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Last active May 17, 2024 23:53
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object broadcast comparison
import torch
import torch.distributed as dist
import os
import multiprocessing
import multiprocessing.shared_memory
import io
import pickle
N_warmup = 10 # warmup N_warmup times
N = 100 # repeat N times
backend = os.getenv('BACKEND', 'gloo') # 'gloo' or 'nccl'
align_memory = int(os.getenv('ALIGN', '0')) # whether to align memory
def align_broadcast_obj(obj, src=0, rank=0, size_upper_bound=1024 * 1024):
if rank == src:
s = pickle.dumps(obj)
# tried to avoid this copy, but it seems pickle cannot directly dump to a memory buffer
buffer_tensor[:len(s)].copy_(torch.frombuffer(s, dtype=torch.uint8))
dist.broadcast(buffer_tensor[:size_upper_bound], src=src)
if rank != src:
obj = pickle.loads(memoryview(buffer))
return obj
import time
def one_trial(size):
# measure the time for broadcasting a tensor
total_time = []
for i in range(N + N_warmup):
if dist.get_rank() == 0:
d = [1] * size
d = []
if not align_memory:
start = time.time()
container = [d]
dist.broadcast_object_list(container, src=0)
d = container[0]
end = time.time()
size_upper_bound = len(pickle.dumps([1] * size))
if size_upper_bound % ALIGNMENT != 0:
size_upper_bound += ALIGNMENT - size_upper_bound % ALIGNMENT
start = time.time()
d = align_broadcast_obj(d, src=0, rank=rank, size_upper_bound=size_upper_bound)
end = time.time()
assert len(d) == size
if i >= N_warmup:
total_time.append(end - start)
total_time = torch.tensor(total_time) * 1e6 # in microseconds
mean = total_time.mean().item()
std = total_time.std().item()
return mean, std
if backend == 'nccl':
rank = dist.get_rank()
if align_memory:
buffer = bytearray(1024 * 1024)
buffer_tensor = torch.frombuffer(memoryview(buffer), dtype=torch.uint8)
# print the header
if dist.get_rank() == 0:
print("\t".join(["size", "pickle_bytes", "mean (us)", "std (us)"]))
for size in list(range(101, 1024, 101)) + [2 ** i for i in range(10, 19)]:
mean, std = one_trial(size)
if dist.get_rank() == 0:
pickle_bytes = len(pickle.dumps([1] * size))
print("\t".join([f"{size}", f"{pickle_bytes}", f"{mean:.3f}", f"{std:.3f}"]))
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  • BACKEND=gloo ALIGN=0 torchrun --nproc-per-node=4
  • BACKEND=gloo ALIGN=1 torchrun --nproc-per-node=4
  • BACKEND=nccl ALIGN=0 torchrun --nproc-per-node=4

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