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Created May 6, 2016 08:43
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自动在 Endnote X7 For Mac 上为每个文献条目增加一个Label
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
filename: zhcn_endnote_label_generator
create datetime: 2016-05-06
version: 1.0
description: >
- 自动获取 Endnote X7 For Mac 正在显示的列表,然后根据中文第一作者名的汉语拼音与年月增加 Label
- @see
from appscript import *
import unicodedata
from pypinyin import pinyin
def get_author_py(author):
author_py_list = pinyin(author,0)
author_py = u''
# snake_case
for char in author_py_list:
author_py = u'{0}_{1}'.format(author_py,char[0])
# convert snake_case to camel_case
author_py = author_py.title().replace(u'_','')
return author_py
def format_year(year):
if len(year) == 0:
return u'xxxx'
return year
def format_author(author):
# get pinyin string from chinese author name
author = get_author_py(author)
# remove any spaces from the authors name and replace with '_'
spaces = author.count(u' ')
if spaces > 0:
author = author.replace(u' ',u'_')
if len(author) == 0:
author = 'None'
return author
def AddLabel(app,file_group_type=u'shown'):
theListOfRefs = app.retrieve(file_group_type,records_in=app.documents[1])
for aRef in theListOfRefs:
# get the unformatted record
unf_rec = app.unformatted_record(aRef)
# unf_rec like: {吴吉义, 2011 #10}
# find the positions of the comma, #, and the }
comPos = unf_rec.find(u',')
hashPos= unf_rec.find(u'#')
end = unf_rec.find(u'}')
author = unf_rec[1:comPos] # get author name
year = unf_rec[comPos+2:hashPos-1] # get year
number = unf_rec[hashPos+1:end] #get reference number
author = format_author(author)
year = format_year(year)
cite_key = u'{0}_{1}_{2}'.format(author,year,number)
# this flattens the citation key into ascii
cite_key = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD',cite_key).encode('ascii','ignore')
# put the cite key into EndNote Label field
if __name__ == '__main__':
endnote = app('Endnote X7')
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