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Last active March 18, 2024 06:27
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Min-swap palindrome

To run application


To make request to it

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"word":"aabb"}' localhost:8000

To run tests

#!/usr/bin/env python3
$ curl -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d '{"word":"aabb"}' localhost:8000
{"palindrome": "abba"}
import json
from palindrome import min_palindrome
def app(environ, start_response):
# get word from the request
request_body_size = int(environ.get("CONTENT_LENGTH", 0))
except ValueError:
request_body_size = 0
request_body = environ["wsgi.input"].read(request_body_size)
word = json.loads(request_body)["word"]
# find palindrome
palindrome = min_palindrome(word)
# return response
status = "200 OK"
headers = [("Content-type", "application/json")]
start_response(status, headers)
return [json.dumps(dict(palindrome=palindrome)).encode()]
if __name__ == "__main__":
from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server
with make_server("localhost", 8000, app) as httpd:
print("Serving on localhost:8000...")
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from import Sequence
__all__ = ["min_palindrome"]
def odd(n: int) -> bool:
return bool(n % 2)
def is_palindrome(chars: Sequence) -> bool:
return chars == chars[::-1]
def min_palindrome(s: str) -> str:
"""Make min-swap palindrome from *s* or return empty string if can't.
If multiple such palindromes exists, prefer lexicographical order.
chars = list(s)
# determine whether we can make a palindrome from chars at all
freq = Counter(s)
if sum(map(odd, freq.values())) > 1: # more than one odd frequency
return "" # can't make palindrome
# move char with odd count into the middle
n = len(chars)
middle = n // 2
if odd(n):
ch = next(ch for ch, count in freq.items() if odd(count))
for i, c in enumerate(chars):
if c == ch and ch != chars[n - i - 1]:
# move asymmetric char into the middle
# baa(b)b -> babab
# ^i=n-2 != chars[1]
chars[middle], chars[i] = chars[i], chars[middle] # swap
else: # already in the middle
assert ch == chars[middle]
misplaced = defaultdict(list) # misplaced positions
while True:
# invariant: at least one letter finds its position
for ai, (a, b) in enumerate(zip(chars[:middle], chars[::-1][:middle])):
if a != b:
# a, b are misplaced
bi = n - ai - 1
if b < a:
a, b = b, a # arrange lexicographically
ai, bi = bi, ai
assert a < b
if misplaced[a, b]:
# found 2nd misplaced position for the same a,b pair
# put pair into the same place with one swap
aj, bj = misplaced[a, b].pop()
del misplaced[a, b]
# a(a)b(b) -> abba
# ab(a)(b) -> abba
# -abba- -baab-
# (b)(a)ba -> abba
# (b)b(a)a -> abba
assert chars[aj] == a
assert chars[ai] == a
assert chars[bj] == b
assert chars[bi] == b
# earlier position gets smaller letter (alphabetical order)
chars[min(aj, bj)] = chars[max(aj, bj)] = a
chars[min(ai, bi)] = chars[max(ai, bi)] = b
misplaced[a, b].append((ai, bi))
if not any(misplaced.values()):
# no misplaced positions
assert is_palindrome(chars)
return "".join(chars)
# expect cycle e.g.: a -> c -> b -> a
# abcbac -> abcb(c)(a) -> abc(c)(b)a
# collect misplaced positions
positions = defaultdict(list)
for (a, b), [(ai, bi)] in misplaced.items():
assert a < b
assert chars[ai] == a
assert chars[bi] == b
# put one letter into right place with one swap and repeat the loop
(a, b), [_] = misplaced.popitem()
def find_positions_to_swap():
assert a < b
for ai in sorted(positions[a]):
for bi in sorted(positions[b]):
# prefer lexicographical order
if (ai < middle and bi < ai) or (ai >= middle and bi > ai):
return (ai, bi)
assert 0, "failed to find wrong order"
ai, bi = find_positions_to_swap()
# initially both letters are missplaced
assert (
chars[ai] != chars[n - ai - 1] and chars[bi] != chars[n - bi - 1]
chars[ai], chars[bi] = chars[bi], chars[ai] # swap
# found correct position after the swap
assert chars[ai] == chars[n - ai - 1] or chars[bi] == chars[n - bi - 1]
line-length = 79
# Split long strings & merge short ones;
# future default:
experimental-string-processing = true
exclude = '''
\.eggs # exclude a few common directories in the
| \.git # root of the project
| \.hg
| \.mypy_cache
| \.tox
| \.venv
| _build
| build
| dist
"""Unit tests for palindrome."""
import pytest
from palindrome import is_palindrome, min_palindrome
"word, expected",
("ab", ""), # can't make
("", ""),
("a", "a"),
("abc", ""),
("abba", "abba"),
("aabb", "abba"),
("baab", "baab"),
("abab", "abba"),
("baba", "abba"),
("bbaa", "abba"),
("babac", "bacab"),
("aabbc", "abcba"),
("baabb", "babab"),
("bbaab", "babab"),
("abbaa", "ababa"),
("aabba", "ababa"),
("babaaab", "baabaab"),
("abacb", "abcba"),
("baacb", "bacab"),
("cabcba", "abccba"),
("abcbac", "abccba"),
("cabbacabcbac", "cababccbabac"),
("baaaccb", "bacacab"),
pytest.param("baaabcc", "bacacab", marks=pytest.mark.xfail),
pytest.param("aaabbcc", "abcacba", marks=pytest.mark.xfail),
def test_min_palindrome(word, expected):
assert is_palindrome(expected)
assert min_palindrome(word) == expected
"word, expected",
("ab", False),
("", True),
([], True),
("a", True),
(["a"], True),
("ababa", True),
("abc", False),
("baab", True),
("abba", True),
("abcba", True),
("ababa", True),
([*"ababa"], True),
("aabba", False),
([*"aabba"], False),
("abbba", True),
("aabb", False),
("babac", False),
("aabbc", False),
def test_is_palindrome(word, expected):
assert is_palindrome(word) == expected
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