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Created August 29, 2023 10:09
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113375236 Asistente- Gestión De Documentos Banco General, S.A. PROPOSITO DEL CARGO Gestionar, clasificar, digitalizar y ordenar un conjunto de documentos que son necesarios para conservar una base de datos de los clientes; cumpliendo las normas y procedimientos del Banco, el Código de Ética y Valores, las normas y procedimientos de uniforme y de imagen del Banco; y así mantener un control de la producción de información, como de su manejo y edición. FUNCIONES GENERALES Archivo de carpeta o documentos de portafolio de inversión Preparar documentos de cuentas de inversión local o internacional de persona natural o jurídica para el proceso de digitalización Preparar documentos de cuentas bancarias de persona natural o jurídica para el proceso de digitalización Digitalizar cuentas bancarias y cuentas de inversión local o internacional de persona natural o jurídica Rearmado de carpeta de cuentas de inversión local o internacional de persona natural o jurídica o triturar documentos seleccionados Atender solicitudes e incidencias a través de un Buzón para importar a la herramienta Unity Client Onbase Realizar los mantenimientos de cuentas bancarias y cuentas de inversión Retiro de cuentas de depósitos o documentos bancarios sueltos ubicados en bandeja o acordeón asignado por el área para su debida digitalización y posterior envío al área de Gestión Documental de banco Retiro de documentos bancarios sueltos no digitalizados, los cuales están ubicados en bandejas asignadas por el área para archivar en carpetas guardadas en cajas Llevar el control de contrato de tarjeta de crédito recibidos por parte de la banca, digitalizar en la herramienta Unity Client Onbase y posterior envío al área de Gestión Documental de banco Llevar el control de cuentas de inversión abiertas Llevar el control de las cuentas de inversión cerradas Brindar el servicio al personal interno ante consultas o solicitudes de la Banca Manejo de Fax Recepción de documentación para custodia o retiro en bóveda y llevar controles internos del área Revisar diariamente reporte de confirmaciones de productos de inversión e identifica las direcciones de envío físicas y descarga documento desde la herramienta Onbase para posterior entrega al Oficial de Relación o Gestor de Relación de la banca Cubrir recepción de BG Valores en ausencias o vacaciones Asistente- Gestión De Documentos PROPOSITO DEL CARGO Gestionar, clasificar, digitalizar y ordenar un conjunto de documentos que son necesarios para conservar una base de datos de los clientes; cumpliendo las normas y procedimientos del Banco, el Código de Ética y Valores, las normas y procedimientos de uniforme y de imagen del Banco; y así mantener un control de la producción de información, como de su manejo y edición. FUNCIONES GENERALES Archivo de carpeta o documentos de portafolio de inversión Preparar documentos de cuentas de inversión local o internacional de persona natural o jurídica para el proceso de digitalización Preparar documentos de cuentas bancarias de persona natural o jurídica para el proceso de digitalización Digitalizar cuentas bancarias y cuentas de inversión local o internacional de persona natural o jurídica Rearmado de carpeta de cuentas de inversión local o internacional de persona natural o jurídica o triturar documentos seleccionados Atender solicitudes e incidencias a través de un Buzón para importar a la herramienta Unity Client Onbase Realizar los mantenimientos de cuentas bancarias y cuentas de inversión Retiro de cuentas de depósitos o documentos bancarios sueltos ubicados en bandeja o acordeón asignado por el área para su debida digitalización y posterior envío al área de Gestión Documental de banco Retiro de documentos bancarios sueltos no digitalizados, los cuales están ubicados en bandejas asignadas por el área para archivar en carpetas guardadas en cajas Llevar el control de contrato de tarjeta de crédito recibidos por parte de la banca, digitalizar en la herramienta Unity Client Onbase y posterior envío al área de Gestión Documental de banco Llevar el control de cuentas de inversión abiertas Llevar el control de las cuentas de inversión cerradas Brindar el servicio al personal interno ante consultas o solicitudes de la Banca Manejo de Fax Recepción de documentación para custodia o retiro en bóveda y llevar controles internos del área Revisar diariamente reporte de confirmaciones de productos de inversión e identifica las direcciones de envío físicas y descarga documento desde la herramienta Onbase para posterior entrega al Oficial de Relación o Gestor de Relación de la banca Cubrir recepción de BG Valores en ausencias o vacaciones 2023-08-17 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:40:47.03367+00
113375235 Asistente- Gestión De Documentos Banco General Descripción del puesto PROPOSITO DEL CARGO Gestionar, clasificar, digitalizar y ordenar un conjunto de documentos que son necesarios para conservar una base de datos de los clientes; cumpliendo las normas y procedimientos del Banco, el Código de Ética y Valores, las normas y procedimientos de uniforme y de imagen del Banco; y así mantener un control de la producción de información, como de su manejo y edición. FUNCIONES GENERALES Archivo de carpeta o documentos de portafolio de inversión Preparar documentos de cuentas de inversión local o internacional de persona natural o jurídica para el proceso de digitalización Preparar documentos de cuentas bancarias de persona natural o jurídica para el proceso de digitalización Digitalizar cuentas bancarias y cuentas de inversión local o internacional de persona natural o jurídica Rearmado de carpeta de cuentas de inversión local o internacional de persona natural o jurídica o triturar documentos seleccionados Atender solicitudes e incidencias a través de un Buzón para importar a la herramienta Unity Client Onbase Realizar los mantenimientos de cuentas bancarias y cuentas de inversión Retiro de cuentas de depósitos o documentos bancarios sueltos ubicados en bandeja o acordeón asignado por el área para su debida digitalización y posterior envío al área de Gestión Documental de banco Retiro de documentos bancarios sueltos no digitalizados, los cuales están ubicados en bandejas asignadas por el área para archivar en carpetas guardadas en cajas Llevar el control de contrato de tarjeta de crédito recibidos por parte de la banca, digitalizar en la herramienta Unity Client Onbase y posterior envío al área de Gestión Documental de banco Llevar el control de cuentas de inversión abiertas Llevar el control de las cuentas de inversión cerradas Brindar el servicio al personal interno ante consultas o solicitudes de la Banca Manejo de Fax Recepción de documentación para custodia o retiro en bóveda y llevar controles internos del área Revisar diariamente reporte de confirmaciones de productos de inversión e identifica las direcciones de envío físicas y descarga documento desde la herramienta Onbase para posterior entrega al Oficial de Relación o Gestor de Relación de la banca Cubrir recepción de BG Valores en ausencias o vacaciones Requisitos PERFIL DEL CARGO Formación académica y conocimientos Estudios universitarios básicos hasta tercer año de estudios universitarios o haber concluido estudios a nivel técnico en Banca, Finanzas, Administración de Empresas y otras áreas relacionadas. Conocimiento intermedio en Word y Excel. Conocimiento básico de idioma inglés Asistente- Gestión De Documentos Descripción del puesto PROPOSITO DEL CARGO Gestionar, clasificar, digitalizar y ordenar un conjunto de documentos que son necesarios para conservar una base de datos de los clientes; cumpliendo las normas y procedimientos del Banco, el Código de Ética y Valores, las normas y procedimientos de uniforme y de imagen del Banco; y así mantener un control de la producción de información, como de su manejo y edición. FUNCIONES GENERALES Archivo de carpeta o documentos de portafolio de inversión Preparar documentos de cuentas de inversión local o internacional de persona natural o jurídica para el proceso de digitalización Preparar documentos de cuentas bancarias de persona natural o jurídica para el proceso de digitalización Digitalizar cuentas bancarias y cuentas de inversión local o internacional de persona natural o jurídica Rearmado de carpeta de cuentas de inversión local o internacional de persona natural o jurídica o triturar documentos seleccionados Atender solicitudes e incidencias a través de un Buzón para importar a la herramienta Unity Client Onbase Realizar los mantenimientos de cuentas bancarias y cuentas de inversión Retiro de cuentas de depósitos o documentos bancarios sueltos ubicados en bandeja o acordeón asignado por el área para su debida digitalización y posterior envío al área de Gestión Documental de banco Retiro de documentos bancarios sueltos no digitalizados, los cuales están ubicados en bandejas asignadas por el área para archivar en carpetas guardadas en cajas Llevar el control de contrato de tarjeta de crédito recibidos por parte de la banca, digitalizar en la herramienta Unity Client Onbase y posterior envío al área de Gestión Documental de banco Llevar el control de cuentas de inversión abiertas Llevar el control de las cuentas de inversión cerradas Brindar el servicio al personal interno ante consultas o solicitudes de la Banca Manejo de Fax Recepción de documentación para custodia o retiro en bóveda y llevar controles internos del área Revisar diariamente reporte de confirmaciones de productos de inversión e identifica las direcciones de envío físicas y descarga documento desde la herramienta Onbase para posterior entrega al Oficial de Relación o Gestor de Relación de la banca Cubrir recepción de BG Valores en ausencias o vacaciones Requisitos PERFIL DEL CARGO Formación académica y conocimientos Estudios universitarios básicos hasta tercer año de estudios universitarios o haber concluido estudios a nivel técnico en Banca, Finanzas, Administración de Empresas y otras áreas relacionadas. Conocimiento intermedio en Word y Excel. Conocimiento básico de idioma inglés 2023-08-17 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:40:47.03367+00
113375302 Docente de programación de Apps Amerike CDMX Docente de programación para apps, tanto para apps serias como para apps de juegos de video, favor de mandar reel Tipo de puesto: Por obra o tiempo determinado Duración del contrato: 6 meses Salario: $160.00 - $353.00 la hora Horario: * Turno matutino * Turno vespertino Consideraciones ante el COVID-19: La universidad cuenta con las medidas necesarias de higiene Educación: * Licenciatura terminada (Obligatorio) Experiencia: * Unity: 1 año (Obligatorio) * Apps: 1 año (Obligatorio) Lugar de trabajo: Empleo presencial Fecha de inicio prevista: 23/08/2023 Docente de programación de Apps Docente de programación para apps, tanto para apps serias como para apps de juegos de video, favor de mandar reel Tipo de puesto: Por obra o tiempo determinado Duración del contrato: 6 meses Salario: $160.00 - $353.00 la hora Horario: * Turno matutino * Turno vespertino Consideraciones ante el COVID-19: La universidad cuenta con las medidas necesarias de higiene Educación: * Licenciatura terminada (Obligatorio) Experiencia: * Unity: 1 año (Obligatorio) * Apps: 1 año (Obligatorio) Lugar de trabajo: Empleo presencial Fecha de inicio prevista: 23/08/2023 2023-08-19 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:41:19.927068+00
113375414 M1 MANTENIMIENTO GENERAL PARA EL CAMF DE ALCUÉSCAR EN LA PROVINCIA DE CÁCERES Sexpe M1 MANTENIMIENTO GENERAL PARA EL CAMF DE ALCUÉSCAR EN LA PROVINCIA DE CÁCERES DATOS DE LA OFERTA Fecha de Publicación: 17/08/2023 Código de oferta: 887957 Número de oferta: 112023015249 UBICACIÓN Localidad: Alcuéscar Provincia: Cáceres DESCRIPCIÓN FUNCIONES Y TAREAS: - Conservación y mantenimiento general de edificios, instalaciones y bienes muebles( equipos de climatización, calefacción, instalaciones electrotécnicas., etc...) PERFIL DEL CANDIDATO: - Técnico Superior en Proyectos de Edificación o técnico superior de organización y control de obras de construcción o técnico superior en sistemas de telecomunicaciones e informáticos o técnico superior en sistemas electrotécnicos y automatizados, o técnico superior en construcciones metálicas o técnico superior en diseño y amueblamiento o técnico superior en mantenimiento de instalaciones térmicas y de fluidos o técnico superior en desarrollo de proyectos de instalaciones térmicas y de fluidos o titulación equivalente a alguna de las anteriores. OBSERVACIONES: UNA VEZ RECIBIDO LISTADO SERÁN CONVOCADOS MEDIANTE CORREO ELECTRÓNICO. REQUISITOS OFICIALES DE PRIMERA CONTACTO EL CAMF DE ALCUÉSCAR OFERTA UNA PLAZA DE M1 MANTENIMIENTO GENERAL. SI CUMPLE LOS REQUISITOS DEBERÁ INSCRIBIRSE EN EL FORMULARIO DE OFERTAS EN DIFUSIÓN EN LA PÁGINA WEB DE en el apartado de empleo/empleo público. M1 MANTENIMIENTO GENERAL PARA EL CAMF DE ALCUÉSCAR EN LA PROVINCIA DE CÁCERES M1 MANTENIMIENTO GENERAL PARA EL CAMF DE ALCUÉSCAR EN LA PROVINCIA DE CÁCERES DATOS DE LA OFERTA Fecha de Publicación: 17/08/2023 Código de oferta: 887957 Número de oferta: 112023015249 UBICACIÓN Localidad: Alcuéscar Provincia: Cáceres DESCRIPCIÓN FUNCIONES Y TAREAS: - Conservación y mantenimiento general de edificios, instalaciones y bienes muebles( equipos de climatización, calefacción, instalaciones electrotécnicas., etc...) PERFIL DEL CANDIDATO: - Técnico Superior en Proyectos de Edificación o técnico superior de organización y control de obras de construcción o técnico superior en sistemas de telecomunicaciones e informáticos o técnico superior en sistemas electrotécnicos y automatizados, o técnico superior en construcciones metálicas o técnico superior en diseño y amueblamiento o técnico superior en mantenimiento de instalaciones térmicas y de fluidos o técnico superior en desarrollo de proyectos de instalaciones térmicas y de fluidos o titulación equivalente a alguna de las anteriores. OBSERVACIONES: UNA VEZ RECIBIDO LISTADO SERÁN CONVOCADOS MEDIANTE CORREO ELECTRÓNICO. REQUISITOS OFICIALES DE PRIMERA CONTACTO EL CAMF DE ALCUÉSCAR OFERTA UNA PLAZA DE M1 MANTENIMIENTO GENERAL. SI CUMPLE LOS REQUISITOS DEBERÁ INSCRIBIRSE EN EL FORMULARIO DE OFERTAS EN DIFUSIÓN EN LA PÁGINA WEB DE en el apartado de empleo/empleo público. 2023-08-17 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:41:46.603914+00
113375412 Servicio de Reparaciones en general en Chinchilla de Monte-Aragón Taskia Montaje de campana extractora, colocación de vitrocerámica y horno. Conexión fregadero Lugar: 02520, Chinchilla De Monte Aragon - Albacete El cliente está dispuesto a pagar entre 100€ y 200€ por esta tarea. Servicio de Reparaciones en general en Chinchilla de Monte-Aragón Montaje de campana extractora, colocación de vitrocerámica y horno. Conexión fregadero Lugar: 02520, Chinchilla De Monte Aragon - Albacete El cliente está dispuesto a pagar entre 100€ y 200€ por esta tarea. 2023-08-19 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:41:46.603914+00
113375408 programador especialista en python. Randstad Implementarás nuevas funcionalidades de nuestro backend-front, corregirás y mejorarás aquellas que ya tenemos funcionando.Junto con compañeros fullstack, participarás en la evolución de nuestra aplicación.Revisarás el código de compañeros, programando y aprendiendo de los demás. programador especialista en python. Implementarás nuevas funcionalidades de nuestro backend-front, corregirás y mejorarás aquellas que ya tenemos funcionando.Junto con compañeros fullstack, participarás en la evolución de nuestra aplicación.Revisarás el código de compañeros, programando y aprendiendo de los demás. 2023-08-09 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:41:46.603914+00
113375413 Servicio de Reparaciones en general en Sentmenat Taskia Instalación de un toldo de 3.80 m Lugar: 08181, Sentmenat - Barcelona El cliente está dispuesto a pagar entre 100€ y 200€ por esta tarea. Servicio de Reparaciones en general en Sentmenat Instalación de un toldo de 3.80 m Lugar: 08181, Sentmenat - Barcelona El cliente está dispuesto a pagar entre 100€ y 200€ por esta tarea. 2023-08-19 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:50:28.548451+00
113375410 CARPINTERO/A JUNIOR GRUPO IMAN Descripción del empleo Desde IMAN Temporing, empresa especializada en RRHH, queremos acompañarte en tu trayectoria laboral. #Conectamoseltalentoconlasoportunidades Si la oferta te parece interesante ¡No dudes en inscribirte Desde la oficina del Prat de Llobregat de IMAN Temporing, estamos buscando para una empresa del sector del descanso ubicada en Hospitalet de Llobregat: *un/a CARPINTERO/A FUNCIONES: -Asistir en la preparación y organización del área de trabajo -Ayudar en la construcción y ensamblaje de productos de carpinteria -Aprender y utilizar herramientas y maquinaria de carpinteria SE OFRECE: -Contrato por ETT + Posibilidad de incorp. en plantilla. -Jornada completa. -Horario: Turnos rotativos mañana y tarde Requisitos mínimos Requisitos mínimos: -Pasión por la carpintería -Conocimientos básicos en carpintería a través de formación y/o Práctica -Persona responsable, comprometida, proactiva y con atención al detalle CARPINTERO/A JUNIOR Descripción del empleo Desde IMAN Temporing, empresa especializada en RRHH, queremos acompañarte en tu trayectoria laboral. #Conectamoseltalentoconlasoportunidades Si la oferta te parece interesante ¡No dudes en inscribirte Desde la oficina del Prat de Llobregat de IMAN Temporing, estamos buscando para una empresa del sector del descanso ubicada en Hospitalet de Llobregat: *un/a CARPINTERO/A FUNCIONES: -Asistir en la preparación y organización del área de trabajo -Ayudar en la construcción y ensamblaje de productos de carpinteria -Aprender y utilizar herramientas y maquinaria de carpinteria SE OFRECE: -Contrato por ETT + Posibilidad de incorp. en plantilla. -Jornada completa. -Horario: Turnos rotativos mañana y tarde Requisitos mínimos Requisitos mínimos: -Pasión por la carpintería -Conocimientos básicos en carpintería a través de formación y/o Práctica -Persona responsable, comprometida, proactiva y con atención al detalle 2023-08-18 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:50:28.548451+00
113375334 Teller/Member Service Representative Liberty Federal Credit Union Liberty FCU, a full-service credit union, is currently seeking a full-time Member Service Representative/Teller for the Princeton Office located at 3014 W. Broadway Street, Princeton, IN. Candidates must possess excellent member service skills, professionalism and confidentiality. Previous financial institution experience is preferred. The Princeton Office hours of operation are Monday through Thursday 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Friday 9:00a.m. - 6:00p.m., and Saturday 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Candidates must be available to work Saturdays on a rotating basis. If interested, please complete an employment application by clicking Apply. Duties and Responsibilities include but are not limited to the following: Serve as a primary Member Service Representative (MSR). Meet member needs by maintaining knowledge of all company products and services. Run various member transactions such as deposits, withdrawals, loan payments, credit card payments, transfers, and shared branching transactions with a high degree of accuracy. Determine acceptability of negotiable items and place holds on deposited funds when applicable. Learn to identify potential fraud situations and take appropriate action to help protect the member and the Credit Union. Learn to recognize member’s needs and recommend appropriate products and services while providing quality member service. Strive to balance cash drawer each day. Strive to meet MSR cross sell goals and work to support all branch goals and initiatives. Assist with processing night drop. Assist in balancing branch cash machines. Answer member telephone inquiries. Assist with vault duties as needed. Represent the Credit Union to the members in a friendly, positive, and professional manner greeting members as they enter the branch. Demonstrate appropriate knowledge of company policies and procedures related to the MSR duties, including security and information technology security. Complete all required compliance training. Maintain a high level of confidentiality and security when dealing with member information and agree to shred all papers with confidential information. Prepare all daily work items for transfer to the appropriate departments. Qualifications: Must have a HS diploma or GED and be at least 18 years of age. Must be able to work a flexible schedule and travel to other office locations when needed. Must be able to stand for long periods of time and do some heavy lifting. Must have 1-2 years of cash handling experience. Banking experience preferred. Benefits and Compensation: Pay: $15.00 hourly Bonus and incentive opportunities Paid Holidays Paid Time Off (Vacation, Sick and Personal Days) Medical, Dental and Vision Insurance 401(k) retirement program with matching funds Employer paid Group Term Life Insurance, Short Term and Long Term Disability Insurance Tuition Reimbursement Program Liberty FCU is an Equal Opportunity Employer, Minority/Female/Disability/Protected Veteran. Teller/Member Service Representative Liberty FCU, a full-service credit union, is currently seeking a full-time Member Service Representative/Teller for the Princeton Office located at 3014 W. Broadway Street, Princeton, IN. Candidates must possess excellent member service skills, professionalism and confidentiality. Previous financial institution experience is preferred. The Princeton Office hours of operation are Monday through Thursday 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Friday 9:00a.m. - 6:00p.m., and Saturday 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Candidates must be available to work Saturdays on a rotating basis. If interested, please complete an employment application by clicking Apply. Duties and Responsibilities include but are not limited to the following: Serve as a primary Member Service Representative (MSR). Meet member needs by maintaining knowledge of all company products and services. Run various member transactions such as deposits, withdrawals, loan payments, credit card payments, transfers, and shared branching transactions with a high degree of accuracy. Determine acceptability of negotiable items and place holds on deposited funds when applicable. Learn to identify potential fraud situations and take appropriate action to help protect the member and the Credit Union. Learn to recognize member’s needs and recommend appropriate products and services while providing quality member service. Strive to balance cash drawer each day. Strive to meet MSR cross sell goals and work to support all branch goals and initiatives. Assist with processing night drop. Assist in balancing branch cash machines. Answer member telephone inquiries. Assist with vault duties as needed. Represent the Credit Union to the members in a friendly, positive, and professional manner greeting members as they enter the branch. Demonstrate appropriate knowledge of company policies and procedures related to the MSR duties, including security and information technology security. Complete all required compliance training. Maintain a high level of confidentiality and security when dealing with member information and agree to shred all papers with confidential information. Prepare all daily work items for transfer to the appropriate departments. Qualifications: Must have a HS diploma or GED and be at least 18 years of age. Must be able to work a flexible schedule and travel to other office locations when needed. Must be able to stand for long periods of time and do some heavy lifting. Must have 1-2 years of cash handling experience. Banking experience preferred. Benefits and Compensation: Pay: $15.00 hourly Bonus and incentive opportunities Paid Holidays Paid Time Off (Vacation, Sick and Personal Days) Medical, Dental and Vision Insurance 401(k) retirement program with matching funds Employer paid Group Term Life Insurance, Short Term and Long Term Disability Insurance Tuition Reimbursement Program Liberty FCU is an Equal Opportunity Employer, Minority/Female/Disability/Protected Veteran. 2023-08-18 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:50:28.548451+00
113375401 PROGETTISTA ELETTRICO-BRESCIA Labor Spa Labor, Agenzia per il lavoro di Brescia, selezione per importante azienda cliente un/una PROGETTISTA ELETTRICO MANSIONI: -Progettazione layouy impianto -Progettazione di dettaglio -Progettazione esecutiva -Modellazione 3D + gestione messa in tavola 2D e realizzazione distinta base -Interfaccia tecnica con ufficio tecnico/commerciale ed eventualmente con il cliente REQUISITI: Diploma scuola secondaria di secondo grado in ambito perito meccanico, meccatronica, elettrico, geometra. Conoscenza e buon utilizzo software di disegno tecnico (AUTOCAD, INVENTOR, VAULT). Livello base lingua Inglese. Buon uso pacchetto Office. Disponibilità ad eventuali trasferte giornaliere al fine di effettuare rilievi metrici presso clienti. L'inquadramento e il contratto di lavoro saranno da definire in loco e succesivamente al colloquio. Contratto di lavoro: Tempo pieno, Tempo determinato Orario: Full Time, Dal lunedì al venerdì Esperienza: disegnatore/progettista: 1 anno (Preferenziale) BENEFIT: BUONI PASTO DAL VALORE PARI A 12,00€ L'offerta si intende rivolta a tutti i candidati, nel rispetto del D.Lgs. n. 198/2006 e e dei Decreti Legislativi n. 215 e n. 216 del 2003 sulle parità di trattamento. I candidati possono inviare un CV con autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi dell'art. 13 d. lgs. 30 giugno 2003 n°196 - "Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali" e dell'art. 6* e 13 GDPR 679/16 - "Regolamento europeo sulla protezione dei dati personali PROGETTISTA ELETTRICO-BRESCIA Labor, Agenzia per il lavoro di Brescia, selezione per importante azienda cliente un/una PROGETTISTA ELETTRICO MANSIONI: -Progettazione layouy impianto -Progettazione di dettaglio -Progettazione esecutiva -Modellazione 3D + gestione messa in tavola 2D e realizzazione distinta base -Interfaccia tecnica con ufficio tecnico/commerciale ed eventualmente con il cliente REQUISITI: Diploma scuola secondaria di secondo grado in ambito perito meccanico, meccatronica, elettrico, geometra. Conoscenza e buon utilizzo software di disegno tecnico (AUTOCAD, INVENTOR, VAULT). Livello base lingua Inglese. Buon uso pacchetto Office. Disponibilità ad eventuali trasferte giornaliere al fine di effettuare rilievi metrici presso clienti. L'inquadramento e il contratto di lavoro saranno da definire in loco e succesivamente al colloquio. Contratto di lavoro: Tempo pieno, Tempo determinato Orario: Full Time, Dal lunedì al venerdì Esperienza: disegnatore/progettista: 1 anno (Preferenziale) BENEFIT: BUONI PASTO DAL VALORE PARI A 12,00€ L'offerta si intende rivolta a tutti i candidati, nel rispetto del D.Lgs. n. 198/2006 e e dei Decreti Legislativi n. 215 e n. 216 del 2003 sulle parità di trattamento. I candidati possono inviare un CV con autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi dell'art. 13 d. lgs. 30 giugno 2003 n°196 - "Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali" e dell'art. 6* e 13 GDPR 679/16 - "Regolamento europeo sulla protezione dei dati personali 2023-08-18 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:50:28.548451+00
113375405 Guía de visitas con inglés zona penedès 0db3d7fb Adecco Duración de la oferta: hasta el 17/09/2023. Funciones ¿Te gustan los idiomas? ¿Te apasiona el mundo de la enología? Si quieres trabajar en una empresa del sector que ha mantenido la pasión por el terreno y el vino, durante 4 generaciones, te estamos buscando! Te responsabilizarás de: - Atender a los visitantes. - Hacer visitas guiadas. - Dar información y explicaciones. - Atender y resolver dudas. - Funciones de asesoramiento y venta en la tienda En Adecco creemos en la igualdad de oportunidades y apostamos por el Talento Sin Etiquetas Requisitos Se requiere Bachillerato y Al menos 2 años de experiencia Dominio del idioma inglés. Disponibilidad de miércoles a viernes de 11 a 15h. Se ofrece Se ofrece contrato temporal a través de Adecco. Guía de visitas con inglés zona penedès 0db3d7fb Duración de la oferta: hasta el 17/09/2023. Funciones ¿Te gustan los idiomas? ¿Te apasiona el mundo de la enología? Si quieres trabajar en una empresa del sector que ha mantenido la pasión por el terreno y el vino, durante 4 generaciones, te estamos buscando! Te responsabilizarás de: - Atender a los visitantes. - Hacer visitas guiadas. - Dar información y explicaciones. - Atender y resolver dudas. - Funciones de asesoramiento y venta en la tienda Requisitos Se requiere Bachillerato y Al menos 2 años de experiencia Dominio del idioma inglés. Disponibilidad de miércoles a viernes de 11 a 15h. Se ofrece 2023-08-19 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:50:28.548451+00
113375406 Ayudante de Camarero para Pizzería de Alta Gama en Alcobendas, Madrid HRCORE Desde HRCORE seleccionamos Ayudantes de Camareros/as para una Pizzería ubicada en Alcobendas Se ofrece: - Contrato Indefinido a jornada completa. - Horario: de Lunes a Domingo. Turnos rotativos. - Jornada partida. - Estabilidad laboral y buen ambiente de trabajo. - Posibilidad de crecimiento profesional. - Tener de 18-30 años. - Experiencia mínima de 6 meses en el sector de la hostelería. - Conocimientos en restauración organizada. - Buen manejo de bandeja. - Tener una actitud proactividad y con mucha orientación al cliente. - Valorable nivel alto de inglés. ¡Te estamos esperando! Ayudante de Camarero para Pizzería de Alta Gama en Alcobendas, Madrid 2023-08-19 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:50:28.548451+00
113375196 iOS/Swift Developer | Teletrabajo Alten Spain Tareas ¡Únete al equipo Alten y comparte tu experiencia como desarrollador/a iOS! En ALTEN tenemos claro que el éxito de nuestros proyectos se debe a las personas que forman nuestro equipo. Por eso, si tienes experiencia como desarrollador/a iOS, nos comprometemos a impulsar tu talento, satisfacer tus expectativas laborales y hacerte sentir como en casa. ¿Te unes a nuestro #WelcomeHome? ¡Sigue leyendo! ¿QUÉ BUSCAMOS? Buscamos ampliar el dpto. de Mobile de la plataforma técnica de Alten Spain, con proyectos reconocidos a nivel nacional: · Experiencia de, al menos, 3 años en desarrollo iOS. · Experiencia de al menos 1.5 años con Swift. · Conocimientos en arquitectura MVVM. · Valorable conocimientos con UIkit · Valorable conocimientos con arquitectura Viper · Interesados en modalidad 100% remoto. ¿QUÉ PODEMOS OFRECERTE? · Formar parte de una gran empresa competitiva y en continuo crecimiento. · Integración en un equipo de profesionales altamente cualificado, con un buen clima laboral, innovador y dinámico. · Formación especializada y desarrollo profesional continuo. · Beneficios sociales y plan de compensación flexible. · Retribución competitiva. ¿QUIÉNES SOMOS? Somos un equipo. Formamos parte de ALTEN, una multinacional europea especializada en proporcionar servicios de consultoría, tecnología de la información y servicios de ingeniería a las principales compañías del mercado español. Si te gustan las cifras, te diremos que tenemos una facturación mundial de más de 3.650 millones de euros, contamos con 52.700 profesionales y estamos presentes en más de 30 países. Además, en ALTEN nos enorgullecemos de ofrecer igualdad de oportunidades con independencia de género, edad, diversidad de capacidades o país de origen. Nuestro compromiso está con el talento y con las personas que lo tienen. Si crees que eres talento, ¡apúntate! Requisitos Buscamos ampliar el dpto. de Mobile de la plataforma técnica de Alten Spain, con proyectos reconocidos a nivel nacional: · Experiencia de, al menos, 3 años en desarrollo iOS. · Experiencia de al menos 1.5 años con Swift. · Conocimientos en arquitectura MVVM. · Valorable conocimientos con UIkit · Valorable conocimientos con arquitectura Viper · Interesados en modalidad 100% remoto. iOS/Swift Developer | Teletrabajo Tareas ¡Únete al equipo Alten y comparte tu experiencia como desarrollador/a iOS! En ALTEN tenemos claro que el éxito de nuestros proyectos se debe a las personas que forman nuestro equipo. Por eso, si tienes experiencia como desarrollador/a iOS, nos comprometemos a impulsar tu talento, satisfacer tus expectativas laborales y hacerte sentir como en casa. ¿Te unes a nuestro #WelcomeHome? ¡Sigue leyendo! ¿QUÉ BUSCAMOS? Buscamos ampliar el dpto. de Mobile de la plataforma técnica de · Experiencia de, al menos, 3 años en desarrollo iOS. · Experiencia de al menos 1.5 años con Swift. · Conocimientos en arquitectura MVVM. · Valorable conocimientos con UIkit · Valorable conocimientos con arquitectura Viper · Interesados en modalidad 100% remoto. ¿QUÉ PODEMOS OFRECERTE? · Formar parte de una gran empresa competitiva y en continuo crecimiento. · Integración en un equipo de profesionales altamente cualificado, con un buen clima laboral, innovador y dinámico. · Formación especializada y desarrollo profesional continuo. · Beneficios sociales y plan de compensación flexible. · Retribución competitiva. ¿QUIÉNES SOMOS? Somos un equipo. Formamos parte de ALTEN, una multinacional europea especializada en proporcionar servicios de consultoría, tecnología de la información y servicios de ingeniería a las principales compañías del mercado español. Si te gustan las cifras, te diremos que tenemos una facturación mundial de más de 3.650 millones de euros, contamos con 52.700 profesionales y estamos presentes en más de 30 países. Además, en ALTEN nos enorgullecemos de ofrecer igualdad de oportunidades con independencia de género, edad, diversidad de capacidades o país de origen. Nuestro compromiso está con el talento y con las personas que lo tienen. Si crees que eres talento, ¡apúntate! Requisitos Buscamos ampliar el dpto. de Mobile de la plataforma técnica de · Experiencia de, al menos, 3 años en desarrollo iOS. · Experiencia de al menos 1.5 años con Swift. · Conocimientos en arquitectura MVVM. · Valorable conocimientos con UIkit · Valorable conocimientos con arquitectura Viper · Interesados en modalidad 100% remoto. 2023-08-18 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:50:28.548451+00
113375404 programador/a de robot de soldadura Grupompleo Grupompleo | Oferta programador/a de robot de soldadura en illescas (getafe) área empresas área candidatos/as grupompleo busca: programador/a de robot de soldadura Fecha: 16/08/2023 Ubicación: Illescas Inscríbete a esta oferta Compártela en tus redes descripción del puesto vacante desde madridmpleo, seleccionamos un/a programador/a de robots de soldadura para importante empresa del metal ubicada en illescas. funciones y responsabilidades - programación de máquinas de soldadura fronius y /o robot kuka requisitos competencias seguridad en si mismo responsabilidad requisitos deseados vehículo propio disponibilidad para trabajar de 7 a 15h experiencia en programación de robots de soldadura formacion base valorable formación en fabricación mecánica o programación experiencia al menos 2 años de experiencia ofrecemos tipo de contrato contrato indefinido directamente con la empresa salario según valía horario 7 a 15h Ten en cuenta que los primeros filtros se realizan de manera automática, te recomendamos completar y comprobar tus datos para que sean lo más precisos posibles. Los datos aportados serán tratados con la debida confidencialidad conforme a los criterios establecidos en el marco del Reglamento EU 2016/679 del 27 de abril de 2016 y la ley organica 3/2018 del 5 de diciembre de protección de datos de carácter personal. Al inscribirse en esta oferta otorgas a grupompleo tu consentimiento inequívoco y expreso para ceder tus datos de contacto y currículum a la empresa adherida para el cumplimiento del servicio que presta grupompleo y participar de manera activa en nuestros procesos de selección, pudiendo solicitar información sobre la titularidad, así como ejercer sus derechos en Ver el correo electrónico en Inscríbete a esta oferta Compártela en tus redes < volver al buscador de ofertas programador/a de robot de soldadura programador/a de robot de soldadura Fecha: 16/08/2023 Ubicación: Illescas Inscríbete a esta oferta Compártela en tus redes descripción del puesto vacante desde madridmpleo, seleccionamos un/a programador/a de robots de soldadura para importante empresa del metal ubicada en illescas. funciones y responsabilidades - programación de máquinas de soldadura fronius y /o robot kuka requisitos competencias seguridad en si mismo responsabilidad requisitos deseados vehículo propio disponibilidad para trabajar de 7 a 15h experiencia en programación de robots de soldadura formacion base valorable formación en fabricación mecánica o programación experiencia al menos 2 años de experiencia ofrecemos tipo de contrato contrato indefinido directamente con la empresa salario según valía horario 7 a 15h Ten en cuenta que los primeros filtros se realizan de manera automática, te recomendamos completar y comprobar tus datos para que sean lo más precisos posibles. Los datos aportados serán tratados con la debida confidencialidad conforme a los criterios establecidos en el marco del Reglamento EU 2016/679 del 27 de abril de 2016 y la ley organica 3/2018 del 5 de diciembre de protección de datos de carácter personal. Inscríbete a esta oferta Compártela en tus redes < volver al buscador de ofertas 2023-08-19 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:50:28.548451+00
113375396 Middle/ Senior Unity Developer ( Games ) SAVA TECH SAVA TECH Tòa nhà Century Tower, Times City, Phố Minh Khai, Phường Vĩnh Tuy, Hai Ba Trung, Ha Noi At office Posted 17 hours ago Skills: Unity Games Job description Phát triển phần mềm, ứng dụng 3D/AR/VR đa nền tảng bằng Unity. Sử dụng các Networking engine để xây dựng ứng dụng Multiplayer. Tham gia vào quá trình phát triển từ lúc xây dựng ý tưởng. Kết hợp với các bộ phận Artist, Product owner để sản xuất các phần mềm chất lượng. Tham gia kiểm thử, triển khai và duy trì hệ thống hoạt động ổn định. Các công việc khác theo theo nhiệm vụ được giao Your skills and experience - Có kinh nghiệm làm việc với Unity engine trong mảng game/sản phẩm 3D hoặc AR/VR - Thành thạo Unity và C#. - Có kiến thức tốt về OOP, build multiple platform, Optimize performance, build size,... - Kinh nghiệm làm việc với: + Shader, AssetBundles… + 3D modeling / lighting / UV-mapping / texturing; Có kinh nghiệm làm việc với các Networking engine là lợi thế: Photon (PUN/Fusion), Mirror, UNet… Why you'll love working here - Chế độ lương thưởng rõ ràng minh bạch, tuỳ thuộc vào năng lực - Thời gian làm việc từ thứ 2- thứ 6 các ngày lễ theo quy định của nhà nước. - Được trang bị máy tính khi làm việc - Chế độ BHXH, BHYT theo quy định của nhà nước. - Du lịch hàng năm, team building hàng tháng, và các hoạt động khác của công ty - Làm việc trong môi trường năng động và phát huy được năng lực của bản thân. - Middle: 20.000.000 - 35.000.000 - Senior: 35.000.000 - 55.000.000 SAVA TECH ... Company type Product Company size 1-50 employees Country Vietnam Working days Monday - Friday Overtime policy No OT Middle/ Senior Unity Developer ( Games ) Tòa nhà Century Tower, Times City, Phố Minh Khai, Phường Vĩnh Tuy, Hai Ba Trung, Ha Noi At office Posted 17 hours ago Skills: Unity Games Job description Phát triển phần mềm, ứng dụng 3D/AR/VR đa nền tảng bằng Unity. Sử dụng các Networking engine để xây dựng ứng dụng Multiplayer. Tham gia vào quá trình phát triển từ lúc xây dựng ý tưởng. Kết hợp với các bộ phận Artist, Product owner để sản xuất các phần mềm chất lượng. Tham gia kiểm thử, triển khai và duy trì hệ thống hoạt động ổn định. Các công việc khác theo theo nhiệm vụ được giao Your skills and experience - Có kinh nghiệm làm việc với Unity engine trong mảng game/sản phẩm 3D hoặc AR/VR - Thành thạo Unity và C#. - Có kiến thức tốt về OOP, build multiple platform, Optimize performance, build size,... - Kinh nghiệm làm việc với: + Shader, AssetBundles… + 3D modeling / lighting / UV-mapping / texturing; Có kinh nghiệm làm việc với các Networking engine là lợi thế: Photon (PUN/Fusion), Mirror, UNet… Why you'll love working here - Chế độ lương thưởng rõ ràng minh bạch, tuỳ thuộc vào năng lực - Thời gian làm việc từ thứ 2- thứ 6 các ngày lễ theo quy định của nhà nước. - Được trang bị máy tính khi làm việc - Chế độ BHXH, BHYT theo quy định của nhà nước. - Du lịch hàng năm, team building hàng tháng, và các hoạt động khác của công ty - Làm việc trong môi trường năng động và phát huy được năng lực của bản thân. - Middle: 20.000.000 - 35.000.000 - Senior: 35.000.000 - 55.000.000 ... Company type Product Company size 1-50 employees Country Vietnam Working days Monday - Friday Overtime policy No OT 2023-08-19 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:50:28.548451+00
113375411 Servicio de Reparaciones en general en Eliana, l' Taskia Colocacion de una puerta interior, mampara frontale de 90 y limpieza de azulejos baño nuevo, son manchas del producto de las juntas Lugar: 46183, Eliana, L\' - Valencia El cliente está dispuesto a pagar entre 100€ y 200€ por esta tarea. Servicio de Reparaciones en general en Eliana, l' Colocacion de una puerta interior, mampara frontale de 90 y limpieza de azulejos baño nuevo, son manchas del producto de las juntas Lugar: 46183, Eliana, L\' - Valencia El cliente está dispuesto a pagar entre 100€ y 200€ por esta tarea. 2023-08-19 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:50:28.548451+00
113375300 Estágio em Instrutor em Informática THE FUTURE SCHOOL The Future School é uma escola de tecnologia, programação e robótica para crianças e adolescentes de 6 a 17 anos que ensina desenvolvimento de games, aplicativos, eletrônica e mecânica. Nossas turmas são pequenas, cerca de 6 a 8 alunos por instrutor e todas as aulas já estão desenvolvidas. *Responsabilidades* * Auxiliar a ministrar aulas de programação em games, apps e robótica para crianças e adolescentes de 6 a 17 anos; * Estudar o cronograma de conteúdo; * Auxiliar na realização relatórios pós-aulas. * O estagiário não terá que desenvolver nenhuma aula, o curso já está pronto. *Qualificações Técnicas* * Conhecimento básico em qualquer linguagem de programação; * Conhecimento em pensamento computacional; * *Diferencial: *Conhecimento em qualquer uma das plataformas: Scratch, Construct 3, Game Maker, Arduino, Unity, Bubble, Thunkable. *Qualificações Comportamentais* * Pontual, responsável e comprometido(a); * É necessário GOSTAR de estudar, visto que na sua rotina haverá momentos de estudos focados; * Facilidade em entender e seguir processos. *Formato de Trabalho* > Estágio > Horários: * Segunda a Sexta das 13h às 18h (interv. 12h às 13h) * Sábado das 10h às 16h (interv. 12h às 13h) > Total 30h semanais *Remuneração* * R$900,00/mês * Plano de Efetivação: Estagiários que acumularem 6 notas acima de 9 nos testes de performance, serão efetivados. *Benefícios* * Após 3 meses, o colaborador tem direito a 1 sábado de folga por mês (sem desconto no salário) * VT (se necessário) * Gamificação por bons resultados (estagiário pode trocar seus pontos por folgas ou bônus financeiro) Tipo de vaga: Estágio / Trainee Duração do contrato: 12 meses Salário: R$900,00 por mês Benefícios: * Vale-transporte Horário de trabalho: * Dias úteis e finais de semana Tipos de pagamento adicional: * Bônus * Plano de Incentivo Estágio em Instrutor em Informática Nossas turmas são pequenas, cerca de 6 a 8 alunos por instrutor e todas as aulas já estão desenvolvidas. *Responsabilidades* * Auxiliar a ministrar aulas de programação em games, apps e robótica para crianças e adolescentes de 6 a 17 anos; * Estudar o cronograma de conteúdo; * Auxiliar na realização relatórios pós-aulas. * O estagiário não terá que desenvolver nenhuma aula, o curso já está pronto. *Qualificações Técnicas* * Conhecimento básico em qualquer linguagem de programação; * Conhecimento em pensamento computacional; * *Diferencial: *Conhecimento em qualquer uma das plataformas: Scratch, Construct 3, Game Maker, Arduino, Unity, Bubble, Thunkable. *Qualificações Comportamentais* * Pontual, responsável e comprometido(a); * É necessário GOSTAR de estudar, visto que na sua rotina haverá momentos de estudos focados; * Facilidade em entender e seguir processos. *Formato de Trabalho* > Estágio > Horários: * Segunda a Sexta das 13h às 18h (interv. 12h às 13h) * Sábado das 10h às 16h (interv. 12h às 13h) > Total 30h semanais *Remuneração* * R$900,00/mês * Plano de Efetivação: Estagiários que acumularem 6 notas acima de 9 nos testes de performance, serão efetivados. *Benefícios* * Após 3 meses, o colaborador tem direito a 1 sábado de folga por mês (sem desconto no salário) * VT (se necessário) * Gamificação por bons resultados (estagiário pode trocar seus pontos por folgas ou bônus financeiro) Tipo de vaga: Estágio / Trainee Duração do contrato: 12 meses Salário: R$900,00 por mês Benefícios: * Vale-transporte Horário de trabalho: * Dias úteis e finais de semana Tipos de pagamento adicional: * Bônus * Plano de Incentivo 2023-08-19 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:50:28.548451+00
113375305 Painter Peabody Hotels & Resorts The painter is responsible for the repair, maintenance, upkeep and replacement of the property's cosmetic materials (interior/exterior painting, patching of woodwork and furniture refinishing), in accordance with hotel standards. Will also assist in other areas of Engineering as assigned. Under the Director of Engineering or Chief Engineer, responsible to respond to guest calls and to cover all shifts. Responsible for minor repairs to furniture and ability to perform painting, drywall and wall covering. Be able to select appropriate materials to perform painting and/or floor and wall covering. Responsible for familiarity with fire alarm systems, sprinkler and domestic water shut off valves. Maintain complete knowledge of and comply with all departmental policies, service procedures and standards. Maintain complete knowledge of correct maintenance and use of equipment. Use equipment only as intended. Anticipate guests’ needs, respond promptly, and acknowledge all guests, however busy and whatever time of day. Always maintain positive guest relations. Resolve guest complaints, ensuring guest satisfaction. Monitor and maintain cleanliness, sanitation, and organization of assigned work areas. Receive daily work assignments from Chief Engineer/Supervisor and review priorities and special projects. Organize materials, tools, and equipment to perform daily assignments. Maintain timelines and work schedule in accordance with the preventative maintenance program. Review work orders and Night Report for any problems. Make rounds checking these problem areas; note any touch-up needs or/and safety concerns in the hotel. Schedule work in accordance with preventative maintenance program in rooms, coordinating with the Director of Engineer/Chief Engineer, Executive Housekeeper, and Front Office Manager. Maintain par stock levels of standard paint, brushes, wallpapers, stains, sign lettering and other supplies. Communicate requisition needs to Chief Engineer/Supervisor. Maintain complete knowledge of appropriate paint and adhesive types for various surfaces. Implement the latest techniques for mixing formulas for paints, acrylics, epoxies, sealers, concrete paints, stains, and varnishes. Ventilation of and storage of flammable and toxic materials. Repair and maintain all painted surfaces and items, including preparation and installation of all types of latex, enamels, etc. Properly use, clean, maintain and store all tools, (i.e., brushes, rollers, paint sprayers, trays, ladders, scaffolds, etc.) and supplies. Maintain cleanliness and organization of the work areas to include: requisitions (receipt and storage). trash removal and clean up. Ensure security of any assigned keys and beeper. Initiate cost estimates of labor and material required for specific projects. Complete all paperwork and closing duties before leaving and review status of assignments and any follow-up actions with the Supervisor. 2 years’ experience as a commercial painter. Working knowledge of different types of paints and their applications. Knowledge of the use and application of wall coverings (wallpaper, vinyl coverings, etc.). Knowledge of stains and finishes. Knowledge of all tools and equipment respective to job functions. Ability to interpret manufacturer's literature for installation, preparation, use and upkeep of various materials and products used throughout the property. Knowledge of proper chemical handling and disposal. Fluency in job-related English, both verbal and written. Provide legible communication and directions. Compute basic mathematical calculations (add, subtract, multiply and divide numbers in processing charges). Ability to: be well-organized and follow instructions. focus attention on details. operate high reach lifts. prioritize tasks and comply with deadlines for work assignments. be a clear thinker and perform well under pressure work assignments. work and perform job functions with minimal supervision. work cohesively with co-workers as part of a team. satisfactorily communicate with guests, management and co-workers in a courteous, empathetic and discreet manner. maintain regular and punctual attendance. adhere to Peabody grooming standards. exemplify Peabody Service Excellence®. Desirable: High school graduate or equivalent vocational training. Certification or completion of seminars for specialized training. PHYSICAL ABILITIES Essential: Ability to push and/or pull loaded two-wheel or four-wheel carts weighing approximately 200 Ability to constantly lift and move approximately 30 pounds, including setting and storing in overhead areas. Ability to bend, squat, kneel, climb (including vertical stepladders and stairs to 14’ , extended to a height of 25’ ), reach and crawl in confined spaces continuously. Ability to operate and control electrical/mechanical equipment (i.e. motors, switch gear, boilers, pumps, chillers). Ability to stand and walk on a continuous basis, and run as warranted. Ability to work in temperature extremes. Ability to safely operate a motor vehicle at all times. Ability to hear guest voices through a door. Ability to understand and operate emergency equipment (i.e. fire extinguishers, wheelchairs, respirators). ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS Maintain complete knowledge of and comply with all departmental policies, service procedures and standards. Maintain complete knowledge of correct maintenance and use of equipment. Use equipment only as intended. Anticipate guests’ needs, respond promptly and acknowledge all guests, however busy and whatever time of day. Maintain positive guest relations at all times. Resolve guest complaints, ensuring guest satisfaction. Monitor and maintain cleanliness, sanitation and organization of assigned work areas. Receive daily work assignments from Chief Engineer/Supervisor and review priorities and special projects. Organize materials, tools and equipment to perform daily assignments. Maintain time lines and work schedule in accordance with the preventative maintenance program. Review work orders and Night Report for any problems. Make rounds checking these problem areas; note any touch-up needs or/and safety concerns in the hotel. Schedule work in accordance with preventative maintenance program in rooms, coordinating with the Director of Engineer/Chief Engineer, Executive Housekeeper and Front Office Manager. Maintain par stock levels of standard paint, brushes, wallpapers, stains, sign lettering and other supplies. Communicate requisition needs to Chief Engineer/Supervisor. Maintain complete knowledge of appropriate paint and adhesive types for various surfaces. Implement the latest techniques for mixing formulas for paints, acrylics, epoxies, sealers, concrete paints, stains, and varnishes. Ventilation of and storage of flammable and toxic materials. Repair and maintain all painted surfaces and items, including preparation and installation of all types of latex, enamels, etc. Properly use, clean, maintain and store all tools, (i.e. brushes, rollers, paint sprayers, trays, ladders, scaffolds, etc.) and supplies. Maintain cleanliness and organization of the work areas to include: requisitions (receipt and storage). trash removal and clean up. Ensure security of any assigned keys and beeper. Initiate cost estimates of labor and material required for specific projects. Complete all paperwork and closing duties before leaving and review status of assignments and any follow-up actions with the Supervisor. Painter The painter is responsible for the repair, maintenance, upkeep and replacement of the property's cosmetic materials (interior/exterior painting, patching of woodwork and furniture refinishing), in accordance with hotel standards. Will also assist in other areas of Engineering as assigned. Under the Director of Engineering or Chief Engineer, responsible to respond to guest calls and to cover all shifts. Responsible for minor repairs to furniture and ability to perform painting, drywall and wall covering. Be able to select appropriate materials to perform painting and/or floor and wall covering. Responsible for familiarity with fire alarm systems, sprinkler and domestic water shut off valves. Maintain complete knowledge of and comply with all departmental policies, service procedures and standards. Maintain complete knowledge of correct maintenance and use of equipment. Use equipment only as intended. Anticipate guests’ needs, respond promptly, and acknowledge all guests, however busy and whatever time of day. Always maintain positive guest relations. Resolve guest complaints, ensuring guest satisfaction. Monitor and maintain cleanliness, sanitation, and organization of assigned work areas. Receive daily work assignments from Chief Engineer/Supervisor and review priorities and special projects. Organize materials, tools, and equipment to perform daily assignments. Maintain timelines and work schedule in accordance with the preventative maintenance program. Review work orders and Night Report for any problems. Make rounds checking these problem areas; note any touch-up needs or/and safety concerns in the hotel. Schedule work in accordance with preventative maintenance program in rooms, coordinating with the Director of Engineer/Chief Engineer, Executive Housekeeper, and Front Office Manager. Maintain par stock levels of standard paint, brushes, wallpapers, stains, sign lettering and other supplies. Communicate requisition needs to Chief Engineer/Supervisor. Maintain complete knowledge of appropriate paint and adhesive types for various surfaces. Implement the latest techniques for mixing formulas for paints, acrylics, epoxies, sealers, concrete paints, stains, and varnishes. Ventilation of and storage of flammable and toxic materials. Repair and maintain all painted surfaces and items, including preparation and installation of all types of latex, enamels, etc. Properly use, clean, maintain and store all tools, (i.e., brushes, rollers, paint sprayers, trays, ladders, scaffolds, etc.) and supplies. Maintain cleanliness and organization of the work areas to include: requisitions (receipt and storage). trash removal and clean up. Ensure security of any assigned keys and beeper. Initiate cost estimates of labor and material required for specific projects. Complete all paperwork and closing duties before leaving and review status of assignments and any follow-up actions with the Supervisor. 2 years’ experience as a commercial painter. Working knowledge of different types of paints and their applications. Knowledge of the use and application of wall coverings (wallpaper, vinyl coverings, etc.). Knowledge of stains and finishes. Knowledge of all tools and equipment respective to job functions. Ability to interpret manufacturer's literature for installation, preparation, use and upkeep of various materials and products used throughout the property. Knowledge of proper chemical handling and disposal. Fluency in job-related English, both verbal and written. Provide legible communication and directions. Compute basic mathematical calculations (add, subtract, multiply and divide numbers in processing charges). Ability to: be well-organized and follow instructions. focus attention on details. operate high reach lifts. prioritize tasks and comply with deadlines for work assignments. be a clear thinker and perform well under pressure work assignments. work and perform job functions with minimal supervision. work cohesively with co-workers as part of a team. satisfactorily communicate with guests, management and co-workers in a courteous, empathetic and discreet manner. maintain regular and punctual attendance. adhere to Peabody grooming standards. exemplify Peabody Service Excellence®. Desirable: High school graduate or equivalent vocational training. Certification or completion of seminars for specialized training. PHYSICAL ABILITIES Essential: Ability to push and/or pull loaded two-wheel or four-wheel carts weighing approximately 200 Ability to constantly lift and move approximately 30 pounds, including setting and storing in overhead areas. Ability to bend, squat, kneel, climb (including vertical stepladders and stairs to 14’ , extended to a height of 25’ ), reach and crawl in confined spaces continuously. Ability to operate and control electrical/mechanical equipment (i.e. motors, switch gear, boilers, pumps, chillers). Ability to stand and walk on a continuous basis, and run as warranted. Ability to work in temperature extremes. Ability to safely operate a motor vehicle at all times. Ability to hear guest voices through a door. Ability to understand and operate emergency equipment (i.e. fire extinguishers, wheelchairs, respirators). ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS Maintain complete knowledge of and comply with all departmental policies, service procedures and standards. Maintain complete knowledge of correct maintenance and use of equipment. Use equipment only as intended. Anticipate guests’ needs, respond promptly and acknowledge all guests, however busy and whatever time of day. Maintain positive guest relations at all times. Resolve guest complaints, ensuring guest satisfaction. Monitor and maintain cleanliness, sanitation and organization of assigned work areas. Receive daily work assignments from Chief Engineer/Supervisor and review priorities and special projects. Organize materials, tools and equipment to perform daily assignments. Maintain time lines and work schedule in accordance with the preventative maintenance program. Review work orders and Night Report for any problems. Make rounds checking these problem areas; note any touch-up needs or/and safety concerns in the hotel. Schedule work in accordance with preventative maintenance program in rooms, coordinating with the Director of Engineer/Chief Engineer, Executive Housekeeper and Front Office Manager. Maintain par stock levels of standard paint, brushes, wallpapers, stains, sign lettering and other supplies. Communicate requisition needs to Chief Engineer/Supervisor. Maintain complete knowledge of appropriate paint and adhesive types for various surfaces. Implement the latest techniques for mixing formulas for paints, acrylics, epoxies, sealers, concrete paints, stains, and varnishes. Ventilation of and storage of flammable and toxic materials. Repair and maintain all painted surfaces and items, including preparation and installation of all types of latex, enamels, etc. Properly use, clean, maintain and store all tools, (i.e. brushes, rollers, paint sprayers, trays, ladders, scaffolds, etc.) and supplies. Maintain cleanliness and organization of the work areas to include: requisitions (receipt and storage). trash removal and clean up. Ensure security of any assigned keys and beeper. Initiate cost estimates of labor and material required for specific projects. Complete all paperwork and closing duties before leaving and review status of assignments and any follow-up actions with the Supervisor. 2023-08-18 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:50:28.548451+00
113375385 Senior Manager - Distribution Ryder System ( We are immediately hiring a Senior Manager in Lorton, VA for our Supply Chain Solutions division. Apply here today to speak with a Recruiter about the position and perks of joining our Ryder Ever Better Team. Pay Type: Exempt / Salary paid Twice Per Month Annual Salary Pay: $100k- $102k per year based on experience. Annual Bonus Incentive: Up to 10% or more of salary per year Schedule: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. When Fortune 500 businesses and new startups need supply chain solutions, they look to our industry-leading logistics experts. At Ryder, there is more to being a supply chain professional than working on some of the nation’s biggest brands. We make sure you are also getting the diverse experience, advancement opportunities, all from an industry-leading Fortune 500 company. Here are a few of the many benefits when working with us: Medical, Dental, Vision Benefits start at 30 Days 401 (K) Savings Plan with a company match Discounted employee stock purchase options Quality employee discounts that actually save you money on tools, cars, appliances, travel and more All major holidays paid and Paid time off within your first year Up to 12 weeks paid maternity leave Summary The Senior Manager - Distribution provides leadership for the Distribution Center and supervisors, who are directly responsible for turn key warehousing and transportation solutions. The incumbent will have and maintain high level interface directly with the customer on a regular basis. Essential Functions Interface directly with the customer to ensure issues are resolved in a timely manner while maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction. Strategic operational planning and execution for the operation. Identify and/or solve operational issues with the account(s) by implementing continuous improvement and LEAN initiatives, to strengthen team unity, goals, productivity and results. Hire, supervise, develop and manage performance for employees and maintain a positive employee relations environment at assigned account(s). Maintain open and effective communications within the work group(s) and with other work groups within the organization. Review data, identify and implement necessary actions as required. May manage the profit and loss statements based on the complexity and scope of the organization. Lead a proactive safety program within the work group(s) consistent with company policy in order to provide a safe and secure work environment. Instruct and enforce location safety management plans, training and processes. Monitor the maintenance of equipment for assigned work group(s) by using checklists and observations as required. Additional Responsibilities Performs other duties as assigned. Skills and Abilities Excellent problem solving skills Excellent oral and written communication skills with demonstrated leadership capabilities Ability to create and maintain professional relationships within all levels of the organization (peers, work groups, customers, supervisors) Ability to work independently and as member of a team Flexibility to operate and self-driven to excel in a fast-paced environment Strong organization, analytical, and computer skills Ability to create and develop an inclusive and engaged work environment Ability to effectively manage Profit & Loss statements may be necessary depending on the complexity and scope of the operation(preferred) Capable of multi-tasking, highly organized with excellent time management skills Detail oriented with excellent follow-up practices Qualifications H.S. diploma/GED required Bachelor's degree in Business, Logistics, Supply Chain preferred Master's degree in Business, Logistics, Transportation or related field preferred Five (5) years or more relevant experience in supply chain, logistics, warehouse or industry related field required Five (5) years or more managing, leading and developing direct reports required Three (3) years or more Profit & Loss responsibility preferred One (1) year or more customer interaction preferred Apply Here With Ryder Today We want YOU to join our family made up of Proud Women and Men in Logistics who work alongside Military Reserve and Veterans we hire every day! Click here to see all Opportunities at Ryder: EEO/AA/Female/Minority/Disabled/Veteran \#FB \#li-post \#INDexempt Job Category: Logistics Ryder is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer and Drug Free workplace. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, religion, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, status as a protected veteran, among other things, or status as a qualified individual with disability. ( Current Employees: If you are a current employee at Ryder (not a Contractor or temporary employee through a staffing agency), please click here ($3.htmld) to log in to Workday to apply using the internal application process. \#wd Senior Manager - Distribution ( Pay Type: Exempt / Salary paid Twice Per Month Annual Salary Pay: $100k- $102k per year based on experience. Annual Bonus Incentive: Up to 10% or more of salary per year Schedule: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Here are a few of the many benefits when working with us: Medical, Dental, Vision Benefits start at 30 Days 401 (K) Savings Plan with a company match Discounted employee stock purchase options Quality employee discounts that actually save you money on tools, cars, appliances, travel and more All major holidays paid and Paid time off within your first year Up to 12 weeks paid maternity leave Summary The Senior Manager - Distribution provides leadership for the Distribution Center and supervisors, who are directly responsible for turn key warehousing and transportation solutions. The incumbent will have and maintain high level interface directly with the customer on a regular basis. Essential Functions Interface directly with the customer to ensure issues are resolved in a timely manner while maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction. Strategic operational planning and execution for the operation. Identify and/or solve operational issues with the account(s) by implementing continuous improvement and LEAN initiatives, to strengthen team unity, goals, productivity and results. Hire, supervise, develop and manage performance for employees and maintain a positive employee relations environment at assigned account(s). Maintain open and effective communications within the work group(s) and with other work groups within the organization. Review data, identify and implement necessary actions as required. May manage the profit and loss statements based on the complexity and scope of the organization. Lead a proactive safety program within the work group(s) consistent with company policy in order to provide a safe and secure work environment. Instruct and enforce location safety management plans, training and processes. Monitor the maintenance of equipment for assigned work group(s) by using checklists and observations as required. Additional Responsibilities Performs other duties as assigned. Skills and Abilities Excellent problem solving skills Excellent oral and written communication skills with demonstrated leadership capabilities Ability to create and maintain professional relationships within all levels of the organization (peers, work groups, customers, supervisors) Ability to work independently and as member of a team Flexibility to operate and self-driven to excel in a fast-paced environment Strong organization, analytical, and computer skills Ability to create and develop an inclusive and engaged work environment Ability to effectively manage Profit & Loss statements may be necessary depending on the complexity and scope of the operation(preferred) Capable of multi-tasking, highly organized with excellent time management skills Detail oriented with excellent follow-up practices Qualifications H.S. diploma/GED required Bachelor's degree in Business, Logistics, Supply Chain preferred Master's degree in Business, Logistics, Transportation or related field preferred Five (5) years or more relevant experience in supply chain, logistics, warehouse or industry related field required Five (5) years or more managing, leading and developing direct reports required Three (3) years or more Profit & Loss responsibility preferred One (1) year or more customer interaction preferred Apply Here With Ryder Today Click here to see all Opportunities at Ryder: EEO/AA/Female/Minority/Disabled/Veteran \#FB \#li-post \#INDexempt Job Category: Logistics Ryder is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer and Drug Free workplace. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, religion, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, status as a protected veteran, among other things, or status as a qualified individual with disability. ( Current Employees: If you are a current employee at Ryder (not a Contractor or temporary employee through a staffing agency), please click here ($3.htmld) to log in to Workday to apply using the internal application process. \#wd 2023-08-18 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:50:28.548451+00
113375389 Street Cleansing Driver Ubico Street Cleansing Driver South Cerney Salary £21,575 - £21,968 per annum– 37 hours per week, annualised hours Permanent We’re a friendly and ambitious company with a big responsibility. We help to keep the spaces and places where people live, work and visit clean, green and tidy. We impact the lives of everyone where we work so it’s important that we always deliver quality and get it right first time. Ubico employs over 700 staff and operates 900 vehicles and plant over 1200 square miles of the most beautiful and vibrant towns, cities and countryside you’ll find. We offer a friendly and flexible working environment, where you really feel part of the Ubico ‘family’. The work is diverse and fast paced, delivered by teams who work closely and collaboratively to deliver results. Our work ethic is underpinned by our five values - deliver quality, be safe, do the right thing, care for the environment, and work together. We strive to achieve these values in everything we do and we are seeking enthusiastic and committed people who are committed to making a positive difference to Ubico and to the people and neighbourhoods we serve. About the role… We are looking for an enthusiastic Street Cleansing Driver to help with the up keep of public spaces throughout the Cotswold district. This is a varied role and you will be carrying out a wide range of routine grounds maintenance throughout the season and other waste activities in various locations throughout the District and external locations. You will need… Undertake visual daily checks of the vehicle before it is used to ensure that the vehicle is in good working order, including checking oil, water, tyres, lights and beacons. To comply with all transport legislations. To work with other street cleaning crews and vehicles in a team to clear areas where necessary. To empty, clean and correctly replace litter bins on an agreed emptying schedule. To clean given areas to a specified standard removing all litter, animal droppings, leaf and twig fall, dirt and dust, loose chippings and other deposits, using a range of tools provided. To remove any reported fly –tipped waste as directed, taking due consideration to any possible dangers (for example asbestos or sharps) For further information please download the job description and person specification. What can we offer you? Full PPE supplied Opportunities for progression 26 days paid annual leave (pro rata if you are working part time) plus bank holidays. Holiday allowance rises to 30 days after 5 years Access to health and wellbeing support including free eye tests, annual flu vaccinations and a 24/7 employee assistance helpline Employee discounts - all of our employees can access our Unity Rewards app which offers discounts across major retailers and attractions, days out restaurants and holidays. Pension scheme with an employer contribution of 4% of your earnings A fixed 37 hour week Group task and finish Opportunity to become a key worker and support your local community To apply for this position please click on \"apply now\" within this page and submit your CV and supporting statement. Please tell us about your skills, knowledge, qualifications, experience and how they meet the criteria listed above and in the job description/person specification. It’s important that we’re a good fit for each other, so let us know what’s important to you and why you want to work for Ubico. It is important that our staff reflect the diversity of our community, and we therefore welcome and encourage applications from people of all genders and sexual orientation, those from Black, Asian, and other minority ethnic backgrounds, and those with disabilities. Safer recruitment practices are applied to all job vacancies. Successful candidates will be required to complete a pre-employment medical questionnaire; provide references; proof of identity; nationality and immigration status; three years’ employment or education history (if applicable) and, in some cases, verification of criminal record. Street Cleansing Driver Street Cleansing Driver South Cerney Salary £21,575 - £21,968 per annum– 37 hours per week, annualised hours Permanent About the role… You will need… Undertake visual daily checks of the vehicle before it is used to ensure that the vehicle is in good working order, including checking oil, water, tyres, lights and beacons. To comply with all transport legislations. To work with other street cleaning crews and vehicles in a team to clear areas where necessary. To empty, clean and correctly replace litter bins on an agreed emptying schedule. To clean given areas to a specified standard removing all litter, animal droppings, leaf and twig fall, dirt and dust, loose chippings and other deposits, using a range of tools provided. To remove any reported fly –tipped waste as directed, taking due consideration to any possible dangers (for example asbestos or sharps) For further information please download the job description and person specification. Full PPE supplied Opportunities for progression 26 days paid annual leave (pro rata if you are working part time) plus bank holidays. Holiday allowance rises to 30 days after 5 years Access to health and wellbeing support including free eye tests, annual flu vaccinations and a 24/7 employee assistance helpline Employee discounts - all of our employees can access our Unity Rewards app which offers discounts across major retailers and attractions, days out restaurants and holidays. Pension scheme with an employer contribution of 4% of your earnings A fixed 37 hour week Group task and finish Opportunity to become a key worker and support your local community Safer recruitment practices are applied to all job vacancies. Successful candidates will be required to complete a pre-employment medical questionnaire; provide references; proof of identity; nationality and immigration status; three years’ employment or education history (if applicable) and, in some cases, verification of criminal record. 2023-08-18 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:50:28.548451+00
113375184 Executive Assistant Transwestern The Transwestern companies together comprise a privately held, diversified real estate services, investment management and development organization. A unique approach underlies our success. We do business differently by empowering our team members with the resources and independence to deliver extraordinary results to our clients. It’s simple. We start with hiring hard-working, smart, genuinely good people, and organize them in collaborative cross-functional teams. We give them the support to outperform and the freedom to take ownership as they work to exceed our clients’ expectations. We do business differently, and that makes us Transwestern. The Executive Assistant is responsible for working directly with the east region president and the regional operating officer. It is the responsibility of the Executive Assistant not only to exhibit legendary customer service when communicating with employees, clients, and other regional personnel, but to also focus on productivity and results. It is also the responsibility of the Executive Assistant to assist in the implementation and administration of projects, policies, procedures, and programs on a day-to-day basis that will drive greater efficiencies, collaboration and enhance culture. This position also performs administrative support to the Carolinas region and Asset Services business development team. It is also the responsibility of the Executive Assistant to deliver the Transwestern Experience when interacting and communicating with tenants, owners, vendors, and fellow team members. ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS: Provide administrative support to the President, East Region, and Regional Operating Officer. Act as project manager for special projects, at the request of the Regional President and Regional Operating Officer, which may include planning and coordinating multiple presentations, client and team communications, events, and other. Maintain the East Region action items list. Manage the executive calendar/schedule. Anticipate and act upon when necessary and follow ups for the regional president and regional operating officer. Answer Regional President’s telephone when busy and screen calls. Assist with preparation of meetings including necessary materials, meals, and day-of technology and when present in the meeting take meeting notes and distribute accordingly. Assist with business plan development, distribution, and quarterly service line team meetings to track and monitor progress. Initiate and respond to executive correspondence and handle confidential information. Schedule and organize complex activities, such as meetings, travel, and events. Prepare expense reports; this includes obtaining receipts as needed and reconciling and expensing all credit card charges to gain maximum reimbursement. Assist with the completion of new hire paperwork to Human Resources department. Coordinate internship and mentorship programs. Acts as a culture ambassador for the regional president and regional operating officer with team members. Assist in the implementation and execution of national initiatives among regional team members (i.e., wellness programs, philanthropy, etc.) Liaison between IT and our regional office ensuring equipment maintenance, meetings are properly working, xRM support, etc. Complete goals and projects in accordance with stipulated deadlines and measurements. Assist Transwestern executives with other all other projects including client, team, office management and others when requested. POSITION REQUIREMENTS: Preferably a bachelor’s degree in business management, Finance, Accounting or Communication/ Management related discipline. Must have 3-4 years prior office experience, with 3+ years’ experience in supporting an executive level professional. Must have advanced skills in the full MS Office Suite – MS 365 Word, Outlook, Excel, and PowerPoint, MS Teams and Wrikes. Ability to keep information strictly confidential. Service focused, engaging and hospitable. Strong desire to succeed in an entrepreneurial environment. Excellent spelling and grammar, good phone skills, organized, able to set priorities and meet deadlines, able to multitask; carefully proofs own work. Must be able to handle multiple projects, changing priorities and a continually heavy workload. Exceptional oral and written communication skills. Strong customer service orientation. Overtime maybe required. WORK SHIFT LOCATION Atlanta, GA We Are Transwestern! Transwestern's Guiding Principles are woven into the fabric of our firm and underscore the value of each individual team member. We embrace diversity, equity and inclusion — not only as the right thing to do, but as a reflection of who we are. It is our responsibility and heartfelt desire to create an environment that elevates the human spirit and brings out the best in everyone. Transwestern offers an exciting work environment, competitive salary and excellent benefits, which include medical, dental and vision coverage, as well as a 401(K) plan. Transwestern is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Executive Assistant The Executive Assistant is responsible for working directly with the east region president and the regional operating officer. It is the responsibility of the Executive Assistant not only to exhibit legendary customer service when communicating with employees, clients, and other regional personnel, but to also focus on productivity and results. It is also the responsibility of the Executive Assistant to assist in the implementation and administration of projects, policies, procedures, and programs on a day-to-day basis that will drive greater efficiencies, collaboration and enhance culture. This position also performs administrative support to the Carolinas region and Asset Services business development team. ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS: Provide administrative support to the President, East Region, and Regional Operating Officer. Act as project manager for special projects, at the request of the Regional President and Regional Operating Officer, which may include planning and coordinating multiple presentations, client and team communications, events, and other. Maintain the East Region action items list. Manage the executive calendar/schedule. Anticipate and act upon when necessary and follow ups for the regional president and regional operating officer. Answer Regional President’s telephone when busy and screen calls. Assist with preparation of meetings including necessary materials, meals, and day-of technology and when present in the meeting take meeting notes and distribute accordingly. Assist with business plan development, distribution, and quarterly service line team meetings to track and monitor progress. Initiate and respond to executive correspondence and handle confidential information. Schedule and organize complex activities, such as meetings, travel, and events. Prepare expense reports; this includes obtaining receipts as needed and reconciling and expensing all credit card charges to gain maximum reimbursement. Assist with the completion of new hire paperwork to Human Resources department. Coordinate internship and mentorship programs. Acts as a culture ambassador for the regional president and regional operating officer with team members. Assist in the implementation and execution of national initiatives among regional team members (i.e., wellness programs, philanthropy, etc.) Liaison between IT and our regional office ensuring equipment maintenance, meetings are properly working, xRM support, etc. Complete goals and projects in accordance with stipulated deadlines and measurements. POSITION REQUIREMENTS: Preferably a bachelor’s degree in business management, Finance, Accounting or Communication/ Management related discipline. Must have 3-4 years prior office experience, with 3+ years’ experience in supporting an executive level professional. Must have advanced skills in the full MS Office Suite – MS 365 Word, Outlook, Excel, and PowerPoint, MS Teams and Wrikes. Ability to keep information strictly confidential. Service focused, engaging and hospitable. Strong desire to succeed in an entrepreneurial environment. Excellent spelling and grammar, good phone skills, organized, able to set priorities and meet deadlines, able to multitask; carefully proofs own work. Must be able to handle multiple projects, changing priorities and a continually heavy workload. Exceptional oral and written communication skills. Strong customer service orientation. Overtime maybe required. WORK SHIFT LOCATION Atlanta, GA 2023-08-19 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:50:28.548451+00
113375185 Linux Systems Engineer, Cleared Ridgeline International Company Description We're a tech company that was first on the ground in the fight against Ubiquitous Technical Surveillance. We help our government and enterprise customers solve a big problem they sometimes don't even know they have. To become leaders in this space, we've relied heavily on curiosity, creativity, and flexibility. We iterate until we get things right and innovate to get there faster. But enough about us. What's in it for you? We work hard and do fun things. Apart from a constantly growing list of fascinating challenges to solve, Ridgeline offers a solid work-life balance, flexible remote work options, and a culture that values teamwork over competition. At Ridgeline, you will work with the most talented software developers, systems engineers, and subject matter experts to change how big enterprises and the U.S. Government manage their digital signatures. Job Description We are looking for an experienced Senior Linux Systems Engineer to join our growing team. This ideal candidate has 10+ years of experience engineering, deploying, and maintaining Linux-based systems and supporting infrastructure. Why this position is unique: Our infrastructure facilitates a highly collaborative environment that allows you to remain connected to your team and peers regardless of your working location. Our employee-first culture enables us to hire and retain some of the area's best technical talent. The team comprises passionate technology professionals focused on delivering high-quality and sustainable solutions. You will work for a technical leader whose primary focus is ensuring the team has the tools and resources to succeed. You will grow professionally as your team and peers challenge you to achieve great things. What you will accomplish in your first six months: Configuration & deployment of hardened Linux hosts and supporting systems Identify areas for improvement within your assigned projects Work with the DevOps team to automate repetitive tasks Work with the Network & Security Operations team to optimize monitoring What you will do: Configure, deploy, and maintain: Linux-based systems (a handful of Windows hosts) Networking equipment - switches, routers, firewalls Virtualization hardware - VMware ESXi, VSAN, VSphere, VCenter Create systems documentation (No need to write the works of Shakespeare - clear, concise, and to the point will suffice – we like pictures, too) Some technologies we use: Red Hat/CentOS/Ubuntu Linux distributions Ansible & AWX for system deployment and automation VMware & Docker for virtualization and container Juniper, Fortigate-based firewalls Cisco IOS/NX-OS-based switches & routers IPSec, Wireguard, MACsec, TLS MPLS, OSPF, BGP, and VRF-based networking technologies Qualifications Must Haves: Active Secret Clearance at a minimum (All clearance levels up to a TS/SCI + are maintained) Bias for action Strong technical aptitude combined with a natural curiosity and a desire to learn Solid networking knowledge (OSI network layers, TCP/IP) Excellent communication skills Resourcefulness and problem-solving aptitude Understanding secure tunneling protocols such as IPsec, OpenVPN, WireGuard, etc. Additional Information Here are some Perks of being a Ridgeliner! Flexible and remote work schedules Flexible PTO + holidays 10% 401K contribution/match $2,000 annual tech/clothing allowance $2,500 annual training allowance Medical, dental, vision, disability, life insurance Professional coaching services Get the technology you want to do your job Physical Requirements: Must be able to remain in a stationary position 50% of the time. The person in this position needs to occasionally move about inside the office Constantly work with computers and other information technology equipment All your information will be kept confidential according to EEO guidelines. Ridgeline is committed to equal employment opportunity regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, gender, gender identity or expression, veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. We are proud to be an equal opportunity workplace. If you require a reasonable accommodation to apply for a position with Ridgeline International through its online applicant system, please contact Ridgeline's Talent Management Department at (703) 544-2424 or contact us through e-mail at Linux Systems Engineer, Cleared Company Description But enough about us. What's in it for you? Apart from a constantly growing list of fascinating challenges to solve, Ridgeline offers a solid work-life balance, flexible remote work options, and a culture that values teamwork over competition. At Ridgeline, you will work with the most talented software developers, systems engineers, and subject matter experts to change how big enterprises and the U.S. Government manage their digital signatures. Job Description Why this position is unique: Our infrastructure facilitates a highly collaborative environment that allows you to remain connected to your team and peers regardless of your working location. Our employee-first culture enables us to hire and retain some of the area's best technical talent. The team comprises passionate technology professionals focused on delivering high-quality and sustainable solutions. You will work for a technical leader whose primary focus is ensuring the team has the tools and resources to succeed. You will grow professionally as your team and peers challenge you to achieve great things. What you will accomplish in your first six months: Configuration & deployment of hardened Linux hosts and supporting systems Identify areas for improvement within your assigned projects Work with the DevOps team to automate repetitive tasks Work with the Network & Security Operations team to optimize monitoring What you will do: Configure, deploy, and maintain: Linux-based systems (a handful of Windows hosts) Networking equipment - switches, routers, firewalls Virtualization hardware - VMware ESXi, VSAN, VSphere, VCenter Red Hat/CentOS/Ubuntu Linux distributions Ansible & AWX for system deployment and automation VMware & Docker for virtualization and container Juniper, Fortigate-based firewalls Cisco IOS/NX-OS-based switches & routers IPSec, Wireguard, MACsec, TLS MPLS, OSPF, BGP, and VRF-based networking technologies Qualifications Must Haves: Active Secret Clearance at a minimum (All clearance levels up to a TS/SCI + are maintained) Bias for action Strong technical aptitude combined with a natural curiosity and a desire to learn Solid networking knowledge (OSI network layers, TCP/IP) Excellent communication skills Resourcefulness and problem-solving aptitude Understanding secure tunneling protocols such as IPsec, OpenVPN, WireGuard, etc. Additional Information Here are some Perks of being a Ridgeliner! Flexible and remote work schedules Flexible PTO + holidays 10% 401K contribution/match $2,000 annual tech/clothing allowance $2,500 annual training allowance Medical, dental, vision, disability, life insurance Professional coaching services Get the technology you want to do your job Physical Requirements: Must be able to remain in a stationary position 50% of the time. The person in this position needs to occasionally move about inside the office Constantly work with computers and other information technology equipment All your information will be kept confidential according to EEO guidelines. 2023-08-18 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:50:28.548451+00
113375188 Manager- Content (Remote) The Mitchell Gold Co COMPANY OVERVIEW: Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams is a fast-growing, industry-leading brand that is known for classic modern furnishings with great comfort and style, as well as a commitment to equality, environmental responsibility, and education. Since our start in 1989, we’ve created a culture of respect, equality, and a commitment to helping employees reach their potential and lead more comfortable lives. JOB TITLE: Manager, Content (Remote) REPORTS TO: Sr. Director, Content EFFECTIVE DATE: Immediately LOCATION: Remote (Team works in EST and East Coast time zone preferred) POSITION TYPE: Full Time JOB SUMMARY: The Manager, Content will be uniquely responsible for creating original content (photo, video, captions) for the brand creative team and managing the social media channels for the brand including Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube with a flexible approach to other social channels like Threads, X and TikTok. Working with the Head of Content, the person in this role will work to set the social presence of the brand across every customer touchpoint. In addition, this role will manage UGC, engage with our online communities and support our retail stores and design associates with content creation.This position is remote and will report to the Head of Content. QUALIFICATIONS: The ideal candidates must possess strong creative copywriting abilities with an appreciation for conceptual and visual design. In addition, this candidate will possess the following traits: 6+ years of social media experience, ideally for a retailer, agency, or brand creative team with additional experience in Photography, Videography, Branding and Communications or related fields. Ability to think editorially, ensuring creative assets and imagery support the brand and marketing objectives of the season while being appropriate across designated channels Exceptional photography, videography and photo editing skills with experience communicating with customers, retail associates and corporate leadership. Excellent organization and prioritization skills, ability to handle multiple projects across several projects/channels Ability to excel in a dynamic deadline-driven environment with a positive and flexible attitude Experience in home décor, interior design or real estate preferred Occassional travel to perform work onsite at our HQ in North Carolina, our 26 Signature Stores, Outlet stores, factories and customer projects. RESPONSIBILITIES: Manage social media brand channels and support with original photography and video content. Support seasonal storytelling and editorial concepts with the Head of Content that brings visual representation of the brand to our customers Support and grow social media communities with inspirational and engaging content. Ensure brand style and marketing messages are compelling and consistent across all of owned social media marketing channels, including but not limited to Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest & YouTube Maintain the highest visual standards for all photography, video and social media assets, ensuring it inspires customers, underscores our value propositions, and helps meet key marketing objectives Establish and maintain UGC guidelines, organization and reporting as an extension of original brand content. Support Design Associates’ projects with creative content development. Research and maintain an awareness of design industry trends and popular culture to keep brand imagery timely, relevant, and modern Prepare and publish photography that represents brand purpose, vision, products, and values Work cross-functionally and collaboratively with key stakeholders to ensure project objectives are delivered on time BENEFITS: We offer a wide range of career opportunities with excellent benefits. Above all, we're looking for passionate, talented, hard-working, nice people with great taste to help us build this brand we love. Competitive salary 401k Option to participate in company health (medical, dental) insurance plans as well as supplemental insurance Promote work/life balance including paid time off and paid holidays Onsite child care, wellness clinic, gym and café We do not discriminate in employment opportunities or practices on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, pregnancy, military status, or any other characteristic protected by law. Manager- Content (Remote) COMPANY OVERVIEW: JOB TITLE: Manager, Content (Remote) REPORTS TO: Sr. Director, Content EFFECTIVE DATE: Immediately LOCATION: Remote (Team works in EST and East Coast time zone preferred) POSITION TYPE: Full Time JOB SUMMARY: The Manager, Content will be uniquely responsible for creating original content (photo, video, captions) for the brand creative team and managing the social media channels for the brand including Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube with a flexible approach to other social channels like Threads, X and TikTok. Working with the Head of Content, the person in this role will work to set the social presence of the brand across every customer touchpoint. In addition, this role will manage UGC, engage with our online communities and support our retail stores and design associates with content creation.This position is remote and will report to the Head of Content. QUALIFICATIONS: The ideal candidates must possess strong creative copywriting abilities with an appreciation for conceptual and visual design. In addition, this candidate will possess the following traits: 6+ years of social media experience, ideally for a retailer, agency, or brand creative team with additional experience in Photography, Videography, Branding and Communications or related fields. Ability to think editorially, ensuring creative assets and imagery support the brand and marketing objectives of the season while being appropriate across designated channels Exceptional photography, videography and photo editing skills with experience communicating with customers, retail associates and corporate leadership. Excellent organization and prioritization skills, ability to handle multiple projects across several projects/channels Ability to excel in a dynamic deadline-driven environment with a positive and flexible attitude Experience in home décor, interior design or real estate preferred Occassional travel to perform work onsite at our HQ in North Carolina, our 26 Signature Stores, Outlet stores, factories and customer projects. RESPONSIBILITIES: Manage social media brand channels and support with original photography and video content. Support seasonal storytelling and editorial concepts with the Head of Content that brings visual representation of the brand to our customers Support and grow social media communities with inspirational and engaging content. Ensure brand style and marketing messages are compelling and consistent across all of owned social media marketing channels, including but not limited to Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest & YouTube Maintain the highest visual standards for all photography, video and social media assets, ensuring it inspires customers, underscores our value propositions, and helps meet key marketing objectives Establish and maintain UGC guidelines, organization and reporting as an extension of original brand content. Support Design Associates’ projects with creative content development. Research and maintain an awareness of design industry trends and popular culture to keep brand imagery timely, relevant, and modern Prepare and publish photography that represents brand purpose, vision, products, and values Work cross-functionally and collaboratively with key stakeholders to ensure project objectives are delivered on time BENEFITS: Competitive salary 401k Option to participate in company health (medical, dental) insurance plans as well as supplemental insurance Promote work/life balance including paid time off and paid holidays Onsite child care, wellness clinic, gym and café 2023-08-18 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:50:28.548451+00
113375193 Vice Principal National public school JP Nagar · Academic Leadership: o Assist the Principal in providing academic guidance to the teaching staff. o Collaborate on curriculum development and educational programs aligned with the school's mission. o Ensure instructional practices are in line with curriculum standards and best practices. o Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of teaching programs. · Staff Management: o Participate in staff recruitment, selection, and on boarding. o Supervise and evaluate the performance of teaching and non-teaching staff. o Provide mentoring and professional development opportunities to enhance staff skills. · Student Discipline and Welfare: o Help maintain a safe, inclusive, and disciplined school environment. o Collaborate on enforcing school policies and procedures. o Address student behaviour issues and ensure student welfare. · Curriculum Development and Assessment: o Contribute to curriculum development, instructional strategies, and assessment methods. o Ensure alignment with educational standards and continuous improvement. · School Operations and Administration: o Assist the Principal in managing day-to-day operations, scheduling, and budgeting. o Collaborate with administrative staff for smooth administrative processes. o Ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. · Parent and Community Engagement: o Foster positive relationships with parents, guardians, and the community. o Communicate and collaborate with parents on student progress and events. o Engage community stakeholders to support school goals. · Student Support Services: o Oversee student support services, counselling, special education, etc. o Collaborate to address diverse learners' needs and students requiring additional support. · Crisis Management: o Assist in developing and implementing emergency response plans. o Coordinate crisis management efforts to ensure student and staff safety. · Data Analysis and Reporting: o Collect and analyse student performance, attendance, and behaviour data. o Prepare reports for decision-making and progress monitoring. · Professional Development: o Engage in ongoing professional development to enhance leadership skills. o Attend workshops and conferences to stay updated on educational trends. The Vice Principal's multifaceted role underscores their importance in maintaining a positive learning environment, supporting staff development, and contributing to the overall success of the school. Job Type: Full-time Salary: ₹50,000.00 - ₹60,000.00 per month Benefits: * Provident Fund Schedule: * Day shift Ability to commute/relocate: * Bangalore City, Karnataka: Reliably commute or planning to relocate before starting work (Required) Education: * Bachelor's (Preferred) Experience: * Coordinator: 7 years (Required) Language: * English (Required) License/Certification: * B.Ed Certification (Required) *Speak with the employer* +91 7892185435 Expected Start Date: 21/08/2023 Vice Principal · Academic Leadership: o Assist the Principal in providing academic guidance to the teaching staff. o Collaborate on curriculum development and educational programs aligned with the school's mission. o Ensure instructional practices are in line with curriculum standards and best practices. o Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of teaching programs. · Staff Management: o Participate in staff recruitment, selection, and on boarding. o Supervise and evaluate the performance of teaching and non-teaching staff. o Provide mentoring and professional development opportunities to enhance staff skills. · Student Discipline and Welfare: o Help maintain a safe, inclusive, and disciplined school environment. o Collaborate on enforcing school policies and procedures. o Address student behaviour issues and ensure student welfare. · Curriculum Development and Assessment: o Contribute to curriculum development, instructional strategies, and assessment methods. o Ensure alignment with educational standards and continuous improvement. · School Operations and Administration: o Assist the Principal in managing day-to-day operations, scheduling, and budgeting. o Collaborate with administrative staff for smooth administrative processes. o Ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. · Parent and Community Engagement: o Foster positive relationships with parents, guardians, and the community. o Communicate and collaborate with parents on student progress and events. o Engage community stakeholders to support school goals. · Student Support Services: o Oversee student support services, counselling, special education, etc. o Collaborate to address diverse learners' needs and students requiring additional support. · Crisis Management: o Assist in developing and implementing emergency response plans. o Coordinate crisis management efforts to ensure student and staff safety. · Data Analysis and Reporting: o Collect and analyse student performance, attendance, and behaviour data. o Prepare reports for decision-making and progress monitoring. · Professional Development: o Engage in ongoing professional development to enhance leadership skills. o Attend workshops and conferences to stay updated on educational trends. The Vice Principal's multifaceted role underscores their importance in maintaining a positive learning environment, supporting staff development, and contributing to the overall success of the school. Job Type: Full-time Salary: ₹50,000.00 - ₹60,000.00 per month Benefits: * Provident Fund Schedule: * Day shift Ability to commute/relocate: * Bangalore City, Karnataka: Reliably commute or planning to relocate before starting work (Required) Education: * Bachelor's (Preferred) Experience: * Coordinator: 7 years (Required) Language: * English (Required) License/Certification: * B.Ed Certification (Required) *Speak with the employer* +91 7892185435 Expected Start Date: 21/08/2023 2023-08-18 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:50:28.548451+00
113375409 Junior Waiter (Fixed Term) - Pestana CR7 Gran Vía Grupo Pestana Cidade: Madrid Âmbito Realizar serviço de mesa e bar na unidade onde opera, cumprindo as normas e padrões de serviço para este fim, visando a total satisfação e lealdade do cliente. Responsabilidades e áreas de acção Realização de serviços gerais de mesa/balcão e preparação e montagem dos serviços de refeições. - Colaborar na correcta preparação do "mise-en-place" das salas, montagem de buffets para o pequeno-almoço e outros serviços de refeições e realizar, em colaboração com a equipa, diversas actividades inerentes à preparação, limpeza e arrumação do material da secção. - Realizar serviço geral de mesa/balcão nas várias áreas da secção e substituir e/ou restaurar a mesa dos buffets para o pequeno-almoço. - Auxiliar o serviço da 1ª Mesa/Bar Empregados, registando e transmitindo à Cozinha os pedidos dos clientes, fazendo a sua retirada na Cozinha, bem como emitindo as facturas das refeições e consumos. Competências Comportamentais Orientação para o Negócio (Ser Eficiente) Orientação para Objetivos (Ser Eficiente) Adaptação à Transformação (Ser Ágil) Foco no cliente interno e externo (Ser Apaixonado) Trabalho em Equipa (Ser Colaborativo) Resiliência (Ser Ágil) Rigor e Atenção ao Detalhe (Ser Eficiente) Proatividade (Ser Eficiente) Consciência ambiental e social (Ser Consciencioso) Competências Técnicas Bar service Wine service HACCP Customer Service F&B software (Micros) English Junior Waiter (Fixed Term) - Pestana CR7 Gran Vía Cidade: Madrid Âmbito Realizar serviço de mesa e bar na unidade onde opera, cumprindo as normas e padrões de serviço para este fim, visando a total satisfação e lealdade do cliente. Responsabilidades e áreas de acção Realização de serviços gerais de mesa/balcão e preparação e montagem dos serviços de refeições. - Colaborar na correcta preparação do "mise-en-place" das salas, montagem de buffets para o pequeno-almoço e outros serviços de refeições e realizar, em colaboração com a equipa, diversas actividades inerentes à preparação, limpeza e arrumação do material da secção. - Realizar serviço geral de mesa/balcão nas várias áreas da secção e substituir e/ou restaurar a mesa dos buffets para o pequeno-almoço. - Auxiliar o serviço da 1ª Mesa/Bar Empregados, registando e transmitindo à Cozinha os pedidos dos clientes, fazendo a sua retirada na Cozinha, bem como emitindo as facturas das refeições e consumos. Competências Comportamentais Orientação para o Negócio (Ser Eficiente) Orientação para Objetivos (Ser Eficiente) Adaptação à Transformação (Ser Ágil) Foco no cliente interno e externo (Ser Apaixonado) Trabalho em Equipa (Ser Colaborativo) Resiliência (Ser Ágil) Rigor e Atenção ao Detalhe (Ser Eficiente) Proatividade (Ser Eficiente) Consciência ambiental e social (Ser Consciencioso) Competências Técnicas Bar service Wine service HACCP Customer Service F&B software (Micros) English 2023-08-19 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:50:28.548451+00
113375237 Industrial Mechanic -- 1st Shift MSC - North America Advance your career with MSC.HEREto discover the reasons for joining MSC and becoming part of our team as we continue to establish an inclusive and diverse workplace. Job ID :13383 Job Type :Full Time Occupation Category :Warehouse / Distribution Location :Hanover Park, IL (Whse) State or Province :Illinois (US-IL) Potential Work Location :United States : Illinois : Hanover Park Job Level :Warehouse W8 Skilled Technician - Level 1 - 1st Shift - Monday - Friday - 7:00 am - 3:45 pm - $2,000 Sign-On Bonus - No Weekends! Compensation $20.00 / hour to $22.00 / hour with a $2,000 Sign-On Bonus. RESPONSIBILITIES: Maintains, inspects, repairs and services MHE equipment within manufacturers guidelines and specifications. Leads and guides less experienced mechanics on more complex assignments as required. Schedules routine maintenance on all equipment, performs work on assigned material handling equipment for operation. Determines, orders, and replaces parts necessary to complete repairs for routine maintenance. Completes data entry for work orders, and maintenance time sheets in an accurate and timely manner. Maintains a safe and clean work environment performing all work in accordance with established quality standards and safety procedures. Performs additional maintenance duties as necessary. Promotes the MSC Culture in the department and throughout the company to ensure MSC’s unity of purpose and fulfillment of MSC’s mission. Takes part in special projects and performs additional duties as needed.EDUCATION and EXPERIENCE: High school diploma or its equivalent is required. Technical certification is advantageous. At least five years of relevant experience is necessary. Familiarity with electrical, mechanical, and systems diagnostics related to material handling equipment and various MHE equipment (primarily Raymond, Crown & Hyser) is required.SKILLS: Compliance with disposal of DOT regulated items as required. Basic computer literacy (Excel/Word) is necessary. Obtaining MSC license to drive warehouse vehicles within specified time requirements is a must. Working knowledge and experience of conveyor systems and controls, plumbing and HVAC is advantageous.PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS: Bending to lift items from the floor and racks is necessary. Ability to lift items weighing up to 75 pounds is required. Ability to operate at heights of up to 50 feet is necessary. Ability to stand for prolonged periods of time is required.MISCELLANEOUS: A valid state driver’s license is required Why MSC? People. Collaboration. Insight. That’s how you build something that works. Built on a foundation of trust, MSC works side by side with our customers to help them drive business results. With more than one million product offerings and 75+ years of experience across industries, MSC strives to help our customers achieve greater productivity, profitability, and growth through inventory management and other innovative supply chain solutions. We care about our associates and have programs in place to help our 6,500+ team members achieve their potential. When you join our team, you will receive rewards and recognition for your contributions, training and professional development opportunities, Associate Inclusion Circles: Women, Pride, Black, Veterans, HOLA and DisABLEd as well as a variety of benefits to support you and your family's health, well-being, and financial future. If you are inspired to learn, take risks, and succeed as a team, you can build a better career at MSC. Equal Opportunity Statement: At MSC, we are committed to providing an environment of mutual respect where equal employment opportunities are available to all qualified applicants and our associates without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, disability, protected veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression or any category protected by applicable law. By applying to this job you agree to the Application and Acknowledgment Declaration terms. ClickHEREto review. You should have proficiency in: Creating Preventive Maintenance Plans Skills in Troubleshooting Mechanical Issues Salary info: $20 - $22 / hr Industrial Mechanic -- 1st Shift Job ID :13383 Job Type :Full Time Occupation Category :Warehouse / Distribution Location :Hanover Park, IL (Whse) State or Province :Illinois (US-IL) Potential Work Location :United States : Illinois : Hanover Park Job Level :Warehouse W8 Skilled Technician - Level 1 - 1st Shift - Monday - Friday - 7:00 am - 3:45 pm - $2,000 Sign-On Bonus - No Weekends! Compensation $20.00 / hour to $22.00 / hour with a $2,000 Sign-On Bonus. RESPONSIBILITIES: Maintains, inspects, repairs and services MHE equipment within manufacturers guidelines and specifications. Leads and guides less experienced mechanics on more complex assignments as required. Schedules routine maintenance on all equipment, performs work on assigned material handling equipment for operation. Determines, orders, and replaces parts necessary to complete repairs for routine maintenance. Completes data entry for work orders, and maintenance time sheets in an accurate and timely manner. Maintains a safe and clean work environment performing all work in accordance with established quality standards and safety procedures. Performs additional maintenance duties as necessary. Promotes the MSC Culture in the department and throughout the company to ensure MSC’s unity of purpose and fulfillment of MSC’s mission. Takes part in special projects and performs additional duties as needed.EDUCATION and EXPERIENCE: High school diploma or its equivalent is required. Technical certification is advantageous. At least five years of relevant experience is necessary. Familiarity with electrical, mechanical, and systems diagnostics related to material handling equipment and various MHE equipment (primarily Raymond, Crown & Hyser) is required.SKILLS: Compliance with disposal of DOT regulated items as required. Basic computer literacy (Excel/Word) is necessary. Obtaining MSC license to drive warehouse vehicles within specified time requirements is a must. Working knowledge and experience of conveyor systems and controls, plumbing and HVAC is advantageous.PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS: Bending to lift items from the floor and racks is necessary. Ability to lift items weighing up to 75 pounds is required. Ability to operate at heights of up to 50 feet is necessary. Ability to stand for prolonged periods of time is required.MISCELLANEOUS: A valid state driver’s license is required When you join our team, you will receive rewards and recognition for your contributions, training and professional development opportunities, Associate Inclusion Circles: Women, Pride, Black, Veterans, HOLA and DisABLEd as well as a variety of benefits to support you and your family's health, well-being, and financial future. If you are inspired to learn, take risks, and succeed as a team, you can build a better career at MSC. You should have proficiency in: Creating Preventive Maintenance Plans Skills in Troubleshooting Mechanical Issues Salary info: $20 - $22 / hr 2023-08-19 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:50:28.548451+00
113375205 Marketing Consultant Unity Targeting *CANDIDATE: *Seeking an experienced door-to-door representative for business-to-business in the finance industry. *MONDAY TO FRIDAY DAILY ACTIVITY: *The marketing Consultant will seek MCA Broker Businesses for our marketing service. Hours of operation are from 10:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. with a 1-hour break from 12:00 P.M. to 1:00 P.M. *SALARY: *$600 Per Week plus commission. The commission will be $300 per sale after 2 sales. Commission paid same week if sale is on Friday it will be the following week.. Job Type: Full-time Pay: $600.00 - $9,999.00 per week Benefits: * Paid time off * Referral program Schedule: * 8 hour shift Supplemental pay types: * Bonus opportunities * Commission pay Experience: * Marketing: 2 years (Required) Ability to Commute: * New York, NY 10004 (Required) Work Location: In person Marketing Consultant *CANDIDATE: *Seeking an experienced door-to-door representative for business-to-business in the finance industry. *MONDAY TO FRIDAY DAILY ACTIVITY: *The marketing Consultant will seek MCA Broker Businesses for our marketing service. Hours of operation are from 10:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. with a 1-hour break from 12:00 P.M. to 1:00 P.M. *SALARY: *$600 Per Week plus commission. The commission will be $300 per sale after 2 sales. Commission paid same week if sale is on Friday it will be the following week.. Job Type: Full-time Pay: $600.00 - $9,999.00 per week Benefits: * Paid time off * Referral program Schedule: * 8 hour shift Supplemental pay types: * Bonus opportunities * Commission pay Experience: * Marketing: 2 years (Required) Ability to Commute: * New York, NY 10004 (Required) Work Location: In person 2023-08-18 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:50:28.548451+00
113375202 Assistant Site Manager CityMD Management experience is welcomed from all industries! Opportunity for overtime and bonuses! The Assistant Site Manager is responsible for assisting in managing, overseeing, and ensuring the successful administrative, financial and operational aspects of a CityMD site. Essentially, an Assistant Manager is accountable for: * Supporting a patient-centric urgent care experience from welcome to the departure of the facility * Fostering an inviting and hospitable environment where the patient feels appreciated and well-cared for * Aiding in an experience where the patient will want to come back and refer their family and friends to CityMD * Assisting the physician with basic patient care and medical procedures * Assisting site managers with directing the patient flow, inventory, and following up on labs *Essential Functions/Responsibilities:* Site Management: * Managing the performance of the front desk operation; understanding at all times how many patients have visited the site, whether there are any delays in the registration process, and what follow-up needs to be conducted after a patient is discharged * Assisting the Site Manager in preparing the schedule for non-providers (physician scheduling is not done by the assistant manager) * Ordering all medical supplies, medications, vaccinations, and office supplies for the site * Opening and closing the site as required * Assisting the site manager in administrative and operational responsibilities; provide coverage when the site manager is not on the premises People Management: * Building strong positive communication with physicians and works as a team to enhance the success of the practice * Ensuring staff maintains professionalism at all times, coaching, managing, disciplining, and developing the staff when the site manager is not present * Managing the PCRs from interviewing, performance, promotion, discipline, etc. Business and Patient Management: * Maintaining patient confidentiality in accordance with policy and procedure as well as HIPAA requirements * Interacting with patients (and families) at discharge in a courteous and respectful manner, resolving disputes, and reviewing patient satisfaction cards *Qualifications:* * 1-3 years of managing experience a must (urgent care, medical practice, hospital, retail, hospitality, or restaurant industries) * Bachelor’s Degree in Hospitality Management, Hotel/Restaurant Management, Business or other applicable degree preferred (will consider relevant management experience in lieu of degree) * Happy and positive thinking, able to project this attitude around others * Must exhibit a passion for outstanding results and compassion for those we work with and serve * Good computer skills (knowledge of a PC, Microsoft Office programs) * Great leadership qualities a must * Able to handle group dynamics (help bringing unity to a diverse group) * Able to troubleshoot when necessary * Comfortable with constructive confrontation and counseling management * Has an entrepreneurial spirit and takes a proactive approach to business operations * Bilingual language skills required or preferred based on-site location. Additional Information: This job will require long shifts, weekends, closing, opening shifts (will depend on schedule necessary at the facility), and must work on-site. Physical requirements: The job may require from time to time lifting heavy objects on a regular basis, doing repetitive tasks with few breaks, and requiring light cleaning. Direct reports: The Assistant Site Manager will be responsible for directly managing the Patient Care Representatives (PCRs). Job Type: Full-time Pay: $25.00 - $27.00 per hour Benefits: * 401(k) matching * Dental insurance * Flexible schedule * Flexible spending account * Health insurance * Paid time off * Vision insurance Shift: * 10 hour shift * 12 hour shift * 8 hour shift Weekly day range: * Monday to Friday * Weekends as needed Education: * High school or equivalent (Preferred) Experience: * Employee Management: 1 year (Preferred) Work Location: In person Assistant Site Manager Management experience is welcomed from all industries! Opportunity for overtime and bonuses! * Supporting a patient-centric urgent care experience from welcome to the departure of the facility * Fostering an inviting and hospitable environment where the patient feels appreciated and well-cared for * Assisting the physician with basic patient care and medical procedures * Assisting site managers with directing the patient flow, inventory, and following up on labs *Essential Functions/Responsibilities:* Site Management: * Managing the performance of the front desk operation; understanding at all times how many patients have visited the site, whether there are any delays in the registration process, and what follow-up needs to be conducted after a patient is discharged * Assisting the Site Manager in preparing the schedule for non-providers (physician scheduling is not done by the assistant manager) * Ordering all medical supplies, medications, vaccinations, and office supplies for the site * Opening and closing the site as required * Assisting the site manager in administrative and operational responsibilities; provide coverage when the site manager is not on the premises People Management: * Building strong positive communication with physicians and works as a team to enhance the success of the practice * Ensuring staff maintains professionalism at all times, coaching, managing, disciplining, and developing the staff when the site manager is not present * Managing the PCRs from interviewing, performance, promotion, discipline, etc. Business and Patient Management: * Maintaining patient confidentiality in accordance with policy and procedure as well as HIPAA requirements * Interacting with patients (and families) at discharge in a courteous and respectful manner, resolving disputes, and reviewing patient satisfaction cards *Qualifications:* * 1-3 years of managing experience a must (urgent care, medical practice, hospital, retail, hospitality, or restaurant industries) * Bachelor’s Degree in Hospitality Management, Hotel/Restaurant Management, Business or other applicable degree preferred (will consider relevant management experience in lieu of degree) * Happy and positive thinking, able to project this attitude around others * Good computer skills (knowledge of a PC, Microsoft Office programs) * Great leadership qualities a must * Able to handle group dynamics (help bringing unity to a diverse group) * Able to troubleshoot when necessary * Comfortable with constructive confrontation and counseling management * Has an entrepreneurial spirit and takes a proactive approach to business operations * Bilingual language skills required or preferred based on-site location. Additional Information: This job will require long shifts, weekends, closing, opening shifts (will depend on schedule necessary at the facility), and must work on-site. Physical requirements: The job may require from time to time lifting heavy objects on a regular basis, doing repetitive tasks with few breaks, and requiring light cleaning. Direct reports: The Assistant Site Manager will be responsible for directly managing the Patient Care Representatives (PCRs). Job Type: Full-time Pay: $25.00 - $27.00 per hour Benefits: * 401(k) matching * Dental insurance * Flexible schedule * Flexible spending account * Health insurance * Paid time off * Vision insurance Shift: * 10 hour shift * 12 hour shift * 8 hour shift Weekly day range: * Monday to Friday * Weekends as needed Education: * High school or equivalent (Preferred) Experience: * Employee Management: 1 year (Preferred) Work Location: In person 2023-08-18 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:50:28.548451+00
113375089 Structural Project Engineer EwingCole Job Type Full-time Description EwingCole is a nationally recognized architecture, engineering, interior design and planning firm with offices across the country. Our multi-disciplinary practice is built on the core values of professional excellence, design quality and collaboration. We are seeking a motivated Structural Project Engineer to join our Philadelphia office. The Structural Project Engineer is responsible to lead and execute the structural engineering for the design and documentation of projects and mentoring of junior staff. Essential Functions Schedule and conduct project review meetings with Discipline Director to review key structural engineering decisions prior to issuance of documents at project milestone delivery dates. Review status of projects with the senior engineer and/or group leader on a regular basis. Manage and mentor junior engineers and technicians in the execution of projects. Maintain state-of-the-art design skills through independent reading, attendance of seminars and continuing education. Take ownership of project responsibilities and work collaboratively with the client, contractor and project team to produce the best possible project. Utilize project related opportunities to develop client and contractor relationships. Performs other duties and responsibilities as required or requested. Develop Structural Work Plan for specific projects. Review work plan with project manager, group leader and discipline director at start of project. Monitor and record project progress against work plan throughout project. Develop conceptual designs and evaluate appropriate structural systems. Responsible for code research and establishing design criteria for specific projects. Design and supervise the design of specific projects, attend meetings and work with project team members to develop the details and coordination necessary for project documentation. Ensure the design and production efforts are completed within the established project budgets and schedules. Review construction cost estimates at key milestones. Identify project issues in process that threaten maintenance of structural budget and/or schedule and review with group leader, discipline director and project manager to develop corrective action plan. Ensure the design and production efforts are completed within the established project budgets and schedules. Work with the client, contractor and other team members to produce the best possible project. Set and demonstrate the standard for project discipline leadership, quality, and work ethic for supporting staff and other disciplines. Review and check work performed by junior staff. Use strong technical knowledge and ability to apply engineering principles to unique situations. Responsible for site visits and construction administration. Benefits of Working at EwingCole Generous paid time off, 401(k) plan with company match, tuition reimbursement, flexible/hybrid work options, paid parental leave, excellent insurance offerings including medical, dental, vision, accident, critical illness, hospital indemnity, identity protection and more. Requirements Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering with Structural Concentration, Architectural Engineering or Bachelor of Architectural Engineering Registered PE in at least one state with suitable credentials for registration in other states 8+ years’ experience In-depth knowledge of local and national building codes and design practices as they relate to structural engineering Proficient with structural engineering software Knowledge of AutoCAD/Revit Microsoft Office Suite Computer analysis skills EwingCole does not accept unsolicited resumes from recruiters or agencies. Any resume submitted by an agency without a prior written agreement will be deemed the property of EwingCole and no fee will be paid in the event the candidate is hired. #LI-Hybrid Structural Project Engineer Job Type Full-time Description The Structural Project Engineer is responsible to lead and execute the structural engineering for the design and documentation of projects and mentoring of junior staff. Essential Functions Schedule and conduct project review meetings with Discipline Director to review key structural engineering decisions prior to issuance of documents at project milestone delivery dates. Review status of projects with the senior engineer and/or group leader on a regular basis. Manage and mentor junior engineers and technicians in the execution of projects. Maintain state-of-the-art design skills through independent reading, attendance of seminars and continuing education. Take ownership of project responsibilities and work collaboratively with the client, contractor and project team to produce the best possible project. Utilize project related opportunities to develop client and contractor relationships. Performs other duties and responsibilities as required or requested. Develop Structural Work Plan for specific projects. Review work plan with project manager, group leader and discipline director at start of project. Monitor and record project progress against work plan throughout project. Develop conceptual designs and evaluate appropriate structural systems. Responsible for code research and establishing design criteria for specific projects. Design and supervise the design of specific projects, attend meetings and work with project team members to develop the details and coordination necessary for project documentation. Ensure the design and production efforts are completed within the established project budgets and schedules. Review construction cost estimates at key milestones. Identify project issues in process that threaten maintenance of structural budget and/or schedule and review with group leader, discipline director and project manager to develop corrective action plan. Ensure the design and production efforts are completed within the established project budgets and schedules. Work with the client, contractor and other team members to produce the best possible project. Set and demonstrate the standard for project discipline leadership, quality, and work ethic for supporting staff and other disciplines. Review and check work performed by junior staff. Use strong technical knowledge and ability to apply engineering principles to unique situations. Responsible for site visits and construction administration. Generous paid time off, 401(k) plan with company match, tuition reimbursement, flexible/hybrid work options, paid parental leave, excellent insurance offerings including medical, dental, vision, accident, critical illness, hospital indemnity, identity protection and more. Requirements Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering with Structural Concentration, Architectural Engineering or Bachelor of Architectural Engineering Registered PE in at least one state with suitable credentials for registration in other states 8+ years’ experience In-depth knowledge of local and national building codes and design practices as they relate to structural engineering Proficient with structural engineering software Knowledge of AutoCAD/Revit Microsoft Office Suite Computer analysis skills #LI-Hybrid 2023-08-18 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:50:28.548451+00
113375203 CDL Class B/Sweeper Truck Driver/ Vactor Truck - Operator - DAYS Whirlwind Services *CDL operator/Sweeper driver $29.00 * *Job Description:* Whirlwind is looking for a DAY SHIFT CDL Class B Driver, with driving experience and operating Vactor Trucks, CDL Sweeper Trucks and/or roll-off trucks. We currently have multiple positions open in our Mountlake Terrace and Tacoma Shop. Our CDL Drivers operate several different CDL trucks and perform maintenance for our customers focusing on environmental services and stormwater management, thus working to help our local communities and waterways. In this position you will: * Drive and operate trucks and equipment, pre-trip preparations and post trip clean up * Clean catch basins, manholes, storm filter vaults and stormwater structures and/or other duties as assigned and required * Conduct all duties in professional, courteous and customer service focused manner * Conduct all duties safely and maintain safety awareness at all times * Proactive team player who leads by example *Pay & Benefits:* Whirlwind is a leading exterior company in the Puget Sound and we strive to embrace and create an enjoyable, respectful, and team-oriented workplace and encourage our employees to do the same. We offer a variety benefit to our employees: * Competitive salaries * PTO * Medical/ Dental/ Vision Benefits * 401(k) with a company match * Employee Assistance Program * Holiday off or competitive pay for working the holiday * Call Back Pay * Monday thru Friday schedule unless otherwise arranged * Ability to earn prevailing wage - project specific * Working with a great team! *The Company:* Whirlwind is a service centered operation where we offer our clients 24/7 facility maintenance and emergency services. We strive to set our company apart by providing a safe, purposeful and respectful work environment for our team members. We embrace new challenges in our work by creating innovative strategies and solutions to our clients. We are a family owned business and with that we do hold work/ life balance as a top priority for all employees. We believe our employees are the company's strongest assets and provide our everyone opportunities for growth and knowledge within the company itself. *Position Requirements:* * Valid CDL Class B, ability to acquire a DOT health card; and maintain insurable status under company auto policy are ongoing requirements of this position * Proficient with mobile technology (i.e. iPads, laptops, email, etc.) * At least 1 year recent work experience as CDL Class B driver and experience driving and operating industrial vacuum trucks * Able to perform duties in all types of weather conditions to monitor effectiveness *Location: Tacoma, WA* *Schedule: Full Time Work, Mon to Friday* *Exempt/ Non-Exempt: Non-Exempt* *Base Compensation: $29.00/ HR* \*Full Job Description provided at interview Job Type: Full-time Pay: From $29.00 per hour Benefits: * 401(k) * 401(k) matching * Dental insurance * Health insurance * Life insurance * Paid time off * Vision insurance Supplemental pay types: * Differential pay Trucking driver type: * Company driver Trucking home time: * Home daily Trucking route: * Local Experience: * Vactor operations: 1 year (Preferred) * Commercial driving: 1 year (Preferred) License/Certification: * At Least Class CDL B (Required) * Tanker Endorsement (Preferred) Shift availability: * Day Shift (Preferred) Work Location: In person CDL Class B/Sweeper Truck Driver/ Vactor Truck - Operator - DAYS *CDL operator/Sweeper driver $29.00 * *Job Description:* In this position you will: * Drive and operate trucks and equipment, pre-trip preparations and post trip clean up * Clean catch basins, manholes, storm filter vaults and stormwater structures and/or other duties as assigned and required * Conduct all duties in professional, courteous and customer service focused manner * Conduct all duties safely and maintain safety awareness at all times * Proactive team player who leads by example *Pay & Benefits:* * Competitive salaries * PTO * Medical/ Dental/ Vision Benefits * 401(k) with a company match * Employee Assistance Program * Holiday off or competitive pay for working the holiday * Call Back Pay * Monday thru Friday schedule unless otherwise arranged * Ability to earn prevailing wage - project specific * Working with a great team! *The Company:* *Position Requirements:* * Valid CDL Class B, ability to acquire a DOT health card; and maintain insurable status under company auto policy are ongoing requirements of this position * Proficient with mobile technology (i.e. iPads, laptops, email, etc.) * At least 1 year recent work experience as CDL Class B driver and experience driving and operating industrial vacuum trucks * Able to perform duties in all types of weather conditions to monitor effectiveness *Location: Tacoma, WA* *Schedule: Full Time Work, Mon to Friday* *Exempt/ Non-Exempt: Non-Exempt* *Base Compensation: $29.00/ HR* \*Full Job Description provided at interview Job Type: Full-time Pay: From $29.00 per hour Benefits: * 401(k) * 401(k) matching * Dental insurance * Health insurance * Life insurance * Paid time off * Vision insurance Supplemental pay types: * Differential pay Trucking driver type: * Company driver Trucking home time: * Home daily Trucking route: * Local Experience: * Vactor operations: 1 year (Preferred) * Commercial driving: 1 year (Preferred) License/Certification: * At Least Class CDL B (Required) * Tanker Endorsement (Preferred) Shift availability: * Day Shift (Preferred) Work Location: In person 2023-08-18 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:50:28.548451+00
113375301 Instrutor de Informática THE FUTURE SCHOOL The Future School é uma escola de tecnologia, programação e robótica para crianças e adolescentes de 6 a 17 anos que ensina desenvolvimento de games, aplicativos, eletrônica e mecânica. Nossas turmas são pequenas, cerca de 6 a 8 alunos por instrutor e todas as aulas já estão desenvolvidas. *Responsabilidades* * Ministrar aulas de programação em games, apps e robótica para crianças e adolescentes de 6 a 17 anos; * Estudar o cronograma de conteúdo; * Realizar relatórios pós-aulas. * O instrutor não terá que desenvolver nenhuma aula, o curso já está pronto. *Qualificações Técnicas* * Conhecimento básico em qualquer linguagem de programação; * Conhecimento em pensamento computacional; * *Diferencial: *Conhecimento em qualquer uma das plataformas: Scratch, Construct 3, Game Maker, Arduino, Unity, Bubble, Thunkable. *Qualificações Comportamentais* * Pontual, responsável e comprometido(a); * É necessário GOSTAR de estudar, visto que na sua rotina haverá momentos de estudos focados; * Facilidade em entender e seguir processos. *Formato de Trabalho* > Regime CLT > Horários: * Segunda a Quarta das 09h às 18h (interv. 12h às 13h) * Quinta das 13h às 18h * Sexta das 09h às 18h * Sábado das 08h às 16h (interv. 12h às 13h) > Total 44h semanais *Remuneração* * R$1658,00/mês * Após 6 meses o salário será aumentado para R$1800 *Benefícios* * Após 3 meses, o colaborador tem direito a 1 sábado de folga por mês (sem desconto no salário) * Plano Odontológico * VT * Gamificação por bons resultados (colaborador pode trocar seus pontos por folgas ou bônus financeiro) Tipo de vaga: Efetivo CLT Salário: R$1.658,00 por mês Benefícios: * Assistência odontológica * Vale-transporte Horário de trabalho: * Dias úteis e finais de semana Tipos de pagamento adicional: * 13º salário * Adicional de férias * Bônus * Plano de Incentivo Instrutor de Informática Nossas turmas são pequenas, cerca de 6 a 8 alunos por instrutor e todas as aulas já estão desenvolvidas. *Responsabilidades* * Ministrar aulas de programação em games, apps e robótica para crianças e adolescentes de 6 a 17 anos; * Estudar o cronograma de conteúdo; * Realizar relatórios pós-aulas. * O instrutor não terá que desenvolver nenhuma aula, o curso já está pronto. *Qualificações Técnicas* * Conhecimento básico em qualquer linguagem de programação; * Conhecimento em pensamento computacional; * *Diferencial: *Conhecimento em qualquer uma das plataformas: Scratch, Construct 3, Game Maker, Arduino, Unity, Bubble, Thunkable. *Qualificações Comportamentais* * Pontual, responsável e comprometido(a); * É necessário GOSTAR de estudar, visto que na sua rotina haverá momentos de estudos focados; * Facilidade em entender e seguir processos. *Formato de Trabalho* > Regime CLT > Horários: * Segunda a Quarta das 09h às 18h (interv. 12h às 13h) * Quinta das 13h às 18h * Sexta das 09h às 18h * Sábado das 08h às 16h (interv. 12h às 13h) > Total 44h semanais *Remuneração* * R$1658,00/mês * Após 6 meses o salário será aumentado para R$1800 *Benefícios* * Após 3 meses, o colaborador tem direito a 1 sábado de folga por mês (sem desconto no salário) * Plano Odontológico * VT * Gamificação por bons resultados (colaborador pode trocar seus pontos por folgas ou bônus financeiro) Tipo de vaga: Efetivo CLT Salário: R$1.658,00 por mês Benefícios: * Assistência odontológica * Vale-transporte Horário de trabalho: * Dias úteis e finais de semana Tipos de pagamento adicional: * 13º salário * Adicional de férias * Bônus * Plano de Incentivo 2023-08-19 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:50:28.548451+00
113375256 Automaticien confirmé H/F/X Saur Saur - Entreprise dédiée aux services de l'eau (fourniture d'eau potable, traitement des eaux usées, construction d'équipements), Saur exerce sa mission de service au public en faisant preuve d'innovation, d'agilité technique, organisationnelle et humaine pour contribuer à faire de l'eau un bien de qualité accessible à tous. Avec 12 000 collaborateurs en France, en Arabie saoudite, en Ecosse, en Espagne et en Pologne, Saur accompagne plus de 7 000 collectivités locales et industriels et sert 12 millions de consommateurs dans le monde. Rattaché.e au Responsable Informatique Industrielle de la région, vos missions seront notamment les suivantes : - La rédaction des analyses fonctionnelles ainsi que des notices de fonctionnement, - Le chiffrage d'affaires de renouvellement ou travaux pour des stations d'eaux potables et d'eaux usées, - La définition de l'architecture et mise en service des réseaux de communication industriels, - La programmation des automates Schneider-Electric de type EcoStruxure Control Expert (anciennement Unity), PL7-PRO et/ou des automates de la marque SIEMENS et WAGO. Titulaire d'un bac+2 ou plus, vous bénéficiez de trois ans d'expérience minimum dans le domaine. Vous disposez des connaissances dans le domaine de l'électrotechnique ainsi que des très bonnes connaissances en automatisme. Vous êtes doté d'un très bon relationnel, vous êtes rigoureux, autonome, et vous possédez un esprit d'équipe. Vous disposez de l'habilitation électrique B2V et/ou B2Vessai. Permis B obligatoire, des déplacements sont à prévoir dans la région Sud-Est. Vous participerez aux astreintes du périmètre. Automaticien confirmé H/F/X Rattaché.e au Responsable Informatique Industrielle de la région, vos missions seront notamment les suivantes : - La rédaction des analyses fonctionnelles ainsi que des notices de fonctionnement, - Le chiffrage d'affaires de renouvellement ou travaux pour des stations d'eaux potables et d'eaux usées, - La définition de l'architecture et mise en service des réseaux de communication industriels, - La programmation des automates Schneider-Electric de type EcoStruxure Control Expert (anciennement Unity), PL7-PRO et/ou des automates de la marque SIEMENS et WAGO. Titulaire d'un bac+2 ou plus, vous bénéficiez de trois ans d'expérience minimum dans le domaine. Vous disposez des connaissances dans le domaine de l'électrotechnique ainsi que des très bonnes connaissances en automatisme. Vous êtes doté d'un très bon relationnel, vous êtes rigoureux, autonome, et vous possédez un esprit d'équipe. Vous disposez de l'habilitation électrique B2V et/ou B2Vessai. Permis B obligatoire, des déplacements sont à prévoir dans la région Sud-Est. Vous participerez aux astreintes du périmètre. 2023-08-18 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:50:28.548451+00
113375264 Senior Slots Manager ACE Casinos Blackfoot Ace Casino is currently seeking a Senior Slots Manager to join our team! Responsibilities: Ensure that gaming terminal personnel perform their described duties. Settle patron disputes based on technical recommendations. Ensure hand pays are made to jackpot winners. Initiate/witness jackpot wins and promote slot events. Conduct inquiries into patron claims or complaints and request a Technician when required. Ensure the Slot Manager and AGLC are advised immediately of suspected theft or illegal activity. Process and pay TITO tickets over a value of $5000.00. Perform duties of a slot cashier when required, floor attendant as well as covering staff breaks. Complete discrepancy reports. Ensure duties are performed in accordance with AML procedures. Unload and reload ATM’s and TRK’s. Complete balance of ATM’s and TRK’s. Count, verify and balance the Vault. Run at participating in Slot promotions. Payout of jackpots exceeding $10,000. Monitor and initiate all Slot Department initiatives including overseeing large winnings and ensuring the cage is running efficiently. Resolve guest disputes, machine malfunctions (in conjunction with AGLC), and resolve team member issues. See each issue through to its conclusion and keep clear communication with the Manager Report all operational issues to the Slot Manager. Promote and maintain the highest levels of integrity and customer service. Ensure the Slot Department is operating efficiently and successfully in all areas. Ensure proper implementation of established policies and procedures. Work with security to ensure slot pulls are done safely and efficiently. Work with Manager to complete schedules and to schedule employee vacation time. Ensure outstanding guest service by responding promptly to guest needs and requests for service. Build team spirit through positive reinforcement and recognizing excellence in the workplace. Focus on resolving conflict and maintaining confidentiality. Continuously work to improve processes and service. Develop and mentor slot department’s team members, provide support, expertise, and motivation to all slot positions. Qualifications: Previous slot machine and Casino experience is preferred Strong leadership, organizational and customer service skills Customer service is paramount Criminal Record Check and current AGLC registration gaming license. AML Certification Working knowledge and ability to use Outlook, Word and Excel. Strong leadership and communication skills with ability to maintain good rapport between all departments and ownership. Professional demeanor and ability to approach situations in a tactful manner. Ability to work calmly under pressure and treat others with respect regardless of their status or position. A passion for providing excellent service and full alignment with the organization’s vision. Senior Slots Manager Ace Casino is currently seeking a Senior Slots Manager to join our team! Responsibilities: Ensure that gaming terminal personnel perform their described duties. Settle patron disputes based on technical recommendations. Ensure hand pays are made to jackpot winners. Initiate/witness jackpot wins and promote slot events. Conduct inquiries into patron claims or complaints and request a Technician when required. Ensure the Slot Manager and AGLC are advised immediately of suspected theft or illegal activity. Process and pay TITO tickets over a value of $5000.00. Perform duties of a slot cashier when required, floor attendant as well as covering staff breaks. Complete discrepancy reports. Ensure duties are performed in accordance with AML procedures. Unload and reload ATM’s and TRK’s. Complete balance of ATM’s and TRK’s. Count, verify and balance the Vault. Run at participating in Slot promotions. Payout of jackpots exceeding $10,000. Monitor and initiate all Slot Department initiatives including overseeing large winnings and ensuring the cage is running efficiently. Resolve guest disputes, machine malfunctions (in conjunction with AGLC), and resolve team member issues. See each issue through to its conclusion and keep clear communication with the Manager Report all operational issues to the Slot Manager. Promote and maintain the highest levels of integrity and customer service. Ensure the Slot Department is operating efficiently and successfully in all areas. Ensure proper implementation of established policies and procedures. Work with security to ensure slot pulls are done safely and efficiently. Work with Manager to complete schedules and to schedule employee vacation time. Ensure outstanding guest service by responding promptly to guest needs and requests for service. Build team spirit through positive reinforcement and recognizing excellence in the workplace. Focus on resolving conflict and maintaining confidentiality. Continuously work to improve processes and service. Develop and mentor slot department’s team members, provide support, expertise, and motivation to all slot positions. Qualifications: Previous slot machine and Casino experience is preferred Strong leadership, organizational and customer service skills Customer service is paramount Criminal Record Check and current AGLC registration gaming license. AML Certification Working knowledge and ability to use Outlook, Word and Excel. Strong leadership and communication skills with ability to maintain good rapport between all departments and ownership. Professional demeanor and ability to approach situations in a tactful manner. Ability to work calmly under pressure and treat others with respect regardless of their status or position. A passion for providing excellent service and full alignment with the organization’s vision. 2023-08-18 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:50:28.548451+00
113375243 Animation Director - Camouflaj Game Studio Oculus Camouflaj is seeking a highly motivated and skilled Animator capable of delivering AAA quality animation and effectively guiding others to do the same. The ideal candidate will have an extensive knowledge of Maya, contribute a high level of creativity and complex problem solving, have a team-oriented/collaborative approach to development, and motivation to create metacritic 90+ VR titles. Animation Director - Camouflaj Game Studio Responsibilities: Bring gameplay concepts and cinematic sequences from an initial greybox state to a highly detailed finished product. Create animated work from scratch through final, as well as polish existing data in various states of progress. Work closely with directors across all disciplines to ensure the vision for the project is cohesive and that the highest AAA quality assets are delivered. Work closely with production to create near term sprint plans and long term milestone plans, ensure schedules are in place and deadlines are met. Proactively identify critical animation problems and provide creative solutions and/or risk mitigation strategies. Is the leading advocate for animation quality on the team, continuously mentoring the team to increase their standards and execute on them. Perform in-depth animation reviews and provide constructive feedback to animators across gameplay and cinematics. Direct efforts to fully document style guides, best practices and workflows, creating clear and concise guidelines for internal and external animators. Manage and direct external animation outsourcing efforts and mocap shoots. Model inclusive behaviors to help build and support a diverse organization that values, respects, and taps into different backgrounds and perspectives. Minimum Qualifications: 10+ years of professional 3D game animation experience. 10+ years of animating in Maya or equivalent 3D animation software. Effective time management and the skill to handle large workloads efficiently. Experience communicating clearly and concisely at scale with large teams. Experience with effectively solving problems with a high degree of ambiguity. Experience problem-solving, both technical and cross-departmental. Extensive experience creating convincing animations in both realistic and stylized characters. Solid understanding of cinematography, pacing and timing. Knowledge of motion capture editing and cleanup. Experience with game engine tools and animation pipelines. Experience in mentoring junior animators and other members of a team. Knowledge of version control and project management software. Preferred Qualifications: 3 Shipped AAA titles. Experience working in Unity. Experience with rigging, skinning,and technical animation tools. Experience with motion capture technology, Motion Builder and Maya pipeline. VR experience, both playing and developing. Meta is proud to be an Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action employer. We do not discriminate based upon race, religion, color, national origin, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions), sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, transgender status, sexual stereotypes, age, status as a protected veteran, status as an individual with a disability, or other applicable legally protected characteristics. We also consider qualified applicants with criminal histories, consistent with applicable federal, state and local law. Meta participates in the E-Verify program in certain locations, as required by law. Please note that Meta may leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies in connection with applications for employment. Meta is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for candidates with disabilities in our recruiting process. If you need any assistance or accommodations due to a disability, please let us know at Animation Director - Camouflaj Game Studio Camouflaj is seeking a highly motivated and skilled Animator capable of delivering AAA quality animation and effectively guiding others to do the same. The ideal candidate will have an extensive knowledge of Maya, contribute a high level of creativity and complex problem solving, have a team-oriented/collaborative approach to development, and motivation to create metacritic 90+ VR titles. Animation Director - Camouflaj Game Studio Responsibilities: Bring gameplay concepts and cinematic sequences from an initial greybox state to a highly detailed finished product. Create animated work from scratch through final, as well as polish existing data in various states of progress. Work closely with directors across all disciplines to ensure the vision for the project is cohesive and that the highest AAA quality assets are delivered. Work closely with production to create near term sprint plans and long term milestone plans, ensure schedules are in place and deadlines are met. Proactively identify critical animation problems and provide creative solutions and/or risk mitigation strategies. Is the leading advocate for animation quality on the team, continuously mentoring the team to increase their standards and execute on them. Perform in-depth animation reviews and provide constructive feedback to animators across gameplay and cinematics. Direct efforts to fully document style guides, best practices and workflows, creating clear and concise guidelines for internal and external animators. Manage and direct external animation outsourcing efforts and mocap shoots. Model inclusive behaviors to help build and support a diverse organization that values, respects, and taps into different backgrounds and perspectives. Minimum Qualifications: 10+ years of professional 3D game animation experience. 10+ years of animating in Maya or equivalent 3D animation software. Effective time management and the skill to handle large workloads efficiently. Experience communicating clearly and concisely at scale with large teams. Experience with effectively solving problems with a high degree of ambiguity. Experience problem-solving, both technical and cross-departmental. Extensive experience creating convincing animations in both realistic and stylized characters. Solid understanding of cinematography, pacing and timing. Knowledge of motion capture editing and cleanup. Experience with game engine tools and animation pipelines. Experience in mentoring junior animators and other members of a team. Knowledge of version control and project management software. Preferred Qualifications: 3 Shipped AAA titles. Experience working in Unity. Experience with rigging, skinning,and technical animation tools. Experience with motion capture technology, Motion Builder and Maya pipeline. VR experience, both playing and developing. Meta is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for candidates with disabilities in our recruiting process. If you need any assistance or accommodations due to a disability, please let us know at 2023-08-17 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:50:28.548451+00
113375294 Nurse Supervisor UW Health Rehabilitation Hospital Description This position is eligible for a sign-on bonus of $10,000 What makes UW Health Rehab Hospital a great place to work? Our PEOPLE, of course! We answer the call because we have a fundamental need to help people. In return, we get to work in an environment with leaders who strive to optimize job effectiveness, assure positive experiences and job satisfaction. Your career growth begins when you join an interdisciplinary team, where doctors, nurses, therapists and other experts work together to form individualized care plans for our patients. Opportunities through our continuing education programs, apprenticeship programs, and tuition reimbursement programs, not only allow for continual career growth but emphasize our commitment to investing in our employees and developing future healthcare leaders. UW Health Rehabilitation Hospital is a free-standing, 50-bed acute inpatient rehabilitation facility located on the east side of Madison, Wisconsin. Our hospital offers specialized rehab programs for people who have experienced stroke, brain and spinal-cord injuries, amputations, complex orthopedic injuries and many other conditions. We create individualized plans of care that address both intense rehab and acute medical needs. Our goal is to help patients achieve their highest level of function and return home as soon as possible. The UW Health Rehabilitation Hospital is a partnership between UW Health, Unity Point-Meriter and Kindred Healthcare. Why work at UW Health Rehab Hospital? Be part of a team recognized by Newsweek as one of America’s Best Rehabilitation Centers dedicated to patient hope, healing, and recovery. JOB SUMMARY: The Clinical Supervisor/Charge Nurse functions under the direction and supervision of the CNO and assumes responsibility for the hospital. The Clinical Supervisor, in collaboration with the CNO and leadership team assists to implement, interpret and assure compliance with policies and procedures including regulatory and accreditation standards. The Clinical Supervisor directly supervises the activities of the nursing staff on a daily basis. The Clinical Supervisor implements hospital goals and objectives based on budget parameters. The Clinical Supervisor reinforces the mission and vision of the hospital in all interactions. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS: Assures the provision of safe and effective patient care. Assesses all departments in order to assure continuity of care and report pertinent information to management and administration. Provides a professional working environment for employees. Communicates unusual occurrences or complaints for follow –up and intervenes immediately when needed. Ensures the nursing department staff performs all aspects of patient care in an environment that optimizes patient safety and reduces the likelihood of medical/health care errors. Ensures occurrence of appropriate documentation, including documentation of medical necessity, by staff in medical records; monitors completion and revisions to the Interdisciplinary Care Plan. Assures compliance with nursing scope of practice and HIPAA. Promotes rehabilitation nursing philosophy. Assures education and training is provided to nursing staff on Functional Independent Measure (FIM); assures timely and accurate FIM assessments and scoring are performed. Enforces compliance of the nursing department with education/in-service requirements/orientation and competencies. Promotes rehabilitation nursing philosophy and practice; encourages staff development, including acquisition of CRRN for qualified registered nurses. Assists to review and evaluate risk and quality indicators, patient satisfaction results, and outcomes in order to continually improve performance and outcomes; communicates this information to the nursing department. Coordinates new admissions, staff assignments and room placement. Ensures nursing attendance and participation in team conferences. Ensures that patient charges are accurate and entered on a timely basis. Manages staffing plans, nursing hours per patient day, and quality of work of nursing staff. Ensures limited agency usage and overtime hours by managing and monitoring the nursing schedule. Completes special projects in a timely manner. May have patient care assignment in addition to daily responsibilities. Qualifications Graduate of accredited registered nurse program with current licensure in WI. Bachelor’s degree preferred. Current Basic Cardiac Life Support required, Minimum of two years of previous nursing experience required Demonstrated ability to plan, coordinate, evaluate and direct activities of clinical personnel; effective oral and written communication skills, in English with additional languages preferred; proficiency in basic computer skills required. Demonstrates problem solving and critical thinking skills. Nurse Supervisor Description This position is eligible for a sign-on bonus of $10,000 What makes UW Health Rehab Hospital a great place to work? Our PEOPLE, of course! Your career growth begins when you join an interdisciplinary team, where doctors, nurses, therapists and other experts work together to form individualized care plans for our patients. Opportunities through our continuing education programs, apprenticeship programs, and tuition reimbursement programs, not only allow for continual career growth but emphasize our commitment to investing in our employees and developing future healthcare leaders. Why work at UW Health Rehab Hospital? Be part of a team recognized by Newsweek as one of America’s Best Rehabilitation Centers dedicated to patient hope, healing, and recovery. JOB SUMMARY: The Clinical Supervisor/Charge Nurse functions under the direction and supervision of the CNO and assumes responsibility for the hospital. The Clinical Supervisor, in collaboration with the CNO and leadership team assists to implement, interpret and assure compliance with policies and procedures including regulatory and accreditation standards. The Clinical Supervisor directly supervises the activities of the nursing staff on a daily basis. The Clinical Supervisor implements hospital goals and objectives based on budget parameters. The Clinical Supervisor reinforces the mission and vision of the hospital in all interactions. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS: Assures the provision of safe and effective patient care. Assesses all departments in order to assure continuity of care and report pertinent information to management and administration. Provides a professional working environment for employees. Communicates unusual occurrences or complaints for follow –up and intervenes immediately when needed. Ensures the nursing department staff performs all aspects of patient care in an environment that optimizes patient safety and reduces the likelihood of medical/health care errors. Ensures occurrence of appropriate documentation, including documentation of medical necessity, by staff in medical records; monitors completion and revisions to the Interdisciplinary Care Plan. Assures compliance with nursing scope of practice and HIPAA. Promotes rehabilitation nursing philosophy. Assures education and training is provided to nursing staff on Functional Independent Measure (FIM); assures timely and accurate FIM assessments and scoring are performed. Enforces compliance of the nursing department with education/in-service requirements/orientation and competencies. Promotes rehabilitation nursing philosophy and practice; encourages staff development, including acquisition of CRRN for qualified registered nurses. Assists to review and evaluate risk and quality indicators, patient satisfaction results, and outcomes in order to continually improve performance and outcomes; communicates this information to the nursing department. Coordinates new admissions, staff assignments and room placement. Ensures nursing attendance and participation in team conferences. Ensures that patient charges are accurate and entered on a timely basis. Manages staffing plans, nursing hours per patient day, and quality of work of nursing staff. Ensures limited agency usage and overtime hours by managing and monitoring the nursing schedule. Completes special projects in a timely manner. May have patient care assignment in addition to daily responsibilities. Qualifications Graduate of accredited registered nurse program with current licensure in WI. Bachelor’s degree preferred. Current Basic Cardiac Life Support required, Minimum of two years of previous nursing experience required Demonstrated ability to plan, coordinate, evaluate and direct activities of clinical personnel; effective oral and written communication skills, in English with additional languages preferred; proficiency in basic computer skills required. Demonstrates problem solving and critical thinking skills. 2023-08-17 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:50:28.548451+00
113375206 Maintenance Technician Decorator Land's End Landmark Who We Are Land’s End forms part of the Heritage Attractions Group who own & operate a range of landmark sites throughout Great Britain. Land’s End is situated at the most south westerly point of mainland Britain & is an iconic destination visited by many each year. Spread over 130 acres of wild & maintained grounds & an array of historic buildings. Our Mission Statement We are the custodians of the spaces and places that people love. We preserve, protect and promote our unique landmarks ensuring a quality experience for our visitors at all times. We ensure that we always treat our people and places with respect. The Role Responsible for keeping our buildings & the landmark in great condition, business operational, looking clean & respectable, ensuring that the decoration & functionality is to a high standard inside & out. Maintenance are responsible for daily small repairs to cover breakdowns & will be involved in project works for upgrades throughout the site. Duties include responding radio calls for small repairs & breakdowns, working on pre-planned maintenance, larger scale renovations & general upkeep. The decorator, paints & applies wallpapers & other decorative & protective finishes to a wide range of surfaces. Duties include preparing surfaces, applying paints & finishing touches on project works as well as freshening up existing surfaces including walls, ceilings & furnishings. The decorator is also responsible for maintaining their equipment & ensuring adequate stock levels of consumables. Main Responsibilities * Maintaining condition & appearance buildings & public spaces * Responding to breakdown & small repairs * Cleaning & maintaining, equipment & materials * Following applicable safety guidelines & procedures * Calculating the materials & time required to complete projects * Preparing surfaces by washing, repairing holes, covering areas with sheets to prevent messes, taping off areas as needed & removing old surface finishings, preparation also includes removing fixtures such as door knobs & light switch covers. * Applying paint, stains, varnishes, wallpapers & other finishes * Operating in a clean & tidy manner reducing impact on the business operating where possible, replacing fixtures after completing projects * Working as part of the maintenance team with day to day tasks & project works * Performing other duties as required Job Type: Full-time Salary: £24,000.00-£28,000.00 per year Benefits: * Company events * Company pension * Discounted or free food * Employee discount * Free parking * On-site parking * Sick pay * Store discount Schedule: * Day shift * Holidays * Weekend availability Ability to commute/relocate: * Sennen: reliably commute or plan to relocate before starting work (required) Experience: * Painting: 1 year (required) * Maintenance: 1 year (required) Licence/Certification: * Driving Licence (required) Work Location: In person Maintenance Technician Decorator Land’s End forms part of the Heritage Attractions Group who own & operate a range of landmark sites throughout Great Britain. Land’s End is situated at the most south westerly point of mainland Britain & is an iconic destination visited by many each year. Spread over 130 acres of wild & maintained grounds & an array of historic buildings. Our Mission Statement The Role Responsible for keeping our buildings & the landmark in great condition, business operational, looking clean & respectable, ensuring that the decoration & functionality is to a high standard inside & out. Maintenance are responsible for daily small repairs to cover breakdowns & will be involved in project works for upgrades throughout the site. Duties include responding radio calls for small repairs & breakdowns, working on pre-planned maintenance, larger scale renovations & general upkeep. The decorator, paints & applies wallpapers & other decorative & protective finishes to a wide range of surfaces. Duties include preparing surfaces, applying paints & finishing touches on project works as well as freshening up existing surfaces including walls, ceilings & furnishings. The decorator is also responsible for maintaining their equipment & ensuring adequate stock levels of consumables. Main Responsibilities * Maintaining condition & appearance buildings & public spaces * Responding to breakdown & small repairs * Cleaning & maintaining, equipment & materials * Following applicable safety guidelines & procedures * Calculating the materials & time required to complete projects * Preparing surfaces by washing, repairing holes, covering areas with sheets to prevent messes, taping off areas as needed & removing old surface finishings, preparation also includes removing fixtures such as door knobs & light switch covers. * Applying paint, stains, varnishes, wallpapers & other finishes * Operating in a clean & tidy manner reducing impact on the business operating where possible, replacing fixtures after completing projects * Working as part of the maintenance team with day to day tasks & project works * Performing other duties as required Job Type: Full-time Salary: £24,000.00-£28,000.00 per year Benefits: * Company events * Company pension * Discounted or free food * Employee discount * Free parking * On-site parking * Sick pay * Store discount Schedule: * Day shift * Holidays * Weekend availability Ability to commute/relocate: * Sennen: reliably commute or plan to relocate before starting work (required) Experience: * Painting: 1 year (required) * Maintenance: 1 year (required) Licence/Certification: * Driving Licence (required) Work Location: In person 2023-08-19 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:50:28.548451+00
113375187 Registered Nurse (RN) RWJBarnabas Health Monmouth Medical Center (MMC) is one of New Jersey's largest community teaching hospitals, where physicians and employees work as a team dedicated to academic and clinical excellence and comprehensive, compassionate patient care. As part of RWJ Barnabas Health, Monmouth Medical Center is a leader in designing unparalleled new ways for delivering health care. For over 130 years, Monmouth Medical Center has been the leader in central New Jersey in providing the best in health care and the latest in medical technology to nearly 1 million residents that comprise its primary service area of Monmouth County, and portions of Ocean and Middlesex counties. Monmouth Medical Center is recognized as a Top Teaching Hospital by The Leapfrog Group, which is widely acknowledged and underscores the highest commitment to patient safety and quality. MMC is the only hospital in Monmouth and Ocean counties to receive an A Hospital Safety Score by The Leapfrog Group, the nation s leading experts on patient safety, for six consecutive rating periods. We continue to lead the system in HCAHPS scores, and are looked to as a model for best practice in patient satisfaction. Summary of Job Function: The Registered Nurse provides nursing care in the health care system within the scope of practice defined by the Nurse Practice Act and regulatory standards and assures awareness of ethical standards of practice as defined by the ANA code of ethics. The Registered Nurse assures safety in practice and is inclusive of the principles of evidence based practice by maintaining a realization of own individual level of knowledge and experience and assumes responsibility for advancing knowledge of self and others of the patient care team by communication with and utilizing resource persons and programs available. Is responsible for reporting identified safety issues such as hazardous environments (i.e. damaged floors/walls/ceiling tiles/unsecured areas) and medical errors. Is responsible for knowledge of the patient population served. Responsible for supervising and directing the delegation of tasks to appropriate team members and collaborates with other patient care providers. Responsible for consistently setting and evaluating priorities through appropriate interventions with measurable outcomes toward improvement. The Registered Nurse as an individual practitioner and the interdisciplinary team manager utilizes the nursing process to integrate all aspects of the provision of care and individualizes the plan of care to address a specific patient s needs. Job Qualifications: BA/BS/BSN degree preferred. Completion of Clinical experience in NLN accredited school preferred. Additional experience required based upon specific department needs. Current NJ RN Licensure required. National Certification preferred. BLS required. ACLS required within in 6 month -1 year of initial employment. We offer a great work environment, competitive rates and excellent benefits, including: Medical/Dental/Vision plans 401 (k) Vacation/Personal/Holiday/Sick Time Off Short & Long Term Disability Basic Life & Accidental Death Insurance Tuition Reimbursement Health Care/Dependent Care Flexible Spending Accounts Equal Employment Opportunity RWJBarnabas Health is an Registered Nurse (RN) Monmouth Medical Center (MMC) is one of New Jersey's largest community teaching hospitals, where physicians and employees work as a team dedicated to academic and clinical excellence and comprehensive, compassionate patient care. As part of RWJ Barnabas Health, Monmouth Medical Center is a leader in designing unparalleled new ways for delivering health care. Summary of Job Function: The Registered Nurse provides nursing care in the health care system within the scope of practice defined by the Nurse Practice Act and regulatory standards and assures awareness of ethical standards of practice as defined by the ANA code of ethics. The Registered Nurse assures safety in practice and is inclusive of the principles of evidence based practice by maintaining a realization of own individual level of knowledge and experience and assumes responsibility for advancing knowledge of self and others of the patient care team by communication with and utilizing resource persons and programs available. Is responsible for reporting identified safety issues such as hazardous environments (i.e. damaged floors/walls/ceiling tiles/unsecured areas) and medical errors. Is responsible for knowledge of the patient population served. Responsible for supervising and directing the delegation of tasks to appropriate team members and collaborates with other patient care providers. Responsible for consistently setting and evaluating priorities through appropriate interventions with measurable outcomes toward improvement. The Registered Nurse as an individual practitioner and the interdisciplinary team manager utilizes the nursing process to integrate all aspects of the provision of care and individualizes the plan of care to address a specific patient s needs. Job Qualifications: BA/BS/BSN degree preferred. Completion of Clinical experience in NLN accredited school preferred. Additional experience required based upon specific department needs. Current NJ RN Licensure required. National Certification preferred. BLS required. ACLS required within in 6 month -1 year of initial employment. Medical/Dental/Vision plans 401 (k) Vacation/Personal/Holiday/Sick Time Off Short & Long Term Disability Basic Life & Accidental Death Insurance Tuition Reimbursement Health Care/Dependent Care Flexible Spending Accounts Equal Employment Opportunity 2023-08-18 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:50:28.548451+00
113375207 Game Team Leader BTC Experience:-7 to 10 Years (Unity 3D Experience, Game Developer) As our projects continue to grow in complexity and scope, we are in search of a capable Team Lead who can guide and inspire our development teams to achieve their best work. This individual should have a proven track record of effective leadership, project management, and technical expertise. Experience in mentoring and nurturing team members to foster their professional growth is essential. Job Type: Full-time Salary: ₹500,000.00 - ₹600,000.00 per year Schedule: * Weekend availability Ability to commute/relocate: * Jaipur, Rajasthan: Reliably commute or planning to relocate before starting work (Required) Education: * Bachelor's (Preferred) Experience: * total work: 7 years (Preferred) Work Location: In person *Speak with the employer* +91 7011798257 Game Team Leader Experience:-7 to 10 Years (Unity 3D Experience, Game Developer) Job Type: Full-time Salary: ₹500,000.00 - ₹600,000.00 per year Schedule: * Weekend availability Ability to commute/relocate: * Jaipur, Rajasthan: Reliably commute or planning to relocate before starting work (Required) Education: * Bachelor's (Preferred) Experience: * total work: 7 years (Preferred) Work Location: In person *Speak with the employer* +91 7011798257 2023-08-19 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:50:28.548451+00
113375357 Project Assistant Layton Construction Company, LLC Headquartered in Salt Lake City and supported by 12 offices nationally, at Layton we're builders and we're family! Through delivering predictable outcomes, we've been inspiring confidence in our customers since 1953. We know that behind every project are the highly skilled people making it happen every day, which makes investing in hiring, developing, and retaining the brightest minds a top priority. We want the opportunity to help you achieve your career goals. Joining Layton isn't just a new job, it's a career move that will provide lasting success for you and your family! Duties Champions “The Layton Way” by delivering predictable outcomes for internal teams, external teams, and customers. Ensures that “Constructing with Integrity” is delivered by working with honesty, unity, safety, and quality of work. Assembles, compiles, and/or prepares the following documents to ensure efficient and complete documentation for construction projects: contracts, purchase orders, owner pay requests, project insurances, bonds, Notices of Commencement, legal documents required for project start/completion, warranties, owners’ operations and maintenance manuals, and as-built drawing for closeout; monitors and enforces legal and insurance compliance with respect to all required construction paperwork, including paperwork required in-house. Ensures timely responses from subcontractors for contract paperwork. Creates and maintains project checklist. Works with the Superintendent establishing dates for receiving shop drawings and milestones necessary to complete the project on time. Follows up for review and approval for shop drawings, samples, material lists, etc. Maintains logs reflecting the status of shop drawings, requests for clarification, change requests, and proposal requests. Distributes change requests and follows up for pricing changes. Instructs project team in organized filing system and assures its proper use. Prepares agendas and other preconstruction meeting documents. Records and/or transcribes minutes at the preconstruction meeting. Prepares and issues change orders to subcontractors and owners for extra work performed on the project. Assists in estimate and buyout of projects. Coordinates with project managers to increase understanding of projects and to improve the quality of the project paperwork. Discusses and coordinates personal and project goals, important issues, and objectives. May administer contracts and purchase orders as assigned by leadership. Assists in establishing OCIP or CCIP program per contract requirements. Maintains required documents for program. Drafts, transmits, and files correspondence. Assists in bidding and in developing scope of work for trade contractors. Performs other related duties as assigned. Qualifications High school diploma or equivalent. Types a minimum of 50 wpm. Has at least 2 years’ experience in secretarial or administrative work. Has a working knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook and is able to create basic documents and spreadsheets using each application. Has excellent written and verbal communication skills. Has excellent organization skills; develops systems that provide access to information with the ability to retrieve and deliver required information effectively. Has the ability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously; can establish priorities and an effective course of action. Has the ability to accomplish routine tasks. Is a team player; works well with other people; takes time to help co-workers, customers, and others achieve their goals and assignments. Has the ability to perform essential duties and responsibilities efficiently, accurately, and safely, with or without reasonable accommodation, and without posing a threat of harm to self or others. Previous experience working in an administrative role in a construction company preferred. Knowledge of basic work methods, techniques and systems used by Layton Construction preferred. One to two years post high school administrative assistant training preferred. Benefits: The Company offers the following benefits for this position, subject to applicable eligibility requirements: Medical Insurance, Dental Insurance, Vision Insurance, Health Savings Account, Healthcare Flexible Spending Account, Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account, 401(k) retirement plan with employer match, Life & AD&D Insurance, Long-term Disability Insurance, Short-term Disability Insurance, Critical Illness Insurance, Accident Insurance, Hospital Indemnity Insurance, Home & Auto Insurance, Family Support, Pre-tax Paid Parking/Public Transportation, Paid time off, Time Away Benefits, Paid Holidays, Group Legal, Employee Stock Purchase Plan, Identity Theft Protection, Group Legal, Pet Insurance, Employee Assistance Program. EEO Statement - Layton Construction is an equal opportunity employer. We evaluate qualified applicants without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, veteran status, and other legally protected characteristics. Project Assistant Joining Layton isn't just a new job, it's a career move that will provide lasting success for you and your family! Duties Champions “The Layton Way” by delivering predictable outcomes for internal teams, external teams, and customers. Ensures that “Constructing with Integrity” is delivered by working with honesty, unity, safety, and quality of work. Assembles, compiles, and/or prepares the following documents to ensure efficient and complete documentation for construction projects: contracts, purchase orders, owner pay requests, project insurances, bonds, Notices of Commencement, legal documents required for project start/completion, warranties, owners’ operations and maintenance manuals, and as-built drawing for closeout; monitors and enforces legal and insurance compliance with respect to all required construction paperwork, including paperwork required in-house. Ensures timely responses from subcontractors for contract paperwork. Creates and maintains project checklist. Works with the Superintendent establishing dates for receiving shop drawings and milestones necessary to complete the project on time. Follows up for review and approval for shop drawings, samples, material lists, etc. Maintains logs reflecting the status of shop drawings, requests for clarification, change requests, and proposal requests. Distributes change requests and follows up for pricing changes. Instructs project team in organized filing system and assures its proper use. Prepares agendas and other preconstruction meeting documents. Records and/or transcribes minutes at the preconstruction meeting. Prepares and issues change orders to subcontractors and owners for extra work performed on the project. Assists in estimate and buyout of projects. Coordinates with project managers to increase understanding of projects and to improve the quality of the project paperwork. Discusses and coordinates personal and project goals, important issues, and objectives. May administer contracts and purchase orders as assigned by leadership. Assists in establishing OCIP or CCIP program per contract requirements. Maintains required documents for program. Drafts, transmits, and files correspondence. Assists in bidding and in developing scope of work for trade contractors. Performs other related duties as assigned. Qualifications High school diploma or equivalent. Types a minimum of 50 wpm. Has at least 2 years’ experience in secretarial or administrative work. Has a working knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook and is able to create basic documents and spreadsheets using each application. Has excellent written and verbal communication skills. Has excellent organization skills; develops systems that provide access to information with the ability to retrieve and deliver required information effectively. Has the ability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously; can establish priorities and an effective course of action. Has the ability to accomplish routine tasks. Is a team player; works well with other people; takes time to help co-workers, customers, and others achieve their goals and assignments. Has the ability to perform essential duties and responsibilities efficiently, accurately, and safely, with or without reasonable accommodation, and without posing a threat of harm to self or others. Previous experience working in an administrative role in a construction company preferred. Knowledge of basic work methods, techniques and systems used by Layton Construction preferred. One to two years post high school administrative assistant training preferred. 2023-08-18 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:50:28.548451+00
113375387 OSP Technician Wecom, Inc. Are you a self-motivated person? Are you looking to grow your career exponentially, in a local/ family-oriented company? Work alongside some of the largest telecommunications companies in the world, in a GROWING company with over 64 years’ experience in the industry! Wecom, Inc. of Las Vegas is hiring OSP Technicians in our Kingman office. We offer a lucrative benefits package, competitive wages, overtime opportunities, encouragement & training for advancement in the company, and contagious company culture. Come see why we are different than your average telecom company! *OSP Technician* As an OSP Technician, no two days will be alike. Our OSP Technicians will be working outside to safely build, splice, test and maintain all fiber networks for Wecom communities. *Responsibilities:* o Install/blow locate string line in underground conduit systems. o Use motorized equipment to pull fiber cable/MSTs through underground conduit systems o Verify accuracy and document any discrepancies or fiber changes relating to the installation of string, multi-service terminals (MSTs) or cable. o Prepare all field reports relating to work accomplished accurately and timely. o Operate and maintain company owned vehicles, keep vehicle in good working condition, pre-trip inspections, keeping adequate supplies stocked on vehicles) o Operate equipment and climb ladders. o Set up of aerial and underground splice points to include taping, directional marking, grounding, cable management tray installation, hanging cases and securing in vault. o Understand basic knowledge of aerial and underground cable and MST installation. o Test fiber in the field o Troubleshoot with test equipment: power meter, VFL, traffic identifier. o Perform basic underground plant maintenance. o Coordinate and oversee vehicle, trailer, and equipment maintenance as needed. o Lift up to 50 pounds and be able to lift or move up to 100 pounds. o Maintain clean driving record. o Perform all other duties as assigned. *Knowledge/Skills/Abilities:* o Basic heavy equipment operation (skid steer, backhoe, mini-excavator, forklift) o Basic innerduct and conduit installation (cutting, fitting, routing, gluing) o Basic dirt excavation practices (daylighting utilities, trench excavation, completion practices) o Basic vault and handhole installation (installing at proper locations, depths, and grades o Basic knowledge of power tools, air compressors, vacuums, water pumps o Basic knowledge of underground fiber options, cable installation (placing fiber cable in inner duct or conduit) *Qualifications:* o Must have a high school diploma or equivalent. o Knowledge and successful completion of OSHA 10, Fiber Optic Certification, Basic Operator training course and Principles of Bucket Truck training operation. o Requires the physical ability to lift, carry push and pull up to 100 lbs. There may be the need to work 40+ hour work weeks on occasion; some out-of-town travel is required. Exposure to noise and outdoor elements. o Must hold a valid Driver’s License and be able to pass a drug test is *REQUIRED*. *Company Benefits:* Full Benefit Package: including but not limited to Medical, Vision, Dental, Short-Term Disability, Life AND AD&D Insurance Policy, 401K Program, Referral Program, Paid Holidays, and Paid Time Off. Ability and encouragement for advancement in company. *NOTE:* Wecom, Inc. (and its subsidiaries) complies with all Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO). Wecom, Inc. does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, sex, religion, color, national origin, marital status, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, disability, veteran status, pregnancy status or other status protected by law. Company benefits subject to change. Job Type: Full-time Pay: $20.00 - $24.00 per hour Benefits: * 401(k) * 401(k) matching * Dental insurance * Health insurance * Life insurance * Paid time off * Professional development assistance * Referral program * Retirement plan * Vision insurance Schedule: * 8 hour shift * Monday to Friday * Weekends as needed Ability to commute/relocate: * Kingman, AZ: Reliably commute or planning to relocate before starting work (Required) License/Certification: * OSHA 10 certification (Preferred) * CPR Certification (Preferred) * Driver's License (Required) Willingness to travel: * 25% (Preferred) Work Location: In person OSP Technician *OSP Technician* *Responsibilities:* o Install/blow locate string line in underground conduit systems. o Use motorized equipment to pull fiber cable/MSTs through underground conduit systems o Verify accuracy and document any discrepancies or fiber changes relating to the installation of string, multi-service terminals (MSTs) or cable. o Prepare all field reports relating to work accomplished accurately and timely. o Operate and maintain company owned vehicles, keep vehicle in good working condition, pre-trip inspections, keeping adequate supplies stocked on vehicles) o Operate equipment and climb ladders. o Set up of aerial and underground splice points to include taping, directional marking, grounding, cable management tray installation, hanging cases and securing in vault. o Understand basic knowledge of aerial and underground cable and MST installation. o Test fiber in the field o Troubleshoot with test equipment: power meter, VFL, traffic identifier. o Perform basic underground plant maintenance. o Coordinate and oversee vehicle, trailer, and equipment maintenance as needed. o Lift up to 50 pounds and be able to lift or move up to 100 pounds. o Maintain clean driving record. o Perform all other duties as assigned. *Knowledge/Skills/Abilities:* o Basic heavy equipment operation (skid steer, backhoe, mini-excavator, forklift) o Basic innerduct and conduit installation (cutting, fitting, routing, gluing) o Basic dirt excavation practices (daylighting utilities, trench excavation, completion practices) o Basic vault and handhole installation (installing at proper locations, depths, and grades o Basic knowledge of power tools, air compressors, vacuums, water pumps o Basic knowledge of underground fiber options, cable installation (placing fiber cable in inner duct or conduit) *Qualifications:* o Must have a high school diploma or equivalent. o Knowledge and successful completion of OSHA 10, Fiber Optic Certification, Basic Operator training course and Principles of Bucket Truck training operation. o Requires the physical ability to lift, carry push and pull up to 100 lbs. There may be the need to work 40+ hour work weeks on occasion; some out-of-town travel is required. Exposure to noise and outdoor elements. o Must hold a valid Driver’s License and be able to pass a drug test is *REQUIRED*. *Company Benefits:* Full Benefit Package: including but not limited to Medical, Vision, Dental, Short-Term Disability, Life AND AD&D Insurance Policy, 401K Program, Referral Program, Paid Holidays, and Paid Time Off. Ability and encouragement for advancement in company. *NOTE:* Company benefits subject to change. Job Type: Full-time Pay: $20.00 - $24.00 per hour Benefits: * 401(k) * 401(k) matching * Dental insurance * Health insurance * Life insurance * Paid time off * Professional development assistance * Referral program * Retirement plan * Vision insurance Schedule: * 8 hour shift * Monday to Friday * Weekends as needed Ability to commute/relocate: * Kingman, AZ: Reliably commute or planning to relocate before starting work (Required) License/Certification: * OSHA 10 certification (Preferred) * CPR Certification (Preferred) * Driver's License (Required) Willingness to travel: * 25% (Preferred) Work Location: In person 2023-08-18 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:50:28.548451+00
113375386 CENSUS ASSOCIATE PharMerica Our Company: PharMerica Overview: This position is eligible for a $1,000 Sign-On Bonus and a $1,000 Retention Bonus Join our PharMerica team! PharMerica is a closed-door pharmacy where you can focus on fulfilling the pharmaceutical needs of our long-term care and senior living clients. We offer a non-retail pharmacy environment. Our organization is in high growth mode, which means advancement opportunities for individuals who are looking for career progression! This is an excellent opportunity to move from a retail to office environment for those who are willing to learn claims, billing and insurance processing. Pharmacy Technician experience and/or knowledge of pharmaceuticals is a strong preference. This is not a remote opportunity. Candidates must live within a commutable distance to Longmont, CO. Relocation assistance is not available for this position. Hybrid position with ability to work from home 3-4 days per week once training is completed We offer: DailyPay Flexible schedules Competitive pay Shift differential Health, dental, vision and life insurance benefits Company paid STD and LTD Tuition Assistance Employee Discount Program 401k Paid-time off Tuition reimbursement Non-retail/Closed-door environment Our Pharmacy group focuses on providing exceptional customer service and meeting the pharmacy needs for hospitals, rehabilitation hospitals, long-term acute care hospitals, and other specialized care centers nationwide. If your passion is service excellence and top-quality care come join our team and apply today! The primary responsibility of the Census Associate is to timely and accurately update and maintain payer and patient demographic information from census updates provided by facilities. Responsible for the research and/or resolution of assigned account portfolios in accordance with PharMerica’s Client Service Billing Policies and Procedures. Responsibilities: The Census Associate: Reconciles daily, weekly and monthly census updates provided by facilities. Verifies payer information, patient demographics, and other patient account information with a high level of accuracy in a timely manner. Responsible for maintaining an inventory of changes to account information at the facility/patient level. Ultimate responsibility to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the payer hierarchy for patient accounts. Works with internal and external customers to resolve assigned portfolio of accounts. Productivity records will also be maintained within expected deadlines. Supports other departments, such as Billing, when volume or needs dictate. Responsible to maintain the data integrity of alternate databases including but not limited to Payer code cross walks and bed/room stations (i.e. Hierarchy tool, Census tracker). Work with customers and/or electronic interface to ensure receipt and completion of census documents according to Policy and Procedures. Collaborate with billing team to promote accurate customer billing. Foster team unity and team success through the sharing of knowledge, mentoring new associates and helping others successfully meet deadlines and objectives. Works with Census Manager/Supervisor in researching pharmacy accounts requiring special attention, as indicated on Census reports and taking all necessary action to ensure accuracy of data being entered. Works with Census Manager/Supervisor and other members of the management team on special projects as needed. Performs other tasks as assigned. Conducts job responsibilities in accordance with the standards set out in the Company’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, its policies and procedures, the Corporate Compliance Agreement, applicable federal and state laws, and applicable professional standards. Qualifications: High School graduate, GED or equivalent experience is required 1 year billing and/or collections experience Third Party Billing or collections/billing experience in the healthcare industry; AS400 computer experience is preferred Data entry, MS Excel and Word and basic computer knowledge, ability to work in high volume, fast paced environment Understanding of basic insurance terminology, 10-key is preferred About our Line of Business: PharMerica is a full-service pharmacy solution providing value beyond medication. PharMerica is the long-term care pharmacy services provider of choice for senior living communities, skilled nursing facilities, public health organizations and post-acute care organizations. PharMerica is one of the nation's largest pharmacy companies. PharMerica offers unmatched employee development, exceptional company culture, seemingly endless opportunities for advancement and the highest hiring goals in decades. For more information about PharMerica, please visit Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Additional Job Information: T Salary Range: USD $18.50 - $22.00 / Hour CENSUS ASSOCIATE Our Company: Overview: This position is eligible for a $1,000 Sign-On Bonus and a $1,000 Retention Bonus This is an excellent opportunity to move from a retail to office environment for those who are willing to learn claims, billing and insurance processing. Pharmacy Technician experience and/or knowledge of pharmaceuticals is a strong preference. This is not a remote opportunity. Candidates must live within a commutable distance to Longmont, CO. Relocation assistance is not available for this position. Hybrid position with ability to work from home 3-4 days per week once training is completed DailyPay Flexible schedules Competitive pay Shift differential Health, dental, vision and life insurance benefits Company paid STD and LTD Tuition Assistance Employee Discount Program 401k Paid-time off Tuition reimbursement Non-retail/Closed-door environment Our Pharmacy group focuses on providing exceptional customer service and meeting the pharmacy needs for hospitals, rehabilitation hospitals, long-term acute care hospitals, and other specialized care centers nationwide. If your passion is service excellence and top-quality care come join our team and apply today! Responsibilities: The Census Associate: Reconciles daily, weekly and monthly census updates provided by facilities. Verifies payer information, patient demographics, and other patient account information with a high level of accuracy in a timely manner. Responsible for maintaining an inventory of changes to account information at the facility/patient level. Ultimate responsibility to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the payer hierarchy for patient accounts. Works with internal and external customers to resolve assigned portfolio of accounts. Productivity records will also be maintained within expected deadlines. Supports other departments, such as Billing, when volume or needs dictate. Responsible to maintain the data integrity of alternate databases including but not limited to Payer code cross walks and bed/room stations (i.e. Hierarchy tool, Census tracker). Work with customers and/or electronic interface to ensure receipt and completion of census documents according to Policy and Procedures. Collaborate with billing team to promote accurate customer billing. Foster team unity and team success through the sharing of knowledge, mentoring new associates and helping others successfully meet deadlines and objectives. Works with Census Manager/Supervisor in researching pharmacy accounts requiring special attention, as indicated on Census reports and taking all necessary action to ensure accuracy of data being entered. Works with Census Manager/Supervisor and other members of the management team on special projects as needed. Performs other tasks as assigned. Conducts job responsibilities in accordance with the standards set out in the Company’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, its policies and procedures, the Corporate Compliance Agreement, applicable federal and state laws, and applicable professional standards. Qualifications: High School graduate, GED or equivalent experience is required 1 year billing and/or collections experience Third Party Billing or collections/billing experience in the healthcare industry; AS400 computer experience is preferred Data entry, MS Excel and Word and basic computer knowledge, ability to work in high volume, fast paced environment Understanding of basic insurance terminology, 10-key is preferred T Salary Range: USD $18.50 - $22.00 / Hour 2023-08-18 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:50:28.548451+00
113375391 Animation Tutor Eden Brown Synergy Animation Tutor - Perm Contract - Full-time and Part-time roles available - 35 hours per week, 9.00 -5.00 for full-time - Hours to be discussed for part-time - Qualified Teacher full time equivalent £33,000 -(PGCE level or equivalent) (pro-rata for part-time roles) - Unqualified Teacher full time equivalent £27,810 (pro-rata for part-time roles) - We offer 32 days holiday plus 8 bank holidays (40 in total) (pro-rata for part-time roles) - To start ASAP We are looking for an Animation Tutor to start in August 2022, based in East London. The college is launching a new world class Digital Future campus including industry standard training rooms, equipment, VFX studios, e-sports arena and editing suites. To this effect, we are looking for an outstanding Animation tutor to join at the new site based in Walthamstow, East London. We need a tutor with experience of 3D animation or VFX Editorial Department on high-end long-form productions, understanding of Maya 3D or Blender 3D and a wider knowledge of the twelve P principles of animation 2D and 3D. This is an exciting opportunity to contribute to a successful and growing department, within a supportive framework. Candidates will have maths and English at GCSE grade C / 4 or above, and will be educated to degree level with evidence of outstanding practice working in a similar environment. Key tasks and qualities * The ability to work in a way that promotes the safety and wellbeing of young people * Plan and deliver exciting lessons that supports learner progression * Ensure learners are retained, achieve their qualifications and progress * Ensure the course has a wide range of enrichment including guest speakers and trips * Complete learner one to one tutorials and individual learning plans * Use a range of assessment methods ensuring the learners are inspired to progress by outstanding and prompt feedback * Ability to empathies with and understand the many challenges faced by young adults in a demographic with high free school meals rate and poverty levels * Ability to inspire these learners by developing lessons that can relate to and build on their needs and interests * Experience of working in the creative industries using an entrepreneurial approach * Develop innovative ways of collaborating on projects both within the department and with other courses in the college * Experience of working professionally in a relevant industry * Extremely organised and able to manage your own workload effectively and flexibly * Highly motivated and driven to succeed in a competitive and rewarding environment * Outstanding teaching and communication skills and experience of good / outstanding Ofsted * Positive, solution focused and proactive in managing and responding to data * Assertive and self-confident in management of the learning environment * Committed and willing to "go the extra mile" to meet targets * Ambitious - will not settle for less than outstanding standards of work and behaviour Technical skills - we'd be interested in hearing from applicants with combinations of the following skills: * Animating, skinning and rigging in Maya, or Blender * Animation-to-engine pipelines, ideally Unity/ Unreal Engine * Familiarity with modelling, Photoshop * Excel Unity for 3D game production * 3D Modelling and texturing - Blender * Drawing and 2D Art skills * Experience with Photoshop - concept art / textures for games * Excellent communication skills in English * Blender or Autodesk Maya for 3D modelling and animation * Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects and Photoshop * Unity for 3D game production - Visual scripting / basic programming skills * Drawing and 2D Art skills * Game design industry planning and research skills For more information on this job please contact Maria on 07442606786 or email Eden Brown Synergy is an equal opportunities employer. Animation Tutor Animation Tutor - Perm Contract - Full-time and Part-time roles available - 35 hours per week, 9.00 -5.00 for full-time - Hours to be discussed for part-time - Qualified Teacher full time equivalent £33,000 -(PGCE level or equivalent) (pro-rata for part-time roles) - Unqualified Teacher full time equivalent £27,810 (pro-rata for part-time roles) - To start ASAP principles of animation 2D and 3D. This is an exciting opportunity to contribute to a successful and growing department, within a supportive framework. Candidates will have maths and English at GCSE grade C / 4 or above, and will be educated to degree level with evidence of outstanding practice working in a similar environment. Key tasks and qualities * The ability to work in a way that promotes the safety and wellbeing of young people * Plan and deliver exciting lessons that supports learner progression * Ensure learners are retained, achieve their qualifications and progress * Ensure the course has a wide range of enrichment including guest speakers and trips * Complete learner one to one tutorials and individual learning plans * Use a range of assessment methods ensuring the learners are inspired to progress by outstanding and prompt feedback * Ability to empathies with and understand the many challenges faced by young adults in a demographic with high free school meals rate and poverty levels * Ability to inspire these learners by developing lessons that can relate to and build on their needs and interests * Experience of working in the creative industries using an entrepreneurial approach * Develop innovative ways of collaborating on projects both within the department and with other courses in the college * Experience of working professionally in a relevant industry * Extremely organised and able to manage your own workload effectively and flexibly * Highly motivated and driven to succeed in a competitive and rewarding environment * Outstanding teaching and communication skills and experience of good / outstanding Ofsted * Positive, solution focused and proactive in managing and responding to data * Assertive and self-confident in management of the learning environment * Committed and willing to "go the extra mile" to meet targets * Ambitious - will not settle for less than outstanding standards of work and behaviour * Animating, skinning and rigging in Maya, or Blender * Animation-to-engine pipelines, ideally Unity/ Unreal Engine * Familiarity with modelling, Photoshop * Excel Unity for 3D game production * 3D Modelling and texturing - Blender * Drawing and 2D Art skills * Experience with Photoshop - concept art / textures for games * Excellent communication skills in English * Blender or Autodesk Maya for 3D modelling and animation * Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects and Photoshop * Unity for 3D game production - Visual scripting / basic programming skills * Drawing and 2D Art skills * Game design industry planning and research skills For more information on this job please contact Maria on 07442606786 or email 2023-08-17 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:50:28.548451+00
113375248 Lead Wildlife Biologist Best Culture Solutions Owl Moon Environmental Inc. ( promotes the advancement of environmental research and monitoring based on sound scientific principles. We're proud to use advanced technologies and analytical methods to examine wildlife populations and habitat use in the oil sands region. We encourage originality and innovation to improve knowledge of environmental effects and recovery of wildlife populations and the habitats that support wildlife, while meeting the regulatory requirements and scientific needs of our clients. To our team members, we offer the opportunity to work in a scientifically rigourous, safety-conscious and respectful environment. Our team members receive competitive compensation, including paid vacation and sick leave, life and health insurance benefits including a Health Spending Account, and an RRSP with employer contributions. We are looking for a Lead Wildlife Biologist in Fort McMurray, Alberta. Duties include ensuring that the day-to-day operations of our field monitoring programs are completed safely with a high level of technical expertise within budget, schedule, and work scope. We are looking for someone to oversee the execution of our field programs, train, supervise and mentor team members, and support our COR-certified HSE program. Work would be from a home office and in the field. The successful applicant should have a post-secondary degree in zoology, ecology, environmental science, or a related field, and have team leadership experience. The successful applicant should also be registered or qualified to register as a Professional Biologist in Alberta. Some preferred candidate traits are a graduate degree in a related field, authorship of paper(s) published in peer-reviewed journal(s), and experience handling wildlife including banding birds. Responsibilities Mentor and supervise the wildlife team to ensure operational excellence and compliance with company safety and HR policies and procedures Execute field programs safely and within budget, schedule, and work scope with a high level of technical capability Train and coach team members with feedback on safe work performance, work planning, quality data collection, and strong technical performance Mentor team members in support of their professional development Build strong relationships with clients and ensure all site access and activities comply with site requirements Manage field schedules, adjusting plans and tasks when required, and approving short-term time-off requests Support the COR-certified HSE program through day-to-day communication of safety messages, oversight, responding to near misses and incidents, and support investigations as needed Participate in field programs to provide team support either as scheduled or when emergent needs arise Provide environmental data quality assurance and control, and database management Guide specialists conducting statistical analyses to be presented in reports, presentations, and manuscripts in scientific journals Manage an equipment inventory and ensure equipment repairs, service, and replacements are completed for field program mobilization and corporate insurance coverage Other duties as required Requirements What you need to succeed Post-secondary degree in zoology, ecology, environmental science, or a related field from a recognized university 8 years of post-graduate experience in a consulting environment or equivalent Registered or qualified to register as a Professional Biologist in Alberta Experience leading and coaching small to medium-sized teams, promoting team wellness, unity, and performance Ability to manage budgets, logistics, and resources Strong writing skills for technical reports or peer-reviewed journal articles Experience presenting technical material to clients, regulators, communities, stakeholders and the public Thorough understanding of terrestrial environmental monitoring programs, protocols, procedures, and regulatory permitting requirements Thorough understanding of Alberta and Canadian environmental regulatory legislation, regulations, and client compliance reporting requirements Ability to identify boreal wildlife by sight, vocalization, and sign Experience conducting surveys for breeding or migratory birds, amphibians, and mammals Thorough understanding of wildlife habitat and habitat requirements across taxa Experience interpreting large, multiyear ecological datasets Computer proficiency, including formatting in MS Word, formulas and analytical tools in Excel, and styles in PowerPoint Valid Alberta Class 5 Driver's License, clean driving record, and a 3-year documented vehicle insurance history What would give you an edge Graduate degree in a related field Authorship of publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals Experience with statistical modelling and spatial data analyses Wildlife handling and bird banding experience Experience driving 4WD trucks in 4WD conditions and ATV/UTVs, including loading/unloading and trailering Benefits Benefits: Company car Dental care Paid time off Vision care Schedule: 8 hour shift Day shift Ability to commute/relocate: Fort McMurray, AB T9K 0R3: reliably commute or plan to relocate before starting work (required) Experience: consulting environment or equivalent: 3 years (preferred) leading and coaching small to medium-sized teams: 1 year (preferred) Licence/Certification: registration as a Professional Biologist in Alberta (required) Alberta Class 5 Driver's License (preferred) Work Location: In person Lead Wildlife Biologist The successful applicant should have a post-secondary degree in zoology, ecology, environmental science, or a related field, and have team leadership experience. The successful applicant should also be registered or qualified to register as a Professional Biologist in Alberta. Some preferred candidate traits are a graduate degree in a related field, authorship of paper(s) published in peer-reviewed journal(s), and experience handling wildlife including banding birds. Responsibilities Mentor and supervise the wildlife team to ensure operational excellence and compliance with company safety and HR policies and procedures Execute field programs safely and within budget, schedule, and work scope with a high level of technical capability Train and coach team members with feedback on safe work performance, work planning, quality data collection, and strong technical performance Mentor team members in support of their professional development Build strong relationships with clients and ensure all site access and activities comply with site requirements Manage field schedules, adjusting plans and tasks when required, and approving short-term time-off requests Support the COR-certified HSE program through day-to-day communication of safety messages, oversight, responding to near misses and incidents, and support investigations as needed Participate in field programs to provide team support either as scheduled or when emergent needs arise Provide environmental data quality assurance and control, and database management Guide specialists conducting statistical analyses to be presented in reports, presentations, and manuscripts in scientific journals Manage an equipment inventory and ensure equipment repairs, service, and replacements are completed for field program mobilization and corporate insurance coverage Other duties as required Requirements What you need to succeed Post-secondary degree in zoology, ecology, environmental science, or a related field from a recognized university 8 years of post-graduate experience in a consulting environment or equivalent Registered or qualified to register as a Professional Biologist in Alberta Experience leading and coaching small to medium-sized teams, promoting team wellness, unity, and performance Ability to manage budgets, logistics, and resources Strong writing skills for technical reports or peer-reviewed journal articles Experience presenting technical material to clients, regulators, communities, stakeholders and the public Thorough understanding of terrestrial environmental monitoring programs, protocols, procedures, and regulatory permitting requirements Thorough understanding of Alberta and Canadian environmental regulatory legislation, regulations, and client compliance reporting requirements Ability to identify boreal wildlife by sight, vocalization, and sign Experience conducting surveys for breeding or migratory birds, amphibians, and mammals Thorough understanding of wildlife habitat and habitat requirements across taxa Experience interpreting large, multiyear ecological datasets Computer proficiency, including formatting in MS Word, formulas and analytical tools in Excel, and styles in PowerPoint Valid Alberta Class 5 Driver's License, clean driving record, and a 3-year documented vehicle insurance history What would give you an edge Graduate degree in a related field Authorship of publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals Experience with statistical modelling and spatial data analyses Wildlife handling and bird banding experience Experience driving 4WD trucks in 4WD conditions and ATV/UTVs, including loading/unloading and trailering Benefits Benefits: Company car Dental care Paid time off Vision care Schedule: 8 hour shift Day shift Ability to commute/relocate: Fort McMurray, AB T9K 0R3: reliably commute or plan to relocate before starting work (required) Experience: consulting environment or equivalent: 3 years (preferred) leading and coaching small to medium-sized teams: 1 year (preferred) Licence/Certification: registration as a Professional Biologist in Alberta (required) Alberta Class 5 Driver's License (preferred) Work Location: In person 2023-08-06 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:50:28.548451+00
113375403 CORPORATE FINANCE EXECUTIVE (RAWANG) MONOSA GREEN SDN. BHD. JOB DESCRIPTION : - Providing strategic insight and knowledge to shape the financial direction of a client business - Preparation of information on the financial direction of the business - Creation of all necessary reports to assist with strategic financial planning - Advising on meeting targets and creating investment capital - Use financial modelling to predict outcomes - Assist with Investor of Vendor Due Diligence preparation - Structuring financial deals - Liaising with all parties involved in financial transactions - Assisting with negotiations - Preparation of relevant legal documents - Any Ad-hoc task required by manager REQUIREMENT: - Candidate must at least posses a degree/higher or equivalent in , Accountancy, Finance, or any other related field of studies - Have at least 2-3 Years experience in Corporate Finance position . - Have good knowledge at using Microsoft Excel & other account system for financial modeling and data analytics. - Have excellent analytical skills as well as strong business acumen. - Candidate must have good interpersonal and communication skills, with the ability to build relationships with associates and other related parties. - Candidate must be organized, can prioritize effectively, and multi-task to deliver results in a fast-paced work environment. Our Mission statement is to be a national leader in the environmental management Industry by improving our Service, Relationship and Teamwork. We choose the opportunities that can improve company value and maintain company unity to be stronger and longer. We are committed to offering quality services and products at affordable prices, while implementing a safe health and environmental friendly operational system Bachelor's or Equivalent CORPORATE FINANCE EXECUTIVE (RAWANG) JOB DESCRIPTION : - Providing strategic insight and knowledge to shape the financial direction of a client business - Preparation of information on the financial direction of the business - Creation of all necessary reports to assist with strategic financial planning - Advising on meeting targets and creating investment capital - Use financial modelling to predict outcomes - Assist with Investor of Vendor Due Diligence preparation - Structuring financial deals - Liaising with all parties involved in financial transactions - Assisting with negotiations - Preparation of relevant legal documents - Any Ad-hoc task required by manager REQUIREMENT: - Candidate must at least posses a degree/higher or equivalent in , Accountancy, Finance, or any other related field of studies - Have at least 2-3 Years experience in Corporate Finance position . - Have good knowledge at using Microsoft Excel & other account system for financial modeling and data analytics. - Have excellent analytical skills as well as strong business acumen. - Candidate must have good interpersonal and communication skills, with the ability to build relationships with associates and other related parties. - Candidate must be organized, can prioritize effectively, and multi-task to deliver results in a fast-paced work environment. Bachelor's or Equivalent 2023-08-18 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:50:28.548451+00
113375270 Registration Specialist (Full Time Evenings) UnityPoint Health Overview: Under guidance and supervision, the associate performs reception, billing, scheduling, insurance verification and benefit coordination, filing, record keeping and other duties throughout the hospital. This position is fluid throughout the day and will be in outpatient registration areas, in the Emergency Room, and registering patients in Inpatient Units. The Registration Specialist is expected to acquire an understanding of and proficiency in all functions of their assigned area. Demonstrates initiative and sound judgment in the application of policies and procedures. Responsibilities: Essential Functions/Responsibilities: Essential functions are the duties and responsibilities that are essential to the position (not a task list). Do not include if less than 5% of work time is spent on this duty. Be specific without giving explicit instructions on how to perform the task. Do not include duties that are to be performed in the future. Duties should be action oriented and avoid vague or general statements. % of Time (annually) Customer Service · Receives patients, visitors and answers telephone calls · Creates a welcoming environment for all. Effectively managing positive relationships with other team members and other departments. · Schedules walk in patient appointments 15% Billing/Insurance/Collections/Denials · Verifies insurance eligibility and insurance coverage for patients via phone or internet. · Counsel patients on coverage, cost estimates, patient financial responsibility, and financial assistance applications. · Gather, verify and enter demographic and billing information for new and established patients to complete the electronic health record and insurance claim for each patient visit. · Responds to patient questions regarding their account and ensures solutions to patient billing, complaints or concerns. · Demonstrates ability to effectively manage details by accurately completing patient registration and maintaining medical records in all areas of the hospital. · Collects point of service payments, issues receipts and reconciles daily receivable activity to prepare for the daily deposits. · Monitors and completes account on multiple work queues in EPIC for billing accuracy for providers and patients. · Problem solves, analyzes and collaborates with patient, Insurance Companies, Hospital Departments, Revenue Integrity, and Central Billing Office to resolve billing and denial issues, including correcting claim or account errors. · Documents denials and billing issues to identify process improvements in order to maximize efficiency and ensure proper payment for the hospital. · Performs other duties as assigned. 75% Basic UPH Performance Criteria · Demonstrates the UnityPoint Health Values and Standards of Behaviors as well as adheres to policies and procedures and safety guidelines. · Demonstrates ability to meet business needs of department with regular, reliable attendance. · Employee maintains current licenses and/or certifications required for the position. · Practices and reflects knowledge of HIPAA, TJC, DNV, OSHA and other federal/state regulatory agencies guiding healthcare. · Completes all annual education and competency requirements within the calendar year. · Is knowledgeable of hospital and department compliance requirements for federally funded healthcare programs (e.g. Medicare and Medicaid) regarding fraud, waste and abuse. Brings any questions or concerns regarding compliance to the immediate attention of hospital administrative staff. Takes appropriate action on concerns reported by department staff related to compliance. 10% Disclaimer: This job description is not designed to cover or contain a comprehensive listing of activities, duties or responsibilities that required of the employee. Other duties, responsibilities and activities may change or be assigned at any time with or without notice. Demonstration of UPH Values and Standards of Behaviors Consistently demonstrates UnityPoint Health’s values in the performance of job duties and responsibilities Foster Unity: · Leverage the skills and abilities of each person to enable great teams. · Collaborate across departments, facilities, business units and regions. · Seek to understand and are open to diverse thoughts and perspectives. Own The Moment: · Connect with each person treating them with courtesy, compassion, empathy and respect · Enthusiastically engage in our work. · Accountable for our individual actions and our team performance. · Responsible for solving problems regardless of the origin. Champion Excellence: · Commit to the best outcomes and highest quality. · Have a relentless focus on exceeding expectations. · Believe in sharing our results, learning from our mistakes and celebrating our successes. Seize Opportunities: · Embrace and promote innovation and transformation. · Create partnerships that improve care delivery in our communities. · Have the courage to challenge the status quo. Qualifications: QUALIFICATIONS: Minimum Requirements Identify items that are minimally required to perform the essential functions of this position. Preferred or Specialized Not required to perform the essential functions of the position. Education: High School Diploma Associate’s Degree Experience: · Prior experience in a medical office · Prior insurance knowledge License(s)/Certification(s): Valid driver’s license when driving any vehicle for work-related reasons. · Experience with Medical Insurance processing · Medical Terminology Knowledge/Skills/Abilities: · Writes, reads, comprehends and speaks fluent English. · Multicultural sensitivity · Microsoft Office – Basic computer skills · Customer/Patient focused · Critical thinking skills using independent judgment in making decisions · High organizational skills · Ability to multi-task · High attention to detail · Ability to interact effectively with physicians, health care team members, patients and members of their support systems. Other: Use of usual and customary equipment used to perform essential functions of the position. Registration Specialist (Full Time Evenings) Overview: Under guidance and supervision, the associate performs reception, billing, scheduling, insurance verification and benefit coordination, filing, record keeping and other duties throughout the hospital. This position is fluid throughout the day and will be in outpatient registration areas, in the Emergency Room, and registering patients in Inpatient Units. The Registration Specialist is expected to acquire an understanding of and proficiency in all functions of their assigned area. Demonstrates initiative and sound judgment in the application of policies and procedures. Responsibilities: Essential Functions/Responsibilities: Essential functions are the duties and responsibilities that are essential to the position (not a task list). Do not include if less than 5% of work time is spent on this duty. Be specific without giving explicit instructions on how to perform the task. Do not include duties that are to be performed in the future. Duties should be action oriented and avoid vague or general statements. % of Time (annually) Customer Service · Receives patients, visitors and answers telephone calls · Creates a welcoming environment for all. Effectively managing positive relationships with other team members and other departments. · Schedules walk in patient appointments 15% Billing/Insurance/Collections/Denials · Verifies insurance eligibility and insurance coverage for patients via phone or internet. · Counsel patients on coverage, cost estimates, patient financial responsibility, and financial assistance applications. · Gather, verify and enter demographic and billing information for new and established patients to complete the electronic health record and insurance claim for each patient visit. · Responds to patient questions regarding their account and ensures solutions to patient billing, complaints or concerns. · Demonstrates ability to effectively manage details by accurately completing patient registration and maintaining medical records in all areas of the hospital. · Collects point of service payments, issues receipts and reconciles daily receivable activity to prepare for the daily deposits. · Monitors and completes account on multiple work queues in EPIC for billing accuracy for providers and patients. · Documents denials and billing issues to identify process improvements in order to maximize efficiency and ensure proper payment for the hospital. · Performs other duties as assigned. 75% Basic UPH Performance Criteria · Demonstrates ability to meet business needs of department with regular, reliable attendance. · Employee maintains current licenses and/or certifications required for the position. · Practices and reflects knowledge of HIPAA, TJC, DNV, OSHA and other federal/state regulatory agencies guiding healthcare. · Completes all annual education and competency requirements within the calendar year. · Is knowledgeable of hospital and department compliance requirements for federally funded healthcare programs (e.g. Medicare and Medicaid) regarding fraud, waste and abuse. Brings any questions or concerns regarding compliance to the immediate attention of hospital administrative staff. Takes appropriate action on concerns reported by department staff related to compliance. 10% Disclaimer: This job description is not designed to cover or contain a comprehensive listing of activities, duties or responsibilities that required of the employee. Other duties, responsibilities and activities may change or be assigned at any time with or without notice. Demonstration of UPH Values and Standards of Behaviors Foster Unity: · Leverage the skills and abilities of each person to enable great teams. · Collaborate across departments, facilities, business units and regions. · Seek to understand and are open to diverse thoughts and perspectives. Own The Moment: · Connect with each person treating them with courtesy, compassion, empathy and respect · Enthusiastically engage in our work. · Accountable for our individual actions and our team performance. · Responsible for solving problems regardless of the origin. Champion Excellence: · Commit to the best outcomes and highest quality. · Have a relentless focus on exceeding expectations. · Believe in sharing our results, learning from our mistakes and celebrating our successes. Seize Opportunities: · Embrace and promote innovation and transformation. · Create partnerships that improve care delivery in our communities. · Have the courage to challenge the status quo. Qualifications: QUALIFICATIONS: Minimum Requirements Identify items that are minimally required to perform the essential functions of this position. Preferred or Specialized Not required to perform the essential functions of the position. Education: High School Diploma Associate’s Degree Experience: · Prior experience in a medical office · Prior insurance knowledge License(s)/Certification(s): Valid driver’s license when driving any vehicle for work-related reasons. · Experience with Medical Insurance processing · Medical Terminology Knowledge/Skills/Abilities: · Writes, reads, comprehends and speaks fluent English. · Multicultural sensitivity · Microsoft Office – Basic computer skills · Customer/Patient focused · Critical thinking skills using independent judgment in making decisions · High organizational skills · Ability to multi-task · High attention to detail · Ability to interact effectively with physicians, health care team members, patients and members of their support systems. Other: Use of usual and customary equipment used to perform essential functions of the position. 2023-08-18 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:50:28.548451+00
113375350 Teller OakStar Bank SUMMARY The position of Teller is responsible for performing routine branch and customer services duties. Accepts retail and commercial checking and savings deposits, processes loan payments, cashes checks and savings withdrawals, and promotes business for the Bank by maintaining good customer relations and referring customers to appropriate staff for new services. Assures compliance with all Bank policies and procedures, as well as, all applicable state and federal banking regulations. ESSENTIAL DUTIES Receives retail and commercial checking and savings deposits by determining that all necessary deposit documents are improper form and issuing receipts. Cashes checks, savings withdrawals and makes cash advances; confirms all necessary documents are properly authorized, are in proper form and are within authorized limits; makes decisions when questionable items are presented for cashing. Operates computer terminal or personal computer to process account activity, determine balances, and resolve problems within given authority. Issues official checks. Processes change orders and deposit slip corrections. Assists with night depository duties: logs bags, processes deposits, makes change orders, issues receipt and returns bags to customers. Cross-sells the Bank’s other products and services, referring customers to appropriate staff as indicated. Performs safe deposit duties by controlling access and assisting customers. Receives and processes stop payment and hold orders. Accepts loan and installment payments. Balances cash drawer daily and verifies cash being returned to the vault. Provides effective customer service and assists in resolving problems within given authority. Records, files, updates information, and sorts mail or reports as required. Answers telephones and directs callers to proper Bank personnel. May gather data and process various reports (e.g., currency transaction, returned items, overdrafts, callbacks, etc.) May assist in opening and closing the vault daily, assists in balancing vault currency and coin. Types routine letters reports and forms. Maintains files, copies, and faxes documents, and orders and distributes supplies. Treats people with respect, keeps commitments, Inspires the trust of others, works ethically and with integrity, upholds organizational values, and accepts responsibility for own actions. Demonstrates knowledge of and adherence to EEO policy, shows respect and sensitivity for cultural differences, educates others on the value of diversity, promotes working environment free of harassment of any type, and builds a diverse workforce and supports affirmative action. Follows policies and procedures, completes administrative tasks correctly and on time, supports the Bank’s goals and values, and benefits the Bank through outside activities. Performs the position safely, without endangering the health or safety to themselves or others and will be expected to report potentially unsafe conditions. The employee shall comply with occupational safety and health standards and all rules, regulations and orders issued pursuant to the OSHA Act of 1970, which are applicable to one’s own actions and conduct. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS These specifications are general guidelines based on the minimum experience normally considered essential to the satisfactory performance of this position. The requirements listed below are representative of the knowledge, skill and/or ability required to perform the position in a satisfactory manner. Individual abilities may result in some deviation from these guidelines. High school diploma or general education degree (GED) and 1+ years of related experience and/or training, or the equivalent combination of education and experience. Work related experience should consist of a cash handling and/or customer service background. Educational experience, through in-house training sessions, formal school, or financial industry related curriculum, should be business or financial industry related. Basic experience, knowledge and training in branch operation activities, terminology, and products and services. Basic knowledge of related state and federal banking compliance regulations, and other Bank operational policies. Basic skills in computer terminal and personal computer operation, mainframe computer system, word processing and spreadsheet software. Basic typing skills to meet production needs of the position. Basic math skills: calculate interest and balance accounts, add, subtract, multiply and divide in all units of measure, using whole numbers, common fractions and decimals, locate routine mathematical errors, count currency, coin and negotiable instruments in a timely manner. Effective oral, written, and interpersonal communication skills with the ability to apply common sense to carry out instructions, interpret documents, understand procedures, write reports and correspondence, and speak clearly to customers and employees. Ability to deal with routine problems involving multiple facets and variables in standardized situations. Good organizational and time management skills. Ability to work with general supervision while performing duties. Current STATE driver’s license and a vehicle with appropriate insurance coverage if required to drive while performing assigned duties and responsibilities. Updated: August 18, 2023 Teller SUMMARY The position of Teller is responsible for performing routine branch and customer services duties. Accepts retail and commercial checking and savings deposits, processes loan payments, cashes checks and savings withdrawals, and promotes business for the Bank by maintaining good customer relations and referring customers to appropriate staff for new services. Assures compliance with all Bank policies and procedures, as well as, all applicable state and federal banking regulations. ESSENTIAL DUTIES Receives retail and commercial checking and savings deposits by determining that all necessary deposit documents are improper form and issuing receipts. Cashes checks, savings withdrawals and makes cash advances; confirms all necessary documents are properly authorized, are in proper form and are within authorized limits; makes decisions when questionable items are presented for cashing. Operates computer terminal or personal computer to process account activity, determine balances, and resolve problems within given authority. Issues official checks. Processes change orders and deposit slip corrections. Assists with night depository duties: logs bags, processes deposits, makes change orders, issues receipt and returns bags to customers. Cross-sells the Bank’s other products and services, referring customers to appropriate staff as indicated. Performs safe deposit duties by controlling access and assisting customers. Receives and processes stop payment and hold orders. Accepts loan and installment payments. Balances cash drawer daily and verifies cash being returned to the vault. Provides effective customer service and assists in resolving problems within given authority. Records, files, updates information, and sorts mail or reports as required. Answers telephones and directs callers to proper Bank personnel. May gather data and process various reports (e.g., currency transaction, returned items, overdrafts, callbacks, etc.) May assist in opening and closing the vault daily, assists in balancing vault currency and coin. Types routine letters reports and forms. Maintains files, copies, and faxes documents, and orders and distributes supplies. Treats people with respect, keeps commitments, Inspires the trust of others, works ethically and with integrity, upholds organizational values, and accepts responsibility for own actions. Demonstrates knowledge of and adherence to EEO policy, shows respect and sensitivity for cultural differences, educates others on the value of diversity, promotes working environment free of harassment of any type, and builds a diverse workforce and supports affirmative action. Follows policies and procedures, completes administrative tasks correctly and on time, supports the Bank’s goals and values, and benefits the Bank through outside activities. Performs the position safely, without endangering the health or safety to themselves or others and will be expected to report potentially unsafe conditions. The employee shall comply with occupational safety and health standards and all rules, regulations and orders issued pursuant to the OSHA Act of 1970, which are applicable to one’s own actions and conduct. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS These specifications are general guidelines based on the minimum experience normally considered essential to the satisfactory performance of this position. The requirements listed below are representative of the knowledge, skill and/or ability required to perform the position in a satisfactory manner. Individual abilities may result in some deviation from these guidelines. High school diploma or general education degree (GED) and 1+ years of related experience and/or training, or the equivalent combination of education and experience. Work related experience should consist of a cash handling and/or customer service background. Educational experience, through in-house training sessions, formal school, or financial industry related curriculum, should be business or financial industry related. Basic experience, knowledge and training in branch operation activities, terminology, and products and services. Basic knowledge of related state and federal banking compliance regulations, and other Bank operational policies. Basic skills in computer terminal and personal computer operation, mainframe computer system, word processing and spreadsheet software. Basic typing skills to meet production needs of the position. Basic math skills: calculate interest and balance accounts, add, subtract, multiply and divide in all units of measure, using whole numbers, common fractions and decimals, locate routine mathematical errors, count currency, coin and negotiable instruments in a timely manner. Effective oral, written, and interpersonal communication skills with the ability to apply common sense to carry out instructions, interpret documents, understand procedures, write reports and correspondence, and speak clearly to customers and employees. Ability to deal with routine problems involving multiple facets and variables in standardized situations. Good organizational and time management skills. Ability to work with general supervision while performing duties. Current STATE driver’s license and a vehicle with appropriate insurance coverage if required to drive while performing assigned duties and responsibilities. Updated: August 18, 2023 2023-08-18 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:50:28.548451+00
113375407 Técnico/a de programación / TICs Crit Interim España ETT Salario: A convenir Tipo de contrato: A convenir Jornada: Jornada Completa Años de experiencia: Sin Experiencia Técnico/a de programación / TICs Salario: A convenir Tipo de contrato: A convenir Jornada: Jornada Completa Años de experiencia: Sin Experiencia 2023-08-18 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:50:28.548451+00
113375186 IT Support Technician Freeman Company About Us Freeman is a global leader in events. Whether virtual, in-person, or hybrid, Freeman is on a mission to redefine live for a new era. With a data-driven approach and the industry’s largest network of experts, Freeman’s insights shape exhibitions, exhibits, and events that drive audiences to action. The integrated full-service solutions leverage a 95-year legacy in event management as well as new technologies to deliver moments that matter. Summary The Systems Administrator - Branch IT is responsible for day-to-day administration of all services provided by the IT department for an office/ warehouse environment. This includes but is not limited to VoIP phone system, access control, security camera, mobile devices, end user support and networking responsibilities. This position will support our Audio Visual and Event Technology team and follows a in-person schedule working full-time in-office and/or show site based out of Orlando, FL. Essential Duties & Responsibilities Provide technical support and guidance to users over the phone, via the network, through email or in person to resolve various computer and network related issues Assist with end user equipment deployment Maintain and support all systems, applications, and security related to local Networks, File and Print Servers Maintain and troubleshoot file access and user permissions Test and resolve software and hardware conflicts Maintain data files and monitors system configurations to ensure data integrity Ensure backup and disaster recovery Recommend upgrades, patches, and new applications and equipment Maintain accurate inventory of IT equipment showing date of implementation Maintain branch printers Support showsite as needed Assist with the quality control, preparation and staging of rental equipment when necessary. Ensure software and hardware compliance and conformance to establish corporate standards and security guidelines Maintain familiarity with current and emerging OS and PC technologies Develop and maintain good working relationships with business partners, teammates and vendors to perform job functions effectively Plan and coordinate work to meet commitments and quality expectations Ability to work independently or alongside vendors to solve complex problems Configure and install security cameras and cabling Must be willing to operate a forklift, scissor/ boom lift and work at height 10-15% travel required to support other facilities Perform other duties as assigned Education & Experience Associate's degree from a two or four year college or university; or two or more years related experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience, with a High School Diploma or GED Two to three (2-3) years' experience with troubleshooting computers and networks preferred Experience with file and print sharing, including security and user permissions management Excellent analysis and problem solving skills Excellent oral and written communication skills Knowledge of network storage design (SAN/NAS), implementation and optimization Experience managing Microsoft products e.g.: MS Office Suite MS Desktop Operating Systems MS Server Operating Systems Creative, self-motivated and flexible in dealing with change Occasional lifting, moving computer terminals, and troubleshooting problems that could involve moving furniture and checking connections in hard to reach locations Familiarity with ITIL concepts, specifically in the area of service delivery preferred. Excellent customer service skills Must possess valid Driver's License Preferred knowledge areas: Experience managing Apple Operating Systems Experience with Linux (Ubuntu) Experience working in and providing operational documentation Certificates, Licenses, Registrations Network+ or A+ certification preferred Microsoft Certifications optional ITIL certified optional Diversity Commitment At Freeman, our commitment to diversity and inclusion is helping us to create not only a great place to work, but also an environment where our employees, our customers and our communities around the world can reach their goals and connect with each other. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, disability, age, veteran status and other characteristic protected by federal, state or local laws. IT Support Technician About Us Freeman is a global leader in events. Whether virtual, in-person, or hybrid, Freeman is on a mission to redefine live for a new era. With a data-driven approach and the industry’s largest network of experts, Freeman’s insights shape exhibitions, exhibits, and events that drive audiences to action. The integrated full-service solutions leverage a 95-year legacy in event management as well as new technologies to deliver moments that matter. Summary The Systems Administrator - Branch IT is responsible for day-to-day administration of all services provided by the IT department for an office/ warehouse environment. This includes but is not limited to VoIP phone system, access control, security camera, mobile devices, end user support and networking responsibilities. This position will support our Audio Visual and Event Technology team and follows a in-person schedule working full-time in-office and/or show site based out of Orlando, FL. Essential Duties & Responsibilities Provide technical support and guidance to users over the phone, via the network, through email or in person to resolve various computer and network related issues Assist with end user equipment deployment Maintain and support all systems, applications, and security related to local Networks, File and Print Servers Maintain and troubleshoot file access and user permissions Test and resolve software and hardware conflicts Maintain data files and monitors system configurations to ensure data integrity Ensure backup and disaster recovery Recommend upgrades, patches, and new applications and equipment Maintain accurate inventory of IT equipment showing date of implementation Maintain branch printers Support showsite as needed Assist with the quality control, preparation and staging of rental equipment when necessary. Ensure software and hardware compliance and conformance to establish corporate standards and security guidelines Maintain familiarity with current and emerging OS and PC technologies Develop and maintain good working relationships with business partners, teammates and vendors to perform job functions effectively Plan and coordinate work to meet commitments and quality expectations Ability to work independently or alongside vendors to solve complex problems Configure and install security cameras and cabling Must be willing to operate a forklift, scissor/ boom lift and work at height 10-15% travel required to support other facilities Perform other duties as assigned Education & Experience Associate's degree from a two or four year college or university; or two or more years related experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience, with a High School Diploma or GED Two to three (2-3) years' experience with troubleshooting computers and networks preferred Experience with file and print sharing, including security and user permissions management Excellent analysis and problem solving skills Excellent oral and written communication skills Knowledge of network storage design (SAN/NAS), implementation and optimization Experience managing Microsoft products e.g.: MS Office Suite MS Desktop Operating Systems MS Server Operating Systems Creative, self-motivated and flexible in dealing with change Occasional lifting, moving computer terminals, and troubleshooting problems that could involve moving furniture and checking connections in hard to reach locations Familiarity with ITIL concepts, specifically in the area of service delivery preferred. Excellent customer service skills Must possess valid Driver's License Preferred knowledge areas: Experience managing Apple Operating Systems Experience with Linux (Ubuntu) Experience working in and providing operational documentation Certificates, Licenses, Registrations Network+ or A+ certification preferred Microsoft Certifications optional ITIL certified optional Diversity Commitment At Freeman, our commitment to diversity and inclusion is helping us to create not only a great place to work, but also an environment where our employees, our customers and our communities around the world can reach their goals and connect with each other. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, disability, age, veteran status and other characteristic protected by federal, state or local laws. 2023-08-18 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:50:28.548451+00
113375168 Frontend JS Developer DEITY We are building the future of eCommerce. At DEITY, we pursue to change the world of eCommerce by bringing unlimited scalability, flexibility, and extensibility to any online business without any risk or disinvestment. For the software development team in Krakow we are looking for an experienced front-end developer who likes to work in a multi-disciplinary team with front-end, back-end and cloud engineers. Together they use innovative technologies to create state of the art eCommerce software. Tasks * Write code! * Contribute to the development of our unique (SaaS/PaaS) e-commerce platform * Be part of the Scrum team * Become familiar with our product portfolio, technology & development process * Together with other stakeholders you define the requirements and specification * Design, development and validation of applications developed by you and the team * Propose and lead improvement projects Requirements * At least 2 years relevant work experience * Preferably a degree (minimum BSc) in Computer Science, Software Engineering, or comparable * Excellent knowledge of React, TypeScript and Webpack * Preferably hands-on experience with GraphQL, Apollo Client, NodeJS, Jest and Workbox.js. * Familiar with Agile development practices e.g. Scrum, Kanban * Methodical in your approach, with excellent judgment and good communication skills * Comfortable in a fast-moving, dynamic, international environment * Fluent understanding of the English language, both in speaking and writing * Result oriented, responsible, thorough, and pro-active * Living in Poland, preferably in the Krakow area Benefits * Competitive salary, depending on competence. * 25 days of paid leave in case of full-time employment * MacBook or Lenovo ThinkPad * Chance to make architectural decisions * A huge influence on projects you develop * Working on always up-to-date versions of technologies * Working in a non-corporate environment * Awesome and well-located office Feel like you fit the role and company? Hit the apply button and let's talk! Frontend JS Developer Tasks * Write code! * Contribute to the development of our unique (SaaS/PaaS) e-commerce platform * Be part of the Scrum team * Become familiar with our product portfolio, technology & development process * Together with other stakeholders you define the requirements and specification * Design, development and validation of applications developed by you and the team * Propose and lead improvement projects Requirements * At least 2 years relevant work experience * Preferably a degree (minimum BSc) in Computer Science, Software Engineering, or comparable * Excellent knowledge of React, TypeScript and Webpack * Preferably hands-on experience with GraphQL, Apollo Client, NodeJS, Jest and Workbox.js. * Familiar with Agile development practices e.g. Scrum, Kanban * Methodical in your approach, with excellent judgment and good communication skills * Comfortable in a fast-moving, dynamic, international environment * Fluent understanding of the English language, both in speaking and writing * Result oriented, responsible, thorough, and pro-active * Living in Poland, preferably in the Krakow area Benefits * Competitive salary, depending on competence. * 25 days of paid leave in case of full-time employment * MacBook or Lenovo ThinkPad * Chance to make architectural decisions * A huge influence on projects you develop * Working on always up-to-date versions of technologies * Working in a non-corporate environment * Awesome and well-located office Feel like you fit the role and company? Hit the apply button and let's talk! 2023-08-19 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:50:28.548451+00
113375076 QuaMath-Projekt-Assistenz (E 9 b TV-L, 75%) Landesregierung Schleswig-Holstein Stellenausschreibung QuaMath-Projekt-Assistenz (E 9 b TV-L, 75%) Art der Ausschreibung: öffentlich Bewerbungsfrist: 17.09.2023 Besetzung zum: 01.11.2023 Beschäftigungsverhältnis: Arbeitnehmer Entgelt: TV-L E 9b - TV-L E 9b Teilzeit/Vollzeit: Teilzeit Wochenarbeitszeit TB.: 29.025 Beschäftigungsdauer: befristet Befristet für: 56 Monat/e Einsatzort: Hausvogteiplatz 5-7, 10117 Berlin Leibniz-Institut für die Pädagogik der Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik Olshausenstraße 62, 24118 Kiel Anne Hinrichsen E-Mail : Tel. : +49 431 880-5628 Für Beschäftigte des Landes Schleswig-Holstein und externe Bewerberinnen und Bewerber In der Abteilung Fachbezogener Erkenntnistransfer (FET) am IPN – Leibniz-Institut für die Pädagogik der Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik ist am Dienstort Berlin ab 01.11.2023 folgende Position: QuaMath-Projekt-Assistenz (E 9 b TV-L, 75%) befristet bis zum 30.06.28 zu besetzen. Ihre Aufgaben Unterstützung im Rahmen des Projekts „QuaMath“– Unterrichts- und Fortbildungs-Qualität in Mathematik entwickeln: LMS (Lernmanagementsystem) für VA-Management, Materialablage, Monitoring und Verwaltungsmanagement vorbereiten und verlässlich pflegen und den jeweiligen Jahrgängen anpassen Haushalts- und Finanzangelegenheiten (Mitarbeit in Zuwendungsangelegenheiten, Vorbereitung und Unterstützung bei Verwendungsnachweisen, Mittelabrufe, Umwidmungen und deren Dokumentation, Unterstützung bei Auftragsvergaben sowie Standard-Vorgängen wie Beschaffungen und Dienstreisen, Angebote von externen Referenten/-innen einholen und verwaltungstechnisch bearbeiten sowie Monitoring) technische Begleitung der Landeskoordinierenden-Treffen einschl. Anmeldemanagement, Vor- und Nachbereitung Unterstützung bei der Organisation und Durchführung von Präsenzveranstaltungen im Bundesgebiet (Bereitschaft zu 1-2 Dienstreisen im Jahr) Projektcontrolling: Überwachung von Personalressourcen, (Finanz- und Stellenplan) sowie Gesamtausgaben Unterstützung bei der Erstellung von Stellenbeschreibungen und bei der Erstellung von Anforderungsprofilen Unterstützung bei der Projektverwaltung für die Einrichtung der IT-Infrastruktur Gewährleistung der reibungslosen Kommunikation intern/extern Aufbau, Organisation und Überwachung eines Ablagesystems in teils komplexen Arbeits- und Netzwerkstrukturen Sie bieten: Abgeschlossene kaufmännische oder verwaltungstechnische Ausbildung mit entsprechender Berufserfahrung Kenntnisse und praktische Erfahrung im kaufmännischen Rechnungswesen und Controlling Versierter Umgang mit dem Computer und MS Office sowie Standardsoftware zur Textverarbeitung, Tabellenkalkulation und Archivierung Hohes Organisationsvermögen und Flexibilität Bereitschaft zur Zusammenarbeit in interdisziplinären Teams, professionelles Auftreten, ausgeprägtes Kommunikationsvermögen sehr gute Kenntnisse der deutschen Sprache in Wort und Schrift (mind. B2 gern C1) Erwartet werden weiterhin Teamfähigkeit, Integrität, Belastbarkeit und Flexibilität sowie eine selbstständige und sehr gewissenhafte Arbeitsweise und Serviceorientierung. Wir bieten: einen interessanten, gut ausgestatteten Arbeitsplatz eine abwechslungsreiche Tätigkeit in einem dynamischen und herausfordernden Arbeitsumfeld flexible Arbeitszeitmodelle und familiengerechte Arbeitsbedingungen zertifiziert nach dem audit berufundfamilie Unterstützung der fachlichen und persönlichen Entwicklung durch unterschiedliche Weiterbildungsangebote Altersvorsorge für den öffentlichen Dienst (VBL) Angebote im Rahmen des Betrieblichen Gesundheitsmanagements NAH-SH Jobticket und Deutschlandticket Jobticket Sie fühlen sich angesprochen? Dann senden Sie bitte Ihre Bewerbung mit den üblichen Unterlagen (Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse, Nachweise über die geforderten Qualifikationen) als ein PDF-Dokument bis zum 17.09.2023 unter dem Stichwort „QuaMath-Projekt-Assistenz“ per Mail an die Personalabteilung des IPN: Nur Bewerbungen mit vollständigen Unterlagen können berücksichtigt werden. Auf die Vorlage von Lichtbildern/Bewerbungsfotos verzichten wir ausdrücklich und bitten daher, hiervon abzusehen. Bei inhaltlichen Rückfragen wenden Sie sich bitte an Frau Annett Kreuziger: Über uns: Das IPN – Leibniz-Institut für die Pädagogik der Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik mit Sitz in Kiel und Berlin ist eines der renommiertesten nationalen Bildungsforschungsinstitute mit zurzeit etwa 180 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern. Der Auftrag des IPN ist es, durch seine Forschung die Pädagogik der Naturwissenschaften und der Mathematik weiter zu entwickeln und zu fördern. Das IPN ist bestrebt, die Qualifikationsmöglichkeiten von Frauen in der Forschung sowie den Anteil von Frauen in den Aufgabenbereichen, in denen Frauen bislang unterrepräsentiert sind, zu erhöhen. Frauen werden daher bei gleichwertiger Eignung vorrangig berücksichtigt. Das IPN setzt sich für die Beschäftigung von Menschen mit Behinderung ein. Schwerbehinderte und ihnen Gleichgestellte werden bei entsprechender fachlicher Eignung bevorzugt berücksichtigt. Wir freuen uns über Ihre Bewerbung – unabhängig von Nationalität, ethnischer und sozialer Herkunft, Religion und Weltanschauung, Alter sowie sexueller Orientierung und Identität. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf unserer Website: Letzte Aktualisierung am: 18.08.2023 QuaMath-Projekt-Assistenz (E 9 b TV-L, 75%) Stellenausschreibung QuaMath-Projekt-Assistenz (E 9 b TV-L, 75%) Art der Ausschreibung: öffentlich Bewerbungsfrist: 17.09.2023 Besetzung zum: 01.11.2023 Beschäftigungsverhältnis: Arbeitnehmer Entgelt: TV-L E 9b - TV-L E 9b Teilzeit/Vollzeit: Teilzeit Wochenarbeitszeit TB.: 29.025 Beschäftigungsdauer: befristet Befristet für: 56 Monat/e Einsatzort: Hausvogteiplatz 5-7, 10117 Berlin Leibniz-Institut für die Pädagogik der Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik Olshausenstraße 62, 24118 Kiel Anne Hinrichsen E-Mail : Tel. : +49 431 880-5628 Für Beschäftigte des Landes Schleswig-Holstein und externe Bewerberinnen und Bewerber In der Abteilung Fachbezogener Erkenntnistransfer (FET) am IPN – Leibniz-Institut für die Pädagogik der Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik ist am Dienstort Berlin ab 01.11.2023 folgende Position: QuaMath-Projekt-Assistenz (E 9 b TV-L, 75%) befristet bis zum 30.06.28 zu besetzen. Ihre Aufgaben Unterstützung im Rahmen des Projekts „QuaMath“– Unterrichts- und Fortbildungs-Qualität in Mathematik entwickeln: LMS (Lernmanagementsystem) für VA-Management, Materialablage, Monitoring und Verwaltungsmanagement vorbereiten und verlässlich pflegen und den jeweiligen Jahrgängen anpassen Haushalts- und Finanzangelegenheiten (Mitarbeit in Zuwendungsangelegenheiten, Vorbereitung und Unterstützung bei Verwendungsnachweisen, Mittelabrufe, Umwidmungen und deren Dokumentation, Unterstützung bei Auftragsvergaben sowie Standard-Vorgängen wie Beschaffungen und Dienstreisen, Angebote von externen Referenten/-innen einholen und verwaltungstechnisch bearbeiten sowie Monitoring) technische Begleitung der Landeskoordinierenden-Treffen einschl. Anmeldemanagement, Vor- und Nachbereitung Unterstützung bei der Organisation und Durchführung von Präsenzveranstaltungen im Bundesgebiet (Bereitschaft zu 1-2 Dienstreisen im Jahr) Projektcontrolling: Überwachung von Personalressourcen, (Finanz- und Stellenplan) sowie Gesamtausgaben Unterstützung bei der Erstellung von Stellenbeschreibungen und bei der Erstellung von Anforderungsprofilen Unterstützung bei der Projektverwaltung für die Einrichtung der IT-Infrastruktur Gewährleistung der reibungslosen Kommunikation intern/extern Aufbau, Organisation und Überwachung eines Ablagesystems in teils komplexen Arbeits- und Netzwerkstrukturen Sie bieten: Abgeschlossene kaufmännische oder verwaltungstechnische Ausbildung mit entsprechender Berufserfahrung Kenntnisse und praktische Erfahrung im kaufmännischen Rechnungswesen und Controlling Versierter Umgang mit dem Computer und MS Office sowie Standardsoftware zur Textverarbeitung, Tabellenkalkulation und Archivierung Hohes Organisationsvermögen und Flexibilität Bereitschaft zur Zusammenarbeit in interdisziplinären Teams, professionelles Auftreten, ausgeprägtes Kommunikationsvermögen sehr gute Kenntnisse der deutschen Sprache in Wort und Schrift (mind. B2 gern C1) Erwartet werden weiterhin Teamfähigkeit, Integrität, Belastbarkeit und Flexibilität sowie eine selbstständige und sehr gewissenhafte Arbeitsweise und Serviceorientierung. Wir bieten: einen interessanten, gut ausgestatteten Arbeitsplatz eine abwechslungsreiche Tätigkeit in einem dynamischen und herausfordernden Arbeitsumfeld flexible Arbeitszeitmodelle und familiengerechte Arbeitsbedingungen zertifiziert nach dem audit berufundfamilie Unterstützung der fachlichen und persönlichen Entwicklung durch unterschiedliche Weiterbildungsangebote Altersvorsorge für den öffentlichen Dienst (VBL) Angebote im Rahmen des Betrieblichen Gesundheitsmanagements NAH-SH Jobticket und Deutschlandticket Jobticket Sie fühlen sich angesprochen? Dann senden Sie bitte Ihre Bewerbung mit den üblichen Unterlagen (Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse, Nachweise über die geforderten Qualifikationen) als ein PDF-Dokument bis zum 17.09.2023 unter dem Stichwort „QuaMath-Projekt-Assistenz“ per Mail an die Personalabteilung des IPN: Nur Bewerbungen mit vollständigen Unterlagen können berücksichtigt werden. Auf die Vorlage von Lichtbildern/Bewerbungsfotos verzichten wir ausdrücklich und bitten daher, hiervon abzusehen. Bei inhaltlichen Rückfragen wenden Sie sich bitte an Frau Annett Kreuziger: Über uns: Das IPN – Leibniz-Institut für die Pädagogik der Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik mit Sitz in Kiel und Berlin ist eines der renommiertesten nationalen Bildungsforschungsinstitute mit zurzeit etwa 180 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern. Der Auftrag des IPN ist es, durch seine Forschung die Pädagogik der Naturwissenschaften und der Mathematik weiter zu entwickeln und zu fördern. Das IPN ist bestrebt, die Qualifikationsmöglichkeiten von Frauen in der Forschung sowie den Anteil von Frauen in den Aufgabenbereichen, in denen Frauen bislang unterrepräsentiert sind, zu erhöhen. Frauen werden daher bei gleichwertiger Eignung vorrangig berücksichtigt. Das IPN setzt sich für die Beschäftigung von Menschen mit Behinderung ein. Schwerbehinderte und ihnen Gleichgestellte werden bei entsprechender fachlicher Eignung bevorzugt berücksichtigt. Wir freuen uns über Ihre Bewerbung – unabhängig von Nationalität, ethnischer und sozialer Herkunft, Religion und Weltanschauung, Alter sowie sexueller Orientierung und Identität. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf unserer Website: Letzte Aktualisierung am: 18.08.2023 2023-08-18 2023-08-29 10:04:19.149299+00 2023-08-19 22:50:28.548451+00
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