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Created March 23, 2019 11:11
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defmodule Auth do
@moduledoc """
This module is responsible to authenticate client credentials against Auth0
and provide access_token and expires_in as a result
alias Auth.{Credentials, TokenResult}
import Base
require Logger
@auth0 Application.fetch_env!(:orders, :auth0)
@doc """
Retrieves the access_token token for a username / password pair
Returns {:ok, %TokenResult{access_token: 'ey...', expires_in: 86400}} or {:error, "reason"}
## Example:
{:ok, result} = Auth.sign_in(%Credentials{username: "...", password: Base.encode64("...")})
@spec sign_in(Credentials.t()) :: {:ok, TokenResult.t()} | {:error, String.t()}
def sign_in(%Credentials{username: username, password: encoded_password})
when is_binary(username) and is_binary(encoded_password) do
password = encoded_password |> decode64!(ignore: :whitespace)
body = build_payload(username, password)
headers = build_headers()
|> build_url()
|>, headers)
|> response
|> parse
defp build_url(%URI{} = url) do
url |> Map.put(:path, "/oauth/token") |> URI.to_string()
defp build_headers, do: ["Content-type": "application/json"]
defp build_payload(username, password) do
grant_type: "password",
username: username,
password: password,
audience: @auth0.audience,
scope: @auth0.scope,
client_id: @auth0.client_id,
client_secret: @auth0.client_secret
# This is a predictable step, it cannot fail, error handling omitted intentionally
|> Jason.encode!()
defp response({:ok, %{status_code: 200, body: body}}), do: {:ok, body}
defp response({:ok, %{status_code: 401}}), do: {:error, :unauthorized}
defp response({:ok, %{status_code: 403}}), do: {:error, :forbidden}
defp response({:ok, %{status_code: status_code}}),
do: {:error, "HTTP Status #{status_code} received"}
defp response({:error, %{reason: reason}}), do: {:error, reason}
defp parse({:ok, body}) do
result =
|> Jason.decode!(keys: :atoms)
|> Map.take([:access_token, :expires_in])
{:ok, struct(TokenResult, result)}
defp parse({:error, :unauthorised}), do: {:error, :unauthorized}
defp parse({:error, :forbidden}), do: {:error, :forbidden}
defp parse({:error, error}) do
_ = Logger.warn(fn -> "Failed to authenticate due to #{inspect(error)}" end)
{:error, :unauthorized}
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