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# hideFoodBar - sets whether to hide the hunger value from the player, number is the amount of drumsticks to show them, 0-20 to show the 10 bars
# cancelRegen - whether to cancel the automatic regen from a full hunger bar
# deathMessage - whether to show the custom death message saying how long on the server
# playerListHealth - whether to show the health in the player list menu
# transmitDamage - whether to show the damage taken in the chat
# forceHardMode - whether to force difficulty 3 in the worlds specified, comma seperated list of worlds
# removeRecipies - whether to remove the golden apple and glistering melon recipies
# addRecipies - whether to add the new golden apple and glistering melon recipies
# kickBan - whether to kick and ban a player on death, message is the message shown on kick
# randomFirstSpawn: