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Created August 21, 2015 17:37
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Copyright (C) 2015, Bill Burdick, Roy Riggs, TEAM CTHULHU

Licensed with ZLIB license (see "License", below).

Advice is part of Leisure project. You can find it on Github.

Licensed with ZLIB license.

This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.

Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:

  1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.

  2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.

  3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.


Method Advice

define [], ->

changeAdvice(object, flag, advice) is the main API method. Using advice will add an "ADVICE" property to object.

  • object is the object that has methods you want to override (numbers won't work)
  • flag turns on and off the advice
  • advice is an object with a property for each method you want to override
    • each property contains another object with a property, which labels the advice
    • the property's value should be the advice (if you're adding advice)

Calling changeAdvice with true will preserve the original methods and wrap them with your advice

Calling changeAdvice with false will restore the original methods.

When you specify advice, you can use beforeMethod, afterMethod, and aroundMethod to create the advice.

    changeAdvice object, true,
      setName: monitorName: afterMethod (newName)->
        console.log "Set name #{newName}"
      setOwner: diag: (parent)-> (newOwner)->
          parent newOwner
        catch err
          dispayError err
          throw err

Here's that same example in JavaScript with the functions declared separately for clarity. Keep in mind that these functions will be used as methods on object, so you can use "this" in them.

  -> `
    function monitorName(newName) {
      console.log("Set name #{newName}");
    function diagSetOwner(parent) {
      return function (newOwner) {
        try {
          return parent(newOwner);
        } catch (err) {
          throw err;

    changeAdvice(object, true, {
      setName: {monitorName: afterMethod(monitorName)},
      setOwner: {diag: diagSetOwner}

  changeAdvice = (object, flag, advice)->
    if flag then advise object, advice
    else unadvise object, advice

beforeMethod(def) takes a function to run before the method you are advising. It will run as a method on the object and take the same arguments as the original method. After it runs, the original method will run and its result will be returned (so you can return whatever you want from your definition).

  beforeMethod = (def)->
    (parent)-> (args...)->
      def.apply this, args
      parent.apply this, args

afterMethod(def) takes a function to run after the method you are advising. It will run as a method on the object and take the same arguments as the original method. The original method will run, then your supplied function will run, then the return value from the original method will be returned (so you can return whatever you want from your definition).

  afterMethod = (def)->
    (parent)-> (args...)->
      r = parent.apply this, args
      def.apply this, args

Low Level Code

  class Advice
    constructor: (@target, disabled)->
      @originals = {}
      @adviceOrder = {}
      @advice = {}
      if !disabled then @enable()
    enable: (method)-> if !@enabled
      if method then @installAdviceHandler method
         if !@target.ADVICE then @target.ADVICE = this
         else if @target.ADVICE != this
           throw new Error "Attempt to install advice on advised object"
         for method in @advice
           @installAdviceHandler method
      @enabled = true
    disable: (method)-> if @enabled
      if method
        @target[method] = @originals[method]
        delete @originals[method]
        if _.isEmpty @originals then @disable()
        for method in @advice
          @target[method] = @originals[method]
        @originals = {}
        delete @target.ADVICE
        @enabled = false
    advise: (method, name, def)->
      key = "#{method}-#{name}"
      @advice[key] = def
      if !@adviceOrder[method] then @adviceOrder[method] = []
      @adviceOrder[method].push key
      if @enabled then @installAdviceHandler method
    unadvise: (method, name)->
      if !name then for name in @adviceOrder[method] ? []
        @removeAdvice method, name
        key = "#{method}-#{name}"
        if @adviceOrder[method]?.length == 1
          @disable method
          delete @adviceOrder[method]
        else _.remove @adviceOrder, (x)-> x == key
        delete @advice[key]
    installAdviceHandler: (method)->
      if !@originals[method]
        @originals[method] = @target[method]
        @target[method] = (args...)=>
          @callAdvice @adviceOrder[method].length - 1, @adviceOrder[method], method, args
    callAdvice: (index, order, method, args)->
      func = if index < 0 then @originals[method]
      else @advice[order[index]]((args...)=>
        @callAdvice index - 1, order, method, args)
      func.apply @target, args

  advise = (object, method, name, def)->
    if typeof method == 'object'
      for meth, advice of method
        for name, def of advice
          advise object, meth, name, def
    else (object.ADVICE ? new Advice object).advise method, name, def

  unadvise = (object, method, name)->
    if typeof method == 'object'
      for meth, advice of method
        for name, def of advice
          unadvise object, meth, name
    else object.ADVICE?.unadvise method, name

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