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Last active July 9, 2021 14:10
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Eleventy URL Linter to check for changed URLs when swapping from `slug` to `slugify` filters (via @pdehaan)
const assert = require("assert");
const inspect = require("util").inspect;
module.exports= (eleventyConfig) => {
// ever so slightly modified from @pdehaan’s original:
const slugFn = eleventyConfig.getFilter("slug");
const slugifyFn = eleventyConfig.getFilter("slugify");
const slugErrors = new Set();
eleventyConfig.addFilter("slug", function (str="") {
const slugValue = slugFn(str);
try {
assert.strictEqual(slugValue, slugifyFn(str));
} catch (err) {
// Only display a unique error once.
if (!slugErrors.has(err.message)) {
console.error(`\nslug-vs-slugify filter mismatch for ${inspect(str)}\n${err.message}`);
process.exitCode = 2;
} finally {
return slugValue;
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zachleat commented Jul 9, 2021

This is now bundled into the Eleventy Upgrade Helper plugin:

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