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Created September 8, 2019 00:38
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Zekrom Character files in HTML
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<h3 style="color:blue">Zekrom</h3>
<div class="col-xs-4">
<h3 class="text-right">CR 15</h3>
<h4>XP 51,200</h4>
<div class="pre-br">Male technological technomancer
LG Large dragon (technological)
<b>Init</b> +7; <b>Senses</b> darkvision 30 ft.; <b>Perception</b> +24
<div class="row">
<h4 class="col-xs-4">
<div class="col-xs-8 text-right pre-br"><b>SP</b> 350 <b>HP</b> 235 <b>RP</b> 8
<b>FORCE FIELD</b> <b>Cap</b> 50; <b>Temp HP</b> 25; <b>Healing</b> 5; <b>Fort</b> 50%
<b>Str</b> +15; <b>Dex</b> +15; <b>Con</b> +14; <b>Int</b> +24(18); <b>Wis</b> +19; <b>Cha</b> +5
<div class="pre-br"><b>EAC</b> 28; <b>KAC</b> 29
<b>Fort</b> +15(23); <b>Ref</b> +15; <b>Will</b> +20
<b>DR </b>10/chaotic; <b>Immunities </b>paralysis, electricity, sleep, hacking; <b>Weaknesses </b>Sonic, vulnerable to Cold, vulnerable to Ice
<div class="pre-br"><b>Speed</b>
40 ft. (With Speed Suspension of +20), fly 45 ft. (perfect)
<div class="pre-br">
yellow star plasma sword +25 (5d8+15 E & F; critical severe wound) <code>or</code>
skyshatter dragonglaive +25 (8d8+15 S & E) <code>or</code>
claws +29 (5d12+20 B) <code>or</code>
bite +29 (5d20+10 B; <u>critical</u> severe wound) <code>or</code>
tail slam +32 (4d10+25 B; <u>critical</u> knockdown)
<div class="pre-br">
white star plasma pistol +23 (3d8+15 E & F; critical burn 2d8) <code>or</code>
storm shock caster +23 (5d12+15 E) <code>or</code>
electric breath +31 (18d6 E; <u>critical</u> paralysis)
<div><b>Offensive abilities </b>cache capacitor 2, magic hacks (reboot mind, phase shot), electric breath weapon (50 ft. cone, 20d6 E, Reflex DC 20 half, usable every 1d4 rounds)</div>
<b>Technomancer Spells Known</b> (CL 15th; ranged +23)
5th (3/day) - <i>synapse overload</i> (DC 25), <i>teleport</i> (DC 25)
4th (6/day) - <i>destruction protocol</i>, <i>dimension door</i> (DC 24), <i>overload systems</i> (DC 24)
3rd (at will) - <i>displacement</i> (DC 23), <i>instant virus</i> (DC 23)
<div class="pre-br">Due to his moral, Zekrom tends to avoid killing foes, unless provoked he will not attack without good reason.
He may talk instead of attacking if he thinks it could have been a miss understanding.
Unlike the chromatic dragons, he is reasonable and does not betray allies due to profit.
If in danger (40 SP or less or out classed) he will use interplanetary teleport, dimension door, teleport to escape, or run.
<div class="pre-br"><b>Str</b> +15; <b>Dex</b> +15; <b>Con</b> +14; <b>Int</b> +24(18); <b>Wis</b> +19; <b>Cha</b> +5
<b style="text-decoration:underline">Skills</b>: <b>Computers</b> +31, <b>Engineering</b> +31, <b>Profession (Electrician)</b> +31, <b>Piloting</b> +26
<b>Languages</b> Common, Draconic, Telepathy
<b>Other abilities </b>light blindness, guided rebirth
<b>Armor</b> diamond carbon skin(Tensile Reinforcement, Space Upgrade, Jetpack, blue force field)
<b>Weapons</b>yellow star plasma sword, skyshatter dragonglaive, white star plasma pistol, storm shock caster, mind guardian
<b>Gear</b> Tool Kit (Hacking Kit), Comm Unit (System-wide), Signal Jammer (Level 9), Tracking Bug
<a href=""><b>Augmentations</b></a> Datajack(Accelerated), Standard Speed Suspension (Lv 8, +20 ft.)
<b>Personal Upgrades</b> Synaptic Accelerators (Technology) Mk3
<div style="padding-left:30px"><b>Computer</b> Tier 6
<b>Upgrades</b> Security 3, Hardened, Range II+ (10 Miles), Self-charging
<b>Moduals</b> Control (Complex), Secure Data (Large)
<b>Countermeasure</b> Shock Grid 2, Firewall, Lockout, Feedback
<b>Data</b> Numerous faction's network layout and vulnerabilities as well as key points and maps.</div><b>Special</b> When the creature isn't on its home plane, it gains the extraplanar subtype.
Can consume SP instead of energy at a rate of 2SP per energy for any item
<h4><a href="">POWER ARMOR</a></h4>
<div class="pre-br"><b>Type</b> Augmented Flight Frame for large Dragons
<b>FORCE FIELD</b> <b>Cap</b> 50; <b>Temp HP</b> 25; <b>Healing</b> 5; <b>Fort</b> 50%
<div style="padding-left:30px"><b>EAC Bonus</b> +12; <b>KAC Bonus</b> +19
<b>EAC Total</b> 42; <b>KAC Total</b> 69
<b>Max Dex Bonus</b> +5; <b>Armor Check Penalty</b> -6;
<b id="mech-speed-bonus">Speed Bonus</b> +10 ft., fly +20 ft. (perfect), swim +20 ft. <abbr title="Via Thrusters">(Average Abnormal)</abbr>
<b>Speed Total</b> 50 ft., fly 65 ft., swim 20 ft. <abbr title="Via Thrusters">(Average Abnormal)</abbr>
<b>Strength</b> 22(+6); <b>Damage</b> 3d8+Str B; <b>Size</b> Huge (10-foot reach)
<b>Capacity</b> 300; <b>Usage</b> 30/hour (Generator nullifys this)
</div><b>Weapon Slots</b> 4 <b>Upgrade Slots</b> 5; <b>Bulk</b> 40
<b>Description</b> This massive, sleek machine is shaped like a dragon and equipped with powerful thrusters built into the feet and attached to the lower back, along with wings it has a fly speed with excellent maneuverability.
<b>Upgrades</b> Fusion Generator (<b>Gen</b> 55/hour, <b>Total Gen</b> 25/hour), Targeting computer, blue force field, Titan Shield(<b>Cap</b> 60; <b>Use</b> 10), Automated Loader, Quick-Release Sheath
<b>Special</b> Can consume SP instead of energy at a rate of 2SP per energy
<div class="row">
<h3 class="col-xs-8">
<h3 class="col-xs-4 text-right">
<div class="pre-br"><i>This</i> colossal dreadnought <i>is covered from bow to stern in sparkling paint.</i>
<b>Speed</b> 4; <b>Maneuverability</b> average (turn 2)
<b>AC</b> 21; <b>TL</b> 23
<b>HP </b>400; <b>DT</b> 10; <b>CT</b> 80
<b>Shields</b> Heavy 320 (forward 80, port 80, starboard 80, aft 80)
<div class="pre-br" style="padding-left:30px"><b>Attack (Forward)</b> Supermaser (2d8 x 10), Heavy plasma torpedo launcher (5d10 x 2)
<b>Attack (Port)</b> Railgun (8d4), Heavy EMP cannon (Special), Light plasma cannon (2d12)
<b>Attack (Starboard)</b> Gravity gun (6d6), Light plasma torpedo launcher (3d8)
<b>Attack (Aft)</b> Chain cannon (6d4)
<b>Attack (Turret)</b> Heavy torpedo launcher (5d8)
</div><b>Power Core</b> Gateway Ultra (500 PCU); <b>Systems</b> cut-rate sensors, mk 3 armor, mk 4 defenses, mk 5 trinode computer, crew quarters (common), crew quarters (good)(5), crew quarter (luxurious)(Captain and Co-Captain);
<b>Expansion Bays</b> cargo holds (4), passenger seating, smuggler compartments (2), sealed environment chamber, escape pods (4), tech workshop, medical bay, guest quarters (good)(2), science lab, recreation suite (trivid den), recreation suite (gym), cafeteria</div>
<div><b>Modifiers</b> +2 Piloting, +4 any two checks per round; <b>Complement</b> 230</div>
<div class="pre-br"><b>Co-Captain (plus 2 officers)</b> Bluff +30 (14 ranks), Diplomacy +25 (14 ranks), Computers +23 (14 ranks), Engineering +25 (14 ranks), Gunnery +25, Intimidate +25 (14 ranks), Piloting +27 (14 ranks)
<b>Engineers (2 officers, 14 crew each)</b> Engineering +25 (14 ranks)
<b>Gunners (2 officers, 10 crew each)</b> Gunnery +25
<b>Pilot (1 officer, 5 crew)</b> Piloting +24 (14 ranks)
<b>Science Officers (2 officers, 14 crew each)</b> Computers +23 (14 ranks)
<div class="row">
<h3 class="col-xs-8">
<h3 class="col-xs-4 text-right">
<div class="pre-br"><i>This</i> small shuttle <i>has been painted to resemble a wyvern, complete with teeth</i>
<b>Speed</b> 12; <b>Maneuverability</b> perfect (turn 0); <b>Drift</b> 5
<b>AC</b> 37; <b>TL</b> 40
<b>HP </b>60; <b>DT</b> -; <b>CT</b> 12
<b>Shields</b> Light 40 (forward 10, port 10, starboard 10, aft 10)
<b>Cloak</b> Hide from sensors and optics for 3 hours.
<b>Attack (Forward)</b> Coilgun (4d4)
<div class="pre-br" style="padding-left:30px"><b>Power Core</b> Pulse White (140 PCU);
<b>Drift Engine</b> Signal Ultra;
<b>Systems</b> advanced medium-range sensors, mk 3 trinode computer, mk 10 defenses, mk 6 armor, crew quarters (small)
<b>Expansion Bays</b> cargo hold
<b>Modifiers</b> +1 Piloting, +1 any three checks per round, +4 Computers; <b>Complement</b> 4
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<h3 style="color:blue">Zekrom</h3>
<div class="col-xs-4">
<h3 class="text-right">CR 21&plusmn;1</h3>
<h4>XP 327,200</h4>
<div class="pre-br">Male technological technomancer
LG Large dragon (technological)
<b>Init</b> +9; <b>Senses</b> darkvision 30 ft.; <b>Perception</b> +24
<div class="row">
<h4 class="col-xs-4">
<div class="col-xs-8 text-right pre-br"><b>SP</b> 368 ((20+3)*16) <b>HP</b> 180 (100+5*16) <b>RP</b> 12
<b>FORCE FIELD</b> <b>Cap</b> 100; <b>Temp HP</b> 50; <b>Healing</b> 10; <b>Fort</b> 100%
<b>Str</b> +15; <b>Dex</b> +20(17); <b>Con</b> +17; <b>Int</b> +29(18); <b>Wis</b> +19; <b>Cha</b> +5
<div class="pre-br"><b>EAC</b> 50(76); <b>KAC</b> 40(68); <b>AC Penalty</b> -1
<b>Fort</b> +19 (+38); <b>Ref</b> +19; <b>Will</b> +19
<b>DR </b>12 (With Dermal Plating Mk2 of +2)/chaotic; <b>Immunities </b>paralysis, electricity, sleep, hacking; <b>Weaknesses </b>Sonic, vulnerable to Cold, vulnerable to Ice
<div class="pre-br"><b>Speed</b>
40 ft. (With Speed Suspension of +20), fly 45 ft. (perfect)
<div class="pre-br">
blue star plasma sword +29 (10d8+20 E & F; <u>critical</u> severe wound) <code>or</code>
claws +29 (5d12+20 B) <code>or</code>
bite +29 (5d20+10 B; <u>critical</u> severe wound) <code>or</code>
tail slam +32 (4d10+25 B; <u>critical</u> knockdown)
<div class="pre-br">
elite gyrojet pistol +31 (5d12+20 B; <u>critical</u> knockdown) <code>or</code>
blue star plasma cannon +31 (8d10+20 E & F; <u>critical</u> burn 4d8) <code>or</code>
electric breath +31 (18d6 E; <u>critical</u> paralysis)
<div><b>Offensive abilities </b>cache capacitor 1, magic hacks (phase shot, spell library), electric breath weapon (50 ft. cone, 20d6 A, Reflex DC 20 half, usable every 1d4 rounds)</div>
<b>Technomancer Spells Known</b> (CL 20th; ranged +31)
<div style="padding-left:30px" class="pre-br"><b>6th (2/day)</b> - <i>control gravity</i> (DC 29), <i>interplanetary teleport</i> (DC 33)
<b>5th (5/day)</b> - <i>control machines</i> (DC 28), <i>synapse overload (Ex)</i> (DC 28), <i>teleport(Su)</i> (DC 29)
<b>4th (at will)</b> - <i>destruction protocol</i>, <i>dimension door(Ex)</i> (DC 28)
<div class="pre-br">Due to his moral, Zekrom tends to avoid killing foes, unless provoked he will not attack without good reason.
He may talk instead of attacking if he thinks it could have been a miss understanding.
Unlike the chromatic dragons, he is reasonable and does not betray allies due to profit.
If in danger (40 SP or less or out classed) he will use interplanetary teleport, dimension door, teleport to escape, or run.
<div class="pre-br"><b>Str</b> +15; <b>Dex</b> +20(17); <b>Con</b> +17; <b>Int</b> +29(18); <b>Wis</b> +19; <b>Cha</b> +5
<b style="text-decoration:underline">Skills</b>: <b>Computers</b> +42, <b>Engineering</b> +39, <b>Profession (Electrician)</b> +39, <b>Piloting</b> +34
<b>Languages</b> Common, Draconic, Telepathy
<b>Other abilities </b>light blindness, guided rebirth
<b>Armor</b> nanotube carbon skin (EAC +26, KAC +28, Max Dex 8, AC Penalty -1, Tensile Reinforcement, Space Upgrade, Jetpack, prismatic force field)
<b>Weapons</b> blue star plasma sword, elite gyrojet pistol, blue star plasma cannon, frag grenade Viii
<b>Gear</b> Tool Kit (Hacking Kit), Comm Unit (System-wide), Signal Jammer (Level 9), Tracking Bug
<a href=""><b>Augmentations</b></a> Datajack(Accelerated), Dermal Plating Mk 2 (Lv 7, DR +2), Standard Speed Suspension (Lv 8, +20 ft.)
<b>Personal Upgrades</b> 2 Synergizing Symbiote Mk2 (Hybrid), Synaptic Accelerators (Technology) Mk3
<div style="padding-left:30px"><b>Computer</b> Tier 9 (lv 17) Upgrades: Security 4, Hardened, Range III (Planetwide), Self-charging; Moduals: Control (Complex), Secure Data (Large); Countermeasure: Shock Grid 3, Fake Shell, Firewall, Lockout, Feedback, Alarm see CRB p.213
<b>Data</b> Numerous faction's network layout and vulnerabilities as well as key points and maps.</div><b>Special</b> When the creature isn't on its home plane, it gains the extraplanar subtype.
<h4><a href="">POWER ARMOR</a></h4>
<div class="pre-br"><b>Type</b> Augmented Flight Frame for large Dragons
<b>FORCE FIELD</b> <b>Cap</b> 100; <b>Temp HP</b> 50; <b>Healing</b> 10; <b>Fort</b> 100%
<div style="padding-left:30px"><b>EAC Bonus</b> +12; <b>KAC Bonus</b> +19
<b>EAC Total</b> 42; <b>KAC Total</b> 69
<b>Max Dex Bonus</b> +5; <b>Armor Check Penalty</b> -6;
<b id="mech-speed-bonus">Speed Bonus</b> +10 ft., fly +20 ft. (perfect), swim +20 ft. <abbr title="Via Thrusters">(Average Abnormal)</abbr>
<b>Speed Total</b> 50 ft., fly 65 ft., swim w0 ft. <abbr title="Via Thrusters">(Average Abnormal)</abbr>
<b>Strength</b> 22(+6); <b>Damage</b> 3d8+Str B; <b>Size</b> Huge (10-foot reach)
<b>Capacity</b> 300; <b>Usage</b> 30/hour (Generator nullifys this)
</div><b>Weapon Slots</b> 4 <b>Upgrade Slots</b> 5; <b>Bulk</b> 40
<b>Description</b> This massive, sleek machine is shaped like a dragon and equipped with powerful thrusters built into the feet and attached to the lower back, along with wings it has a fly speed with excellent maneuverability.
<b>Upgrades</b> Fusion Generator (<b>Gen</b> 1/minute), Targeting computer, prismatic force field, Titan Shield(<b>Cap</b> 60; <b>Use</b> 10), Automated Loader, Quick-Release Sheath
<b>Special</b> Can consume SP instead of energy at a rate of 2SP per energy
<div class="row">
<h3 class="col-xs-8">
<h3 class="col-xs-4 text-right">
<div class="pre-br"><i>This</i> colossal dreadnought <i>is covered from bow to stern in sparkling paint.</i>
<b>Speed</b> 4; <b>Maneuverability</b> average (turn 2)
<b>AC</b> 21; <b>TL</b> 23
<b>HP </b>400; <b>DT</b> 10; <b>CT</b> 80
<b>Shields</b> Heavy 320 (forward 80, port 80, starboard 80, aft 80)
<div class="pre-br" style="padding-left:30px"><b>Attack (Forward)</b> Supermaser (2d8 x 10), Heavy plasma torpedo launcher (5d10 x 2)
<b>Attack (Port)</b> Railgun (8d4), Heavy EMP cannon (Special), Light plasma cannon (2d12)
<b>Attack (Starboard)</b> Gravity gun (6d6), Light plasma torpedo launcher (3d8)
<b>Attack (Aft)</b> Chain cannon (6d4)
<b>Attack (Turret)</b> Heavy torpedo launcher (5d8)
</div><b>Power Core</b> Gateway Ultra (500 PCU); <b>Systems</b> cut-rate sensors, mk 3 armor, mk 4 defenses, mk 5 trinode computer, crew quarters (common), crew quarters (good)(5), crew quarter (luxurious)(Captain and Co-Captain);
<b>Expansion Bays</b> cargo holds (4), passenger seating, smuggler compartments (2), sealed environment chamber, escape pods (4), tech workshop, medical bay, guest quarters (good)(2), science lab, recreation suite (trivid den), recreation suite (gym), cafeteria</div>
<div><b>Modifiers</b> +2 Piloting, +4 any two checks per round; <b>Complement</b> 230</div>
<div class="pre-br"><b>Co-Captain (plus 2 officers)</b> Bluff +30 (14 ranks), Diplomacy +25 (14 ranks), Computers +23 (14 ranks), Engineering +25 (14 ranks), Gunnery +25, Intimidate +25 (14 ranks), Piloting +27 (14 ranks)
<b>Engineers (2 officers, 14 crew each)</b> Engineering +25 (14 ranks)
<b>Gunners (2 officers, 10 crew each)</b> Gunnery +25
<b>Pilot (1 officer, 5 crew)</b> Piloting +24 (14 ranks)
<b>Science Officers (2 officers, 14 crew each)</b> Computers +23 (14 ranks)
<div class="row">
<h3 class="col-xs-8">
<h3 class="col-xs-4 text-right">
<div class="pre-br"><i>This</i> small shuttle <i>has been painted to resemble a wyvern, complete with teeth</i>
<b>Speed</b> 12; <b>Maneuverability</b> perfect (turn 0); <b>Drift</b> 5
<b>AC</b> 37; <b>TL</b> 40
<b>HP </b>60; <b>DT</b> -; <b>CT</b> 12
<b>Shields</b> Light 40 (forward 10, port 10, starboard 10, aft 10)
<b>Attack (Forward)</b> Coilgun (4d4)
<div class="pre-br" style="padding-left:30px"><b>Power Core</b> Pulse White (140 PCU);
<b>Drift Engine</b> Signal Ultra;
<b>Systems</b> advanced medium-range sensors, mk 3 trinode computer, mk 10 defenses, mk 6 armor, crew quarters (good);
<b>Expansion Bays</b> cargo hold
<b>Modifiers</b> +1 Piloting, +1 any three checks per round, +4 Computers; <b>Complement</b> 4
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