daily.each_pair do |date, trends|
puts date
trends.each do |trend|
puts trend.query
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