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Convert Figma variable export to Tailwind color config
# Export from
import json
app_name = "{fill_in}" # Make sure to replace this.
def rgba_to_string(rgba):
"""Convert RGBA color values to an RGBA string."""
r = int(rgba['r'] * 255)
g = int(rgba['g'] * 255)
b = int(rgba['b'] * 255)
a = rgba['a']
return f'rgba({r}, {g}, {b}, {a})'
def read_json_file(file_path):
"""Read and return the content of a JSON file."""
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
return json.load(file)
def generate_tailwind_config(json_data):
"""Generate Tailwind extend colors config from JSON data."""
tailwind_config = {'colors': {}}
tailwind_config['colors'][app_name] = {}
for variable in json_data.get('variables', []):
print(f"Processing variable: {variable['name']}")
# Handle cases where the color name might not include a shade number
if '/' in variable['name']:
color_name, color_shade = variable['name'].split('/')
color_name = variable['name']
color_shade = 'DEFAULT' # Use 'DEFAULT' or any other placeholder for colors without a specified shade
color_values = variable['valuesByMode'].values()
rgba_color = rgba_to_string(next(iter(color_values))) # Assuming one mode per variable
print(f"Adding color: {color_name} with shade: {color_shade} and value: {rgba_color}")
if color_name not in tailwind_config['colors'][app_name]:
tailwind_config['colors'][app_name][color_name] = {}
tailwind_config['colors'][app_name][color_name][color_shade] = rgba_color
return tailwind_config
def main(json_file_path):
"""Main function to process the JSON file and output Tailwind config."""
json_data = read_json_file(json_file_path)
tailwind_config = generate_tailwind_config(json_data)
print(json.dumps(tailwind_config, indent=2))
if __name__ == "__main__":
json_file_path = 'figma-variables.json' # Update this to the path of your JSON file
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