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Last active February 10, 2025 00:13
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Omega categories as a data structure (Rough draft)
Collection of data structures for omega computads and omega categories.
from collections import deque
class Cell:
Represents a generic cell of a given dimension.
Source and target are only defined for dimension > 0.
def __init__(self, dimension):
self.dimension = dimension
def source(self):
if self.dimension == 0:
raise ValueError("0-cells have no source.")
return NotImplemented
def target(self):
if self.dimension == 0:
raise ValueError("0-cells have no target.")
return NotImplemented
def is_parallel_to(self, other: "Cell") -> bool:
Checks if self and other are parallel:
1) Same dimension
2) If dimension=0, trivially parallel
3) If dimension>0, then check that the sources and targets match.
if self.dimension != other.dimension:
return False
if self.dimension == 0:
return True
return (
self.source() == other.source() and ==
class PastingScheme:
Stores the integer-list representation of a globular pasting scheme.
Each entry of structure[d] is a list of cell counts at dimension d.
- structure must be a list of lists.
- structure[0] must be length 1 (exactly one 0-cell count).
- all counts >= 1.
- for each d, len(structure[d+1]) = sum(structure[d]) - len(structure[d]).
- the final dimension list must be all 1s.
The interpretation is that each list entry represents a block of parallel cells in
that dimension. If there are n parallel arrows, they must be filled by n-1
cells in the next dimension up, telling us how many block there are in that
next dimension.
def __init__(self, structure):
self.structure = structure
def check_well_formed(self):
if not isinstance(self.structure, list):
raise ValueError("Structure must be a list.")
if len(self.structure) == 0:
raise ValueError("Must have at least one dimension.")
# Dimension 0 must be a list of length 1.
if not isinstance(self.structure[0], list) or len(self.structure[0]) != 1:
raise ValueError("Dimension 0 must be a list of length 1.")
for d, layer in enumerate(self.structure):
if not isinstance(layer, list):
raise ValueError(f"Dimension {d} is not a list.")
if not all(isinstance(x, int) and x >= 1 for x in layer):
raise ValueError(f"Dimension {d} has invalid cell counts.")
for d in range(len(self.structure) - 1):
s = sum(self.structure[d])
n = len(self.structure[d])
expected = s - n
if len(self.structure[d + 1]) != expected:
raise ValueError(
f"Dimension {d+1} list length must be sum(dim {d}) - len(dim {d})."
# Check that the final dimension is all 1s.
final_dim = self.structure[-1]
if not all(x == 1 for x in final_dim):
raise ValueError("The final dimension must consist entirely of 1s.")
def max_dimension(self):
return len(self.structure)
def num_cells_at_dimension(self, d):
if d < 0 or d >= self.max_dimension:
raise ValueError("Dimension out of range.")
return sum(self.structure[d])
def all_positions(self):
positions = set()
for d in range(self.max_dimension):
total = self.num_cells_at_dimension(d)
for i in range(total):
positions.add(PastingSchemePosition(self, d, i))
return positions
def source_boundary(self):
Returns a set of positions that constitute the 'source boundary'
for dimension (max_dimension - 2). Raises ValueError if (max_dimension - 2) < 0.
The boundary includes:
1) All positions in dimensions < (max_dimension - 2).
2) The first cell in each block of dimension (max_dimension - 2).
If structure[d] = [2, 1, 3], then blocks are of sizes 2, 1, 3 and
the first cells are at indices 0, 2, and 3 (respectively).
d = self.max_dimension - 2
if d < 0:
raise ValueError("Not enough dimensionality for a source boundary.")
boundary = set()
# Include all cells in lower dimensions
for lower_dim in range(d):
total = self.num_cells_at_dimension(lower_dim)
for i in range(total):
boundary.add(PastingSchemePosition(self, lower_dim, i))
# Now add the first cell in each block of dimension d
index_start = 0
for block_size in self.structure[d]:
boundary.add(PastingSchemePosition(self, d, index_start))
index_start += block_size
return boundary
def target_boundary(self):
Returns a set of positions that constitute the 'target boundary'
for dimension (max_dimension - 2). Raises ValueError if (max_dimension - 2) < 0.
The boundary includes:
1) All positions in dimensions < (max_dimension - 2).
2) The last cell in each block of dimension (max_dimension - 2).
If structure[d] = [2, 1, 3], then blocks are of sizes 2, 1, 3 and
the last cells are at indices 1, 2, and 5 (respectively).
d = self.max_dimension - 2
if d < 0:
raise ValueError("Not enough dimensionality for a target boundary.")
boundary = set()
# Include all cells in lower dimensions
for lower_dim in range(d):
total = self.num_cells_at_dimension(lower_dim)
for i in range(total):
boundary.add(PastingSchemePosition(self, lower_dim, i))
# Now add the last cell in each block of dimension d
index_start = 0
for block_size in self.structure[d]:
last_cell_index = index_start + block_size - 1
boundary.add(PastingSchemePosition(self, d, last_cell_index))
index_start += block_size
return boundary
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, PastingScheme):
return False
return self.structure == other.structure
def maximal_cells(self):
Calculates all cells which do not appear as the boundary of a higher
dimensional cell.
Returns a set of PastingSchemePosition objects corresponding to
any block in the structure that has exactly '1' as its entry,
across all dimensions. In other words, for each dimension d,
each block_size == 1 identifies exactly one cell at that dimension.
results = set()
for d in range(self.max_dimension):
start_index = 0
for block_size in self.structure[d]:
if block_size == 1:
results.add(PastingSchemePosition(self, d, start_index))
start_index += block_size
return results
class PastingSchemePosition(Cell):
Identifies a specific cell within the PastingScheme by (dimension, index).
def __init__(self, scheme, dimension, index):
self.scheme = scheme
self.index = index
if not self.is_well_formed():
raise ValueError("Invalid position.")
def is_well_formed(self):
if self.dimension < 0 or self.dimension >= self.scheme.max_dimension:
return False
if self.index < 0 or self.index >= self.scheme.num_cells_at_dimension(self.dimension):
return False
return True
def __hash__(self):
return hash((id(self.scheme), self.dimension, self.index))
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, PastingSchemePosition):
return False
return (
self.scheme == other.scheme and
self.dimension == other.dimension and
self.index == other.index
def _source_segment_index(self):
Returns just the source (d-1)-cell index bounding this dimension-d cell.
Source/target are computed by iterating over structure[d-1] to find
which boundary segment the cell index falls into. Each lumps_count in
structure[d-1] gives lumps_count parallel (d-1)-cells, so that yields
(lumps_count - 1) boundary segments. The dimension-d array structure[d]
tells how many dimension-d cells fill each boundary segment in order.
if self.dimension == 0:
raise ValueError("0-cells have no source.")
lumps = self.scheme.structure[self.dimension - 1]
fills = self.scheme.structure[self.dimension]
i = self.index
dim_minus_1_start = 0
seg_index = 0
for lumps_count in lumps:
boundary_count = lumps_count - 1
for seg in range(boundary_count):
c = fills[seg_index]
if i < c:
return dim_minus_1_start + seg
i -= c
seg_index += 1
dim_minus_1_start += lumps_count
raise ValueError("Index out of range when searching boundary segment.")
def source(self):
if self.dimension == 0:
raise ValueError("0-cells have no source.")
src_idx = self._source_segment_index()
return PastingSchemePosition(self.scheme, self.dimension - 1, src_idx)
def target(self):
if self.dimension == 0:
raise ValueError("0-cells have no target.")
src_idx = self._source_segment_index()
return PastingSchemePosition(self.scheme, self.dimension - 1, src_idx + 1)
class Substitution:
Represents a substitution on a PastingScheme, mapping every Position
to a Cell. The user supplies a map from the scheme's maximal positions
to Cell objects, and the constructor expands this map to all positions
recursively and matches sources and targets to verify consistency.
If any inconsistency is found (e.g., inferred source of a position
disagrees with the already-mapped source), a ValueError is raised.
def __init__(self, scheme, assignment):
scheme: a PastingScheme instance
assignment: dict mapping PastingSchemePosition -> Cell
for exactly the scheme's maximal positions
self.scheme = scheme
# We assume the user supplies exactly the set of maximal positions.
# (We do not forcibly error if that fails, but the BFS approach can break if mismatched.)
maximal_keys = scheme.maximal_cells()
if set(assignment.keys()) != maximal_keys:
raise ValueError("Assignment keys must match the scheme's maximal positions.")
self._map = dict(assignment)
queue = deque(self._map.keys())
while queue:
p = queue.popleft()
cell_p = self._map[p]
if p.dimension > 0:
s = p.source()
t =
# Source
if s in self._map:
if self._map[s] != cell_p.source():
raise ValueError(
f"Inconsistent source at {s}: "
f"expected {cell_p.source()}, found {self._map[s]}."
self._map[s] = cell_p.source()
if s.dimension > 0:
# Target
if t in self._map:
if self._map[t] !=
raise ValueError(
f"Inconsistent target at {t}: "
f"expected {}, found {self._map[t]}."
self._map[t] =
if t.dimension > 0:
self.full_map = self._map
def maximal_map(self):
Return a dictionary from the scheme's maximal positions to their assigned Cell.
We assume BFS expansions have populated all positions in self.full_map.
result = {}
for mp in self.scheme.maximal_cells():
if mp not in self.full_map:
raise ValueError(f"Maximal position {mp} missing in BFS expansions.")
result[mp] = self.full_map[mp]
return result
def __getitem__(self, position):
"""Returns the Cell mapped to 'position'."""
return self.full_map[position]
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Substitution):
return False
if self.scheme != other.scheme:
return False
if set(self.full_map.keys()) != set(other.full_map.keys()):
return False
for k, v in self.full_map.items():
if v != other.full_map[k]:
return False
return True
class Coherence:
A Coherence has:
- a PastingScheme
- a source, which is either a PastingSchemePosition or an InstantiatedCoherence
- a target, similarly either a PastingSchemePosition or an InstantiatedCoherence
The dimension is (scheme.max_dimension - 1).
def __init__(self, scheme, source, target):
self.scheme = scheme
self.source = source = target
self._is_operation = None
def dimension(self):
return self.scheme.max_dimension - 1
def is_operation(self):
return self._is_operation
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Coherence):
return False
return (self.scheme == other.scheme
and self.source == other.source
and ==
def check_coherence(self):
Checks that a coherence is actually coherent
1) Ensure that the source and target have the correct scheme.
2) Gather all positions from source and target (recursively).
3) If source.dimension != target.dimension, raise an error.
If dimension>0, check source.source()==target.source() and to check that they are parallel.
4) Compare the sets of positions from source and target to
self.scheme.source_boundary(), self.scheme.target_boundary(),
and self.scheme.all_positions() to decide whether the coherence is
operational (3a) or equational (3b). Sets _is_operation accordingly.
# 1) Ensure that source and target have the correct scheme.
if self.source.scheme != self.scheme or != self.scheme:
raise ValueError("Source or target belongs to a different scheme.")
# 2) Gather positions.
source_positions = set()
target_positions = set()
self._gather_positions(self.source, source_positions)
self._gather_positions(, target_positions)
# 3) Check that source and target are parellel.
if not self.source.is_parallel_to(
raise ValueError("Source and target are not parallel.")
# 4) Check operational vs. equational.
sb = self.scheme.source_boundary()
tb = self.scheme.target_boundary()
allpos = self.scheme.all_positions()
if source_positions == sb and target_positions == tb:
self._is_operation = True
elif source_positions == target_positions == allpos:
self._is_operation = False
raise ValueError("Coherence is neither operationally nor equationally coherent.")
def _gather_positions(self, obj, out_set):
if isinstance(obj, PastingSchemePosition):
if obj.scheme != self.scheme:
raise ValueError("Position {obj} belongs to a different scheme.")
elif isinstance(obj, InstantiatedCoherence):
if obj.coherence.scheme != self.scheme:
raise ValueError("InstantiatedCoherence has a different scheme.")
for v in obj.substitution.full_map.values():
self._gather_positions(v, out_set)
raise ValueError("Coherence source/target must be Position or InstantiatedCoherence.")
class InstantiatedCoherence(Cell):
An InstantiatedCoherence is a Cell whose dimension =
(coherence.scheme.max_dimension - 1). It has:
- coherence: the underlying Coherence
- substitution: a Substitution on that coherence's scheme.
- scheme: a pointer to that same scheme.
The source, target are computed by applying the substitution
to the coherence's source/target.
def __init__(self, coherence, substitution):
super().__init__(dimension=coherence.scheme.max_dimension - 1)
if substitution.scheme is not coherence.scheme:
raise ValueError("Substitution scheme does not match coherence scheme.")
if not isinstance(coherence, Coherence):
raise ValueError("coherence must be a Coherence.")
if not isinstance(substitution, Substitution):
raise ValueError("substitution must be a Substitution.")
self.coherence = coherence
self.substitution = substitution
self.scheme = coherence.scheme
# Check that all elements of the substitution are PastingSchemePosition or
# InstantiatedCoherence with the same scheme.
for k, v in substitution.full_map.items():
if not isinstance(v, PastingSchemePosition) or not isinstance(v, InstantiatedCoherence):
raise ValueError("Substitution value at key {k} not PastingSchemePosition or InstantiatedCoherence.")
if v.scheme != self.scheme:
raise ValueError("Substitution value for key {k} from a different scheme.")
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, InstantiatedCoherence):
return False
return (self.coherence == other.coherence
and self.substitution == other.substitution)
def source(self):
return self._resolve(self.coherence.source)
def target(self):
return self._resolve(
def _resolve(self, obj):
# If it's a PastingSchemePosition, we require it to be in our map.
# If it's an InstantiatedCoherence, build a new substitution from its map.
# Otherwise, error.
if isinstance(obj, PastingSchemePosition):
if obj not in self.substitution:
raise ValueError(f"Position {obj} missing from the substitution.")
val = self.substitution[obj]
return self._resolve(val)
elif isinstance(obj, InstantiatedCoherence):
new_map = {}
for k, v in obj.substitution.maximal_map().items():
new_v = self._resolve(v)
new_map[k] = new_v
new_sub = Substitution(obj.coherence.scheme, new_map)
return InstantiatedCoherence(obj.coherence, new_sub)
raise ValueError("Coherence source/target must be positions or InstantiatedCoherence.")
class OmegaComputad:
Represents an omega-computad.
1) zero_cell_count: a non-negative integer or the string 'infinity'.
2) generator_count_fn: a callable that takes (source, target), which may be AtomicCell
or OmegaCategoryCell from this computad, and returns a non-negative integer or 'infinity'.
The correctness is not fully checked; we only verify the basic form of zero_cell_count.
def __init__(self, zero_cell_count, generator_count_fn):
if not ( (isinstance(zero_cell_count, int) and zero_cell_count >= 0) or zero_cell_count == "infinity" ):
raise ValueError("zero_cell_count must be a non-negative int or 'infinity'.")
self.zero_cell_count = zero_cell_count
self._generator_count_fn = generator_count_fn
def number_of_generators(self, source, target):
# We do not do thorough checking; we rely on user correctness.
return self._generator_count_fn(source, target)
class AtomicCell(Cell):
An atomic cell in an omega-computad:
- dimension
- index
- source, target (either None if dim=0, or must be dimension-1 cells)
- must live in a given OmegaComputad
def __init__(self, computad, dimension, index, source=None, target=None):
self.computad = computad
self._index = index
self._source = source
self._target = target
def _check_correctness(self):
if not isinstance(self.computad, OmegaComputad):
raise ValueError("computad must be an OmegaComputad.")
if not (isinstance(self._index, int) and self._index >= 0):
raise ValueError("index must be a non-negative integer.")
# If dimension=0:
if self.dimension == 0:
if self._source is not None or self._target is not None:
raise ValueError("0-dimensional atomic cell must have source=target=None.")
# check index < zero_cell_count if finite
zcc = self.computad.zero_cell_count
if zcc != "infinity" and self._index >= zcc:
raise ValueError("AtomicCell 0-d index too large.")
# dimension>0: source and target must be dimension-1 cells.
if not isinstance(self._source, Cell) or not isinstance(self._target, Cell):
raise ValueError("source and target must be Cell instances.")
if self._source.dimension != self.dimension - 1:
raise ValueError("source dimension must be one less.")
if self._target.dimension != self.dimension - 1:
raise ValueError("target dimension must be one less.")
if (hasattr(self._source, 'computad') and self._source.computad is not self.computad) or \
(hasattr(self._target, 'computad') and self._target.computad is not self.computad):
raise ValueError("All cells must belong to the same computad.")
if not self._source.is_parallel_to(self._target):
raise ValueError("Source and target must be parallel.")
# check index < computad.number_of_generators(source, target) if not infinite
gen_count = self.computad.number_of_generators(self._source, self._target)
if gen_count != "infinity" and self._index >= gen_count:
raise ValueError("AtomicCell index too large for given source/target.")
def source(self):
# Overriding Cell.source.
if self.dimension == 0:
return None
return self._source
def target(self):
# Overriding
if self.dimension == 0:
return None
return self._target
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, AtomicCell):
return False
return (
self.dimension == other.dimension and
self.computad is other.computad and
self._index == other._index and
self._source == other._source and
self._target == other._target
class OmegaCategoryCell(Cell):
An omega-category cell in an omega-computad:
- dimension = coherence.scheme.max_dimension - 1
- computad
- coherence (must be a Coherence)
- substitution (must be a Substitution whose scheme matches the coherence's scheme)
The correctness checks are similar to InstantiatedCoherence, plus we ensure
that each substituted cell belongs to the same computad. We do not check
parallelism here, since the Coherence itself enforces that.
def __init__(self, computad, coherence, substitution):
if not isinstance(coherence, Coherence):
raise ValueError("coherence must be a Coherence.")
if not isinstance(substitution, Substitution):
raise ValueError("substitution must be a Substitution.")
if substitution.scheme is not coherence.scheme:
raise ValueError("Substitution scheme does not match coherence's scheme.")
super().__init__(dimension=coherence.scheme.max_dimension - 1)
self.computad = computad
self.coherence = coherence
self.substitution = substitution
def _check_correctness(self):
if not isinstance(self.computad, OmegaComputad):
raise ValueError("computad must be an OmegaComputad.")
if not isinstance(self.coherence, Coherence):
raise ValueError("coherence must be a Coherence.")
for k, v in self.substitution.full_map.items():
if not isinstance(v, AtomicCell) or not isinstance(v, OmegaCategoryCell):
raise ValueError("Substitution value at key {k} not AtomicCell or OmegaCategoryCell.")
if v.computad != self.computad:
raise ValueError("Substitution value for key {k} from a different computad.")
def source(self):
return self._resolve(self.coherence.source)
def target(self):
return self._resolve(
def _resolve(self, obj):
# If it's a PastingSchemePosition, we require it to be in our map.
# If it's an InstantiatedCoherence, build a new substitution from its map.
# and turn it into an OmegaCategoryCell.
# Otherwise, error.
if isinstance(obj, PastingSchemePosition):
if obj not in self.substitution:
raise ValueError(f"Position {obj} missing from the substitution.")
val = self.substitution[obj]
return self._resolve(val)
elif isinstance(obj, InstantiatedCoherence):
new_map = {}
for k, v in obj.substitution.maximal_map().items():
new_v = self._resolve(v)
new_map[k] = new_v
new_sub = Substitution(obj.coherence.scheme, new_map)
return OmegaCategoryCell(self.computad, obj.coherence, new_sub)
raise ValueError("Coherence source/target must be positions or InstantiatedCoherence.")
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, OmegaCategoryCell):
return False
return (
self.dimension == other.dimension and
self.computad is other.computad and
self.coherence == other.coherence and
self.substitution == other.substitution
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