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Created October 14, 2011 21:44
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Sample PHP+Mongo app on Heroku

  1. Install any of the Mongo add-ons available at

  2. Vendor the Mongo driver with your application. You can download it here:

    Add it to a folder like "ext".

  3. Add a php.ini file to the root of your application:

    extension_dir = "/app/www/ext/"
  4. Use it! Parse the db name out of the env var (keep in mind different Mongo providers will give you different urls, like MONGOHQ_URL or MONGOLAB_URL).

    Here's a sample index.php:

      # get the mongo db name out of the env
      $mongo_url = parse_url(getenv("MONGO_URL"));
      $dbname = str_replace("/", "", $mongo_url["path"]);
      # connect
      $m   = new Mongo(getenv("MONGO_URL"));
      $db  = $m->$dbname;
      $col = $db->access;
      # insert a document
      $visit = array( "ip" => $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"] );
      # print all existing documents
      $data = $col->find();
      foreach($data as $visit) {
        echo "<li>" . $visit["ip"] . "</li>";
      # disconnect
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The correct env vars now end with URI, not URL

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NMPPaul commented Feb 25, 2013

These instructions no longer work!

There's an unanswered Stack Overflow thread about it here:

Can anyone help?

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I have tried follwoing steps and ##GETTING ERROR -
Fatal error: Class 'Mongo' not found in /app/mongo.php on line 13

  1. Installed MongoHQ add-on in heroku app.

  2. Downloaded - driver and then created "ext" folder in root directory and saved in that dir.

  3. Added php.ini file in my root directory with following code

      extension_dir = "/app/www/ext/" 

Uploaded following code on server named mongo.php file

ini_set("display_errors", 1);
try {
// connect to Compose assuming your MONGOHQ_URL environment
// variable contains the connection string
$connection_url = getenv("MONGOHQ_URL");

 // create the mongo connection object
$m = new Mongo($connection_url);

// extract the DB name from the connection path
$url = parse_url($connection_url);
$db_name = preg_replace('/\/(.*)/', '$1', $url['path']);

// use the database we connected to
$db = $m->selectDB($db_name);

echo "<h2>Collections</h2>";
echo "<ul>";

// print out list of collections
$cursor = $db->listCollections();
$collection_name = "";
foreach( $cursor as $doc ) {
  echo "<li>" .  $doc->getName() . "</li>";
  $collection_name = $doc->getName();
echo "</ul>";

// print out last collection
if ( $collection_name != "" ) {
  $collection = $db->selectCollection($collection_name);
  echo "<h2>Documents in ${collection_name}</h2>";

  // only print out the first 5 docs
  $cursor = $collection->find();
  echo $cursor->count() . ' document(s) found. <br/>';
  foreach( $cursor as $doc ) {
    echo "<pre>";
    echo "</pre>";
// disconnect from server
 } catch ( MongoConnectionException $e ) {
die('Error connecting to MongoDB server');
 } catch ( MongoException $e ) {
die('Mongo Error: ' . $e->getMessage());
 } catch ( Exception $e ) {
die('Error: ' . $e->getMessage());


Fatal error: Class 'Mongo' not found in /app/mongo.php on line 13

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--Issue resolved by adding compose.json in root directory with following code

     "require": {
         "ext-mongo": "*"

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