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Forked from jotazzu/dynamic-image-resizer.php
Created March 16, 2014 16:15
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<?php /*
Plugin Name: Dynamic Image Resizer
Plugin URI:
Author: Otto42 / Modified by JochenT
Author URI:
Version: (11.10.2013)
Description: Change the WordPress image uploader system to do image resizing on the fly.
Included: [function image_resize() is deprecated since WP 3.5]
Included: [change returning status code to 200]
Added : Now all image formats supported which can be handled by new class WP_Image_Editor
Added : Function dynimg_add_missing_size() which adds/changes image sizes in the meta data of already uploaded images, too
Added : Three defines which enable the new functionality. Should be implemented as options later.
* The next three defines enable additional features which are only usefull if intermediate image sizes have been
* added or changed. To add/change image sizes use function add_image_size() or a plugin like "Simple Image Sizes".
// If adding a NEW image size, WP does not create resized image files for already uploaded images.
// Set this constant to TRUE, to create resized image files for already uploaded images, too.
// If an existing image size is CHANGED, WP does not create resized versions for already uploaded images.
// Set this constant to TRUE, to create resized image files for already uploaded images for changed image sizes, too.
// Also constant DYNIMG_CREATE_IMAGE_FOR_ADDED_SIZE_ALWAYS has to be set to TRUE to enable this feature.
// Existing image files of the old size will not be deleted but the meta entry may be deleted. Thus you should not use
// this option if you have manually created cropped versions for any of the intermediate sizes and want to be able to
// display them further.
// If an existing image size has been changed and the image files with the old size dimensions will not be
// used anymore, they may be removed. Nevertheless, the originally uploded image file will never be deleted.
// This option can not be used to delete obsolete resized image files afterwards. The deletion of an old image
// file has always to take place simultaneously with the creation of the new resized image file.
// In the case the old resized image file is still referenced directly from any post content or some image sizes
// have been set to the same dimensions (e.g. post-thumbnail=1000x300 and large=1000x300) this will not result
// in problems as the 404 handler of this plugin will regenerate that sizes on the fly again, if needed.
// Set this constant to TRUE, to delete existing old image files for a changed image size.
// to be set to TRUE to enable this feature.
// disable plugin on multisite
if (is_multisite()) return;
// do the dynamic resizing of the image when the 404 handler is invoked and it's for a non-existant image
add_action('template_redirect', 'dynimg_404_handler');
function dynimg_404_handler() {
if ( !is_404() ) { return; }
// Has the file name the proper format for this handler?
if ( !preg_match('/(.*)-([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)(c)?\.(\w+)($|\?|#)/i', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $matches) ) {
$mime_types = wp_get_mime_types();
$img_ext = $matches[5];
$ext_known = false;
// The extensions for some MIME types are set as regular expression (PCRE).
foreach( $mime_types as $rgx_ext => $mime_type ) {
if ( preg_match( "/{$rgx_ext}/i", $img_ext ) ) {
if ( wp_image_editor_supports( array( 'mime_type' => $mime_type ) ) ) {
$ext_known = true;
if ( !$ext_known) { return; }
$filename = urldecode($matches[1].'.'.$img_ext);
$width = $matches[2];
$height = $matches[3];
$crop = !empty($matches[4]);
$uploads_dir = wp_upload_dir();
$temp = parse_url($uploads_dir['baseurl']);
$upload_path = $temp['path'];
$findfile = str_replace($upload_path, '', $filename);
$basefile = $uploads_dir['basedir'].$findfile;
// Serve the image this one time (next time the webserver will do it for us)
dynimg_create_save_stream( $basefile, $width, $height, $crop);
* Create a resized image, then save and stream it to the web browser.
* @param string $file File path.
* @param int $width Image width.
* @param int $height Image height.
* @param bool $crop Optional, default is false. Whether to crop image to specified height and width or resize.
function dynimg_create_save_stream( $file, $width, $height, $crop = false ) {
if ( !$width && !$height ) { return; }
$editor = wp_get_image_editor( $file );
if ( is_wp_error( $editor ) ) { return; }
// Allow to configure custom image quality (WP default = 90)
// For examples see
// $editor->set_quality( 90 );
// Alternatively the WP filter hook 'jpeg_quality' may be used
if ( is_wp_error( $editor->resize( $width, $height, $crop ) ) ) {
$suffix = $editor->get_suffix();
if ($crop) { $suffix .='c'; }
$dest_file = $editor->generate_filename( $suffix );
$resized_file = $editor->save( $dest_file );
if ( ! is_wp_error( $resized_file ) && $resized_file ) {
status_header( '200' );
// Prevent WP from generating resized images on upload. Hook in very late.
add_filter( 'intermediate_image_sizes_advanced', 'dynimg_image_sizes_advanced', 999);
function dynimg_image_sizes_advanced( $sizes) {
global $dynimg_image_sizes;
// Save the sizes to a global, because the next function needs them to lie to WP about what sizes were generated
$dynimg_image_sizes = $sizes;
// Force WP to not make sizes by telling it there's no sizes to make
return array();
// Trick WP into thinking images were generated anyway. Hook in very early.
add_filter( 'wp_generate_attachment_metadata', 'dynimg_generate_metadata', 5);
function dynimg_generate_metadata( $meta) {
global $dynimg_image_sizes;
foreach ($dynimg_image_sizes as $size_name => $preset_size) {
// Build the fake meta entry for the size
$resized = dynimg_get_resized_image( $meta, $size_name, $preset_size);
if ( !empty($resized) && is_array($resized)) {
$meta['sizes'][$size_name] = $resized;
return $meta;
* If an intermediate size of an image is not available, then add it to the meta data. Hook in
* very early to provide the missing meta data to other filters, too.
* If $size is an array, return FALSE.
* @param bool|array $prev_result Result of previous filters or the initial value from the hook.
* @param int $post_id Attachment ID
* @param array|string $size Optional, default is 'medium'. Size of image, either array or string.
* @return bool|array False to let calling function continue, array if a new size is added.
add_filter('image_downsize', 'dynimg_add_missing_size', 4, 3);
function dynimg_add_missing_size( $prev_result, $post_id, $size_name = 'medium') {
if ($prev_result !== false || is_array($size_name)) { return $prev_result; }
$attach_meta = wp_get_attachment_metadata( $post_id);
// Check if the requested size name already exists in the meta data.
$intermediate_size = array();
if ( !empty($attach_meta['sizes'][$size_name])) {
// Return, if changed sizes should be ignored
$intermediate_size = $attach_meta['sizes'][$size_name];
// Get the preset dimensions of the requested image size
$preset_sizes = dynimg_get_preset_sizes();
$preset_size = $preset_sizes[$size_name];
$upload_info = wp_upload_dir();
// Calculate the size the image will have based on the dimensions of the original unresized
// image and the requested preset size.
$resized = dynimg_get_resized_image( $attach_meta, $size_name, $preset_size);
if ( empty($resized) || !is_array($resized)) {
if ( !empty($intermediate_size)) {
// The modification of the preset dimensions of this $size_name actually results in the use of the original image
// Delete the resized image file for this $size_name, if exists
// No entry for this intermediate size should be maintained any more
unset( $attach_meta['sizes'][$size_name]);
// Update the meta data of the attachment. In case of failure, continue.
wp_update_attachment_metadata( $post_id, $attach_meta);
return false;
$do_meta_update = true;
if ( !empty($intermediate_size) && is_array($intermediate_size)) {
// An intermediate image size has been found
if ( $intermediate_size['width'] == $resized['width'] &&
$intermediate_size['height'] == $resized['height'] &&
$intermediate_size['crop'] == $resized['crop']
) {
$do_meta_update = false;
} else {
// The size stored in the meta data of the attachment for $size_name is different from the value
// in $resized. This happens only once after a change of the dimensions of a predetermed image size.
if ($do_meta_update) {
// A resized image with the requested dimensions can be created from the original. This image is always smaller.
$attach_meta['sizes'][$size_name] = $resized;
// Save the new/modified size to the meta data of the attachment.
if ( !wp_update_attachment_metadata( $post_id, $attach_meta)) { return false; }
return false;
* If a downsized version of an image is not available, then create the necessary meta data.
* @param array $attach_meta Array with the values of key '_wp_attachment_metadata' from table post_meta
* @param string $size_name Name of a size as set with function add_image_size()
* @param array $preset_size Values for named size $size_name
* @return bool|array False | Array if a new size has been calculated.
function dynimg_get_resized_image( $attach_meta, $size_name, $preset_size) {
$has_intermediate_size = false;
$intermediate_size = $attach_meta['sizes'][$size_name];
if ( !empty($intermediate_size) && is_array($intermediate_size)) {
// Check if the intermediate size already matches the preset size sufficiently. This is the case if the preset size
// hasn't been changed since last access or due to previous modifications by other plugins like 'Crop Thumbnails'.
$filename = $intermediate_size['file'];
$width = $intermediate_size['width'];
$height = $intermediate_size['height'];
$crop = $intermediate_size['crop'];
if ($preset_size['crop'] == $crop) {
if ( $crop && ($preset_size['width']==$width && $preset_size['height']==$height)) {
$has_intermediate_size = true;
} elseif ( !$crop && ($preset_size['width']==$width || $preset_size['height']==$height)) {
$has_intermediate_size = true;
if ( !$has_intermediate_size) {
// Figure out what size WP would make this
$newsize = image_resize_dimensions(
$attach_meta['width'], $attach_meta['height'], // dimensions of the originally uploaded unresized image
$preset_size['width'], $preset_size['height'], $preset_size['crop'] // requested size
if ( !empty($newsize) && is_array($newsize)) {
$width = $newsize[4];
$height = $newsize[5];
$suffix = "{$width}x{$height}";
$crop = $preset_size['crop'];
if ($crop) { $suffix .='c'; }
$info = pathinfo($attach_meta['file']);
$ext = $info['extension'];
$name = wp_basename($attach_meta['file'], ".$ext");
$filename = "{$name}-{$suffix}.{$ext}";
$has_intermediate_size = true;
if ( !$has_intermediate_size) {
// The original image can not be resized to $preset_size or it matches already sufficiently
return false;
// Build the meta entry for $size_name
return array(
'file' => $filename,
'width' => $width,
'height' => $height,
'crop' => $crop,
* Evaluates the dimensions of standard (thumbnail, medium, large) and user defined image sizes.
* Copied from function /wp-admin/includes/image.php#wp_generate_attachment_metadata()
* @return array The actual dimensions and crop values of all preset image sizes.
function dynimg_get_preset_sizes() {
global $_wp_additional_image_sizes;
$sizes = array();
foreach ( get_intermediate_image_sizes() as $s ) {
$sizes[$s] = array( 'width' => '', 'height' => '', 'crop' => false );
if ( isset( $_wp_additional_image_sizes[$s]['width'] ) )
$sizes[$s]['width'] = intval( $_wp_additional_image_sizes[$s]['width'] ); // For theme-added sizes
$sizes[$s]['width'] = get_option( "{$s}_size_w" ); // For default sizes set in options
if ( isset( $_wp_additional_image_sizes[$s]['height'] ) )
$sizes[$s]['height'] = intval( $_wp_additional_image_sizes[$s]['height'] ); // For theme-added sizes
$sizes[$s]['height'] = get_option( "{$s}_size_h" ); // For default sizes set in options
if ( isset( $_wp_additional_image_sizes[$s]['crop'] ) )
$sizes[$s]['crop'] = intval( $_wp_additional_image_sizes[$s]['crop'] ); // For theme-added sizes
$sizes[$s]['crop'] = get_option( "{$s}_crop" ); // For default sizes set in options
return $sizes;
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