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/* | |
This snippet is esssentially the same as being in the Twitter longer tweets test, for tweetdeck. | |
The Tweet length counter is fixed by tricking TweetDeck into counting up to 140 characters, twice, so you'll see 140 | |
instead of 280 in the counter but going over 140 will give you another set of 140 charactrs. | |
*/ | |
TD.services.TwitterClient.prototype.makeTwitterCall=function(b,e,f,g,c,d,h){c=c||function(){};d=d||function(){};b=this.request(b,{method:f,params:Object.assign(e,{weighted_character_count:!0}),processor:g,feedType:h});return b.addCallbacks(function(a){c(a.data)},function(a){d(a.req,"",a.msg,a.req.errors)}),b}; | |
twttrTxt=Object.assign({},twttr.txt,{isInvalidTweet:function(){return!1},getTweetLength:function(x){return x=twttr.txt.getTweetLength.apply(this,arguments),x<140||x/140>2?x:x%140}}); |
/* | |
This snippet is esssentially the same as being in the Twitter longer tweets test, for tweetdeck. | |
The character counter for tweets is accurate at the expense of breaking retweet and DMs. | |
*/ | |
TD.services.TwitterClient.prototype.makeTwitterCall=function(b,e,f,g,c,d,h){c=c||function(){};d=d||function(){};b=this.request(b,{method:f,params:Object.assign(e,{weighted_character_count:!0}),processor:g,feedType:h});return b.addCallbacks(function(a){c(a.data)},function(a){d(a.req,"",a.msg,a.req.errors)}),b}; | |
twttrTxt=Object.assign({},twttr.txt,{isInvalidTweet:function(){return!1},getTweetLength:function(){return twttr.txt.getTweetLength.apply(this,arguments)-140}}); |
Nice one!
Thanks ! o/
Thanks, m8 :)
Working, but broke RTs
Thanks :)
how do i use this
I'm not really that knowledgeable with JS but had a go at putting it into a UserScript form here: https://gist.github.com/erydactyl/8ac7fe290a5ea72706cc1b77d15163d9
This breaks RTs and DMs
still doesnt retweet for me..
it lets me quote a tweet and add text
Looks like this will not work for scheduling tweets ahead of time. Thanks for sharing!
why's it minified? it made me kinda suspicious at first
(i de-minified it and it does what it says at least)
Are the RTs and DMs still broken?
To get RT's and DM's to work.. use this script instead
Thanks a lot! It works perfectly!
Is is possible to golf this script to put it in 280 characters? :D
Thank you a lot btw, works like a charm.
This is no longer working as far as I can tell.
It stopped working for me too.
Did Twitter concluded their 280 characters test ?
Is not working.
This was working two days ago, but it doesn't work anymore.
Too sad.
Yep, not any more. Too bad, just when I actually needed more characters.
It now displays: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT :(
Please check the snippet again. It throw an error:
Uncaught ReferenceError: twttr is not defined
at <anonymous>:6:27
Same error as @AliAmini here :(
Wow ! Its Osm 👍 Working:-)