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Last active March 18, 2022 11:38
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Send telegram on each new goal in [Football] World Cup 2018.
Install dependencies:
$ pip install appdirs requests
Make sure `send-tg` command works and run the script.
import datetime as DT
import json
import os
import subprocess
import time
from pathlib import Path
import appdirs
import requests
DONE, _, _, LIVE = range(4) # MatchStatus (a guess for the live fifa api)
appname = "livescore-2018.6"
update_delay = 30 # seconds between requests to the live url
user_data_dir = appdirs.user_data_dir("livescore-2018", "jfs")
os.makedirs(user_data_dir, exist_ok=True)
matches_path = Path(user_data_dir) / "matches.json"
calendar_url = (
live_url = ""
def parse_rfc3339(timestr):
# it is enough to support just Z-format here
return DT.datetime.strptime(timestr, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ").replace(
def load_matches():
return json.loads(matches_path.read_text(encoding="utf-8"))
except FileNotFoundError:
return {} # no matches yet
def save_matches(matches):
matches_path.write_text(json.dumps(matches), encoding="utf-8")
def get_info_about_match(match):
has_penalty = match["HomeTeamPenaltyScore"] or match["AwayTeamPenaltyScore"]
return (
+ " "
+ str(match["HomeTeam"]["Score"])
+ (f"({match['HomeTeamPenaltyScore']})" if has_penalty else "")
+ " — "
+ match["AwayTeam"]["TeamName"][0]["Description"]
+ " "
+ str(match["AwayTeam"]["Score"])
+ (f"({match['AwayTeamPenaltyScore']})" if has_penalty else "")
subprocess.check_call(["send-tg", f"{appname}: started"]) # test sending a telegram
while True:
now =
data = requests.get(live_url).json()
matches = [m for m in data["Results"] if parse_rfc3339(m["Date"]) <= now]
if matches: # during or after a recent match
saved_matches = load_matches()
for match in matches:
# find out whether a new goal is scored or a new match is started
saved_match = saved_matches.get(match["IdMatch"])
if (
not saved_match
or any(
match[team]["Score"] != saved_match[team]["Score"]
for team in ["HomeTeam", "AwayTeam"]
or match["HomeTeamPenaltyScore"] != saved_match["HomeTeamPenaltyScore"]
or match["AwayTeamPenaltyScore"] != saved_match["AwayTeamPenaltyScore"]
):["send-tg", get_info_about_match(match)])
saved_matches[match["IdMatch"]] = match
matches[:] = [m for m in matches if m["MatchStatus"] != DONE]
if not matches: # no live matches: sleep until the next match
# find the next match
data = requests.get(calendar_url).json()
dt = next( # there are 64 matches total (use linear search)
for match in sorted(
data["Results"], key=lambda m: parse_rfc3339(m["Date"])
for dt in [parse_rfc3339(match["Date"])]
if dt > now
except StopIteration:["send-tg", f"{appname}: no more matches"])
print(f"sleep until {dt}")
time.sleep((dt - now).total_seconds())
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