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Last active June 16, 2023 10:13
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No bullsh*t resistance training and diet guide for improving your physique and performance. To obtain spectacular changes, we must train both your body and your mind.

Resistance training introduction

Resistance training A.K.A. strength training A.K.A. weight training is done by lifting weights in the gym or using bodyweight in order to improve your physique and performance.

The physique goal might be to gain muscle, lose fat, or maintain your weight.

The performance goal might be to improve strength, endurance, cardiovascularity, power, or technical showoff.

NOTE: I also talk about diet. I'm showing you how to improve your physique in scientifically proven ways. After reading this open-mindedly, you are going to be able to manipulate your bodyweight like crazy.

I also talk about how to eliminate excuses and difficulty for going to the gym. I'll show you how you can train your mind to be a new person.

If you are new to the gym way, and you are striving for strength, read this:

I'm a computer scientist and I'm not big or muscular. But rest assure that when I learn something, I learn from the fundamental. That's why you can trust most of what I say. But don't learn from one source!

Resistance training types

  • Bodybuilding = trying to increase your muscles in parts you want
  • Powerlifting = trying to increase your strength mainly on 3 big exercises
    • squat
    • deadlift
    • bench press
  • Weightlifting = trying to increase your strength and explosiveness on 2 big exercises in which you lift the barbell from the floor to over your head
    • snatch
    • clean and jerk
  • Calisthenic = using your bodyweight for resistance, usually requires less equipments but is difficult to do for beginners
  • Strongman = trying to increase your strength by lifting stones, pulling trucks, pressing logs, lifting a lot of weight while walking

Strength training programs

The fundamental facts everyone needs to know

  • When you are lifting weight, you are causing your muscles tissue to tore. This process is called hypertrophy. You need to eat and rest for a couple of days to recover from hypertrophy. Your body will not just fix the tored muscles but it will also create more of the muscles preparing for future survivability. You gain muscles after recovery not when you do the training.
  • Eating/Dieting is crucial, read here: Briefly, you need to eat more to gain weight, eat less to lose weight. Eating protein is essential for muscle growth.
  • Sleep and rest is necessary for your body to recover. Sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  • Beginners need to do compound movements like squat, deadlift, bench press, overhead press, etc. to use time more efficiently and to ensure overall body growth.
  • The best way to lose fat is to be in a caloric deficit state (eat less calories). Supplements or cardio are unnecessary. If you are not losing weight even in a caloric deficit, read this: 8 reasons you are not losing weight even in caloric deficit
  • You can not target fat loss on specific part of your body by doing specific exercises. You have to reduce your overall body fat by being in caloric deficit until your body decides to lose fat on the part you want. Training your abs by doing situps or crunches won't reduce your belly fat. Squatting won't reduce your legs' fat. Slapping your face or funny face exercises won't remove your face fat.
  • Cardio won't make you big. Running won't give you big legs. Resistance training will.
  • If you are not losing weight, even if you think you are eating so little. You are wrong. And I'm blaming your behavior not your slow metabolism. Read this:
  • If you are not gaining weight, even if you think you are eating so much. You are wrong. Don't make an excuse. GO EAT MORE! And read here:
  • Hunger is a bad indicator for telling whether or not you should eat. You should eat upon your goal not upon your hunger.
  • Metabolic damage doesn't exist. You eat too much and move too little. That's why you get fat. Read here: Debunking The Metabolic Damage Myth The exception to this is when you have health issues like hypothyroidism. Go check that with a doctor. Very few people need to worry about this.

Mental/Emotional Issues

  • Do you know that your emotions affect your rate of recovery and your performance? Learn mindbody healing for more information.
  • We, humans, hate changes. We all have resistance to change. If don't go to the gym, it's because there is some upside to not go to the gym. And there's some downside to go to the gym. You need to treat this mental aspect of you before you can get serious work done. I suggest you learn about energy psychology to learn how to eliminate all the excuses you don't go to the gym.
  • Example, people who are fat, sometimes are scared that their friends will tease them when they lose weight. That's uncomfortable for them so they don't lose weight. Or even if they succeeded at losing weight, after awhile, their weight will start to gain again, as they did not resolve the core mental/emotional issue first.

My cardio opinion

I think that cardio is unnecessary as described by these information sources. Don't trust one source. Be open about it.

Bodybuilding tips

  • How to get 3D rounded shoulders: train 3 parts of your shoulder which includes anterior delts, rear delts and lateral delts
  • How to get six packs: train your abs, oblique, serratus and TVA
  • How to get big chest: train your upper chest and middle chest, lower chest is usually developed by training your middle chest

How to perform an exercise

Strength Motivation

YouTube channels I strongly recommend you to follow

Things you should know

PS. Weight training in this case does not refer to anything about adjusting weights in artificial neural networks.

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