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Last active April 25, 2024 03:43
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use matplotlib to draw phylogenetic trees from ETE3
from itertools import chain
from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection
from matplotlib import markers
from matplotlib.path import Path
import numpy as np
from ete3 import Tree, NodeStyle
def round_sig(x, sig=2):
return round(x, sig - int(floor(np.log10(abs(x)))) - 1)
def to_coord(x, y, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, plt_xmin, plt_ymin, plt_width, plt_height):
x = (x - xmin) / (xmax - xmin) * plt_width + plt_xmin
y = (y - ymin) / (ymax - ymin) * plt_height + plt_ymin
return x, y
def plot_tree(tree, align_names=False, name_offset=None, max_dist=None, font_size=9, axe=None, **kwargs):
Plots a ete3.Tree object using matploltib.
:param tree: ete Tree object
:param False align_names: if True names will be aligned vertically
:param None max_dist: if defined any branch longer than the given value will be
reduced by this same value.
:param None name_offset: offset relative to tips to write leaf_names. In bL scale
:param 12 font_size: to write text
:param None axe: a matploltib.Axe object on which the tree will be painted.
:param kwargs: for tree edge drawing (matplotlib LineCollection)
:param 1 ms: marker size for tree nodes (relative to number of nodes)
:returns: a dictionary of node objects with their coordinates
if axe is None:
axe = plt.subplot(111)
def __draw_edge_nm(c, x):
h = node_pos[c]
hlinec.append(((x, h), (x + c.dist, h)))
return (x + c.dist, h)
def __draw_edge_md(c, x):
h = node_pos[c]
if c in cut_edge:
offset = max_x / 600.
hlinec.append(((x, h), (x + c.dist / 2 - offset, h)))
hlinec.append(((x + c.dist / 2 + offset, h), (x + c.dist, h)))
hlinec.append(((x + c.dist / 2, h - 0.05), (x + c.dist / 2 - 2 * offset, h + 0.05)))
hlinec.append(((x + c.dist / 2 + 2 * offset, h - 0.05), (x + c.dist / 2, h + 0.05)))
axe.text(x + c.dist / 2, h - 0.07, '+%g' % max_dist, va='top',
ha='center', size=2. * font_size / 3)
hlinec.append(((x, h), (x + c.dist, h)))
return (x + c.dist, h)
__draw_edge = __draw_edge_nm if max_dist is None else __draw_edge_md
vlinec = []
vlines = []
hlinec = []
hlines = []
nodes = []
nodex = []
nodey = []
ali_lines = []
# to align leaf names
tree = tree.copy()
max_x = max(n.get_distance(tree) for n in tree.iter_leaves())
coords = {}
node_pos = dict((n2, i) for i, n2 in enumerate(tree.get_leaves()[::-1]))
node_list = tree.iter_descendants(strategy='postorder')
node_list = chain(node_list, [tree])
# reduce branch length
cut_edge = set()
if max_dist is not None:
for n in tree.iter_descendants():
if n.dist > max_dist:
n.dist -= max_dist
if name_offset is None:
name_offset = max_x / 100.
# draw tree
for n in node_list:
style = n._get_style()
x = __builtin__.sum(n2.dist for n2 in n.iter_ancestors()) + n.dist
if n.is_leaf():
y = node_pos[n]
if align_names:
axe.text(max_x + name_offset, y,,
va='center', size=font_size)
ali_lines.append(((x, y), (max_x + name_offset, y)))
axe.text(x + name_offset, y,,
va='center', size=font_size)
y = np.mean([node_pos[n2] for n2 in n.children])
node_pos[n] = y
# draw vertical line
vlinec.append(((x, node_pos[n.children[0]]), (x, node_pos[n.children[-1]])))
# draw horizontal lines
for child in n.children:
cstyle = child._get_style()
coords[child] = __draw_edge(child, x)
# draw root
__draw_edge(tree, 0)
lstyles = ['-', '--', ':']
hline_col = LineCollection(hlinec, colors=[l['hz_line_color'] for l in hlines],
linestyle=[lstyles[l['hz_line_type']] for l in hlines],
linewidth=[(l['hz_line_width'] + 1.) / 2 for l in hlines])
vline_col = LineCollection(vlinec, colors=[l['vt_line_color'] for l in vlines],
linestyle=[lstyles[l['vt_line_type']] for l in vlines],
linewidth=[(l['vt_line_width'] + 1.) / 2 for l in vlines])
ali_line_col = LineCollection(ali_lines, colors='k')
nshapes = dict((('circle', 'o'), ('square', 's'), ('sphere', 'o')))
shapes = set(n['shape'] for n in nodes)
for shape in shapes:
indexes = [i for i, n in enumerate(nodes) if n['shape'] == shape]
scat = axe.scatter([nodex[i] for i in indexes],
[nodey[i] for i in indexes],
s=0, marker=nshapes.get(shape, shape))
scat.set_sizes([(nodes[i]['size'])**2 / 2 for i in indexes])
scat.set_color([nodes[i]['fgcolor'] for i in indexes])
# scale line
xmin, xmax = axe.get_xlim()
ymin, ymax = axe.get_ylim()
diffy = ymax - ymin
dist = round_sig((xmax - xmin) / 5, sig=1)
ymin -= diffy / 100.
axe.plot([xmin, xmin + dist], [ymin, ymin], color='k')
axe.plot([xmin, xmin], [ymin - diffy / 200., ymin + diffy / 200.], color='k')
axe.plot([xmin + dist, xmin + dist], [ymin - diffy / 200., ymin + diffy / 200.],
axe.text((xmin + xmin + dist) / 2, ymin - diffy / 200., dist, va='top',
ha='center', size=font_size)
return coords
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Very nice, thank you for this code! There were some minor errors when I tried to run it, so I made a fork with minor edits fixing the issues. Also added an extra argument to control the printed leaf names. Feel free to include the edits in your original code.

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should add this to header:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

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