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Last active April 19, 2022 16:20
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Script for converting Pandas DF to Spark's DF
from pyspark.sql.types import *
# Auxiliar functions
# Pandas Types -> Sparks Types
def equivalent_type(f):
if f == 'datetime64[ns]': return DateType()
elif f == 'int64': return LongType()
elif f == 'int32': return IntegerType()
elif f == 'float64': return FloatType()
else: return StringType()
def define_structure(string, format_type):
try: typo = equivalent_type(format_type)
except: typo = StringType()
return StructField(string, typo)
#Given pandas dataframe, it will return a spark's dataframe
def pandas_to_spark(df_pandas):
columns = list(df_pandas.columns)
types = list(df_pandas.dtypes)
struct_list = []
for column, typo in zip(columns, types):
struct_list.append(define_structure(column, typo))
p_schema = StructType(struct_list)
return sqlContext.createDataFrame(df_pandas, p_schema)
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Thank you! For my project, I had to add boolean types to the equivalent_type function.

def equivalent_type(f): ... elif f == "bool": return BooleanType()

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Chen-Cai-OSU commented Aug 6, 2021

Thank you for sharing the code. I am using pyspark 3.1.2 and running your code NameError: name 'sqlContext' is not defined. I used from pyspark.sql import SQLContext instead, but it gives the following error:

 File "utils/", line 82, in <module>
    sparkdf = pandas_to_spark(df)
  File "utils/", line 74, in pandas_to_spark
    return SQLContext.createDataFrame(pandas_df, p_schema)
  File "/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyspark/sql/", line 369, in createDataFrame
    return self.sparkSession.createDataFrame(data, schema, samplingRatio, verifySchema)
  File "/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 5141, in __getattr__
    return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'sparkSession'

Would you mind taking a look? Apologies if the question is too naive.. I have no knowledge in spark/pyspark. Thank you!

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from pyspark import SparkContext, SQLContext
sqlContext = SQLContext(SparkContext.getOrCreate())

Try adding this, then it would work...

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UltraDiuve commented Apr 13, 2022

Thanks for this one, it's been very useful on my end!

I am not that experienced in pyspark, but is there a reason why equivalent_type returns a new instance of XxxxType() at each call, rather than using a dictionary like below?

equivalent_type_dict = {
    'datetime64[ns]': DateTime(),
    'int64': LongType(),
    'int32': IntegerType(),
    'float64': DoubleType(),
    'float32': FloatType(),

def define_structure(string, format_type):
  try: typo = equivalent_type_dict[format_type]
  except: typo = StringType()
  return StructField(string, typo)


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bpovea commented Apr 19, 2022

I can suggest updating this:

equivalent_type_dict = {
    'float64': DoubleType(),
    'float32': FloatType(),

Because, using FloatType will remove some decimals, like this:

Pandas: 9544.145833333334 | Float64
SparkDF: 9544.1455 | float
SparkDF: 9544.145833333334 | double

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I can suggest updating this:

equivalent_type_dict = {
    'float64': DoubleType(),
    'float32': FloatType(),

Because, using FloatType will remove some decimals, like this:

Pandas: 9544.145833333334 | Float64
SparkDF: 9544.1455 | float
SparkDF: 9544.145833333334 | double

Thanks for the suggestion, I updated this part in my code.

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