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Last active March 15, 2021 18:46
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Measures vertical distance between elements on a page.
/* 1. run the code in the console
* 2. Click on an element on a page
* 3. Click on another element
* 4. Distance between the two will be shown in the console
* NOTE: it measures only vertical distance (Y axis) NOT the horizontal one!
var firstElement;
function measureDistance(firstEl, secondEl) {
const position1 = firstEl.getBoundingClientRect();
const position2 = secondEl.getBoundingClientRect();
const elementsAreTheSame = (firstEl === secondEl);
const oneElementIsChildOfTheOtherOne = (firstEl.contains(secondEl) || secondEl.contains(firstEl)) && !elementsAreTheSame;
const elementsAreNotRelated = !elementsAreTheSame && !oneElementIsChildOfTheOtherOne;
if (elementsAreNotRelated) {
const distance = ( < ? - position1.bottom : - position2.bottom;
console.log("Distance:", distance);
else if (oneElementIsChildOfTheOtherOne) {
const topEdgesDistance = Math.abs( -;
const bottomEdgesDistance = Math.abs(position1.bottom - position2.bottom);
console.log("One element contains another");
console.log("Distance between top edges: ", topEdgesDistance);
console.log("Distance between bottom edges:", bottomEdgesDistance);
else if (elementsAreTheSame) { //user clicked twice on the same element
console.log("You selected the same element twice. Here are its dimensions:");
console.log("Height:", position1.height);
console.log("Width: ", position1.width);
function selectElement(clickEvent) {
const selectedEl =;
if (!firstElement) {
firstElement = selectedEl; //assignment to global variable
console.log("Element 1: ", selectedEl)
else {
console.log("Element 2: ", selectedEl);
measureDistance(firstElement, selectedEl);
firstElement = null;
function addMeasuringEvent(elem) {
elem.addEventListener('mouseover', ev => = "LightGreen");
elem.addEventListener('mouseout', ev => = '');
elem.addEventListener('click', selectElement);
document.querySelectorAll("body *:not(nextjs-portal,script,svg *)").forEach(e => addMeasuringEvent(e));
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