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Created February 23, 2017 01:44
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Basic amethyst_renderer example with revamped API
//! Launches an empty renderer window with a deferred pipeline and white color.
//! Uses `rayon` and `num_cpus` internally to batch `gfx::Encoder`s efficiently
//! and maximize parallelism. Haven't uploaded changes to GitHub since Amethyst is
//! completely broken with these changes. This is due to `gfx_device` and other
//! rendering stuff being directly inside the engine, instead of a `RenderingSystem`
//! where it really belongs. Some restructuring is necessary to fix this design
//! oversight and get this new renderer to work.
extern crate amethyst_renderer as renderer;
extern crate winit;
use renderer::{RendererBuilder, Layer, Target};
use renderer::pass::{BlitLayer, ClearTarget, DrawFlat, DeferredLighting};
use winit::ElementState::Pressed;
use winit::VirtualKeyCode as Key;
use winit::{Event, WindowBuilder};
fn main() {
let builder = WindowBuilder::new()
.with_title("Amethyst Renderer Demo")
.with_dimensions(1024, 768);
let (window, mut renderer) = RendererBuilder::new(builder)
.expect("Could not build renderer");
// Create GPU resources here, not implemented.
let pipe = renderer.create_pipeline()
.with_pass(ClearTarget::with_values([0.0; 4], 0.0))
.with_pass(BlitTarget::from_target_color_buf("gbuffer", 2))
.with_pass(DeferredLighting::new("main_camera", "gbuffer", "scene")))
.expect("Could not build pipeline");
// Build initial scene, not implemented.
'main: loop {
for event in window.poll_events() {
match event {
Event::Closed => break 'main,
Event::KeyboardInput(Pressed, _, Some(Key::Escape)) => break 'main,
_ => (),
// Modify scene and create/destroy GPU resources as needed.
renderer.draw(&pipe); // Pass scene and delta time here, eventually.
window.swap_buffers().expect("Window error");
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