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AMP Disable ES Modules (unless enabled with query param)
* AMP Disable ES Modules by Default plugin.
* @package AMP_Disable_ESM
* @author Weston Ruter
* @link
* @license GPL-2.0-or-later
* @wordpress-plugin
* Plugin Name: AMP Disable ES Modules by Default
* Plugin URI:
* Description: Disable the use of ES modules by the AMP Optimizer unless a <code>amp_optimizer_config</code> query parameter is provided to allow them.
* Version: 0.1
* Author: Weston Ruter
* Author URI:
* License: MIT
* Gist Plugin URI:
use AmpProject\Optimizer\Transformer\RewriteAmpUrls;
use AmpProject\Optimizer\Configuration\RewriteAmpUrlsConfiguration;
if ( ! isset( $_GET['amp_esm_enabled'] ) ) {
static function ( $config ) {
$config[ RewriteAmpUrls::class ][ RewriteAmpUrlsConfiguration::ESM_MODULES_ENABLED ] = false;
return $config;
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