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PyMd5 from


from hash_ext_exp import HashExtensionExploit
import hashlib
key = b"test"
old_msg = b"1234555"
old_hash = hashlib.md5(key+old_msg).hexdigest()
nhash,nmsg = HashExtensionExploit(old_msg,old_hash,len(key),b"1234").run();
assert hashlib.md5(key+nmsg).hexdigest() == nhash
from pymd5 import md5,pad
class HashExtensionExploit:
def __init__(self,known_msg:bytes,known_hash:str,salt_length:int,add_msg:bytes)->None:
self.known_msg = known_msg
self.known_hash = known_hash
self.add_msg = add_msg
self.salt_length = salt_length
self.nmsg = b""
self.nhash = ""
self.padded_known = b""
def _md5(self,msg:bytes,A,B,C,D)->str:
return md5(msg,[A,B,C,D])
def pad(self)->bytes:
t = bytearray(b"A"*self.salt_length + self.known_msg)
t = pad(t)
self.padded_known = bytes(t)
r = len(t)
tr = t + self.add_msg
tr = pad(tr)
return tr,r
def _rev(self,hex_hash:str)->int:
t = ""
for i in range(0,len(hex_hash),2):
t = hex_hash[i:i+2] + t
return int(t,16)
def run(self):
# Step 1 get previous A,B,C,D from known_hash
A = self._rev(self.known_hash[:8])
B = self._rev(self.known_hash[8:16])
C = self._rev(self.known_hash[16:24])
D = self._rev(self.known_hash[24:32])
# Step 2 pad the known_msg to 512 bits with salt
self.nmsg,tmp = self.pad()
# step 3 caculate the new hash by new defined A,B,C,D
self.nhash = self._md5(self.nmsg[tmp:],A,B,C,D)
# step 4 return the new hash and the new message
return self.nhash , self.padded_known[self.salt_length:]+self.add_msg
key = b"test"
old_msg = b"1234555"
old_hash = md5(pad(key + old_msg))
nhash,nmsg = HashExtensionExploit(old_msg,old_hash,len(key),b"1234").run()
import math
# This list maintains the amount by which to rotate the buffers during processing stage
rotate_by = [7, 12, 17, 22, 7, 12, 17, 22, 7, 12, 17, 22, 7, 12, 17, 22,
5, 9, 14, 20, 5, 9, 14, 20, 5, 9, 14, 20, 5, 9, 14, 20,
4, 11, 16, 23, 4, 11, 16, 23, 4, 11, 16, 23, 4, 11, 16, 23,
6, 10, 15, 21, 6, 10, 15, 21, 6, 10, 15, 21, 6, 10, 15, 21]
# This list maintains the additive constant to be added in each processing step.
constants = [int(abs(math.sin(i+1)) * 4294967296) & 0xFFFFFFFF for i in range(64)]
# STEP 1: append padding bits s.t. the length is congruent to 448 modulo 512
# which is equivalent to saying 56 modulo 64.
# padding before adding the length of the original message is conventionally done as:
# pad a one followed by zeros to become congruent to 448 modulo 512(or 56 modulo 64).
def pad(msg):
msg = bytearray(msg)
msg_len_in_bits = (8*len(msg)) & 0xffffffffffffffff
while len(msg)%64 != 56:
# STEP 2: append a 64-bit version of the length of the length of the original message
# in the unlikely event that the length of the message is greater than 2^64,
# only the lower order 64 bits of the length are used.
# sys.byteorder -> 'little'
msg += msg_len_in_bits.to_bytes(8, byteorder='little') # little endian convention
# to_bytes(8...) will return the lower order 64 bits(8 bytes) of the length.
return bytes( msg)
# STEP 3: initialise message digest buffer.
# MD buffer is 4 words A, B, C and D each of 32-bits.
init_MDBuffer = [0x67452301, 0xefcdab89, 0x98badcfe, 0x10325476]
def leftRotate(x, amount):
return (x << amount | x >> (32-amount)) & 0xFFFFFFFF
# STEP 4: process the message in 16-word blocks
# Message block stored in buffers is processed in the follg general manner:
# A = B + rotate left by some amount<-(A + func(B, C, D) + additive constant + 1 of the 16 32-bit(4 byte) blocks converted to int form)
def processMessage(msg,init_MDBuffer=init_MDBuffer):
init_temp = init_MDBuffer[:] # create copy of the buffer init constants to preserve them for when message has multiple 512-bit blocks
# message length is a multiple of 512bits, but the processing is to be done separately for every 512-bit block.
for offset in range(0, len(msg), 64):
A, B, C, D = init_temp # have to initialise MD Buffer for every block
block = msg[offset : offset+64] # create block to be processed
# msg is processed as chunks of 16-words, hence, 16 such 32-bit chunks
for i in range(64): # 1 pass through the loop processes some 32 bits out of the 512-bit block.
if i < 16:
# Round 1
func = lambda b, c, d: (b & c) | (~b & d)
# if b is true then ans is c, else d.
index_func = lambda i: i
elif i >= 16 and i < 32:
# Round 2
func = lambda b, c, d: (d & b) | (~d & c)
# if d is true then ans is b, else c.
index_func = lambda i: (5*i + 1)%16
elif i >= 32 and i < 48:
# Round 3
func = lambda b, c, d: b ^ c ^ d
# Parity of b, c, d
index_func = lambda i: (3*i + 5)%16
elif i >= 48 and i < 64:
# Round 4
func = lambda b, c, d: c ^ (b | ~d)
index_func = lambda i: (7*i)%16
F = func(B, C, D) # operate on MD Buffers B, C, D
G = index_func(i) # select one of the 32-bit words from the 512-bit block of the original message to operate on.
to_rotate = A + F + constants[i] + int.from_bytes(block[4*G : 4*G + 4], byteorder='little')
newB = (B + leftRotate(to_rotate, rotate_by[i])) & 0xFFFFFFFF
A, B, C, D = D, newB, B, C
# rotate the contents of the 4 MD buffers by one every pass through the loop
# Add the final output of the above stage to initial buffer states
for i, val in enumerate([A, B, C, D]):
init_temp[i] += val
init_temp[i] &= 0xFFFFFFFF
# The init_temp list now holds the MD(in the form of the 4 buffers A, B, C, D) of the 512-bit block of the message fed.
# The same process is to be performed for every 512-bit block to get the final MD(message digest).
# Construct the final message from the final states of the MD Buffers
return sum(buffer_content<<(32*i) for i, buffer_content in enumerate(init_temp))
def MD_to_hex(digest):
# takes MD from the processing stage, change its endian-ness and return it as 128-bit hex hash
raw = digest.to_bytes(16, byteorder='little')
return '{:032x}'.format(int.from_bytes(raw, byteorder='big'))
def md5(padded_msg:bytes,i_MDBuffer=None):
padded_msg = bytearray(padded_msg)
if i_MDBuffer == None:
i_MDBuffer = init_MDBuffer
processed_msg = processMessage(padded_msg,i_MDBuffer)
# processed_msg contains the integer value of the hash
message_hash = MD_to_hex(processed_msg)
return message_hash
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