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Last active July 15, 2023 13:23
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Writing an UDF for withColumn in PySpark
from pyspark.sql.types import StringType
from pyspark.sql.functions import udf
maturity_udf = udf(lambda age: "adult" if age >=18 else "child", StringType())
df = spark.createDataFrame([{'name': 'Alice', 'age': 1}])
df.withColumn("maturity", maturity_udf(df.age))
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Thanks for this example

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Thanks @zoltanctoth

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Thanks for the 2nd line.

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How would you pass multiple columns of df to maturity_udf?

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rajenur commented May 6, 2017

thanks z

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How do you do it for nested fields?

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mrandrewandrade commented Mar 18, 2018

This is awesome but I wanted to give a couple more examples and info.

Let's say your UDF is longer, then it might be more readable as a stand alone def instead of a lambda:

def return_age_bracket(age):
  if (age <= 12):
    return 'Under 12'
  elif (age >= 13 and age <= 19):
    return 'Between 13 and 19'
  elif (age > 19 and age < 65):
    return 'Between 19 and 65'
  elif (age >= 65):
    return 'Over 65'
  else: return 'N/A'

from pyspark.sql.functions import udf

maturity_udf = udf(return_age_bracket)
df = sqlContext.createDataFrame([{'name': 'Alice', 'age': 1}])
df.withColumn("maturity", maturity_udf(df.age))

With a small to medium dataset this may take many minutes to run. To debug, you can run df.explain, and will get a query plan like:

== Physical Plan ==
*(2) Project [Name#3, pythonUDF0#41 AS age_bracket#25]
+- BatchEvalPython [return_age_bracket(Age#5)], [Name#3, Age#5, pythonUDF0#41]

The badness here might be the pythonUDF as it might not be optimized. Instead, you should look to use any of the pyspark.functions as they are optimized to run faster. In this example, when((condition), result).otherwise(result) is a much better way of doing things:

from pyspark.sql import functions as F
df = sqlContext.createDataFrame([{'name': 'Alice', 'age': 1}])
df.withColumn("age_bracket", F.when(input_df.Age <= 12, 'Infant').when(( (input_df.Age >= 13) & (input_df.Age <= 19)), 'Adolescent').when(( (input_df.Age >= 19) & (input_df.Age < 65)), 'Adult').when(input_df.Age >= 65, 'Retired').otherwise('N/A'))

The query will look something like:

== Physical Plan ==
*(1) Project [Name#3, CASE WHEN (Age#5 <= 12.0) THEN Infant WHEN ((Age#5 >= 13.0) && (Age#5 <= 19.0)) THEN Adolescent WHEN ((Age#5 >= 19.0) && (Age#5 < 65.0)) THEN Adult WHEN (Age#5 >= 65.0) THEN Retired ELSE N/A END AS age_bracket#42]

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ghost commented Jan 7, 2019

Thanks ! :)

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I have a question. When I have a data frame with date columns in the format of 'Mmm dd,yyyy' then can I use this udf?

1 Change date fields

review_date_udf = fn.udf(
lambda x: datetime.strptime(x, ' %b %d, %Y'), DateType()

reviews_df = reviews_df.withColumn("dates", review_date_udf(reviews_df['dates']))

But when I try to view the data frame it starts throwing an error of Caused by: Accept timed out. Any ideas to solve this issue?

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datbui commented Feb 3, 2020

Thanks !

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TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'NoneType'

I am getting this error while trying 'mrandrewandrade' input.
How can I resolve this error?


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abdu95 commented Sep 2, 2021

It was nice to come across my teacher's code even after graduation. Thank you!

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I encountered this problem too. Have you solved it? Thank you!

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