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Last active July 10, 2023 09:24
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Another approach to EditTexts inside RecyclerView
import android.text.Editable
import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder
import android.view.ViewGroup
import android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT
import android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT
import android.widget.EditText
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.DiffUtil
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView
* Another approach to EditTexts inside RecyclerView.
* @author Mike Gorünóv
class EditableAdapter : RecyclerView.Adapter<RecyclerView.ViewHolder>() {
private val editables = ArrayList<Editable?>()
private var strings = emptyList<String>()
var items: List<String> =
object : AbstractList<String>() {
override val size: Int get() = strings.size
override fun get(index: Int): String = editables.getOrNull(index)?.toString() ?: strings[index]
set(value) {
DiffUtil.calculateDiff(object : DiffUtil.Callback() {
override fun getOldListSize(): Int = strings.size
override fun getNewListSize(): Int = value.size
override fun areItemsTheSame(oldItemPosition: Int, newItemPosition: Int): Boolean =
(editables.getOrNull(oldItemPosition) ?: strings[oldItemPosition])
override fun areContentsTheSame(oldItemPosition: Int, newItemPosition: Int): Boolean =
areItemsTheSame(oldItemPosition, newItemPosition)
strings = value
notifyItemRangeChanged(0, strings.size, Unit) // drop and recreate editables for bound views
override fun getItemCount(): Int =
override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): RecyclerView.ViewHolder =
object : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(EditText(parent.context).apply {
layoutParams = RecyclerView.LayoutParams(MATCH_PARENT, WRAP_CONTENT)
}) {}
override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: RecyclerView.ViewHolder, position: Int) {
(holder.itemView as EditText).text = editables.getOrNull(position)
?: SpannableStringBuilder(strings[position]).also {
while (editables.lastIndex < position) editables.add(null)
editables[position] = it
private object IdentityEditableFactory : Editable.Factory() {
override fun newEditable(source: CharSequence): Editable = source as Editable
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