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id station stationid value unit obstime date
0 流浮山 RF001 0 mm 2024-07-27T07:30:00+08:00 2024-07-27
1 湿地公园 RF002 0 mm 2024-07-27T07:30:00+08:00 2024-07-27
2 水边围 N12 0 mm 2024-07-27T07:30:00+08:00 2024-07-27
3 石岗 RF003 0 mm 2024-07-27T07:30:00+08:00 2024-07-27
4 大美督 RF004 0 mm 2024-07-27T07:30:00+08:00 2024-07-27
5 大埔墟 RF005 0 mm 2024-07-27T07:30:00+08:00 2024-07-27
6 北潭涌 RF006 0 mm 2024-07-27T07:30:00+08:00 2024-07-27
7 滘西洲 RF007 0 mm 2024-07-27T07:30:00+08:00 2024-07-27
8 西贡 N15 0 mm 2024-07-27T07:30:00+08:00 2024-07-27
(.venv) bash-3.2$ make pip-compile
pip-compile --verbose --generate-hashes --no-emit-index-url --allow-unsafe --output-file=requirements/prod.txt requirements/
Using pip-tools configuration defaults found in 'pyproject.toml'.
Using indexes:
ERROR: Cannot install martech==0.4.123 because these package versions have conflicting dependencies.
The conflict is caused by:
!mamba install --force-reinstall aiohttp -y
!pip install -U "xformers<0.0.26" --index-url
!pip install "unsloth[kaggle-new] @ git+"
# Temporary fix for
!pip install datasets==2.16.0 fsspec==2023.10.0 gcsfs==2023.10.0
import os
os.environ["WANDB_DISABLED"] = "true"
x86_64-linux nixpkgs-manual
x86_64-linux nixos-install-tools
x86_64-linux tests.nixos-functions.nixos-test
aarch64-linux nixos-install-tools
nix-env failed:
… while calling anonymous lambda
at /ofborg/checkout/2/repo/38dca4e3aa6bca43ea96d2fcc04e8229/mr-est/ofborg-evaluator-2/.gc-of-borg-outpaths.nix:48:12:
47| tweak = lib.mapAttrs
48| (name: val:
| ^
49| if name == "recurseForDerivations" then true
dwalkes /
Created July 26, 2024 23:46
Simple python class to log performance durations.
import time
class PerfClass:
Simple python class to take performance measurements
import time
perf = PerfClass()
start = time.perf_counter()
kalekseev: pyright, pyright, pyright, pyright
x86_64-linux python312Packages.types-lxml
x86_64-darwin pyright
x86_64-linux python311Packages.inline-snapshot
x86_64-darwin python311Packages.strawberry-graphql
x86_64-darwin python311Packages.types-lxml
x86_64-darwin python311Packages.inline-snapshot
x86_64-linux python311Packages.types-lxml
aarch64-linux python311Packages.strawberry-graphql
aarch64-darwin python311Packages.types-lxml
aarch64-linux python311Packages.inline-snapshot
redxtech: vimPlugins.moveline-nvim, vimPlugins.moveline-nvim, vimPlugins.moveline-nvim, vimPlugins.moveline-nvim