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Created January 13, 2016 14:25
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Copyright (C) 2013, Bill Burdick, Tiny Concepts:
(licensed with ZLIB license)
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
freely, subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
if window? then = window
files = if !(window ? global).btoa then ['btoa'] else [null]
define files, (btoa)->
if !btoa then btoa = (window ? global).btoa
root = {}
root.currentNameSpace = 'core'
root.nameSpacePath = ['core']
#root.shouldNsLog = true
root.shouldNsLog = false
root.nsLog = (args...)-> if root.shouldNsLog then console.log args...
(window ? global).verbose = {}
verboseMsg = (label, msg...)-> if (window ? global).verbose[label] then console.log msg...
if !btoa? then (window ? global).btoa = require 'btoa'
defaultEnv =
presentValue: (x)-> String(x) + '\n'
values: {}
errorHandlers: []
prompt: ->
rz = (window ? global).resolve = (value)->
if typeof value == 'function' && value.length == 0
if typeof value.memo != 'undefined' then value.memo
if value.creationStack then value.creationStack = null
if value.args then value.args = null
value.memo = value()
else value
#global.lazy = (l)-> ->l
#global.lazy = (l)-> if typeof l == 'function'
# count=0
# ->
# if count++ > 0 then console.log "EXTRA EXECUTION OF #{l}, #{new Error('stack').stack}"
# l
#else l
(window ? global).lazy = (l)-> if typeof l == 'function' then l.memo = l else l
readFile = (fileName, cont)-> defaultEnv.readFile fileName, cont
writeFile = (fileName, data, cont)-> defaultEnv.writeFile fileName, data, cont
readDir = (fileName, cont)-> defaultEnv.readDir fileName, cont
statFile = (fileName, cont)-> defaultEnv.statFile fileName, cont
root.trackCreation = false
#root.trackVars = false
#root.trackCreation = true
root.trackVars = true
funcInfo = (func)->
if func.leisureInfoNew then primConsFrom func.leisureInfoNew, 0
else if func.leisureInfo
(window ? global).FUNC = func
info = []
callInfo = func.leisureInfo
while callInfo
info.push resolve callInfo.arg
callInfo = callInfo.parent
root.consFrom info.reverse()
else rz L_nil
primConsFrom = (array, index)->
if index >= array.length then rz L_nil
else root.primCons array[index], primConsFrom array, index + 1
class SimpyCons
constructor: (@head, @tail)->
toArray: ->
@_array ? (
h = @
array = []
while h != null
array.push h.head
h = h.tail
@_array = array)
simpyCons = (a, b)-> new SimpyCons a, b
slice = Array.prototype.slice
concat = Array.prototype.concat
(window ? global).L$ = (f)->
f = rz(f)
if f.length > 1 then f else (args...)-> baseLeisureCall(f, 0, args)
(window ? global).Leisure_call = leisureCall = (f)-> baseLeisureCall f, 1, arguments
(window ? global).Leisure_primCall = baseLeisureCall = (f, pos, args, len)->
len = len ? f.length
while pos < args.length
if typeof f != 'function' then throw new Error "TypeError: #{typeof f} is not a function: #{f}"
if len <= args.length - pos
oldLen = len
switch len
when 1 then f = f args[pos]
when 2 then f = f args[pos], args[pos + 1]
when 3 then f = f args[pos], args[pos + 1], args[pos + 2]
when 4 then f = f args[pos], args[pos + 1], args[pos + 2], args[pos + 3]
if f.leisureInfo || (pos == 0 && len == args.length)
return f.apply null, (if pos == 0 then args else, pos))
f = f.apply null,, pos, pos + len)
if len < args.length - pos
len = f.length
pos += oldLen
prev = args, pos
partial = ->
newArgs = prev, arguments
if !f.apply then console.log "No apply! #{f} #{newArgs[0]}"
if newArgs.length == len then f.apply null, newArgs
else baseLeisureCall f, 0, newArgs, len
partial.leisurePartial = true
partial.leisureInfo = genInfo f, args, f.leisureInfo
return lazy partial
if pos != args.length then console.log "BAD FINAL POSITION IN LEISURE CALL, ARG LENGTH IS #{args.length} BUT POSITION IS #{pos}"
genInfo = (func, args, oldInfo)->
for arg in args
if !oldInfo then oldInfo = {name: func.leisureName, arg}
else oldInfo = {arg: arg, parent: oldInfo}
testCount = 0
errors = ''
test = (expected, actual)->
if JSON.stringify(expected) != JSON.stringify(actual)
if errors.length then errors += '\n'
errors += "TEST #{testCount} FAILED, EXPECTED #{JSON.stringify(expected)} BUT GOT #{JSON.stringify(actual)}"
(window ? global).Leisure_test_call = ->
test [1, 2, 3], Leisure_call ((a, b)->(c)-> [a, b, c]), 1, 2, 3
test [1, 2, 3], Leisure_call ((a, b, c)-> [a, b, c]), 1, 2, 3
test [1, 2, 3], Leisure_call ((a)->(b, c)-> [a, b, c]), 1, 2, 3
test [1, 2, 3, 4], Leisure_call ((a)->(b, c)->(d)-> [a, b, c, d]), 1, 2, 3, 4
test [1, 2, 3, 4], Leisure_call ((a, b, c)->(d)-> [a, b, c, d]), 1, 2, 3, 4
test [1, 2, 3, 4], Leisure_call ((a, b)->(c)->(d)-> [a, b, c, d]), 1, 2, 3, 4
test [1, 2, 3, 4], Leisure_call ((a, b)->(c, d)-> [a, b, c, d]), 1, 2, 3, 4
test [1, 2, 3, 4], Leisure_call ((a, b, c, d)-> [a, b, c, d]), 1, 2, 3, 4
test [1, 2, 3, 4], Leisure_call (Leisure_call ((a, b, c, d)-> [a, b, c, d]), 1, 2), 3, 4
if errors.length then errors else null
serverIncrement = (path, amount, cont)->
block = root.getBlockNamed path.split(/\./)[0]
if block.origin != root.currentDocument._name
return root.storeBlock block, -> serverIncrement path, amount, cont
if typeof path == 'function' then cont "Error, no path given to serverIncrement"
else if typeof amount == 'function' then cont "Error, no amount given to serverIncrement"
else 'incrementField',, path, amount, cont
root.serverIncrement = serverIncrement
root.defaultEnv = defaultEnv
root.readFile = readFile
root.readDir = readDir
root.writeFile = writeFile
root.statFile = statFile
root.SimpyCons = SimpyCons
root.simpyCons = simpyCons
root.resolve = resolve
root.lazy = lazy
root.verboseMsg = verboseMsg
root.maxInt = 9007199254740992
root.minInt = -root.maxInt
root.funcInfo = funcInfo
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