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// ==UserScript==
// @name TweetDeck Cramming
// @namespace
// @version 0.1
// @description Allow 280 characters in a Tweet sent from TweetDeck automatically
// @author Erydactyl and Zemnmez
// @run-at document-idle
// @match*
// @grant *
// ==/UserScript==
var stopcondition = false;
interval = setInterval(function(){
if (stopcondition==false) {
if (/New Tweet/i.test (document.body.innerHTML) ) { = function(b, e, f, g, c, d, h) {
c = c || function() {};
d = d || function() {};
b = this.request(b, {
method: f,
params: Object.assign(e, {
weighted_character_count: !0
processor: g,
feedType: h
return b.addCallbacks(function(a) {
}, function(a) {
d(a.req, "", a.msg, a.req.errors);
}), b;
twttrTxt = Object.assign({}, twttr.txt, {
isInvalidTweet: function() {
return !1;
getTweetLength: function() {
return twttr.txt.getTweetLength.apply(this, arguments) - 140;
stopcondition = true;
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Please make one for the updated script! ( ) I don't know how to do this myself.

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Frustrated that like most I was not blessed with the new 280 char tweeting, and the "fixes" out there don't work anymore, I decided to fix :) As as a fully automatic #Greasemonkey #Tampermonkey script here: Get your #280tweets on while you can! :)


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Awesome. Appreciated, but doesn't work anymore

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