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Created May 10, 2019 16:31
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module Base.ListSet exposing
( Set
, diff
, empty
, filter
, foldl
, foldr
, fromList
, group
, insert
, intersect
, isEmpty
, map
, member
, partition
, product
, remove
, sample
, singleton
, size
, toList
, union
, unsafe
import Dict
type alias Set a =
{ list : List a }
unsafe : List a -> Set a
unsafe list =
{ list = list }
{-| Create an empty set.
empty : Set a
empty =
{ list = [] }
{-| Create a set with one value.
singleton : a -> Set a
singleton k =
unsafe [ k ]
{-| Insert a value into a set.
insert : a -> Set a -> Set a
insert k s =
if List.member k s.list then
unsafe <| k :: s.list
{-| Remove a value from a set. If the value is not found, no changes are made.
remove : a -> Set a -> Set a
remove k s =
unsafe <| List.filter ((/=) k) s.list
{-| Determine if a set is empty.
isEmpty : Set a -> Bool
isEmpty { list } =
List.isEmpty list
{-| Determine if a value is in a set.
member : a -> Set a -> Bool
member k { list } =
List.member k list
{-| Determine the number of elements in a set.
size : Set a -> Int
size { list } =
List.length list
{-| Get the union of two sets. Keep all values.
union : Set a -> Set a -> Set a
union s1 s2 =
if size s1 > size s2 then
foldl insert s1 s2
foldl insert s2 s1
{-| Get the intersection of two sets. Keeps values that appear in both sets.
intersect : Set a -> Set a -> Set a
intersect set1 set2 =
filter (\value -> member value set2) set1
{-| Get the difference between the first set and the second. Keeps values
that do not appear in the second set.
diff : Set a -> Set a -> Set a
diff set1 set2 =
filter (\value -> not <| member value set2) set1
{-| Convert a set into a list.
toList : Set a -> List a
toList { list } =
{-| Convert a list into a set, removing any duplicates.
fromList : List a -> Set a
fromList xs =
List.foldr insert empty xs
{-| Fold over the values in a set, in order from lowest to highest.
foldl : (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Set a -> b
foldl f b { list } =
List.foldl f b list
{-| Fold over the values in a set, in order from highest to lowest.
foldr : (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Set a -> b
foldr f b { list } =
List.foldr f b list
{-| Map a function onto a set, creating a new set with no duplicates.
map : (a -> b) -> Set a -> Set b
map f s =
fromList ( f (toList s))
{-| Create a new set consisting only of elements which satisfy a predicate.
filter : (a -> Bool) -> Set a -> Set a
filter p { list } =
unsafe <| List.filter p list
Take an item from the set,
return maybe that (if found) and the set with the item removed.
sample : Set a -> ( Maybe a, Set a )
sample { list } =
case list of
head :: rest ->
( Just head, { list = rest } )
_ ->
( Nothing, { list = [] } )
group : (x -> comparable) -> Set x -> Set ( comparable, Set x )
group f set =
add : comparable -> a -> Dict.Dict comparable (List a) -> Dict.Dict comparable (List a)
add comparable a dict =
Dict.get comparable dict
|> Maybe.withDefault []
|> (\list ->
a :: list
|> (\list -> Dict.insert comparable list dict)
foldl (\x dict -> add (f x) x dict) Dict.empty set
|> Dict.foldl (\k v s -> insert ( k, unsafe v ) s) empty
{-| Cartesian product of 2 Sets (i.e. all possible tuples of (a, b) from Set a, Set b).
product : Set x -> Set y -> Set ( x, y )
product xs ys =
listProduct xs_ ys_ =
List.concatMap (\x -> (\y -> ( x, y )) ys_) xs_
unsafe <| listProduct (toList xs) (toList ys)
{-| Create two new sets; the first consisting of elements which satisfy a
predicate, the second consisting of elements which do not.
partition : (a -> Bool) -> Set a -> ( Set a, Set a )
partition p { list } =
( p1, p2 ) =
List.partition p list
( unsafe <| p1, unsafe <| p2 )
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