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Forked from brettohland/
Created July 16, 2022 06:24
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ISBN example with FormatStyle, AttributedStringFormatStyle, ParseableFormatStyle conformance.

Supporting FormatStyle & ParseableFormatStyle To Your Custom Types

A full example of adding String and AttributedString output to our custom types, as well as adding the ability to parse String values into your custom type.

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Another questionable project by Ampersand Softworks

import Foundation
/// Represents a 13 digit International Standard Book Number.
public struct ISBN: Codable, Sendable, Equatable, Hashable {
public let prefix: String
public let registrationGroup: String
public let registrant: String
public let publication: String
public let checkDigit: String
/// Initializes a new ISBN struct
/// - Parameters:
/// - prefix: The prefix to the registration group
/// - registrationGroup: The registration group (as numbers)
/// - registrant: The registrant (as number)
/// - publication: The publication (as numbers)
/// - checkDigit: The check digit used in validation
public init(
prefix: String,
registrationGroup: String,
registrant: String,
publication: String,
checkDigit: String
) {
self.prefix = prefix
self.registrationGroup = registrationGroup
self.registrant = registrant
self.publication = publication
self.checkDigit = checkDigit
import Foundation
public extension ISBN {
struct FormatStyle: Codable, Equatable, Hashable {
/// Defines which ISBN standard to output
public enum Standard: Codable, Equatable, Hashable {
/// ISBN-13
case isbn13
/// ISBN-10
case isbn10
public enum Separator: String, Codable, Equatable, Hashable {
case hyphen = "-"
case space = " "
case none = ""
let standard: Standard
let separator: Separator
/// Initialize an ISBN FormatStyle with the given Standard
/// - Parameter standard: Standard, defaults to .isbn13(.hyphen)
public init(_ standard: Standard = .isbn13, separator: Separator = .hyphen) {
self.standard = standard
self.separator = separator
// MARK: Customization Method Chaining
public func standard(_ standard: Standard) -> Self {
.init(standard, separator: separator)
/// Returns a new instance of `self` with the standard property set.
/// - Parameter standard: The standard to use on the final output
/// - Returns: A copy of `self` with the standard set
public func separator(_ separator: Separator) -> Self {
.init(standard, separator: separator)
extension ISBN.FormatStyle: Foundation.FormatStyle {
/// Returns a textual representation of the `ISBN` value passed in.
/// - Parameter value: A `ISBN` value
/// - Returns: The textual representation of the value, using the style's `standard`.
public func format(_ value: ISBN) -> String {
let parts = [
switch standard {
case .isbn13:
return parts.joined(separator: separator.rawValue)
case .isbn10:
// ISBN-10 is missing the "prefix" portion of the number.
return parts.dropFirst().joined(separator: separator.rawValue)
// MARK: Convenience methods to access the formatted value
public extension ISBN {
/// Converts `self` to its textual representation.
/// - Returns: String
func formatted() -> String {
/// Converts `self` to another representation.
/// - Parameter style: The format for formatting `self`
/// - Returns: A representations of `self` using the given `style`. The type of the return is determined by the FormatStyle.FormatOutput
func formatted<F: Foundation.FormatStyle>(_ style: F) -> F.FormatOutput where F.FormatInput == ISBN {
// MARK: Convenience FormatStyle extensions to ease access
@available(macOS 12.0, iOS 15.0, tvOS 15.0, watchOS 8.0, *)
public extension FormatStyle where Self == ISBN.FormatStyle {
static var isbn13: Self { .init(.isbn13, separator: .hyphen) }
static var isbn10: Self { .init(.isbn10, separator: .hyphen) }
static func isbn(
standard: ISBN.FormatStyle.Standard = .isbn13,
separator: ISBN.FormatStyle.Separator = .hyphen
) -> Self {
.init(standard, separator: separator)
// MARK: - Debug Methods on ISBN
extension ISBN: CustomDebugStringConvertible {
public var debugDescription: String {
"ISBN: \(formatted())"
import Foundation
// We need to create a new AttributedScope to contain our new attributes.
public extension AttributeScopes {
/// Represents the parts of an ISBN which we will be adding attributes to.
enum ISBNPart: Hashable {
case prefix
case registrationGroup
case registrant
case publication
case checkDigit
case separator
// Define our new AttributeScope
struct ISBNAttributes: AttributeScope {
// Our property value to access it.
public let isbnPart: ISBNAttributeKey
// We follow the AttributeStringKey protocol to define our new attribute.
enum ISBNAttributeKey: AttributedStringKey {
public typealias Value = ISBNPart
public static let name = "isbnPart"
// This extends AttributeScope to allow us to access our new ISBNPart type quickly.
var isbnPart: ISBNPart.Type { ISBNPart.self }
// We extend AttributeDynamicLookup to know about our custom type.
public extension AttributeDynamicLookup {
subscript<T: AttributedStringKey>(dynamicMember keyPath: KeyPath<AttributeScopes.ISBNAttributes, T>) -> T {
// MARK: - AttributedString output FormatStyle
public extension ISBN {
/// An ISBN FormatStyle for outputting AttributedString values.
struct AttributedStringFormatStyle: Codable, Foundation.FormatStyle {
private let standard: ISBN.FormatStyle.Standard
private let separator: ISBN.FormatStyle.Separator
/// Initialize an ISBN FormatStyle with the given Standard
/// - Parameter standard: Standard (required)
public init(standard: ISBN.FormatStyle.Standard, separator: ISBN.FormatStyle.Separator) {
self.standard = standard
self.separator = separator
// The format method required by the FormatStyle protocol.
public func format(_ value: ISBN) -> AttributedString {
// Creates AttributedString representations of each part of the ISBN
var prefix = AttributedString(value.prefix)
var group = AttributedString(value.registrationGroup)
var registrant = AttributedString(value.registrant)
var publication = AttributedString(value.publication)
var checkDigit = AttributedString(value.checkDigit)
// Assigns our custom attribute scope attribute to each part.
prefix.isbnPart = .prefix
group.isbnPart = .registrationGroup
registrant.isbnPart = .registrant
publication.isbnPart = .publication
checkDigit.isbnPart = .checkDigit
// Collect all parts in an array to allow for simple AttributedString concatenation using reduce
let parts = [
// Create the final AttributedString by using the reduce method. We define the
switch standard {
case .isbn13 where separator == .none:
// Merge all parts into one string.
return parts.reduce(AttributedString(), +)
case .isbn13:
// Define the delimiter
var separator = AttributedString(separator.rawValue)
separator.isbnPart = .separator
// Starting with the .prefix, use reduce to build the final AttributedString.
return parts.dropFirst().reduce(prefix) { $0 + separator + $1 }
case .isbn10 where separator == .none:
// Drop the prefix, merge all parts.
return parts.dropFirst().reduce(group, +)
case .isbn10:
// Define the delimiter
var separator = AttributedString(separator.rawValue)
separator.isbnPart = .separator
// Drop the first two elements (prefix and group), then build the final AttributedString
return parts.dropFirst(2).reduce(group) { $0 + separator + $1 }
// MARK: AttributedStringFormatStyle convenience accessors
// Add our new attributed method chain to our format style.
public extension ISBN.FormatStyle {
var attributed: ISBN.AttributedStringFormatStyle {
.init(standard: standard, separator: separator)
import Foundation
// MARK: Add Validation to ISBN
public extension ISBN {
// Define our validation errors
enum ValidationError: Error {
case emptyInput
case noGroupsPresent
case invalidStringLength
case invalidCharacters
case checksumFailed
// Define our valid character set. We avoid using CharacterSet.decimalDigit since that includes
// all unicode characters which represents digits. ISBN values only use the Arabic numerals,
// hyphens, or spaces.
static let validCharacterSet = CharacterSet(charactersIn: "0123456789").union(validSeparatorsSet)
// Define our valid separators.
static let validSeparatorsSet = CharacterSet(charactersIn: "- ")
// Define the "Bookland" prefix ( to convert ISBN-10 values to ISBN-13
static let booklandPrefix = "978"
/// Returns a validated, 13 digit ISBN string.
/// - Parameter value: A string representation of an ISBN
/// - Returns: String, the valid String that passed the check.
static func validate(_ candidate: String?) throws -> String {
// Unwrap the value passed in.
guard let candidate = candidate else { throw ValidationError.emptyInput }
// Validate that we have spacers present, otherwise we're not going to be able to parse out
// any ISBN values
guard candidate.rangeOfCharacter(from: Self.validSeparatorsSet) != nil else {
throw ValidationError.noGroupsPresent
// Trim any leading and trailing whitespace and newlines.
// Newlines will fail on the next check.
let trimmedString = candidate.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces)
// Check for the existence of any invalid characters.
// We invert validCharacterSet to represent every other character in unicode than what is valid.
// If rangeOfCharacter returns a value, we know that those characters exist (and therefore fails)
guard trimmedString.rangeOfCharacter(from: Self.validCharacterSet.inverted) == nil else {
// So we throw the appropriate error
throw ValidationError.invalidCharacters
// Convert any ISBN-10 values into ISBN13 values by adding
// the "Bookland" prefix (
let isbn13String = trimmedString.count == 10 ? Self.booklandPrefix + trimmedString : trimmedString
// Run the ISBN 13 checksum calculation
// Use the reduce method to run the checksum, starting with 0
// We enumerate the string because we need the position (it's offset) for each character, as
// well as the number itself.
// Start by removing all of the hyphens
let isbnString = isbn13String.components(separatedBy: .decimalDigits.inverted).joined()
// Verify that we have either 10 or 13 characters at this point.
guard [10, 13].contains(isbnString.count) else {
throw ValidationError.invalidStringLength
// First, we take the sum of the number. Multiplying each digit by either 1 or 3.
let sum = isbnString.enumerated().reduce(0) { partialResult, character in
// Safely convert the character into an integer.
guard let number = character.element.wholeNumberValue else {
return partialResult
// We alternate multiplying each character by 1 or 3
let multiplier = character.offset % 2 == 0 ? 1 : 3
// We then multiply the number by the multiplier, and add it to the previous result
return partialResult + (number * multiplier)
// We then make sure that the number is cleanly divisible by 10 by using the modulo function.
guard sum % 10 == 0 else {
throw ValidationError.checksumFailed
// Success. Return the original ISBN-10 or ISBN-13 string
return trimmedString
public extension ISBN.FormatStyle {
enum DecodingError: Error {
case invalidInput
struct ParseStrategy: Foundation.ParseStrategy {
public init() {}
public func parse(_ value: String) throws -> ISBN {
// Trim the input string any leading or trailing whitespaces
let trimmedValue = value.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces)
// Attempt to validate our trimmed string
let validISBN = try ISBN.validate(trimmedValue)
// Create an array of strings based on the separator used.
let components = validISBN.components(separatedBy: ISBN.validSeparatorsSet)
// Having 4 components means that we were given an ISBN-10 number.
// Therefore we need to convert it.
let finalComponents = components.count == 4 ? [ISBN.booklandPrefix] + components : components
// Since we're going to use subscripts to access each value in the array, it's a good
// idea to verify that all values are present to avoid crashing.
guard finalComponents.count == 5 else {
throw DecodingError.invalidInput
// Build the final ISBN from the component parts.
return ISBN(
prefix: finalComponents[0],
registrationGroup: finalComponents[1],
registrant: finalComponents[2],
publication: finalComponents[3],
checkDigit: finalComponents[4]
// MARK: ParseableFormatStyle conformance on ISBN.FormatStyle
extension ISBN.FormatStyle: ParseableFormatStyle {
public var parseStrategy: ISBN.FormatStyle.ParseStrategy {
// MARK: Convenience members on ISBN to simplify access to the ParseStrategy
public extension ISBN {
init(_ string: String) throws {
self = try ISBN.FormatStyle().parseStrategy.parse(string)
init<T, Value>(_ value: Value, standard: T) throws where T: ParseStrategy, Value: StringProtocol, T.ParseInput == String, T.ParseOutput == ISBN {
self = try standard.parse(value.description)
// MARK: Extend ParseableFormatStyle to simplify access to the format style
@available(macOS 12.0, iOS 15.0, tvOS 15.0, watchOS 8.0, *)
public extension ParseableFormatStyle where Self == ISBN.FormatStyle {
static var isbn: Self { .init() }
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