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Created March 22, 2013 05:53
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Android developer: make your text views selectable
September 02, 2012
Historically, support for text selection and copy/paste on Android has been limited to text input fields only. (Some specific applications like the Browser and Gmail have also included their own implementations of text selection from other areas). Fortunately, starting with Android 3.0 the TextView component has built-in support for a consistent, system-wide selection & copying system.
However, this feature is not enabled by default for text views. Very few developers choose to enable it when appropriate: many probably don't even know of its existence. Enabling it is simple and only takes one extra attribute:
<TextView android:layout_width="wrap_content"
android:textIsSelectable="true" />
(Or programmatically:)
And you're done. The text can now be selected and copied by long clicking it. This will start the selection mode:
In the action bar: select all and copy.
(A note on backwards compatibility: adding this attribute to a TextView in XML is perfectly safe. Older versions of Android will simply ignore it. If you want to set it programmatically, wrap the call in an if statement to check the version first. You will need to build your app using at least the 3.0 SDK, but you can set the minimum version to a lower Android version in the manifest.)
Be sure to enable this feature in areas of your application that it is useful in. For example, text selection will not work in a list view, but you can enable it in the viewing UI for an individual list item. Your users will thank you.
从android sdk 11起google添加了新api TextIsSelectable控制TextView是否支持拷贝、粘帖功能,不过这个功能在v11以下则不那么好彩了。
setMovementMethod( ArrowKeyMovementMethod.getInstance());
setText(tv.getText(),BufferType.SPANNABLE );
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